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Estáte ct' Frcderick Brotssamle, -Jr., JTATJSOF MICHL ■ .".'rtshtciuiw. bc O Ataaeselouuf the Prob . ■ Coa ut 3 f Wiifcliieiiuw, holden al City of A ld A tïiur, on Bst Bevcnth d tneyear oa eight hundred ■ -nty. In 1 lic mi tter oí the E mle.Jr., minor. Ing the petltion, öoly vt 1 . Quftrciaii) . ■1 to sell ceruin real ctutu belonlng Lüe'ald íüinor. 1 it i-j Ordered, tha ixUi day of Jane, m-xt. ml tii.-tt the oext of hht of saia minor, 1 ■ ■ ü i.) be per of tl í -herorered,t&al said pel Li ■ Itfon, and I he boa ring 1 1., r of, '■-■'■ cati ('i1, hllalted tn h tiree eucceesive ww ÍAtrnocopyO 'hiea:.! 3 l2Wtd Jndfiuof Probate. lístate of Wilham 8. iuajnard. CJTATEOFMICHIG '. . . 3 A: aeesslon of the Probate Court i'"r thc County f Washtenaw. holden at the Probate OfT.ce Lu the . . n iii.! yeur oue tho ■■-■ti uud suvnty. il Hiram J. i'. . In the matter of the EsUte oí WUHani 8. May William Che ever, Adminístralo! of ared to rendor hls íiual acooont a uuch Ai rator, Thftrenpon it is ordered, That Mooday, the Ixth day ot Juno, uextt al ten o'clockin . looDf be asi examiuing and al] ■ :, and all oiner persona ínter Btate, are reouired to appear fit a i }urt, ti un Arbor, iu :i: Cottni f any there be why the sal oald not be l'owcil : Anditlu further ordered, ihat eald aUnillíjítr:: : learíne thereoh by causina : copy of Lhia order t o published : ►rinted and circuí iting In eald Comuy. tbree bucccss tu Bttld day of he ■ (A truc, ' HIRAW J BEAKES, l'2ü'j Ësiate of Thomas Kane, QTATE OP MICHIGAN, Countyoi O At aeesslou oC the Probate Ooi inty of Washtunaw, holden at the Probate Office ín the city of Aun Albor, on Wi day ül' May, iu the yeai oiie thousand eight hvnenty, ! Probate. ■ matter of the ostate oí ïliomaa Kano, dece i Basai I her dower iu the rea] e wher i dseíxed may be asaigned ■ tixtli day of June, iuxt. al ten the foi di ■ald petitloD, Riid tUa ; i ft fteCiMse(l,and allotl tate, are requirc . ■ hen to be ■ I nn AvUi . ayei of the petii i . fürtherord porsoi y oí eiiul . hearing then - raga copy of tkis Order to I ewspaper p Uoaixty, threeauccoööive weeka preTiousto'saiddaj oi" hearing, (Atriiccopy.j HIRAM J. BEA1 1209 JudLe of Probate. Estáte of Frederick A. ]Jo:Joa. STAT: ■ ■ iaw',88 ■■ teaaw, holden at I . u tin Cïty of Aun Arbor, on Tharsday, the th iiy ol Muy, In the year one tb t huutli'ud aii Present, Wrain J. Beakea, Jndge of Probate. 1 11 the matter of the estáte of l1' re (kriek A. Bolles, -ttl. Uu readlngand filtng the pctition. dvly vuvificd, of Sarah A. BoTli q file Ín thiB Conrt, pui . i be tttu laet will and teataaient t aoid i ted to probate, and thal in1 may be appointed Ad ratriz with the will anne: l dered, that MoDday, the eixth day ol Ji i ■ on, bo id tos Ehenearlngofeaid petltlon,and : hat the id heira ;it Iaw of Baid d ■ and il! other persona are rcqöired i'i appeai at a to be holden at the Probate Office, in the cit ofAnn ■ e be, why tn of the petttlonei ühotlld di . Inditie further orderod, that eald p B&idpetitUAf and the hearing thereof, by cauehiga oopy ofthle Order to be pnbliahed IntheJi A.rgu$i n newspaper printed and olrculatin tnaaid cou'ity. three Bucceaaive vecks prevJUina o taldday ot he;triiiir. (A truecopy.J I1IRAM J. BBAB 1209 Judt; oí Probute. Estáte of Thomas Crawley. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Wflüdiaw. :. At a lession u" the Probate mirt fo of Waahtonaw, bolden at tha Probate the ETriday, tbe sixth day of In theyear ouj tho Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Prol In tbe matter of tho Estáte of Thumas Crawley, deceasLil , , Bmith and John Hngnes. Biecutors of tho ■ testament uf ■ ■ '■■ come Into .: that theyare now preparad to rendcr n I i cconnt as snch Thorcupoo it is ordered. that Monday, tbe sixth : Jane, ncxt, ut ten o'dock iu Tlio forefor ezanilnlDg and aUowli Ú heiis ut law. ofsáld deceased, flud il! other p al a sésil tald Court, then to . In the City o!' Ami Arbor, In ea . [1 any therebe, wby the Baid Bhould notb ml it in forther ordered otico to the persons intcrcft,.l u ency of aaid account, and the hearing thereof, by eau Ing a cop) of this order t.) be publishcd In the ■'■ higm Argm, anewspaper printed Hnd ciiculatlng In aid Cuunty, tbree i ksprevlot f a trneCopy.) UU; KE8, lij'j Judjie uf l'robatc. Commissionerö' Noticc. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Waehtenaw, ss Tne ii appolnted by tne Probate ■ ! County. C rsto reae and adj ast all claims and demands of :i)l persons against I een,lat of sald Co '■ lieroby alve DOtice thnt six months fr ■ allowea, Dj . brcreditors to presei , ■i at tl1 late m of Sharon, in eald County, on Satnrday, . !y, and Wednesday, tb,e nlutb . M. of eafh days, tij ruccivc, exuiuluu, &nd ailjubt fciiid ClAlm8. Datad May tb, A. D. 1870. 12C9w4 8AM1 KL CÜSHMAN, 1 CommUiuuiTS t. LEMM. jUJtuis...r. T UMBER YARD.' C. KRA.PF U.' - i [ai :e nl wctl stook i! L rereoB Str rt . in the soath pnrt l tb e 'V ■ , wid wil] Qstanfcly on hand uu exelest varíe ty of LÜMBER, SHïNGtiES, LATH, &O. wliirli will bf siiliiasluw ne ciin bc aiToidid nitlii Quillty and prlcea neb tht no one neid to go to Detroit. CONlíAU KBAPFi AnuArbor.Oct.lst.18CO. 9M;lf A GOOD CUP OF OE3FI3Fi:Sï3S5 ! IF YOU WANT THE WHEREWITH ÏO MAKE IT, GO TO HÜLL, ROBINSON & CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus