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At A Council Meeting Held On

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djy evening last, a sit feet walk - pine plank or concrete - ivas ovdered laid on the uortli Bidt) of Nortli University Street, fiom Tliaver Street to the line of Dr. Smitu's preraises; also a live feet walk on the north jldcofCcmttery Street, froin Washtenaw Avenue, to be luid within thirty days. A laucli ueedod Improviameot. _ At the same meeting It was decided tócall a tax-payers' meeting and ask the folloiving approprlatlons for flre purposes : Forthrcu c sterns, $1,000 " a bell and hose towcr at engiae house, öl) feet hlgli, 800 " 500 feet of liose, 750 a bell, 300 Total, $8,800 All rlgkt) cicoqit tliat more clsterns isould lie ordered nntess We are to have gomeiky the Ilolly Water Works or somcthlng better; and DllleSS part of the proposedivork cnu bc paiil lor out of the "general iml" - It was also dt'toriiiiw'ti to open Wis! JeflVrson 3treet throuirh to Main. Kiglit - cept the tluce rods wicie provisión. Make it four. Tbe Freehman Kxliibition is set down brTaesday erenlng, BLay81st. Thédesig aated speakers namber 24. - The exerclscs of Classday will take plíte Wednesááy , June lst, and includc, at the II. E. Cljurch, in the forenoon, Presentation of class and response by actlng Presl iient Fhikze ; Oration by B. Mosks; Poem byj. S. M altman ; Partlug song by the class, and otlier inwsic, vocal and instnimontaliin tbe campus, la tbe afternoan, llistoryoftlie class, by r. i'. Stkvens; Prophet.y."iy C. G. Win; ; Prcsentation of a loatlior inedul to the ngliest man in the class : the QUTtlllDg of tliebronze statueof Í 'Kanklik, tobe placed on the Ciimpiis by the class; iddi-ess by G. T. Campat; ■ Fui'cwell and "A.od Lang Syoe ; " with a dance on the green, Intcrspersed with roaslc. Iniheeveliing tlie class super will take place. - ThurtYlay evening, June 21, the forty Itilrd annual Summer Cooveütlou of the j Sigma I'hi Fraternlty wil) bc held wltfc the ilpha of Michigan, In the M. E. Choren. The oration wlll be (lelivei'ed by Chas. IC. Pitcii, and the pouni recited by Hev. D. S Juunson. The card of invitatlou issued .for the occasion is a ben uil ful drie. The last number ot'tlie Chrom'ckgivcs soincwliat detailed statement of tlïe reccipts and expenses on account of the late teurseof lectures bcforc the Students' Lee ture Association. Coudenslng the facts, we may state the gross recelpts at $3,201,85; expenses, $,078,11 ; net proflts $123,74A.N.v Dickinsox was the. "trumpcard" and dreiv the fullest house with the largest reIpts, biit the most money was made on Mrs. E. Cxtiy Stantox and '%Our Girls," ihe belag satlsöed witU a smaller per cent. f the recelpts. The two compare, in order tiamctl; reeelpts, $373,31, $317.25; expen , 1273.50, f149.10. Oftheother lecturrs, Tuin nc-ttid tho Association, $37 ; Tmon, $57.50; Maj. Powell, $30.70; Sate Field, $48 25; Oolltkr, $13.50 and the Quiutette Clab, two performances, f70.40. The AssoeiaUon lost: on Prof. SntLYE, 187. ; oh Jnetin McCartiiy, I8L50; and on Pükshon- becaaee of the Htra heavy expenses- $59.95. These figures show the course not a vcry profltable ut, aud Indícate that next yea-r's lectoren mist moderate their demauds. It is fair ? say, liowever, tliat the mernbers cf the Association, some 600 in nnmber, were on the half-price Uet. Hardly a week passes in hicn sumo Ulzcn or stranger does not visit our ofllce lolook throogh a Jackson, Adrián, Grand RP(ls, Saginaw, Coldwater or Kalnmazoo WPcr, with Uk: object of linding the card fseme physlcian, attorney, justice of the W, bankeror hotel, etc., with whom a uslness corrcspondcnce is wanted. Now 'finyone at cither of the plaoes named 'liould rater a newspaper office and cali tor the Aihsüb they woulA conclude that AnnArborhad littlc law or justice, with ar bankeror hotel, and that it was a fenlbly bealthy place. The cards of