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Nïw Yoek, May 1T. The Uttlc ñurry consequent upon Ihe reporled cali ing up of the Fuudlug Bill inConyresi haviugpaased over, the financial pool is jjettiuu.' quiet agaiu. Kol a weck stocks, boud and sccuritles have had a heavv tcudency. but a revivlng spirit is ouce more manifest, Raihvay shares were in gooö demand to-day, but at close nomewhat feverish, though nominally highcr. Governments ara relatively verystrong. Currency continúes abnudiiut, and the moucy market easy at 3@5 per cent. on cali. Gold has gojic up a fraclion, closing flt 115. Sterling exchange has advnnccd to 109 offi red. and 109M asked. A conlldenee is gaining in tlnaucinl circles that Congrees will accomplish llttle or no changc in iluuucial matters pjevious to fuljiun nratnt, unlcss it be the puving of the way for the Sec. of tho Treasury to resume specie pajments when he fees the time to strike, and Ihe effect is expected to opérate favorabíy upon all branche of trilde. Tho produce market is in rathcr an awkward state at present. The stocks of all kinds are heavy, and a steady declino has taken place. Flour and wheat have been quoted 6@10c and l@2c lower re ppectivcly, nearly every day íor a week, but the. actual sales do not show so great a depreciation. The actnal declino in flour for the weskii 15(g;i20c ; on wheat 6c, takins red winter weetern fur tho stand ard of the wheat, and superftno state and Western for the üour. Eye, barley and coru aro cach dull, with prices nominally unchtintíed. Otits more irte ut a conce88on of 1C43C. llops have uucxpectcdly tnken a favorable tnrn, bnt tho market is DOl permanont. The grocery market is moro active. Wool hnngs fireand uothing but a universal holding back oí the in coming erop will revivo price. Dealers hero wil' net, and they ay they cannot tako hold at going ratea of raw and manufacturad material. Dry guod aro in a healthy condltion. Provisous less lirm. Detroit, May 14. Business as a wholc, may be qtioteil " fair to middling." Some branches of trado uro doing an much as lust ycar, hardly any are dolng more, tad nuiny stil feel the wciht of dead times. Jloney eaeing up, and the demand is iess urgent thnn for months. Funds from the interiorare pilliug up iu the ciLics gcnefally, but the demauds or the wool trilde may soon turn tho tldc badc. Flour is arriviug mor1' freely, if anytlilng, but independent of the cry from the caet, is selliug faet at full prices. Thu same mjiy !c Kaid of wheui, whicU is 2fiiïc beiter ihan at this :ime last weck. The fact is, that the arrivals are jarely sufñcicnt to meet the wants of regalar cus:omers,riome aod eastern, and nntil Rheavier decliue loe take place, present prices will continuo. Corn s qniet. Oats a trille lower, Barley held abovo the iicw8 of the buyers. Apples meet a small inqulry. Iops nnchangcd. Butter very vreak : dcclininfi @2c dally. Eggs plenty and pricn eteady. Potatoes y thecar load are not quick at ovr?5c. Seeds are vithont interest; dover held at $5 60; timothv 17.50, ?illow la trood demnnd at S's'fïïiSih. Frora the Bulletin. i The Boston Wool Harbet. liitbe wool murket tliore hus been more ausincKs dolux the past week, ihan for a. longjtimc past. Tbs transactloos have been quite large u tl.c aggregate, bilt i piise mauy odd lots, tv bieb dealen ve&n iluxlous to close out, und a very large proportioa of pulled wool. Domestic fleeces of the naudlum and extra gradea lias been uearly all pickeil up, and but vciy fw deslraUle