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WI. M. SINCLAIR, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN GRAIN AND PLOÜR, KOOM 16, 134 LnSAÏ.T.E STREET, CIIICAGO. lOTQyl ARKSEY, $L3L#Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND BLE1OHS of vrry ftvU. umi of the best material, and war-!Vitel. Rppaiiinr i-ne pr'rapt!y, and price rensonalile. Detroit Street, ncnrlt.iï. Í De.cit , Ann Arbor, Mich. . l'J7Ojl rriHAT MAGNIFICENT Ice Cream SODA Fountaiü, Is now in full Mnst nt thp rity Arcade. Customera are redneed to ZSBO ly UklOg onc ftlnss. ICE CREAM 8ERVED AT ALL IIOURS í In the Restaurant. Come risht alou:; ani! get cooled off. CLARK CROPSEV. POR SALE CHEAP FOK READY PAY. The vet half oT the sonthwopt qmrtpr of MCtfon two (2), town f Saline, twenty nero unrior improvemnt, thp balance crood timbar. loqnlra nt I.. C. Risdon'ü Hardware Store, 31 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. L. C. TCTSDON. Ann Arbor, May 18, 1TO. moraitf E. J. JOHNSON, At No. 7 Soutli Main Street STILL HAS A HAT OR 2 LEFT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season, Which will boiold LOWEB TIï-A-ÏSr EVEB 1 ALSO A LAKGK STOCK OF GLUVES, (O1,1,,H(S, NECK TIES, Il VMIKEIU 'HIUI'-S, SATCHBLS, CANES, Umbrellas. Parasols, &c. Plpaee cttll atd examine oy gootis before purchaadx clsewlire . May, 18T0i A RE YOUUOING TO BTJTL.Ü P We will furnish Large Bills of Lumbor as Low as any dealer in Michigan. We solicit no patronage exccpt guch as your Dterest ttíII give U3. Let us malee figures on your íilte hef ore you go atoay rom honie to parchase. s„.,2eo E. BLOOD & CO. 3ooo FEISTCE POSTS ! A QnanlHy of Whito O.ik Floorir?, and l.nuo Cord of Wood, Sor ale by i:6tf N. B. GOLE. TF YOU WANT A STJMMEE, HAT, IF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, IF YOU WANT A " Hat as is a Hat," F YOU WANT Hats Chea-p - for Cash. JF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama,, C3-O TO V. A.. TEEEY'8, 15 Scmtïi Aïain. Street VVhere jou wilt also flnd a f uil line of Gent' Furniiihing (ioo'l. Ann Arbor, Maj, 13701 12491 Estáte of Zanas Uurd. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Count) of Wnshtenaw, es C At a Meskui of tlie Probale Court fbr Ihc Conniy o! Washten&w, holden at the Probate Orlke, ia the City of Ann Arbor, on Frlday, thu tliirteculh )av of May, in the ytar uno tkoiuaud eiaht hündred and beventy. Preseut,Hiram J. Benkes, Judge or Probate. In thu maller of the Estáte of Zenas Ban!, deceased. Ou reailingand filingthe petition, duly veriíod, of Charle H.Wordeo, prayiil that a certalu inetrument DOW on file in this Court, purporting to 'cé t'hfc !si wUI ai'tl tcitament of nüd dwaawd, maj be ad mitted to prohatc, and thtt hy nud Ëliza Burd may be appolated Executors thercof. Thcreupon it is ordered, that Afonday, the thiteenth day of Junonext atten o'clock inthefori'Booá be iMigDfld for the hearlDg of eaid petili .11, and that the leñatees, deviaees aud lieirs at lavv of said deriiwin. urn! all other persons [ntereited íd said estáte,1 arercqnired to appear at a feotón of said Conrt, mu ii tu tK iii'mii n ut tiie riuuaic veinte, ín me City ol Ann Arbor, and show cause If nny therc be, why the prayer of the pelltioner ehould not be ti'rant'Sd r Áú H isfíinhcr ordered, that said pet tioneríjive notice to the perdone inicrested in ul estáte. of the pcndency ol' mi id petition, and th nearintr thereof, t)y causing n copy of thie order i :m pnbUstu'd i ii t he Mi..hi#an Araut a íicwppape priníert and ctrculrttÍDí; iu faid County, three su ct'fivtf Tcek3 ireviouu to sald rlny of hc'arini.'