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A COUGH, CÖLD, OR SORÍTtHRÓAT Mi. Kojuires i tn media te nttcnt i on , as ne0SV lilct often rcsults in au incuiable jtóköÉBgtfBrown'3 Bronchial Troches For Hko.scjiitis, Astiiha, Catarum, Cossumpttvk and TiinOAT Dibkask, they have asoothing effect. SIXCïELtS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS use them to r,le,ir.iml strengthen the voico. Owing to the gooi) reputaÜon ml popularity of the Troche, raauy vortkless and chtap imita'-iona arr. ojfcred%iDkicharegoodfornothing. Ho sure to obtaix thft trut BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. 1 - 1 liaG SOtD RVEBVWHKKK. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,0ils,&c. l? WASHTENAWCOUNTY ESSj SBC hSS 2E QB B8S 8 ra iRACY w.floorS m raj Swfí WS ÁYtwW fea M NOTARY PUBLÍC I-i -1 overal l rji sL HuiwiiiPirmn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN'iiiiiiiiMiiuiiiiiiiiiiii -A.KTX REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! The unlfrr.iLrií1 haring a. perfect Eteoord histnry üf uil of the lí-'jil Batata fitte in Uu Oty, and In th County of Wjishtvn nv, takea ploasure In annonneIng to the public thiii ne w i 1 1 examine title, glw ttb st l .'icls of Eeal Estáte title, mak o creds mortgoifes, oontrseta and olfaer legal psí-rs on tin? ihurtest notlcei Will alKo ïnnke naleofCitJ propcrly ani fariña , rntit botufis( and fbfcColoM mortiTHircs. I'er tona wanUng ü hi&toty of lïi-jil Eatatfl title, will roOolleot tiiat hi.s BookS take in Tax ïitloa anl all coll:i teral niattvis wblofa tonefa eaofa parfloulardMcrlption; and all mortgagetf anolent r modern whlch aplM'iir to bc slill aubhiating of record at tho prffsent time. I offer the (ollowlng Retil EsutO for sale : Mo.100 Tlie Malony lluuso aud Lot un Dfvisiun Strrct. Mo. 101. Home and Lot in Hlscock'H addition. l'i U-e $2-000. N'o. 102. Two Story Brick House on Spring ftreet. Xo.103. Two Story Wood House on Spring Street. Mo. 104. Kloe House, Lot and Barn juet wtat of ïaw CoIU-c. Xo. 103. Fine Hoiiro, Ontlinuse, Barn andöiicrfia f I.;ind, Water Fouut, c. - very desirable Proporty. No.lOG. floime nnd 3 acres of Land Insido corpora tloa. No.10". Bouae and Lot just souíh oí tlieL'nirersity building. Xo. 10S. Ij1; acres of Land eagt of the University Oroanda Xo. 1P9. City Lol nearly opposite Dr. Chaee's Printing Kstablishuieiit. Xo. 110. Oue Two Stoiy Wood Dwelliiig oa State Street. No. 111. One elegant Two Story Brick House iiear UmviTsity Square. Xo.112. ÍÍ0 acres -wüh buildings just north of the City. N'o. 113. OneTvro Htory Uouao jast north Cometar; Groiutda. Xo. 114. Two Brick Houaes west BÏde of University Square, Xo. 115. C acres just west of tho City. Xo. 1LC. 5 acres with buildin'") just wot of tlie City. Xo. 1J7. ifiO acres wilh balldlBgi and inprovements 5 milos north - tíl( aTtaatloni Xo. 1!8. 320 aoree- flae farm in Shianansee. Xo. liy, 2,000aoreaof Wild Landa In the Countiea f Waym-, Monroe, Raglnaw und Shia waatee. ily Abstract Buuks are poted to date, So. 120. One elegant Three Story Building on Hurón ft'treet , vc f . Xo. 121. 175 acres On Unidle Road to Ypsilanti. No. 12% 40 acres on Scuth Road witL Buildings and fmprovvmenta. Xo.123. 