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A Witty English Lawyer

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Sergeant Davy was the originator of one expression that bas been attributed to many a clever lawyer in this as iu the old oountry. Lord Mansfield was not attaehed to religious liolidnys. He even ordered tbo doors of li ia court to be thrown open on Asb-Wcdnesday. ïbis disregard of Lent was by do meaus pleasing to many. Uut emboldened by success, it ia eaiil the Chief-Jusüee proceeded to suggest bufiuess on GoodFriday. He announeed tliis very eceentrio inteation in court probably on Tliuredny. But Sergeant Davy upon this aridri'RPerl the peer on the instant, and told him that fit were so, bis lordship would be tbo first judgo tbat had done it since Pon tina Pílate. That anccdoto is, therefure, at least one hundred and ten jears old. In humor, Davy was quito a match for the Chief Justiite, wbo was by no meacs slcillcd iu the higher priooiplea oí' law. He oue daj broke out against the sergeaut with this gibe: "If tbis bo law, sir, I must burn all my books, I t-ee." ''Your lordship had better rend them first," rejoiued Davyi lic (inoe had a very large brief with a fee of lwo guineas only at the back of t. II is dient asked him if he had read bis brief. He poiutod with bis fiuger to tho lirïi-f, ai;d suid : "As far as that I've read, und for tho üfe of me 1 eau read n f;irtlur.;' He waa engagfd at the ild Batley, and a very Btrong case having been made out, Jurlge Gould BSked wbo was concerned for tlie prisoner ; upon fftiioh Sergeant Davj aaid : "My lord, 1 am pnnoerned for him, and very mueb coneerncd after vvhat 1 have heard." Once wlien be was called to account tbr taking üilver trom bis clieut, and so disgracing the professiou, ho replied, "I took üït'ei because I could not get gold ; but I took evory fartbing the fullow liad in tlio world, and I Lope you don't cali thut diriciug the professiou. This anocdote bas since been appropriated by maay a good inan, but it's Davy's. ít once feil to bis lot to question a man closely who offered bimself as bai!, "Sir," said tt;e sergeant, "how do you mako out that yuu aro wonh L3,00ü ?" Tho gentleman statod tho particulars of bis property up to L2,940. "That's all very good, but you want LG0 moio to bo worth L3,000." Por that gum," replied tho gentleman, not at all diocoDcwtöd, ''t have a note of liand of one Mr. Soraeant Davy, uud I hope he wil! have the houcsty soou to settle it." The liiuhter at this extended to tho bènch, the sergeant lookecl abashed, and Jiurd MansGeld bsarved in bit usual urbane tono: "Vr'cll brotlior Davy, I think we may accept the bail."- "Old English Lawyers" in Jlarpers Magazine.


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