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JllE YOUUOING TO BTJILÜ P We will furnish Large Bills of Lumber as Low as any dealex in Michigan. "We aolicit no patronage excopt suoh as jour interest will giveus. Let us mi-ke figures on, your bilis bef ore you go away rom home to purchase. .■„„o E. BLOQD & CO. XpLOÜIl AND FEED STORE ITT IN-ZSW BEICK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour ! AN'D AI.I. KSDi OF FEED AND COARSE GRA1N Ct-nsiftiitly on han tl, and delivered to cimtomers in any ]rt of Ukfi cj 1 y - JOHN O. LAUnENGAlEH Ann A r hor, Xov. 1869124-SraR SiÖOÓ' FEISTOE POST3 ! A Qnantitv of White Oak Flooring, nnd 1,000 Cord of WooU, fr xale by r.CStf N. B. COIJE. PUYSIGIÁNS' PBESCRIPTiöSS1 ACCl!?ATEI,Y ANI :, CARBFULLY PHEPABED BY I E. IK KLTAS & CO., DRUGG1S7F. rK. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOB, IVilI trengtV.en the appctite(cleanoe thestomacb, and renovato the bhioil, no tb at one ueed have n o fear of AUUE, BILIOL'S FKVEK, SUMMER COMl'LAINT.orany MALARIOÜS DISEA9E, during the lot monltiK of Smnmfï eroployed during the ear y warm day.s of Spring. Kcmeinber aa ounao of ireventltive i worth a pon ad of cun. One ftottle iiay aavua heavy bï 11 oí expense, nlt. KËLLOGti'S iridian Remedy, ('nu he employod aa a ï.inarnent. and equally rood foi mA.n or I ïll warrant it to cure JUEfiÖ,8CALD3tCCJT8, BBÜlSEa.amS all kindR of 'resh wou ndnf with speed and certainty. AKü, SCKATCÜKá, GALLÖ , ttoucüo, &c ., ou horsea. rpHE CATHARTIG I'ROPERTIES OF Dr. KELLOGG'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, Aro extracte! from simple article o? food, j a novel and scientific procean. They neither gripe, conitipate, or sicken, bat leave digestión vtgoroun, ;hc appetite (tood, and the bowela free and regular. Thy hou(d be erupioyud in canea of BIUIoUDeu, ?eyer, Ague, C"stivenea, Dowc] Ccmplaiot, I'yspepia, irtariheu , IJver Complaint, Kheumatifim, Oudff kc.t&a. LL OF DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICINES Are prepared by himnelf, and warrftnted pure and ü be vegetablo iuall rapnet. QR. KELLOGG'S CHAMPION OINTMENT, Cure PILES, SALT RIIEUM, ITC1I, and al] SKIN DISEASES, witboul fall. SulU by Dnu'ii!-' i aad Cealers everywheto. NOAV OPENING, WM. WACNER'S, An Elegnntand I-arge Stock of SPRING 1D SUMMER O-OODS, 1NCLVDIXO CLOTIIS, OASSIMEKES, VE8TINGS, &C LATE8T 8TYLK8 ÍND BEST QÜAL1TIES WUICH UEOFER3 LOWER tlianEVER Alto m Store a large itocJc of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FÜRNISHING Goods OAKMENTEMADETO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLB. AUo LADIEí'and GENT8' MOKOCCO SATCHELS No. 91. South MU Street- Ent lid. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1AM WAGNEK. Ann Arbor, May, 18T0. piSMLEY te LEWIS, Gentleman's Opora Boots. " FurgasOQ Button Eoots. " French Congress Gaitera. " Creóle " " " Serge " " " Scotch Tie. " All Rights. " Oxford Ties. In short, a Full Liuc of Gentleian'a Boots n Shoes, Boy's and Ycuth's Boota and Shoes, n Great Varlety, and MEN'S IJEAVY WORK, han made of ulllkin.t. Ladica' French Kid Button. " Foxed " " " Serge " " " Polish. Misses' Bronze, " and ButtoD " Serge, " " Child's " " " We ank the particular attention of the Ladics to OUE FINE WOEK WIIICH FOR Quality is ïïnsurpassed, IX Ï11E STATE, hnd in Trice' FAR BJfiLOW DETROIT FIGURES OUR WOPK WARnANTED AS REPRESE1UED. 1263 pÖR CASH YOUCAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO. Ann Arbor, Janiiary ,18?0. 1252 SILÍEFPLATl W xx. JKTfi. JCLa CAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT BÜLL, BOB1KSON & CQ% ïpÖR SALE! A HOME AT HO.ME FOK SOME ONB. 24 acres of land on Midtlli TpstlaOtJ Rnad. tuut o Me of Citv Limit, wil] be wiW on botter tdinsthnn nny other Ltnd equally loc-itcil uvar rhe ntr. Alo oiher property for sale, ljccludlBg loti oo linron st For piiriiniiars eiianlre o( the Mibtcriber at hi office firet door west of tne Presbvtcrian Chnrch. r. wooniiUFP Ann Arbor, April 1?, ÏSÏO. Iftiwt ïEMOVAlu J. KËCkT COIIbto rcmoTeJ theix STOCK OF tUTORE And Undertaker's Goods, To Mck & Schmid'sBlock, No. 52 Sonth Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. HE LARGEST STORE IN THE CITY, AMD BVttT EXPRESSLYFORTHEFURNHURETRADS. THBYHAVE NOWIN STORE THI LARGEST and FINEST STOCK OF FURN'ITÜRE EVÏR OFFERED IN TH IS oounty.of tiieihown" maxl'fac71'kk, suferior both ík quai.itawdstyle.which they now offer to the pcbljccheapkr han can' bebouoht anywhere elsem tot state. tiieir etock incltjdes every article nf.eded to fursish the BESr HOUSE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Their oM patrona and the public generalij fcre iirited to give tltcm ft can. J. KECK k CO. Ano Arbor. January, 1870. 1251 i 3 g f È te g Sb h " i S '"N CD S -8 R UI h j S s JS SS 1 kif I 3I rn p5 " j, is 02 o -. B S í i_i a CO w Li ffi CO y 1 1 út í 3 Uá a n ra i n o 0 S A NN AR13OR CITY MILLS! BEST F3LOUR $3.00 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDE1ÏS AT THE POST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. SEPT.21et,18G9. 123tf T UMBER YARD ! C. KEAPP Hasalnrgean.l wvll stockpd Lamber Yard, on Je. fersuM Stratt, f n the aouth par of the City, and wilt keepoonstantly on hand an excellt Dl yarict -j. oí LÜMBEE, SHINGLES, LATH, &O. wiiirli will beaoldastov uu b aflorded inlhlot ni i bfli . Qualitr and prioes&uch that Dooie med to go ta Detroit. CONÏÏAD KRAPFi AnnArbor.Oit.lst.J869. SX6tf T goöd"cup of OE3P13FI3ES3SSS IF YOU WANT THE WHEREWITH TO WAKE IT, GOTO HÜLL, fiOBINSON & CO.


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