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IDEAD TUIS." Xj-A.Z-A.DR.TJS Se MOKBIS' ■ cui. PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. j ONE OF FIi:l WILL BB AT THE STORE OF Tlli.i JACOB HALLER, JEWLER, ANN ARliOíl, - MICHIGAN, ONE DAY ONLY, TÜKSDAY, MAY 17tli, 1870 HE ATTEND8 FOIt THE PDBPOSE OF ASSIS IIHG, Mr. JACOB HALLES, Ia Fitting the Eye in Bifficult or Unusual Casts. are rtcumuicüttud to aval] thamaelvos ol' iLis oppor lS8w! QOMfi AGAIN W1XH A (OH STOCK OF CABÏNET-WARE, TO BIS .-(;.: i![.:A! Kl'. THAN ANVVVHLRE 'lili: sr VIH. ÍT Ö1S OLD STORE, .MAIN PURNITURE 0k In tlieciiy, of all rarletis aud sty les, attbe cid Store of O. 'ÜTIN. IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, ■Yith ;i ful] line of Choice Tuniiture, Parlor and Bedroom Hcta, MirroW, &c. Cali and sou hjm, 1263 rjOFFINS AND CASEsT" A TULL STOCK AT MARTIN'S AI I. PI LY Al I gjjARTIN'S I t l-o place to get ;iathiiiL you want in tke FURNITÜRE LINE! HÊ I SOLT). ANN AEBOH AGAINST THE SIAÏEIN THE FÜENITÜEÉ ÏEADE, ! And O. M. Maltin against Anu Arbor. Doi't Foifiet his Old Stand. A uu Arbor Agriculturul Co. FARMERS ATTKNTION'. tch is uf the grcattíst myorUvüce lo juu ; Ann Arbor.Sopt. 1. Johvaton, Huutly k ('o : - vienta - I purchused Ooe of youi ■ fan & fioward laetaeasop, and hare ff i ven i - ;i thor' ugh trial, and can t. :.ti ft thingoj Ufe, OUttÏDg lodged and ■i up l .tli tinjso almo&t ia much oetteï than co doae bj i r I ehud, I ihink i 3rofl, wïdt] mplici■ to all kinds of gratD. oom tfa best Reapcr extant, , M, LVON. -, i . i chaceé Joonstoii Ktapv.m, üiul concur ia ihf Above statjueni ; . k.'oli, PituS]J. Tnnotli.'.v Fohev, Webster John Fregel, ' ' David Vaogesi ■ " R.C. B ld . TlioiuiitiU'Jlrit'n. ( Henrj Caolin, Northfi ïd, D fcfead, Aan Arbor. . Lewifl Friti, neti ay imiruved ie: the year 1S70, li !v the j to Í-. Uu o re & Son a v. ,■ :, :, ],.■,■[, a. larga uj-fly ui the followiag machin. piug lltt:iclii.. ■ Mm 1 in the m:i l-i . 'i boj bare t tbeprizsattbe dlffereni trials In th . ad i ii do bam narta tbej iaileJ t. come ofl rlctoríoua : 'J-h. ■ The Champion, Tb liuUlrd, TheBaU; laea have nerer iUled to yio utisfae tion to the purchascr, and are llghterdcaít Ihanaqy di ri. Wfl iIm ü tiiu toUowing Thiean ï Maehines : autue Pitts, Torrado, rdsil, The M iwUon, TheGlenn & Salí, Vibrator. GRA1N DR1LLS - We manufacture the oeleftnted irill, wliich foi . ace u rae j aud du r;ibil iiy, have no iu" ri r. VVe iri mt uvery I ri'l 1. tu ; luim as i , I keep Drfllfl manufac er par ti m. anl are pr pared to fnrutsbajijr desired artlole ii tboabort i ticO. Vcttr p ropa red to do all kinds oí rtpairiog . f íann m Rea pera, Motat:viitly on haud a. large stock oí Agricultura] ftnplnr-,, faedeut d ketili-8, power jacta ai 'i 1 1 ture, and we will aell at -the lowxst posaible figuro. AVi wouM ■'! ii.i e ill partiea wlahlng tu purehaM any ari it t ■ threeh ■ iog mae inSi for ■ 1 ■.-■■..; . lowèr prlcM thfta can ol x. b. - Remamber ws manafac al ürst 'l:iB goodü, and wlU undorde]] all oompatltora . - -ive trom 5 : t. , a mi . , a re warn di ■■'■ i ■ '■' up t'i tha stand i rd. A fu 11 stook ol coa tapily on hand ■ BuSalo P[fs Tli r.