. (A truecopy.í UlltAM J. BEAKES, I2T0 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Irwin F. Baker. STATE OF MÍCtñOAN Cóunty of Washtenaw. ss. At a srspton of tk'y 1'robateCourt for the County ol' V:ihiruaw, holden at the Pi obnte Office, lo tb City of Aiin Arbor, on Wedm-sday the eighteenth day Of May, in the year oufc thousaud eitit hundred and toventr i nci'iii, iliram J. Beakes, Jqdoe of Probate. In the matter of the e-tate1 of Irwin P. Baker, deceased. Ou readins anil fiUng the petitioa. duly vcrifled. of Margarette B. Gibbs, prayitif thaïi Ebèrt T. I.uwr. ■ otber snit:ibh' penon, mny be appoïuted AdïninistraLor of the estáte of said deceased. Therenpon it in ordereii, that .vjonilay, the thlrteenth dny of June next, at ten o'clocííin trie forenoon, ba aiclgned lor the hearing of satd petltlon. tndtbat the h'irs t luw of said deemoed, and al) other penoni interested In sald eetatf, are rpqulied to uppear at a tessíon of eaid tlu'n tobe boldes, at the Probate Office, in the City ot Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the pelitioner Bhoold nol be i;rantod : And II U fnrther otdered, that said iietitioncr rive notice to the porton! ititfrested in paid estaré, of the pendenc; oí saiil peÜtloB, and the hearing thtreof. y cnuin'4 acopy ol' this onlcr to he pnblifhrd iu the Michigan Argut a DOWflpftper priuted and drcolatlDg in said Cotinty, three wueoeEüivc weeks previous to 8aid ü:y of hearing. (A trttecipy.J HIltAM J DEAKES, 1270 Jod of Probata. Drain Comroissioner's Notice. TVTOTICK is hercby given, that the Drain Commisii ioner of Waahtenaw Connty will be at tlie doom of Bamnel Swata, In the townfblpof York. on the 7t!i day et June, 1S70. at 1 o'clock P. M., to meet partu-s to contract (6r the excavation and conulruc[iciii "f ii ilratu to be known 8 York-Auïusta No. 2, cammenolog nenr the center of the west lino of secUon &5i roncfog east aeross Sc 35 and 3tt, in tho towuship of York, thence eaet on eeetion Bit in the towoshtp of Augusta, Ut an outlet in Sugar Creek Drsln.(seeordlnc to Bnrirej nd level ) I will alao bè at the houe of BAmnel Bwdo on the 3d duy of Jane, 'S7ü, al 1 o'clock P. M., at wblcn time :iud plnce I will i1m ezhlblt innpe of the above proposed drain, aiid deBCrlption of the Mvural pftrwta ..f InnO !■ .!..,. J V,, .ii , .,tod "J :-wl il.r amuont and descriottom by ilivl.-ions anaitabdlTUi...,o wi mu boot OCTCTloen proposed drain, by me apportioned to the owner of each dcscriptlon to construct and to the townships ol York and Angosta to construct, on account of euch drain umenlinü highway, and to lic.-ir reasons, if any tro oflbreo why 8nch apportionmeut should bo rêviencd aud corrected. T0 JAMES J. PARSHAI.L, Drain Commissioner of Washteunw County. Drain Commissioner's Nctice. ATOTICE is hercby given that the Draln Commisi' vlnnrr of Wnhtenaw Conntv wlll heat the hmise of Aaron 1. Fcklkamp, in thé towusfclp of Saline. on the lOth day of ,l:inc,187i, at 1 ovlock P. M.. to meet pariien lo contract for the escavalion and construetlon uf a iiriiin knuwn as Saline River Drnin commeoclng nt the outlet of llrId,'eaer No. 1 Dnnn.on iht townthip line of Saline aud Bridjewn ter, roDDlDg tbenoa northeasterly on srctions IS, 17, 9, S and 4. irtccordini: to pnrvey and lvel.) I nll nlso be at the house of Aaron L. Feldkamp. on the th dny of .lune, I8;o, at one o'clock 1'. M . at wbicb time and ilace I wlll exhibit mnps of the Htmve propoted draln and descriptions of the