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fustal uúmi O. M. MASTÍN, MALER IX FURNITUHK ofnll Parlor nnd Bfii' Kíom 8cts' Jli"'ors' = 33 South Malfl Êtreet _ "F AR t E RS' STOR E, UftMth Main Street. Everythlng kept in a flrstiré vi]l be fouud here. M A C K & SC H MIÓ, ■jpjLERS in rry Goods, Groceries, Crockory, le 54 South Malu Slrcet. T' G. A. LEITER& CO., DEUERS IN' DEDG8 and Vrdicines, Pitre Winp? iñd Liijaors for Medicinal Parposeí, Cigars &c., o. 1 Gr j,ror3 IJIock. A. WIDENMANN, . .-is Broker. Real Bstate and Fire jorance Agent. No. 25 Soath Main Street. TRAOY W. BOOT, COSDENSED Records of Waülitenaw Cuitnty, and Hal Estáte Exchange. No. "■ Gn-gory Block. DK. KELLOGG, PRJ.CTICIXG Physlclan. and ProprtPtor of Dr. t!loügi: bral d Ri medies, Aun Arbor. Mich. MORRIS HALE, M. D. BÏ3TBENCE and Office No. IS, corner Williams and Taomuson -m-cts Regular office honre, I lo 3 p. M Advice nd Prescrlptlons fruin 0 lü 7 P, M. eichdaj, frue gratis to ilie iwor. 1504 Ch-E. FROTHINGHAM, M. D., PHTSICIAN AMD SURGEON. OOlc.e over Drnd Io. 7 Hnron street. Reaidence, So. :'..r. on Street. Office hours, S to 11 A. M ,and ;tosl'. m, HÜLL, ROBINSON & CO. ftROCEKS. Produce and Cornniission Mercliauts, No. tíSoiuli ilain Strei ;. BLLIS & KISS1LL, DBUSGISTS, and dealen In Paiuts, O!ls, etc No. 2 goBtb Main Street, Anii Arbor. JOHN KKCK&CO., DEALF.PS in Pnrniture of a!l kinds, No, 33 South Maui Street, Anu Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORXKYand CooTwíllor al tw, Rea) Estáte and Iaurancc Agent. ( ne and Collecüoaof GUbits promptly atwnced to on liberal terma. ofice one. door eoath of First National Uiuik, up 8tars,Soatli Uain Street. Aim Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DEXTIST, meceasor to C.B. Portar. Offlca, corner Wain aud Hurón Sírcete, over the. store of li. W. Ellis é Co , Aun Arbor, Mich. Auiestlietics aduiinietered f required . W. F. BRBAKEY, M. D. PHYSICIAX AND sritfiEOX. Office at resideuce, curuer of Harón and División Streets, flrsi door Kast oí I'resbytcrian Church. Alm Avbür, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, DEALER IX HATS nnd Caps Fnrs, Straw Goode' ■ Oeols' Furnifhlug Goods, !tc , Nu. T South Main Street, Auu Arbor. 8ÜTHERLAND & WHEDOÑ, tIFB aud Bite Insurance Agents and dealer3 in Renl Sed UlOXOC Struet. Als", kl-11 flrstclaáBSuwin Machines. W.l). HOLMES, i'iEyr the Florence Sewiits Machine, Bd dealer in Retares, Frames, &c. No. 3 Easi lluron Street LBWIS C. 11ISD0N, DEALER in Hardware. Sfove, House Fun.ishing Goodi.Tiu Warc&c., No. 31South MuIm Stm-t. BACH &. ABEL, DEALERS u Dry Goods. Grocerfes, &c, &c. No. 20 Sonih Main Street, Aun Arbor. C. H. MILLEnT" in Dry Goods, Qroeeries, &., &C. No Suuth Malo Slreet, Aan Albor. " S L A W tí6Ñ& SON, BROCERS, PfoVInlon and Conimisíion Merchante Rad dealer. in Water Li-ne, Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris, Nu. 14 Kast Ilnrou Street. S. SONDHEÍM fHOLDSAI.E and rBtall dealer in Ucafly Made ClothbtOollia, Cassimcrcs, Vestlngs, and Geuls' Farijiïbiiii: Goods . No. U Suulh Main Street. wmTwagñk:;, 8EALER in Seady :ale Clothine. Cloths, CassiBtressod Vcsüng, Huls, Cnps, Truuka, Caruct B;!,&c-, -1 outti .Mahi Street. GILMORE & FISKE, 0OK9ELLEHS and Stationen, Kedloal, J.awand Collega Text Books, Sdioot and BtucellaaeOTU iioots. N. :; North Kaïn Street, Ureaory lllock, Aüb Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, EALERS in Boott, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippeig 4c., No. 2 Kast Hurou Street. R. TARRANT, UDIES' Fashionable Shoe House, No. 24 Souti Maiu Street. QRO'CKE R T , GLASSWARE & GB.OCERIES. J. & P. DOXNELLY wtlmtOTeclirgeatook of Crockerj-,filasware ■WWare.Cotlery , Oroeeries, &c, &c.,ajltobi HldatttDusnally lovc pricec. 