lots novv reiiuün ou the market. Buyei's and sellers soera to have come to, an anderatiudlng, as to the noecssity ol' - having u titear tteld for the reception f the new clip. In tbis respect, as wel! as In the matter of winding p Uie eampalga at n imv ranea of priem, tbelr Intereses are united, umi they are not slow lo KCOgnlze the fact. Besldes, manufacturen Jast now Deed a good stock of old wool to bridge over, so that they shall not bc coinpelled in enter upou the consumption o!' the new clip at once, In Is ruw and unseasoncd coiidi tion. Henee, Wlth prices mado to suit the exlgenclei of the occasion, buyers huve lately oumc in and supplied themselves liberally, and vt the same time have put dealers in a oondltlon to take hold of the new clip by releasing tln-ir businoss capitil. The former have not nui any risk by so doing, siuce wool has been houi;lit and sold, during the last week or ten days, at prices willen can lianlly fail to yield the muinifacturer a lair proüt on his producís, eveu at the current low rates at whlch woolen good are selling. The new clip will have to open at very low rates, in order to inun: any margin whatever to buyers and shippers, and enable it to pass readily luto consumption. That it will thus open, and that there will be lesa competition thau usual between Baattrtl agents nnn country operators, sterns to be a forcgOM conclusión. The clip, moreovet, is likcly to be lnrser tbau last year, and! ibera remains an open and unsctücd questlon iu regard to the natter o( reducing the tariff. A few scat ering lot ot new wool típ being rectived, mostly taken from slicep' fatted for tammer shuighter. Spring clip California wool is coming forwartl, und is in nwerr b:tter condition tlian the crop of last ye:ir. Sa! of lomestic for the week have beéil large and bot up abont 1,075,000 Ifcs at a range of 42@51c for fleece, and 40@50c for the various grades of pulled, lnelmierl' té 7,000 bs doublé extra Michigan, nt, 48c ; 8,000 bs extra do. at 44c ; 16,000 Ibs do. do. at 48o ; 6,000 Ibs do. do. at 46c ; 5,000 Ibs do. do. at 45c ; 5,000 coarsc do. at 42c, and 6,000 Ibs flne do. at 46) c. DETROIT PRODUCE MARKET.- Tlie followlnc quotatlons represent Iho current net prlcerellie )y comtiiI.Mlon (ienlera .and arc'carefntly revisedevery week.fiir the Aroii, by out Detroitcorrcspondent. )educt,i'na fr'im these prices f'r cnimifisi'-ns and charges , will shw the net rates to flrst bands : Apples.- Dried.9@)0c; Green per hhl. Í3.0W34.0Ü Baiiey- perewt. . jl.iOiil CO forNo 1 BceswAx- per Ib. 3.1. Beans- white, $1.6001.40 liuttcr- Roll and crock ! 5iT. Firkin, 20r2-ï. (Jheese- Michiiian Faclory, 18919. Dairj, 14@16. Chickenö - drepsed. per I b. , lTjlS. Corn - perbu , OOal.OO. (Jranbeme8- Per bbl $.00@14.00 for wild. Kit;s - per doz., 1 1 Hiili-ü- drv.perlb-.lOWlSc-; iirecn.CJic. Cali Skins- Oreen, 13(aHc; dry, 2i(2:. Sheep Skins -6i" 1.5(1; liimb skiu.4O(a.5O. Hops - New, perlb., 7@Hc. Lard - peilb.. l"c. Oats- perbu. Büc. Oni'ms- per bbl. 2. 5002.75. Potntoes - No niarkct. Tallow- Si(&ae. Turkeys - dresyed, perlb.. 19(fï'20c. Wheat- extra white, 1.46@l-47; No, l.$1.3@1.37 Amber, 1.200)1., iRH ARBOR PUODICE ÍI1RRETS. Ano'is Opfick, May 19, 1870. We qnote thls afternoon as follows : WHBAT- White. U5c ; Red,95c BUCK WHBAT- THe. OOHN- 70c.@ OATi- 'ifc. BEANS- 1. 15. BCTTEK- Í6@2fc. EG08- lïc. LARD- 16c. HAY- II! ai IK. W00D-'4lT APPLKS - "VLf,)c. POT TORS- 15@20c. CniCKENS- 14c. TURKEYS - 10c.


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