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The Woman's Jury

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-Of course you have reaü in all the papers how tliat Anty has been convioted on the jury, and how they convicted a man lo death. I know it was a groat booor for her, but I had an awful time o! it, and was glad eoongh wben tbey adjourned. You seo gids i bcurco aud high out this way, and Uacle Í Jed hasu't got bis place paid for yet, so Anty and rae do our own work. The day the jury begun to set we got up at 3 o'clock and had the wash out before breakfust. Aniy went awny before 10 - theu I had the work to finish up, and ilinner to get. Before I got half through little Uyles3cs Grant Flail woke up aud missed his mother, and set up such a howliug you'd have thought thare was a dozen Iudians on the war-pnth. I tried I iny best to keep hitn quiot - at last 1 began to sing to hint, "Kicc little baby, don't get in a fui-y, 'Cause mamma's gone to sul on the jury.'1 Just as I got the words out of ïny mou'.ii Unció Jed carne in, and says, "damn yourjury." He was biling rnad I teil you, for Le cannot bear to heatLhe baby cry. He told me to take the baby straight to tlia court-house to his motner, and he would eat bis drnncr in the paDtry ; aud told me to teil Abty to get excused and como home. Uut when I got there, the Ciiief Justico was preachiu' to the w iinmin beautifully, aud told 'ern how that all the world was looking nt thora ; and that Wjomiüg had took the firet stop to give wimnain their rights, aud lots more tliat I can'tremcmbyr. Poor Ulyssea spied his mother and wrs gotting uneasy, so that I 'couldu't hear half of it. Aficr the got thron .b, Anty gave the baóy his din ner, ani. ras happy as a piince, lookitig at all the folks. She said if she did not come home to supper, I migbt bring the baby again about dark. Well, I had' to Irot that baby three times a doy back aud forti), all the time that Auty was settin' on that jury, and do all thework besidce. All the wimmin had on new dresses except Anty. She bouht a beautiful blue merino, but couldu't get it made up for We nor money - so sho lied to wear her black alpaca. She was glad of H afterwards, for a ïnau sat next to me and says to anotherman that thai vromau in a black dress is sensible, for wimmin settiu' oa a jury in a murder trial ougbt to wear tnourning. I was real provoked one day wben I was takin ibe baby; be kcpt squalüug all tbc way wben who Bbould I see coming but Biíl Smirker. I pulled my veil over my face and pretended I didn't see him, but be bingg out, "Hallo ! what's tbat ? young juryman ?" Bill lias been borne witb me a oouple of times, bat I'ia afraid he wout again after that mectiug. Tbey would not lot Anty come home duriog tbe wbole time. I coaldn't get dinner, so Uncle Jtd used to get a lunch at the saloon. I don't ought to 8ay anytbing about it, but he stayed out three nights till 12. Wbere ho wag 1 don't know. I shall teil Auty for she is all tuckered out, and bas to lie down every little whüe. Anty said to-day that sbo was going to turn over a uew iear in tne uouse. Bbe would hire a girl, cost what it might. Slio had come to her ecnses, and i'ounil out Ler Bphere, and as for weariug berself out among pots and kettles, and being 11 slave for Jed Flail, if sho know herself une shouldü't do it. Not much, Mary Aun ! She isgoiiig to read and expand her mind, and some ilay will gtart on a lecturing tour, oud tbat would be pretty bood it il 'twant for tbe baby. She said "there is one thing certain, I put my foot on ihat Bquare ; there will be no moro Flails come iuto this Lonse. - Ulysses is the oldest, and will alirays be the youngest. When I wae settin' on that jury I waa mortified almost to death to think of Jod Flail being so stupid as to send that baby right io court time. Of course he had no feelings for me. I sometimes thought I should faint away and drop out of my seat, and this great lumii to drag out what litlle lite there wiis in mo. Otlier wimniio could have their baliies at reces-s, and tlieir fathers thiuk just as ir.uch of them as Jed does of bis baby. ]f I had my life to live over again, l'd keep scliool till I was gray before l'd nwrry a rnau that couldn't appreciate iny talcnts." I gaij ■'Anly, you waa beginning to get gray, wereu't you, when j'ou were niarried?" but she didu't hear. Just then poniebody knocked ; I opened the door, and thero stuarl Ruth Koddock. Sbo had been visiting her a spell, Slie euys to Anty, "Good moruing, Mrs. Flail ; how do you find yoursolf af tor setting on the jury ?" Slie said bLo had just come froin Mrp. Qoslow'i. Tliat sho and tbe bahy wcre both siok ; tliat she left a (juiit balf oLf when the went to serve her country by setting on thatjury ; aud uow tliat providenee had seen öt to atflict thuii i!i siokoesa, ehedid notknow when i voold eooie ilï, with nobody but al -vear-old diiughter to do everything. Then I oalled at Mrs. Knockabout's, and she 1) s tho rhcumatiz pretty bad. lier iiusband has gut the cliildren olTto school, and the breaktuet disbes washcd. He sn'nl lu wus willing to work bis fiuger nails off, lor he connidei'od it a greut honor to have a wile smart enoagh to Bet ou the fii et jury of wiminia in America. Thoy would have agrced Booner, if it hadu't been for that Poodlo of a man, for tbey did not calcúlate from the first to let that murdorergo, and have folks say thcy wcre chicken-hearted, and darsent coavict bina. Ruth told Anty that it would be R good idea to stop sorno of the Mormon sisters on thcir way to Utah and impress tliem into the servicie, and so keep every husband well supplied with nurscs - then they tnight serve their country and still Lava them going on as smooth at homo as a weil greascd engine. Anty saya I must go to school, and as I ara pretty good iu grammar an spelling, she wauls me to síudy latió, öhe says she has heaid tho doctors and lawyers aro chuck full of latin, and eho thinks they aro, for alie could not make out a goed immy of the words,an' knows they must a been latin. She says most likcly Til have to eet on the jury sometime, an] she don't want. me to be as gnorant as she is. You 1U,] bettcrsell the cow and let me have tho money to go to school. Your affectionate daughter, SALLÏ tíPUOUT.


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Michigan Argus