'Vu. 12 Kist HurrnStieet.AnD Arbor. H28tf i.fc. UONNK1.I.Y. John g. gall, DBALBB IN" FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Laud, SAUSAGBS, Ktc, l4" solicito i ndpromptly ffilcd itli the bes ■"■ÖMniirket. :;1 E Wabington sttèet. "AttioOScpi. I6th, 11235tf JIVERY AND SALE STABLE AXTEI,!, fc EAMAGE, -.irDerMalnnilCathirloeBtreet. Hortet board ■"i reuonible tenns. Sucuud haud bagKlea, cat J)K 0. ]}. PORTEE, BEITTIST. fice ia the NEW BANK BLOCK, ANN ARBOK AU Operations on the Natural Teeth l'P.HFCKMKJt n'ITH CAUE. "NSURPASSED PACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SËTTÏNG ARTÏFÏIAL TEETH, TO QiVE EACB tNOITJDOAlt, tniitrcf if tke pri,,r.r tire, ihapt, color,, firmmstan nérl afrentan. lsn npHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETKOIT, MIOÏÏ. (ESTABUSHED IN 1807. JOHN J. BAGI.EY, fitMWÊKT, IACO&3, FU;ka!, Vit-.. President. JNÜ. I. I.IGUKT1', Secretar?. JAMES C. WATON, Acluiirv. D. O.FAUKAM),.M.l)., Mt-aicalEíaniiuei. A Successful Michigan Life Insurance Compunj, rganizd tor tbc purpose oT íuruisbíug lusurauce u]on UyM ut THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security5 and for tl ie furlher nirposc of KEEPIK 10NEY AT HOME, wliich keretoforc bas been seut Lastt RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PBBÉT8. EiXTIKE MUTAL1TY AND STRICT EQTJITY iliirk tbe Bv tem nd prevalí io tle üi.-tributi'.-n oí ANNUAL DIHDENDS TO THE INSURED 1 rovisiona of the Strtte Law, and bj üWü tei-ms, ALL POUCIES AEE NON-FORFEITABLE.' IN.Sl'RAXCK ITKNIÍHED LTON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All the BEST KKATCRESof the Old Coropanies VDOrTED.alItheir ERROKS AVO1DED. SECUR1TY, ECONOMY, EQUITY AND THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. L3T For Agencies opply at the EIOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Grisvold Street. _3L3f L M. THAYER.Gen'1 leent. F3ED. L. HAHN, Afnnl. 12ï9yl m ESTÁTE AGENT. AXN ARBOR, MICH. OFFERS DFOI. S-A-ULE : í acres of land, within one half mi te frm the city, to by sold in Tvhole, or parcela, as Followa : 24 acres dn tection 19, ia tbe town of Add Arbor' bordcriu ( n tliC eat uD the road leadlng to Cornwells' iaper m UU, and ou the non }i 00 15 aeren sttuated ou üie northwest cornee oi t).Gorhmm road wan the said Cornwell Faclory roid . ('1'1i:b Is hip of the ba&dsoóiest ftituatiuus mi ilit DOigbborfaood of Ahu Arbor.} 13a Aeren improvtd land Jofning the above 15} Í Rcresaud frouting Gorbam Ru;ni. orty acres of First Claas Farm in; T.and, with pood Orobard and Barn, 2? mileK from the Üoart Houw , on the upper Dixboro röald. cre of lam! with a new twq Btry frame Louse on TJtompson, tpour & Thomou's additiou to the City Of Adq Arbor. lotsof 7 acre each, on Thompson, Spoor k Thompsou's Addition. acre oï land, with a Iplsndid grove, joining the Kireiuea'B Park on tbc West. Tïousf and % lots of land, with Barn, WashKiiclun, Carnage iinnse.iind a nmnber of modern improvr mentfi, ivn the northweht corner ol t'ourth and lackaid Street. H . -i ■■cand Loíin the 'd Ward, on South Uberty btreei. House and 3 tóti in the 2fl Waicl, noar 2d Warl School House., Houscand 4 Lots,near tho il.C.RH. Depot. 20 acres of larnl in the sotith of the Siate of Missouri , near the Hannibal fyüt. Joaeph Railroad, City I ots near 2d Ward School House. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXGHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, WIICH. SELLS A1ID BUYS DRAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT OX ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES InflREATBRITAINGEKMANY,FRANCE, SWITZBBL AND, etc, M y direct connectinns with. Gotope enablemeto oiïer as fair ratei asany New Yor House. Rnicinl)fir,I aro notan agent of any houe in thif country , but I aua Laving direct couiuiunicatioa wilh tbe bet houees in Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EÏÏEOPE BV POWER OF ATTÜRXFY OR OTHEKWISE, W1I.I UE FROMI'Tl.Y ATTENEED '1O. PASSAGE TICKETS per Si'r.iner tu a ikI from New Yoik to all prlnciIml initt of huiuj.e lill Uil asfullüws: From New York to Southampton, Ilavre, LonCon, Bremen or Hamburg, lttClaFa. 2dClasa. Steo'Aga. $l'iO. $":!. $5 iu Oold Koturn ticket, 225. ISO 81 ' " From above placea to N'ew York, lstClag. MClMi. 3.1 Clan. ti20 í'2. Sl'J in Gol'! Frora New Yorkto Liverpool, Cabin, (80 to ÏIOO Curroncy. Stecragc, Í30 iu Currency. FromLiviTi.üolto Ntw YmV, Clblp, S100. títeeraü'-, Í37. "A. -WIDENMANÑ7 FIRE INSURANCE AGENT JVIST3ST ARBOB, For the HowanUnsurance Co. , in New Tori, op uf the oldestanti bchtComnaniesin the coualry. The Teutonra Indurauce Company in Clt-Tpland 'Vhf Ii4inorabe and safe management oí thia intl i ntiin han made itono uf the most reüable lii Insuruuce Compo atn the West.


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