seveml par ix'ls of Iniitl duemed by me bcneflted thereby, and Uif amoii'it lud deserrptions hy civisions and sub-divisïons, of the above deccrlbed propoead drein, by me aiiportioued to the owners ofeacl: AeKripUmi toconetruct, and to the township oi Saline to construct on account of mich drain beuefltinj; hiijhways, and to hear reasons, if auy arn offered, why such appor tionment should bc leviewed ind correct d. JAMES I. l'AKSHALL, 1270 IVnshtenaw Co. brain Commissioner. pO.ME AGAIN WITH A F CU. STOCK OF CABINET-WARE, 10 PK PO(,n OHEAPER TIIAV ANTWHERE BLSE l.V TllliSHTE ATH1S 0I.D STORK, MAIN STIUET, ANN' AKBOR jyONEÏ CAN NOT BUY IT. FOOR SIGHT IaPRICELESS THE DIAMOND QLARSK8, Manufactured by J. E. Spencer Co., N . Y., which re now otTered ta the public, ure prunouncert by all the celebrated Optf olansof the World to be the Most Por fret, Natural, Artificia] help t" tho human eje evrr tnown. They are gr Ou nd UBi6r thetr own supe rvisioo, f rom min uteCrystal I'ebble?, mplted tpithtr, nd derive thei r name, " D ia mund," on account nf thelr hardnps in brilUancy The Scicntiflc Principie on which tlK'y are cODstructei brinpR the core orcen tre of 'he lens in front of the eye, proilucin? a clearanj dlsllnek TlslOB, as in tb naturaK heItliy Ríglit, aii'l prTottBg all unplex-Rnt nenatiinw, such ia glinñnerlng aod ararlng of aigbti til ii'PM, Sic ., peculiar to uil rthrfi io DM, Thj aretnounted in the KINEMT MaNNKR, in finines of tho be"st qualiLy, of all DiatenaU used for ih:it purpow. Tbeli QfiUb nnl durability cannot ba fturpas.sed. CAUTION'. - None genuine unleaa beaiing their tiftde mark Btoinped u vwry frame. J. C. WATTS & Ï1KO.( .lewflers ivnrl Opticiani, are 80lafDta iur AXV AR1ÏOR, MUH., frum whom they c;iii ouly be obtained. These goods are not supplied to Pedlrs t any price. ISatjl jyARTÍÑ'S Js t lie p lace lo gftt imythint yffu want in tbc FURNITURE LINE! HE WII.I. NOT BE UNDKRSOLD. $10,000 ÈEWARD! GRBAT EXCITO! ! ! AAIONG FARMERS. SOIO MII.LS WILL PAT THE niOHEST CAS I'RICKS FOR GOOD H'HEAT. AI.I. FARMERS WII.L DO WKI.I. TO CALL THKRE BEFOBE SELUKQ RLSEn'iiEKE. URING YOUR GOOD WHEAT TO ■CIO .lili. i.s. 12G0 N. W. BRIGGS, Scio. II NN AKBOR AGAINSr THE STATEIN THE FURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin against Ann Albor. Don't Foiget bis Oíd Stand. PHNLEY LEWIS, jreiitlcma'j's Opera Boots. " Furgesoa Button Boots. " Frunch Congresa Gaitera. " Creóle " " " Serge " " " Scotch Ties. " All Righte. " Oxford Ties. In short, a Full Line of Gent lemen 's Boot a aoJ Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes n Great VarJety, aad MEN'3 HEAVY WOKK.liaaA made of all kinds, Ladic' Frencb Kid Butto. " Foxed " " " Serge " Poliah. MB8és' Bronse, " aüd Button. " Serge, " " Chikl's ' " " We uk the particular attentiori of tfte Ilin t OTJR FUSTE WORK W1IICH FOR Qualitj is Unsurpassed, IN THE Sf ATE, and in l'rice FAR BELOW DETKOIT FIGURES OUR WOPK WARRANTED A3 REI'RESENTED. ua Arbur Agricultural Co. FARMEirS ArTFNTION". Read the folljwiug, whieh is of tlie gre'at'ewt im. porlance Io you : Ann Arbor,Spt. 1, 1 869. .Icliiisï'-n, Il'tntly Jr Co : - Gen's -I nirchased om of vour Reapers f Kinnt-pan Jt Boward last easod, iini li ave eT"n lt a thorOQffb ti ial, and can trulj iy tbftÜt wo ik' like a thing ot Uf, cutting lodgwd n'd tangled g'aiu, an1 pleking it up with Ornee a)mt huraun arm, io nmch bettcr Hlipf Dian could U done by hand, lt-vng not a ppear behiod. I thitk it s liglitííées of druflfVtdth OÍ 0Ul,(8fat) cinijlicï' ty and a0a]tnbUi1y to &1) kind cf i . in, c inbii rto ' mHkeiVllieïest lienptr extant. ],_ M. LYON. ■ We, the underB'Kn-d . urchaeed Jolmhti-n Reip' ers, and f ulij dttpeur In the hove itftteineni . ! Jnhn G. Kfoc'b, PitUJÍM. Ttroutbe; FobflJ, Webster ' John Fregel ' Jóbn Coyle, Dail Vangfnon, " KÜha CrnilOB, " ' K. C HiiDtT.Sduth l.jqa. Tlioin.iaO'lir tn. ' ! nnt-jrCfliíÍin,í1IjrthBtiÍL eU.n Osbom.Seïo. 1 Junes Uarab, 8clo. AoiUvw Meai, Aou Arbir. Chirles Solsteimer, S io. 1-ewis Fritz, fc-cto. Th ese mwchinea are iniprovd lor t)ie war Ifl hÍTE nind'np attachment, a ni are fo j-h Ann Arho'r Aericnlturiil Comiany, fucceiporn tri.. Moore & tson ai tlTiuiupan i; lloanl. W atsokwf Urge jmpply ot th fhllong m-ichine-s ith dtotl ping fcttftcbmeDta and Job ds ton ielf raki. Tlmj ; machinas bTf lio tqáalln Iba nHtkft Tbéjbai) ' tnltenaü theprizv-f attbr diOVreni liiill ir tneSUti tli; itst io vehrf,'ani i n ro cast' have the failed to ooma ifT victurious : , J -iit' ff orid, Tlie Excelsior, i i lie Champion, The Htitfbard, : The Rotaell, he BhII. Tnee inacliines have nevcr faiicd to eive natiittidii to Uic puiehAaer, andaré lig h ter draít .han iot s Othar m.icliint's 'e a!so Í1 ttie ioilO'viug Thltai '. ing Machines : ( TbeQeDUtne Pttts, The Tornado. - n-r.l.sil, The KaaaUoB, ThaGlannA Hall, The Vibrator. viu.i:f WmnnfCfnrth colobrttf „ Kejatone DriJ!,wblch for ifmpUolt, accuracyiRd „ iurnlility, faAT no superior. We 'warrant vrtn ■y I ri 11 tu Mribrm as rep: enen ted orno sale. VTe allí . keep Itrillnmanufactureü bvotbcr partiii. andm r preparcd to furnish mv dMired arjicJf oa the uliurt _ est notice. We are preparad to do I) kinds of rpairincr cf tarm niHcl)in"iy, nueh %tt Rapr, Mot. er, '1 hresbtrs, Borse Poven, c. We kri-peoi. stantly on hand a largo t ook f Aeri&uUural Implt ments, plowM, hanows, wheel cultivator, fetdcot terM, oorn tthellers, coldron kettlpi, power jacki mí tavlni uur hiiifs, ;i]i ofoiur own maaiüetarfaiid # HlsHtA lowtst ponlbtt lear. We wouH ' respeotfully invite all parlieN wisIiId; to purchit ny Hrticle monr lino f rom a plow potoi to a thrnth ing machine to cali and see us before purchasirg.fir we wil! give them better goods, bttr terms, and lower price than can be obtained eUewhere. 1 N . B--Hememler wtí manufacture none but firV rla?8 goodB( and wlll undersell all eompetiton. Oall auil see usauiUavelroro 5 to J 0 per cent., acá et goods that are warrnt-d to be up to the tamiaró. A fiill stoet nf extra keptcon"tantlv on lanj pfijr the Buffulo pitt'n Tlirenher. I ATHÈ SCREff CUT'i'INO of nll kinds done on short notjee. OÍBrt Q(] rikleKrnrm. jnretion of Detroit umi Fourth Sti. Ku rulry nn 1 M tchine tíliop, Fifth Wird, oppositt Sinclairs' MilTs. 1S0ëi3 200 PIECES CnOICE SYTLES, LIGUT PRIÏft 200 Dieces DARK, PERFECTLY FAST COLORS At 10c. Per Yard, Just Received, at MAYiVAftD'S. UOMEïHlJNti NEW IN DRESS GOODS! SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, Gloves, Hosiery, And Domestica, Eeeeived Almost Daily, at MAYNARD'S. QHOIOE GÜEEN TEA AT 80 CENTS, THE BEST BLACK TEA IN THE CITY F0R$L2ö, " -A-T MAYNABD'S, 126twl PLOUB AND FEED STORE HST NEW DBRIOIt BLOCS NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flouri AND ALL KINDS OF FEED AND COARSE GRATN CvnntfinVy on hand, and doliveied to customeis ' any part of the cit.T. JOIIN (.1..M1IKMÍ11KH Ann Aibor.N'ov. 1869. lS45m pOFPINS AND CASES f A FULL STOCK AT MARTIN All. CAI.IÍ PROMPTLY ATTE.DKDTO_ i PHTSICIANS'1 Prescriptimt Accurately and üarefully Pre pared hy R. TT. ELL1S A Co.


Old News
Michigan Argus