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ïho Wabash Repútliean publishes the' following letter from General Grant's fatlier, whieh it says, is in answer to a note writtcn bim by ouo of the eitizens of that place, and. whieh it 3 kindly permitted to givo tü tho world. The letter bears the eer niarks of Grant Setior nud hs a revelaUon of fmnily history it will be mterestitig, and certainly its simplicity and frankness are very commeniable. If thero bas been auy doubt heretoforo in rrgard to the pnlitioal status of Geucral Grant th3 ictter will remove these doubts in ar mannc-r just as olear as it is satisfaotory. Mr. üraot, J. R., says: Covixgton, Marcb 31, 1870, Dear Sir : I nover voted the Demoerntic ticket in niy life, The Genernl,whilo in the artny, professed ceutrality and oever gave but to votes in bis life. While iu tho army, about 1848, he voted for a Whlg fqr Congress from bis native' district. IIo gave for his reason for voting tbat the Whig wa a maü of the most brilliaut order of talent; the other ofalower order. The' Whig was elected. His second votef was for James JJucbanan, in 1856, froM purely personal rcasons. He has often said since tbat any man who would votff for James Buchanan ought to be disfranchised, and if the Government would not disfrancbise him be would do it biniself, and I believe be bas never voted sinoe, unless he voted in 1868. I believe he was never a Democrat, but wbile iu Missouri, in the immcdiato vici'iity of the "Dcnts," he may havo had soma sympathy in that direction. Yours, &c, J. E. Qrant, P. M.


Old News
Michigan Argus