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'States Muamv. o _ -_ . _ O. M. MARTIN', ..HUP IV l-'P;!Xt ITIf" f :il! kln-ls. Porlor mul Bd Room Sots, Mirrors, &c. 83 South Maiu Sireft. F AÏI ME K S' STORE, . _,,._ Main Streot. Ev-rythlng kopt in a first,, wlll b found herc . ■' "TlACK & SCIIMID, nviISRS in Rry Gooda, Oroceries, Crockcrj', fc MSoathMain Street. C. A. LEITEU & CO., nriIKU"! I" DRUGS and ifsctltíne, Pura Wlne snd Liijnors for M-iliciaal Purposes, Cinars &c. Ro. lOrgnry Block. A. WIDENMANN, KROON Exefcatise Broker. Heul EMte nndFire iïnmnce Agent, Ho. 25Sonth Main Street. TRAOY W. ROOT, OONOTTIfíED ü'votvIí of Wwhtenaw Conntv, and jtesl Estáte Exchangc. ' OrfRory Block. "DR. KELLOGG, pjjiCTlCING Physiclan. sntl Pmprtrtor of Br. K'lloüí'8 Cet'brñt-d Remedies, Ann Arbor.Mich. MORRIS II ALE, M. D. SE'IHEXCE and Odice No. 18. cornrr Wilüams and IWnpwyntreeta Reenliir offlfp 1 to 3 p M Advice flud Prepcrïptlons from 0 to 7 P, n. Mch c!a, ftee gratis to the poor. HM "G.E.FROTHINGHAM, M. D., PÉtSIClAIf AKD SCRGEON. Oface over Drutr S'ore N. " Ilurnn rtreet. ResideDCe, No. 35 Ttomp?on street. OIBce honrs, S to 11 A. M , and Km. HULT,, ROBINSON & CO. GR0CKHÍ?. Produce andCommission Merchante, No. (3Sonth Main Street. ELLTS & KISSELL, DïUCfGISTS.anddeal.Ts in l'aints, Oils, etc So.2 Snotb Main Strect, Auu Arbor. . JOHN KECK & OG., DBALERS in Furuiture of all kinds, No.33Soutli treet, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSÍONS, ATTOÜNKY .inri Counsellor at, Peal Estale and [ngurancti Agent. Conveyanciny and Coüection of Claims piomptly attcntcil to 0:1 libera) tering, office on:' cour lonth of First National Baiik, Óp sliii,Sonili Muil! Street, Ann Arbor. ' W. II. JAC K S OS, DEXTIST. siim'Sforto C.B. Potter. Office, Cortior M.'iin jukI Iliinm St reets, over the stnre of K. V. Eilis&Co., Ann Arbor, Slich. Ausestheticfcadminislerctlif requircd. W. F. BREAKEY, M. D. f HTOCtAN AND SUROBÖN. Offlco at resldence, ir of Hnron and JJiviion Strectp, flrpt door Esstoi Presbjterian Church. Ann Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, Dï.M.EJl TN' HAT8 DHÍ Caps Fikj, Straw OooilsOrnts1 Pamlfhlng Qoods, &c , Nu. 7 South Muin dtreet, Ann Arbor. SÏÏT HER L A N D & W&EDO N , UFE and Fire Inearance Agents and dealers in Real . Offlceon nnron" Street. Al9" Bell flrstviwiiii; Machine. W.D. BOLMBS, AtïKNTfor the Florenoo Sewing Machine. and dealer inPitíires, Frames, JSc. Ho. Si E;ist Huron Sireet LEVIS C.IrISDON, IE1I.EE in Ilardwaro. Stoves. House Fnrr.ishing GomJs, Tin Ware. &c..No. 31 South .VkIu Street. ])ACH& AJJBL, DEAL1RS n Dry Gooils. Groceries, &c, &c. No. 2C Suma Main gtrcct, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, BSAI.ER in Dry Goods, Oro';erics, &., Ac. ïio SciMii Hala Street. Ann Aibor. S L AWSON & S0N, 6R0CKJIÍ. ProTlüioB and Commis-Ion Htrnhntl and (l:ilers in Water Li ne. Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris, Ho. U Kast JUnron Street. S. SONDHEIM, HIOLESALF. anci retall ieaM in Beady Mofla ClothiL'.Oioths, (MsviniercA, Vestings. and Gents Karubhlnï Good. No. 9 South Main Streit. W.M. WAGNMIi, DEALER In Ready Vade Clothinpr. Clnths, Cnssiracref acilV,-stini,'i, UatR. Cup', Trunks, Carpct Hsf&c. -Jl outli -Main Street. G IL MORE 'sT FÍS K E, KWKSELL;:ii.S and Statloners, Medica], and Colleje Text Iiooks. School and Minccllancous Biok. No. 3 North Main Street, Greyory Block, Ann Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, lULEBS in Bootf, Rhoes, Gaitcrs, Slippcis &c, _". 2 East Uuron Strwt R. TARRANT, Fasbionable Shoe House, No. 24 South 'liinStruet. QROCKERY, &LASSWARE & GFOCERIES. J. & P. DOXNELLY ""Mnstoraa Inrgealock of Crockur v , 'rlassware "WOVVare.lJiitlcry . Groconcs, Sc., &c.,all tobt 'lounustily l„w prictf. . Ko.lSEtatHmxs3tieet,ADBArbar. ll!tf J.fcP. OOMNELLT. - ■ JOHN Ö. GALL, DEALEB IXT FRESH AND SALT MEAÏS. 1.ARD, SAÜSAGCS, Etc, Jwollsited ndyromptly ITLlcJ with Iho best T1 tle markot. 31 Kast Wa.sliogton ltr9 . Blt,8cpt. lth ISdO. I23itf LIVERY AND S.VLE STABLE. , AXTELL .t EAMAGE, dnnri!f;rM:li" :1":! Cathdrlnertrect. Ilnrccf board fsiaiidbarncsf f„r salo. 1-iSïyi DR-C. R. PORTER, BE1TTIST. a in the KEW BANK BLOCK, ANN AHBOE A11 Operations on the Natural Teeth TT 'K!FOllIE! WITH CMIF.. VNSÜRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTÏFHTlAL TEETU, D T 0IVE EACH KDIVipBALi '"""fth, j,T,v,r ,irí, ,hap,, color, jinntiin tw?ral trprttlio. 1J44 rpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETEOIT, MICH. (ESTABUSIIED IN 1SG7 JOHN' J. BAOIJ5Y, PmainiKT, JAi'Oii - ! 'Aliü Ti, Vice PreaiiUnt. JNO. T. I.IGHKTr, Secretar-. JAMES C. WAÏ.-ON. Actuurr. D. O.FAKKAND,M.D., Mi'tücul Exmniacr. Á .nccoí.ful Michigan Lifn Insurance Compny, organized for Ihe purpOhe of fumishiug Insurance apon iivts at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security, nnd for tbc furlhor purpose of nmn ioííí at home, whieta heretofore bas been sent East, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PERMITS. EA'TIRE MUTAL1TY AND STRICT EQUITY Hark the Kyitem nnd prevail in tl.e distributitn ot MKUAL DHIDENDS TO THE INSÜRED While,by l'rovisions of the Stnle LaT, aüd by litir ow ti terme, ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITABLE. IX.URANCP FURN"I?nED UPON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All tlip BEST KF. TURH5 nfthc O'ul Conip&nieB ADOPTED.alithcir EKROKS AVOIDED. SECÜRITY, ECONOMY, EQÜITY AND THE .WEST, ITS MOTTO. JLy Fof Agencies apply at thc HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Street. JL2 I, ir. THAYER,Gen'l Aupnt. FRBD. L.HAHN, Agent. 