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I WASHTEHAWCOUNTY. w R5S raSS' 's - O ! 5sS SB fï NOWRY PUBLIC nLJ-! . general' Ij J fa-LJLJUcoNVLYANCER LAL-J LIJ REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! ring iï perfect Record Iiistory of all n( the Roal Estáte Titlo in thifl City, and In the County of Was h ten iw? takej pleasure u ai.nouncjuii to the pnbticthai Qe will examine tille. lív abstraots of ricul !■: t.i i tt r logal papers on the Bhortest notice: Will siso na ka sale o f City proporty and fjirma , reul b ases, and foreüïosfl morteBgen. IV r: y of Real Eatal o tïtle, wi 11 r&colleottbatliis Bookft taketn Tax Tltlea and all colIhIithI [uaitois wbii b particular Ú6soriptio'n ; ftiíl all i ■ ot modoro whloo .1 p i ar to bo still sub.sistiug of record at the present timo, I offer tlio íollowing Real Est ite for sale ; N'o.lLO Tlift Malony Uouso aud Lot ou División Street. Mo. 101. Houte nn Lot in ock:s addition. Pi ice $2.000. No. 102. Two Story Bliok House on Spring Streot. No. 103. Two Story Wood House on Sjmng Street, Xo. 1(H. Woe House, Lot anU Barn ju.-c weat of Luw College. Xo. 10.. Fine Hou e. Out bonm.Barn andSaerof of Lantï, Witur t'uaiit, c. very Icsirablo Property. No.lOG, II uit se and Sacres of Land insiJe corpora tloa. No.107. House nn Lo't just suutb of the L'uiversity building. No. 103. 15'á acres of Land .oaat of the Cniversity Qtounds. No. 1C0. City Lot. s nparly opposite Dr. Cbaite's l'rinting Kstablifihiueut. N'o.110. OnoTwo Stoiy Wood DweUing on StatO Street. No. 111. One elegant Two Story BrlcU üouso near Unirersity Square. No.112. 30 acres witb. buildiagg just northof tlio City. Xo.113. One Tn-o b'tory House jast Borth Cemotcry Qrounds. Xo. 114. Two Brick Houges west BÏde of University Square. Xo. 115. C acres ju fit west of the City. Xo. 116. 5 acres witli buihling-4 jut west of tb e City. No. 1J7. ICO acres wilb bulldlngi and inyrovements 5 miles uurth - good .situation. No. 118. 3-0 aci'vrf - in e f;inu in Bhiawssflee, No. 119. 2 ,000 aeres of WildLanda in the Counties of Wayne, Monroe, Ragfnaw and Sliia wassee, My Ab&tract Uuuka are puatud to late. Xo. 120. One elegant Three Story Building ou Haron fc'treot, irestt Xo. 121, 17ö aorea on Iflddle Road to Ypsilanti. X'o. 1'22. 40 acres on Bóttth lload witb Buildings and ünprovemeata. Xo. 123. 240aorason Xorth Oexter Road. 2} miles out , witb improveinentsa Xo. 12-i. And mach otbor lïeal Eslate not horcin included. Therearo many oM mortgaei ín Washtenaw Ooun ty nadlscbarged of Record, and the lawa of Limita' ■ i Uortgagea is ditfürent from tbtt apllca" blo t" Real Es1 Terma uf Coiiiniiasion on Bales of Roal Estáte, one percent, il' .sale mude. Batosfor search of Beal Eatate Titl- ciiüts per yenr for Deed? und 8Ís cents a y vut fi"1 Mortgagea until changó of nut ice. fftllbe made for examinatlonof 1 ï tle paperBor reeordtng, to parttes lnding niouey throiigo ■ wanted t loan on unin tambered Real Estáte bom one tu live yoarsatlOper o ot. inl irea ■ ■■ Ier, Ann Arbor,ilarcU-0.1ÖTO. " TRA.CY W. ROOT. Cyersus Bitter. j ForVlio follotving liEASON'S Swccf Quiniuli bhouM roplaoe i lio (UL iuruoi: JUticr Quininc. I Sivtililinc Ia WAKBANTED V.rcinaHy íil);cuí in effect witli JJitter Qiine. Swcct ftuiniiic lias KONE of the inte se and persistent büttrnea oi' coiimion Qi iiinc. BirevtlQulnlue is mailo froto 1' ruvniu linJ'c only, tho &oui-uo oí Bitter Qi iniuc. In SwY't Quininc tho bitterncs3 is Vrfect]y onceale(l, but may bu iuatauti devuluauii ü' desirod, I í Sweet uinlnc wlll not sickou, aslYOry Uita substances oi'icu i!o. SwceiMVuliiliic is roadily taken, aiidwithoujtUr least hcsitatioii,byoldamlyouiig. SwcetWntnlne cntirely obviatcs ttVt uncoireuorable di.-ilikc wliich cUiJdrcMliave to liVtcr (uiiiiiic. 