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Long And Short Dresses

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iUe INow ïork Fost is adinitting to iU columns tbc opinicns of lady corres pondents in regard to long and short dresses for street wcar. As a general thiL-g tho absurdity of tho-long traing is atlmitted, aod their userobelled against. whilo their advocates, if any oxist, ara silent. Nevertheless, the prodigious appeodageï are makiog their appoaranc on the street and in the theatres and ooncert rooms, and the Post relates an intstanee occurriug not long sioco whero a lady in hor oarriage, returnir.g from tho opora, comploteiy envcloped hor e cort i ti the immense folda of her dresS. A "Country Girl" writes asking that her city cousins do somethiDg desperate rathor than b trampled on by fashioa and havo their dresses trampled on by man and beaat; fight against tho new stylo, and never lay asido the short dres8-s uritil tlioy reach tho very "las ditcl" "JVIary" will not wear long dresses even if she has got large foet, and thinka that the comfort, conveniüüoe aud usefulness of short dresses will prevent their being givea up without a itrojjgle. "A Brooklyn woman" iutimatei that it s disgrr.ceful that Ameriian women, who aliroad aro admitted to be superior to foreign women in most poinu, skould of thoir own frao will acknowledge themselves inferior, aa th: t n a poiut so dear to every womau's haart as taste in dress. Why, at least, to such an extent as to sacrifico a custora so truly admirable aud conveoicnt ? Shu thertfore asks the country-women, to pause and coDsider beforo they add a iota to tho length of their Lew spring dresses. And bow comes in a bachelor, who calis Liiüfülf a "Celibato Philosnpher," with syvoral euggestions wbich savöi lïiuch of doubt whethcr any woman will do what she knowa to be best, when fnshion teÜB to act othcrwise. He thiuka tiiat if one-lialf of tLom are seusibly euough to adhere to the present fueliion, they will be no more odd and cousjicuoua than tho otber half wha s-.veep the street in flowing trails, Thsn he puts m a eüiicLing iimcnt bj suggestiug- that short dresses are a!;solutly eséential to womau's riljis, becauü if one-hulf of them aro not wise and brava enongh to resist (Lu despotistn of tho avariciosa aud gilly of tlieir own ses, tbey can oever becoins graat ftateswomea or throw off the yokc of the tjrant man. On behaif of the men who know thtf raiery of pickiog iheir way n'ong fcBiovviied ttreet aaiosig hur.drvda of squaro yards of silks or satins, covering the samo amouot of gpace that propery bclongs to the fent of other p.-destriauB, aud deprécate the unpleasaut glan-ïes which they reecivo for an unfortuiate step on a long train, we hope ihat iüiible vomeu wil! persist ia fhort . Jrcsses. ïiiey have everytijing in their "avor - good looks, comforts, clesnünessmd ecouomy ; wiiile the long dressetf ïavu iiterally nothing to reoommend heia except the will of the merchants ana modistcs, wuose interest it s to get rid of tbo most material possible, and bavo it mado up in a form that will soooest becorce woni out and worthless. n o helieve that among tho featureá oí lïie beauty of the Baltiujoro girla hundsorae feet form a very important item. Hero, theD, they have at least one very slrorg reason wh}' they should hesitato to t;üu up the"siyle oí truiüs íor street costuines. A sasoo, too túat appeals to the proper feiüele impulse of dressing so as to ahvays luok neat and attraolive. Ou the Btreet tho law should be "niy landsare tho breadth uf my eole."


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