1239yl A. WIDENMANÑ7 REAL ESTÁTE AGEIT, ANK ARBOR, MICIi; 3 a cos of land, witltin one half m lo from the city, tobe pold in vhole, or pareéis, as folio Wfl : 24 acres an section 19, In the town of Aon Arbor' borderi k ( n ilic cast on 1lie raad Un'ing to Cornwells' paper milis, and on tho fou li on 15! acreK fiituated n the norttiwet corner of the Go rli un road and the sai-1 Cofswril Factory roid - (TIi;g is f-ne of the hamisoroefst eituations in tlie nighboAood of Ann Arbor. 13% aerea Improved laod joininj? the above 15X cresand fronttng Qorhnm Itoad. orty acre-i of Firft CUtss Fanníntc ÍMn& wiíh pood Orchard njl Barn, 2a miles from tho Court HouafOB upper Dlsbnro road. ere of land with a new t'o story frame house on Thompson, jrpour & Tliooipton's aíiditiun to the City of Aqd Arbor . ]os of li ft ere cach, on Thompson, Spoor k Tbonipson'fl Aiidiiion. acres of land. witli a Kplendid grove, joiiung the Fireuiens i'ark on the Wtet. Hoqm And 124' totfl of lanil, with Ram, WaghKitclKti, Carnaje líoue, and a number of modern improvt nirnts, en hv northwest corner of Fourth and Tackard II.Mio and Lot in the 2d Wrd, on South IJbKtJ Street. , Howta and 3 Lotl in the 2ct Warcl, noar 2J W.-.rtl School lloute. House and 4 Lots(near the U.C.R.R. Pepot. 20 fie res of l.inil in the pouth of the State of Missouri , near the Hannibal tft.Joseph Kailroad, 2 City lo'e nenr 2J Ward School House. A, WIDËNMAN N, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, IIICH. SELLS A1ID BÜYS DKAFTS, -AISÜD ISSUES LETTERS OF C-MÜ1T OX ALL PUiXCIPAL PLACES InfiRFATïïlïTrAlN-,f;FKMAXV.riïAK'"Fi?nTZEIU.ANU, etc. MyUii-efTí cüimtícíUinie wlth Kurope ennblc me to oiïcr a fair rates is nny New VTorK llonce. Rcmcmber. I am nnt hu npent of ftny !'f ''■ n vli ;- count r , but I m ha viiip fiirect cüuiuil; ..;t:;ition i Ith the beit liouses in Europa. COLLECTIONS IN EÏÏROPE BV rOWF.K OF ATTOHNET f?. OTHKRWISK.WH.I BK HKO.MI'TIA' ATTENLED ÏO. PASSAGE TICKETS per Slfflmcr to aml from Kpw Ycik to all prlnci na 1 ]io rts of Luto];c 1 will fccll aw f ollvws I ' From Kew York to Soutbampton, Hivro, Lon'lon Breinen or Uamburïr, lt 0) e. !H CUi , SI ■ SUO. T2. $23 in Gold ReturD ticltetB, 2?,5. 135 61 ' ' From abovo places to Xew Yovk, lstrinss. 2(1 Cluss. 8dL1&ts. Sl-0 S7-J. i0 in Co!'l ï-'rom Xcw York to UTMrpoo), Cabin, tSO to $100 Turrctlcy. S'.'iragc, Í3Ü in CorrencrFrom Liverpool to ICcw Yoil", Cabio, S100. M. WIDENMANN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT .ANISI AKEOE, For the Howarrt linnTanee On. ,in Xow Ynrk , one of oldes caml bCbtCompaplea In tjie cuun;rv. Tlic Ti-tonb Ininrira Cojnp'ïuy in ClèrclaiKl, The lionorablennd safe nanagemrnt ol ibis inütltutíon has made tt onfl of thp moít reliadle Firp InBUranct Coniza niMn tii Wis . I2Ó7J1


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