very fcw 0I M Ofesslonal men ate to be louud lt T'Colnmns, and they lose the business ni our city the reputation they should aid Sivl:ig t iu consequeuce. A word to the hrewd-ought to be enough. Tho Committee appointed by the Common Council to consicler the petition king that the saloons n this city be clos n Sunday- as Ihey slwuld be- canvasscd "lc dty last week- ou Thursday and Fri y-and a large number of the saloon Pers slgned a pledge to close thcir PasOf business as destred by the petition t V6 arC alviscc' tIlat cvery saloon in le Third Ward was accordlngly closcd on öunclay last, but that sucU was not tho in tho other Wards. And we als. "Wr lt sald that soino of the slgners of the ccl?e to close kept open nearly all Uit a5' nd mening and exhausted thelr 'ocks. lt seems to us that these salooi Pers ouglit to bc satlsfled wlth vlolating e State laws six days n the weck. The alarm of firo whicL was given a oa' ten o'clock Frlday nlght last, and aich brought outaü oí our remen aud a Bood many eltizen, was occasioncd by c hur"g of an old building used as a jLJ llQuse, in the loathweat part of the The Zouavo BanThaJ a püasant day ; ;, '"n".v for thelr picnic, and a general good me was had. At a meeting held at the Shcriff's office, Tiiesday evenlng, May 17Ui, for the parpóse of devising means lor the celebratlon of "Memorial Day," on tlie 80th lust., the fbllowlBg offleers and committecs wcre cliosen, viz : Chainnan - Hon. B. F. Granuek. Orator- Ooi C. B. Giuxt. Chaplain - Rev. II. S. Huhhei.i,. Marshal - Capt. R. Be.uian. Committee of Arrangement - Byron R. Portel-, Mudsou W. Bliss, Chas. A. Chapia, Clias. II. Muiiley, Urastus Gilbort. iDmmUtec on Decoruiions - lst Word- Mr.W.W. Wlne8,MrsCooley, Mn. Boudlnot, Hts. Col, Comstock, M?x Barry. 2d Wari-Hr. P. Bnch, Mrs. D. S. Wood, Miss .Kniiie Markham, Miss Aggle Day, Miss Bach. 81 XYard- Col J. F. Millcr, Mrs. B. R Foitcr, Mrs. S. B. Revenángb, Miss D. A. CuowltOD, Mrs. J.F. Miller. 4th Ward Mr. Dorr Kellogg, Mrs. Lawreoce, Mrs. Abel. Mrs. Col. Grunt, Mrs. S. 21. Webster. Btb Ward-ÜT. F. Harria, Mrs. Harria, Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. Jas. Jones, Mrs. N. D. Gales. 6th Ward- Mr. J. G. Prlcj, Mrs. Charles McOiubcr, Mrs. Milieu, Mis. Wlnchell. Mrs. J. A. Scott. All oUl soldiere, not belonglng to other organizations, are requested to meet at the SherifTs oRlceSaturday evenlng, tlie21 Inat , at 7 o'clock. All organizations in the city are inviteil to particípate. R. BEAHAN, Chainnan. B. S. Knowlton, Secretarv. Meeting of Pubi.isukjïs and PititfrEns. - A cali has been issued for a meeting of tlie publlshers, editors and printers of the Saglaaw Valley and vieinity, for the purpose of formlng nn Association to promote tlie intcrcsts of the fratrrnity. The meetIng will be held at the Bancroft House, at two o'clock, on the 9th of June next. A general attendance of all intereslcd is desired. - Haginawian. Not haying geen the "cali" referreil to in the abovc item, we do not know but tluit it assigns good and suffieieut reasons for the move. But as at present advised, t seems to us tliat the craft in the Saginaw Valley would do botter to be present eu masse at the meeting of the State Publisher's Asociation at Kalamazoo, cri the 14th of June, curoll themselves on its list of members, and aid in maktng it the power it inay and siiould be. Two Associations can harrtly be supported in the State, one may be made thiiving and prowpêrous and eommand a more general respect for the fraternity. We hope tliat at the meeting on the 9tb this view wiil bc taken hito consideration, mid that the Publishers and Editors ihere present, and of the whole Valley, will resol ve to be at Kalamazoö on the 14tu of June. We find the followinp; buBuess-liko card In a late number of the Detroit Tri bune : TASTURISG FREE. To the Editor of ÍVe Detroit Tribuna. The grass and shrubbory on Lafayette avenue are now abundaut nd fresh. We