ÁTHE I : kindü doao on short autloe. Office ... i urn-u n oí' Detroit an4 Fourth 3ts. iutiiiry :ui i Miuiituü SliOp, l-"i - ppoaite 1 Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for clioice Wines and Liquors flor Medical Pulposos. QK. KELBOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, iGUK, B1LIOUS 1KVKK, SUM.MKK COM orny HALAKIOUS dvrlurtha i.:i,,!„y,., ,l.„'ini;llio..r ol Spring. Rnmin an ounc of wortli a pooad „i cu,e_ Olle (,„,,, iftjr aaTe a ümvj Wil 01 expeni. rvR. KELLOGGS ludían Remedy, Ciln '"■ ' Linant. n.l i, ►nu.ll, ill MIMt t to cur ■■ BR1 ii;s. :,.,.! ui! k.nd, „r oud, whh pMd tod eertkiniT AKO 8CKATCBE8,UALLS,wouiid,,aa bwm, HIIE CATHAETIO PROPERT1ES OF Dr. KELLOGS'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, vxtracte-1 from simple articlra of fuoil a IOTI anil soieti8c pess. Tl.ey neitlier 'grip :on jtipa te, or Bfcken , but lesme denii.u rlgoroni ■.!,.. i.ii.l thf li.jwcU trte mul rrgiilir' riioy lbonld I mplcijed n om of Billlotinri K.v. r. Aguí, Cistivcncfs, B.nvi) (Vmplaint DviifiI lia, Wartlli, UverCuniylaiat, Kheumalum, CulJ, S;c.,Sc. ' LL OF DR, KELLOGG'S MEDICINES Arepreparedbyhlmself, and warraattd puroandj to be Vft'tublu inall i-pspects. L)R. KKLLOGG'ö Champion oijxtMent, f,ireI'II.ES.PAI.TRlIEUM. ITCH, andall Kltl DISEaSES, tLüut fail. Süld by Üruïsista and EealerH vervTbT. l-'.'iif WW. WAGNERfS, An KlegaDt&niI Large Stock o( SPRING AND MM C3-O ODS, rXCLUOI.NG CLOTHS, CASSIMERE9, VESTINGS, &C. LATÜST STYLES AND BEST Q.ÜA11TIK8 W11ICH UEOFER3 LOWER thanEVER Aho in Store a larg stock of READY-MADE CLOTIIING AND Qents' FÜENISHING Goodi, GAUMENTSMADEIO OShIÍÍ THE BEST S TT ST Ij DEI r Alio LADIE4'and GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21. South Main Strect- Eaat ild. OALL AND SEE THESI. WILLlAil WAGNER. Ann Arbor, X'fty, 1RTO. piNLEY LEWIS, Gentleman's Opera Boots. " Furgeson ]3utton Boots. " Fronch CoDgress Gaiters. " Creóle " " " 8erge " " " Scotch Ties. " All Kights. " Oxford ïies. Inshoii,a Full Lii.e of Geutlemon' Boots anif 9hoe, Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoe u Grent Variety, aaJ MEN'S HEAVY WORK,hn4 made uf alt kiujt. Ladics' French Kid Button. " Foxed " " " Scrgo " " " Polish. M8ses' Bronïe, " and Buttun. " Serge, " " " Child'a " " We ask tho particular atteation of the Ladie to OTJR FINE WORK WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IN TilL' STATE, and n Prico FAR BJfiLOW DETROIT FIGTJKE3 OUR WOPK WARRANTEn A3 REI'HESBKTID. 1263 TDEMOVAL. J. KECÍC CO. Hare remOTod their STOCK OF FUI1TÜRE And Undertaker's Goods, To Mack k Scbmid's Block, No. 52 South Main, and No.4 West Liberty Streets. THE LAROE3T STORE VU THE CITY, AND BUILt EXl'KR.SSI.Y KOR THE FURNI1URE TRADK. THEY HAVE NOW IN STORE THE LARGESTandFINEST STOCK OF FURN'irURE EVEB OFFERED IÍÍ , TH IS COUN'TY.OF TIIKIR OWN' MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR BOTH IN C.l-AIJTiANIISTYI.K, WIIICU THET NOW OFFEK TO THE PUBLIC CH.EAPER PHAN CAN BE BOUCfHT ANY WHERE ELSEIN TDl STATE. THEIR STOCK 1NCLDDES EVERY AKT1CLF. NEKDED TO FUUNISH THE BESrHOUSS FROM TOP TOBOTTOM. Their old pa troasaiul the public general] r 1' ited to give tlicm a cali. J. KECK CO. Aan Arbor, January, 1870, 125J


Old News
Michigan Argus