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A Brave Girl

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ar.d was n descendant of tho oíd Craworcls. iler fnther was a Crawford, tnd b!loived the professioo of guido among he mouutains. Her name was Beesie, ■uid sbe was the only daughtcr rrmainDg at heme - a díirk-eyed, brown-baired Ki 1 ; of slight, but compitct frarrie ; just jotering icr nineteenth year. Her mother hfld been dead several yeais, and upon her devolved the whole core of the lousehold. Oqc dr.y, late in summer, Mr. Craw'ord went, with a party of travelers, away to tbe hend-waters of one ot the many mountain streams tlyit empty into he Saco, and Bessio was left alone. ven tho dogs Latí all gor o with the ileusnre seekers Noar the luiddle of be afternoon, wliile the girl was sitting y ao open window of the front room, engaged in sewing, a man carne up from he road, and nsked her if shu would give him a drink of water. Beesic liad een this mon before, and had not liked lis looks. He was a stout, broad-shouliered. ill-favored fellow, and tbe bits of moss and spikt-s of tbe pines, upon hia clothes, indicaied tbat he had slept in ,be woods. But Bessie did not hesitóte She aid aside her woik and went to get the water. When ehe carne back the man ifld et.tered tho room. Sbe did not ike this, for filie wa sure he had onme n bv the window ; but she handed hira be tin dipper without remark. The man lrank, nud then BPt the dipper down ipon tbe table. Tbcn lie turned upon he girl. and drew a broad-bladed knife 'rom bis f.ockct. 'Look ye, my yoBng lady," lie said, '1 know there'ü money in this house ; and I know tliat you are alone. Show me wbere the money s ! If you don't, [ sil mH kill yuu nd then bunt it np mysclf ! I'm in eaTiest, and tbere ain't no ime to wasto. Don't make a fuss, for f you do you'll fcel this knife quick !'' Bcfiit! elirank lüick, and looknd into :hn man's íucp, and could Pee that be ncant jiipt what he had said. "If I thow you wbere tho money is will you promiso not to do me barm ?' "Show me, honesf, and I wou:t harm you" "Then corne witl me. But you will ialse only the money, - you won't take my fulhei's papers?" "ünly the money,' girl." Besfie led the way to a small bedroom on tlie grounú floor, where tbere was an oíd mahog.'iny burean, theuppcr drawor nf wliich she unlocked. The man, when ho snw thia, tliinking, doubtlc-s, that Cruwford's pold was within Lis grasp, shii t up bis knife snd put it into bis pocket. The girl oponed tbo drawor, un!, quick as thougbt, dew forth a large uavy revolver - ORO with whicli f-lie hcrself had killed a trnpped bear - and cocked it. "Vilhiiti 1" r!o exclaiaoed, plnnting her back against the wall, atid ainiitg the weapon at bis bosom, ' many a wild beaet have I shot with tliipgoocl pistol, and Til now eboot you if' yuu do nol instanlly leave lliis house! I will give you not even a ' scond ! Start, or 1 firo !" The riïffian cotild read human looke as well as couM the mniden, and he conld read very plainly in the fir;n-iet lips, anc in the flasbing eyes - but moro cleirly in the stcady htind that held the pisto! - that plio would not ouly fire, as bIig bac proiiiistd, but that her aini would ba a cure and fala) one. Am! (: bflcked out from tho bedroom - backed into tho sitting-room - then li'iipel from the open window, and disnppt'iiri d. Bcfsie kopt her pistol by her f de j until her faiher and bis guests camo homo ; and wlien hbe had told her story, Ecaicb was made for tbe rufüan. But he was not found. Our beroino bad go tboroughly fiigbtened bim that be uever cübio thnt way again. Know feil at Cheyenno Tuenday. auu -una innen uno conversaron, ne says. Iíow a in:ui falis into conversation, and wlicther lis is nmcti hurt or not, I can not teil. I never saw a man fa.ll into coavqrsation or I slionld proba bly have helped him out and iuquiicd nto liis condiüon. But hero are the ïonorable gentletuan's words: "My acquaintance wiih Mrs. JIcFarand, from the ütroductioD, was n the iollowirig man:. er : I liad fallen nto convcrta'.ion with two ladiea with regard to the rebeliion and the prospects of its suppression. Thoy insisted that ho insurgente would tot, n all probajility be overeóme. I contended that they would. The conversation became so pointed as to be embarrassing to me, as the argument was with the ladies, and hey spoke with much warmth and earnostuesa, althoiigh at the same time ftatng that they were personally in favor of he triumph of the Union cause. Mrs. Mei'arland stood noar by, lisleninar to he disrïufsion, and soon partiuipated in t very warmly nn the same f-ido that I was arguing, whicli, in a fe minutes, dosed the dubate by euabliog me to re,ire f rom it." Now there are some curious circumstances ittending this event. These wo ladies were evident!; diloyal. - What were Ihey doing at the house of Mr. Sinclair while the cruel war was rogresíing 'Í And why did not the patriotic Schujlcr do hia dut.y as a man, and at once administer the iron ciad oaih to these femalft rebels? But he soys he retircd under cover of Mis. McFarland s forward luovement?. He did not even ra'ly on the reserve, but retreated igtioiuir.iouFly, bcliinil the pettioats of his gallant ally. This gives a jad lonk to the vvhole affair, and while ;he Ilon. Sohuyler's chastiiy triumphs lis patiiotism is nt a discount. Now, tho Hon Schuyler stocd at the head of the gailant patriots wl;o remained at borne and fought the enemy in tho rcar. Wc, who rushed viiliantly to the front, alwaVR understood that the trying duiy of the patriot at homo was to run for office, and when he had nolhing else to doto administer the oath of allegiance. And yet, iiere istlic great siay-at-home statcsuian retreating trom the presenoe of two vicious, venomous, outspoken feinnle rebels. Stil, it is pleasant to observe that such iguomiuious retreat did not occur until af'ter the Ilon Schuyler had expreseed bis firra belief that we would evcntually overeóme tho rebels. The confidence is bi.autiful. i ui ii Mnrk Twain produces one of the most striking casos of incanneus on record. He says lic ktiows of an incorporated society which birod a man to blast a rock, and ha was punching powdcr wjtli a crowbar, wheti a premature explosión follov.'i'd sending the man and crowbar out of siglit. Both camc down figaiu all right, and the man went to work promptly. Bu! thongh he was guoe only lifteen minutes, the company " docked him for lost time." A New Haven school roa'm instructing her clafs of girls in. home geograpby, the other day, iiad to esphi n ulmt a Morffiên W) s, and brnught out tiiis pertinent remarle from a littie chit nioe venrs of age : " Well 1 dou't seo liow "they maiiage it. I shonld think if hc kissed onc (f his wives the others would L'ct jealous and puü every Iiair out of her head,. JMy mamma would l'iii suc. A Boston writcr comes to tïie defenso of women ogainut the currout notion that they are pcculiarly addiutcd to gossip, allegrog that in a country groccry aori', amoog barreta of molasses and piie cf salt fish, n:ore gossp is taikcd by tnen in ono evtiinp tbn is heard in all the fann-houEcs in tha town. TiieGrip. - A smart boy, after eatI ing a green apple, exclaimed : "Ob, Tve chewed an Odd Ft-llow !' "Aa Odd Fcllow V" Faid his motlior.11 "Yc-ji, he's {iving me ihe grip." That youngeter will bo somebody yet, ' Í holives loug cnough.


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Michigan Argus