want all our fcllow-eitizens to iiave a share of this pastarage. The pólice wlll see to it that the cows are protected while they til 1 themselves from the linest rniss, most boautil'ul foliage and ciioiccst plants 01 the avenue. Scnd on your bovlnesl First come, tirst served ! Great city this Detroit ! I,. F. A. With a change of nanea it would be app'lcable to this city. Mayor Uahrlvan requesís us ío cali tho attentlon f our elttieoi to the neceosity oi thoronghly cleaning up streets, lancs and alleys. This is desirable both becauso warm weather is upou us, aud tho hcalLh of our citizens will be promoted by ibating all nuisances, and that we uiay havw on our best rig iu wliich to welcowe tlie nu mcrous summer visitore sur,e to come, csJociAÜy about Coinmcuoeuient time. The old building Ooruor of Muia and Catherine streets, which lias long been a tancllng nntaance to that vicinity, was om down last Taeiday evening by the look and Ladder Company, aeting under orders oí tUe City Fatlwrs. Tlie Hillsdalo College base ball club )1a$el a gausc wlth the Ann Arbor Juiiiors, ipon the University grounds'last Saturday orenoon, Ueating thein by one tally, the score standing : Hlllsdale, 29 ; Ann Arbor, H. Tlic Júniora must look to tlielr laurelF. Edwin Foiuïèst appears iu " Ricbcieu," to night at Hangsterfur's Hall. He Is assisteel by twenty actors, and the performance F'róu'ises to be a rare treat for our heatre-goiog public. The mere anuouncenent that Fohrest is to appear, will be sullicient to Ml the house. The County Clerk having last Btison experimenteel ou the city to the tune of paying eome ?90 or $100 out of his ovvn pocket, for gradiug and improving the walk6 in the Court House Square, Is now trying the County a pull - this time cleanslng and papering hls ofllce. A ueeded improvemwit. Tbat Arctio Fountaia ut Ellis & Kisseli.'s continually does discoiuit delicious bcverages, Kissenger and Congress Waters included. Just the thljig with the mercHry on a May bender. A tcmperance nieoting is advcrtised for tbc Court House tliis evening, May BÚth, with important business for cousideratton There Is need of a tompi-rance revival. The regular terra of the Circuit Court will comraence on Monday ncxt, May 23d We understand that the calendar wíll not he a very large one. The now l'oslmaster-to-be - Maj has executcd and sent forward hls bond, and will probably receive hls commission and enter on duty, soon. The FoititKST to play in Riohelieu thls evening, iu Hangsterfer's Hall, is the Edwin Fourest who has ranked as heac of his profession so many years. WHi M. Sinclair, one of our ld resi dints and prominent business men, has re. moved to Chicago and engaged in the Com inission business at 134 La Sallo Street. See card of N. Arkskv, and then i you want a carriage go and examine his stock. We have had a hot dry spelt, bu this- Thursday r. m.- the clouds are gath ering and rain is promised Rev. IJknuy F. Uond, of Omaha, wil preach in the Unitarian Churchof this city on Sunday.May 33fl, morning and evening The New York liepublican Conven tion appreciating the services of Giiaiia in the McFarland case nominalcd him for AUlerman, a doubtful honor, consid ering the certainty oí defeat. Grahaji satisfied by ihe abundant kigses bestow ed upon hira by the enthused ladiei pres ent when the verdict of acquittal was reodered, declined the profferod revrrd An Ordinance Eclativc to üiilsancrs. Be it Ordaincd by the Mayor, and Aklerman ofllie Uity i ƒ Ann Arbor - Sec. 1. lfany pcrson or persons nrltbln he boundarles of tlii.s City, siiall permtt r siiiut any nolsance on bis, her or thelr remises, of which ho, slie ur tlioy shall be upante, clther by exercislng any onwholesome or oflenslve trade or calling, or y permitting any building, sewer or othur hing whatsoever to remaiu on sukl premis, mitll by ott'cnslve or 111 stenclics or othrwlw they or any r them shftll become ilcnsive, liurtlul