1 ,-ii8 .Swcet Aiiniuc requiros no olnlmratcj proparaöon to takc, is rcady íor instan!, uso. Swcet {iiiniiic, !n lts nsrccahilitr and prompt ciïu-acy, disAiusea tlio Ipublic ini:d ofm.ucb prJudlea againsl Qituüne, :tni iiiilii Ui;: offorts of tlio iutolont PbjUlclan ia its administration. Sveet Vlulnino costa lio inoro Vao.ii Uio liitttV Quiniiic. SAvcet Jtuinliio can bo had at tho rng Stor'13 ín two forma, viz: _í!ííí?, ioi convt'ïiipnco of families and tÏMi yencraj purf licSfiil tjfiíer, íor use VrhysiAiiij Stjraims, Farr & yO-A T HflWiFACTURING CHEMISTy W r I XEW YOIllC. M X ForPaleby Ebcrbach &Co., druggifits. 1264yl CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITEE & CO., No. X Giegory Block, Nc. 1 Gregory Block, No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegory Block, tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar E3T Sign of the Gilt Mortar L Sign of the Gilt Mortar tW Lign of the Gilt Mortar HAVE .7URT Ol'ENED HAVE JUST OP1CNED UAVJi JUST OPENED HAVE JUST OPENED TUo Finest Stock oí rJCli Ifinest StocU oí The Iiiiest Stoolc of' The Ifinest Stoelt oí DRUGS ASD MEDIGIKES DBÜGS m 5IEDIC1XES DRUGS AND MEDICINES; DRUGS AND MEDIGIEKS N TUK BIT!. IN THE CITY. IN TUK CITY. IS TUK CITY. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS al Pur potes, The Po] ul&i Patent Uedloinee of bbe ilay, ;uul ererytbing kpt i a ffrtol&sa Drug Store. Ad EXCELLENT BRAND OF OIGARS. TEY THEK, in the City for Olio íc Iteynder'a celSÜRGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. .y ESPECIAL N CIVIN TO TUK COMi'OI.MUM; OF PHYSICJASS' PRE8OJIIP1IONS Mli.ï BEDK Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by TV TONE ï" CAN NOT BUY Il FOH, SIGHT 1PPBICELESS THE IU AMO NI) GLA8SÊS, MmmfRctuie.l by J. E. Spenctr &CQ-) N. Y.i whloh are now offerefl t; thfl public, are pronounoedby all tbu celébrate OpU ci;iwr,i the World to be the Most IVriVct, Natural, Artificial hulp tu tlic ïiumaneye ever known. Tliey are ground uotwr tbtr own iupervWon. frota miDuteCryítal PebbJep, mplttd tüpttlur, BDd derlvfl theirnamo, " Diamond on accountof tholr bardBesa muí biilliancy Tlke Sicntiflo PrlnolplQ tíl1 which thdy are oonstraoted bri ngñ the coro orcentro of fha ltnK üirt'ctly iu front f tli? eje, prodnoIng a eloar a$d djstlnet visión, as in tbo natural, bealthyiíght, and pteventingallunplaaant Bonsai t0Q8, suéh us gtiramorlng and wavoring of íght, dtcdoOBS, to.", peca lui r to all others Ín ne. areiqounted n th FINEST MANNKK, in fjamas of ilie oost lualíty, of all inatenaltí nsed lor that i'-' Their flnUh and ilurability cnnnot bo sarpaased. OADTIO W. - N"iir pe n u i ne unlc-s bp;ii ing tbeir trad e mark wtaitineii on tvery frnnie, J. C. WATTS & BRO.i Jwelera mnl Optlclans.are ole agenta íor A.W Aüliülï, M1J1I., ítom whom they can only bt obtalned. . Tlit-80 good.- are uot (iupplicJ to pediera hi asy prloa. 12Tyl $ïo,oWYéwarDT ORBAT BXG1HMBNT ! ! AMOXG FARMERS, SOIO ÍVEXXjiXjiSt WIl.l. 1AV THEMIICII!:. 1' IJAJJ1 PRICpS FOR GOOD WIIKAT. AI.l. FAKMKKS V1LI. H" Wlíl.L TO CALL TIIEKE BEFORE SEIXISd KLSEWnERE. BRING ÏOUR GOOD WHSAT TO scio jacula. 1-260 N. W. BRIQQS, Scio. ARK YOUüOING TO BTTILD ? We will furnish Large Bills of Lumber as Low as any dealer in Michigan. AVe solicit no patronage oscopt such as your iuterest will givo us. Let us mcike figures on your bilis bef ore you go away f rom, Tiome to purchase. :,,,.. E. BLOOD & CO. TLOUE, AND FEED STORE insr lsrE?v briok blook NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flouri AND AI.I. KINDS OF FHED AND GOARSE GRAIN OnsU.iii y on h.ui'l, iinü dclivured to cubLumcra in any pftrt ui th6 iily. JOHR C, l.U'UUViï.HHK Aun Ajlior.X.n-. 1868. 1245niB TnOïï, SALE. 'Ilic tabKriber offers tor sale! a 1iohs and 1 ncre& of 1;lih1, ii ti ;i bflru . 50 good ;pil trees, and will, aettc UiLitfucund Wuril School llouso. Kmiuire of MACK & SCITMTD. Ann Arbor, April stli, ISTO. 1363tf PHYSÏC1AN& J'rescription Acourately and Carefully Prered iy 12. W. ELL1S & Co.


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