24e&cnmon North nCxtci Road. 2; miles out , with nnpru v finen tn. Xo. 121. And much other llti.i K.siate viot herciu iueluded, There are mi'iv old mortïaies In W-iahtiinaw Coun tv andUobrged o! Ueeord, und tbu iuws of Limita" tiiDs as to M'irtgjtge is different frHU th t applloa' ble t" Ba ' Eatate ■ Xermi of üommlaston 'm hals of Real Estáte f oue i.--r cfnt . i Bale made. Ratas frr aearch of Beu Bs (ate Tltlí ; curtí per yeat for Deedi and ftix cents a )■ uur t'ir ilortgagee uaul (dianjje of notloe( Koohargei villbe made for examtnaüon of lltle, making pnyrioi n lording, to partlea (ojdlng money thruugh ui". Uodoj waoted t( loan on unlncum be red Heft) K-tafe from ooa y live ears, ut 10 ner cent. Inte rent net to 1 1 1 leoder, A..n Arbur, Uaroh 0,M 0 TRACY W, ROOT. JSwéet Qu fruta' f "8 KBCBNT IlirHOVEMRliV k R(plts Ihc uso of Hlfl BlTTEB SW.PtlATE (i: i.MNi:, wl:h wblch ill aro íiimilar. Uus; lor;, it in wcra.3Fi3Fs.a.ririKiS73 FUUï jí'JflL !fi EKHÏ WAY TO BITTErotJINME. j AND LISE IT IS TUK OKBl GItriT, FOSITIT12 and IW'fI ILI1YC. CURE FOíkll DISEASES of MALAItlOÜS d HG1H. ïc ra and Apue, l2itvriiiittriKt I'viï-, C'bUl Fcvcr, liciulttcnt Fevci', Blllous Ve-Jft Itiimt Agne, nnd t long train of disorders ft ;owtng thcac 'ben neylccted. 8u;kkt qi'imxi: ia mdo olely i'r'.)in l;rvian Ha k (so is ;ftr viji'iriü'.) thereibru is of V etable oii'Bi, uhI iut u Mineral i)(lson, lm on tlu: roniptry in prove3 to bc one of tlt; : omenti founO iñ tlic bjood of all hiallhy pefconB. iwext QBHtnns I acts iV an nntldoto to, (as wel] ui :i ome for.) ■ïnlitriul or iiiinsmutir poj..ii. UlQ abaornHon of Modi by tbc lonsAcaosea Internnttent revers, oto. The üiilyluilviintugo c-liüiied for I StVFET QT7IXIXE 1 ovor tfje 086 of M liittfr Qatxitikoltfl tlio entira absence ofthat intenso, iiiuni ijiKrixHs, wbicli ii. the latter is luiunsurmouct&ble obfttacle io ity us6 witli nui per sonsiiiml always witta ctwldJ"en. I SWEET UI'I'IVI" (t lij two fonns - in Iowltr for thQ V-s0 f Jkhyiiciaiií' umi Lru(Kiat8, mul l'lull. lor iA Bi ti; inmily and lor tlio yrn:rHl AUbljb. ■SReWns, Farr &,J&y, j MMUFACTURING CHEMiaj?, For Sale by Eberbacli h Co., druggists. 1264yl CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Gregory Elock Ne. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegory Block W Sign of the Gilt Mortar "ï 3 KW Sign of the Gilt Mortar 'M. 1 ES" Sign of the Gilt Mortar "Vt 3 tW Lign of the Gilt Mortar BJ II uk JL'.sr OPONED HAVE JUST OPENBD HAVE JUST OPENED IIAVE JUST OPENED ■The Fineat Stook o 1'he ITinest toclt of Ihe ÍTinest Stoolc o The Fineat Stoclc o: DRUGS AKD MEDICINES DRUGS AKD MEDICINES DRUGS AND MEDICINES; DRUGS AND MEDICIiNS IN TUF. CITY. IN TUK CITY. IN THE CITYIN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Kor Medicinal 1'urpoteK. Thí Popular l'atci Medicine of Lhn day , una cverything kc-t in a lirs oliiM Drug Store. Au EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS TRY THKM, Solé Agenta in City for Otto & Reyndor's co SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS [J ESPECIAL ATTKM'ION GJVKN' TO TH COMPOUNDINO OF I'HV.-ICIANü' PRESCRIPHON and KAMIl.Y MEDICI L268 Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by .dü.B)jg&60un0gigtg.


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