or dangerouB totheneighlorliood or to traveters, it sh.iil be theduty of' the Marshal to irive notiec to sukl pcrson r persoon to remove sucb uulaauce forthvitli; and If the owner or owners, occupant r occu]anls of the premisos on which jucb ulsanc: shall be sitúate, shall uegJecl or cl'usc to remove the same tor ihe Bpace of wenty-foiir hoon after such notlce shall e glven, he, she or they, osi couviction hereof, shall be Hable to pay H tlne of flve ollars lor ench day he, sh or they shall ïaTe pcrmlltcd such miísauco to remain fier notlce as aforetald. Sec 9, No peraon siiall throw, place or eposit, or Buffer hts gervant, chlld or 'amiiy to throw, place ordeposltany dead nlmal, carrlon, putrld ment or ish, enrails or deoayed vegetables, or any lllthy roflenslve matter of any kind wbatsoever, r any substance whlch by any process can vcome pntrid or ofibnglve, in the streets, anes or alleys lu said city ; norshall lie raose tho same In such maimcr is to reinier he air In the nelghborhood Impare, ofl'enIve or unhealthy apon liis own preinises, or tlc premises of another ; and any pcrsmi vho siiall viólate the piovlsions of tliis tction siiall be Hable to pay a fine not exceedlns twenty-flre dollars for each ofVence. Sec. 'A. It shall not be lawfnl for any peron to throw or place the coutents of any traw bed, or any ashes, shells of Oysters or clams, Öv any sc.raps of dirt from nny shoemaker's, tallor's, blacksmlth's or tanht's stop ; or to place or throw any shaviiíís, Btraw or rubblsh of any kind in any of the streets, lanes, alleys or public gronnds, or upon iiny s'uk -walks in said city; and any person or persons wilfully violatlng the provisions o' tliis sectloo sháll forfcit and ay a penalty of' two dollars for every of ence. Sec. 4 It shall be the duty of the Marshal o requlre all persons guilty of the oflences aentloned In the two preceding sections, .o remove such offenslve matter, and on hcir failinír to do so, to cause the same to o removed at the expense of the corporaion, and the ffollty pcrson shall be Hable o the corporation for such expenses, in addltion lo the penalty above imposcd. By order of the Common Councll. Tiio Juue uumbar of Putnam's Majaiie is early ou eur tablu, with a list of apcrs above the average both in interest nul value. Among them are : Down the Jamibc, by Col. John Ilay ; Birds of the North, by Fres't. P. A. Clnulbourne ; The Outlook of Our Engllsh Literature, by Prof. . M. Iloppln ; another instalmeut of A Woman's Right, byMrs. M.C. Ames; Shall ve have a more readable Bible ? by J. B. Httlnger ; l'roportioual Representatlon, by David Dudley Field, with editorial notes, te. The ïuiinbcr completes thfi Vth volïine. 4ayear. AddressG. P. Putnaii & Soss, New York. The Mamtfacturer and Builder, for ilay, is attraetivc and iustructive bolji In eontenti and UiuKtrations. There are seveutcen illustratcd urticles, includiog ; jauuching of llie Caisson for the East ïiver Bridge, IIow to remove the heat of gas-lights in theater? aud churches, Tho constructiou and value of hollow wal Is, Corrugated iron in Jiou.'.-buililing, The icquednct of L Vanue, &c Every mcclmuc and artisau ouglit to take tliis monthly. 11.60 a year. Address AVesteun 1S5 ComAHT, 87 Park lïow, N. Y. TuniBU Kkmeíjii:"- It lê gettiDX to bencimmon thing for ?■"ƒ( r# to doDonnoe Quiine, c]asslng 11 ainong the mineral poieons, such as rscui-, inid thu hke. whtch are usi tl ia thu trt-tüïent of thö aun and intcrmitteiit ftsverü. The pub ie oliould know tbatQolDine and th ncw Improvc ment. Sweet (uiuiue, aro tlie active principie of the Olnchona tree bark, or PorovUn Bark of South America, and henee eutirely regetabie. They are in no sonso wbatover poisonous. The Sweet Quinina ïas the important advautaKe of bein;; destitute of )itt'rne?s, whicli is the 006 gT6At dirticulty witU the ommou (uiiiinc. Sold by Ebcrbach & Co.


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