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A Word To The Girls

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Do our young ronien know what it is that strikes one who has been away from the country íor a timo the most unpleasintljr un it is return 'í It is not their 'acea, ascurcdly, hct) for reqularitv of )ut!ine, and dclicncy and frcslincss" ot tint, aro ünsurpassed, indeed aro cot pqualed, by anjthing tlnt one sees abroad, savo in the finest pictures. Nor is it their forms, which nrelithe, supplo, and graceful, witb a spring in the step and a i'reedom cf caniage tiiat are always a delight to the eyes. Nor oan it be said to be their dress; for thougli thcy dress too much, in colors too positivo and decid ed, and are in this respect Car bol; uní tiie Prcnch women, they are yet in advance cf all otherB, Eoeliah, Gorman, or Italian. But it is the voiee, anrl the management of the voice. After looking at our American gids, it is nhnost always a dipappointaient to hear tliem M:oak. What they sav is perlüips well enough, but the tone muí mode in frhioh they say it is not well enough. Their voices are comraonlv too thin and shrill, and hen they are not, are pitched in too high a key. Someliiiii's they como through the nosa a good deul more than is desirable. They have a njetiillic ring, or at least a reedy qnalitv, lilee the toz humana of the organs, and not that soft, lnw and gentío quality, whicli Shakespeare proclaimed so "oxcollent in wonjao." Climoto has no doubt a good deal lo do with this result, for the íhu t ií most perceptible at the North and East, and least perceptible at the South ; but enri'lefBnes has quite na muoli to do with it. Our moth crs nod teachers, wo pu'pcct, do iiot fake much pains to train tbcir childrén (ind pupila into good hnbits of euunoiation. Tlicy nre carefully touglif to Bng, but they are not carefully taujriit to read and to ppenk. Yot moro t'ian h::lt' tlic cliarni of II sacia' intercourse dependa upon t.lic ngreeablc or disogreenble use of thc voic.e. IIow ivpuisivc, when (ne Lus been lost in uhnh-tttion of a bcnutiful face and a uoblo fiuure, lo beár tho mou'h open like the grating of n Iiíiií;g, or tbe "sqaawk" nf a guineafowl ! llow dfilicioua wlion ít, npena witli tlio 8-.vrf!t trillofa flutp, or wilh tlio warble of birds, or with that deep, ricii ínellcw, ard sympatbeüc üquiciity, wbich no othor instfument but tlio liuinau ÍTuoat pver attiuns. - Pxínam's Goorffe Auutus Sala relaten a story told liim by ,!ciT'erson, tho ador, oí liimself, liow thaí mcotiiüj one nitrot á gi.t! whome he liad oncesetmired tiul ne;rl''tc;í, I o imploren her foeivcucs. 'c ü! " replied tbc girl to Jefffrspp, " it ís of no conséq'iifncQ now - uiy fatlicr lias strock i!a. " A farmer finding a dnzrn irilers Ktreclied out on the grouni], offeicil a liüliüír to tlie laziest onc of tha lot. Eleven jaropad tip clniming tlio roward eacli mmi himgflí tí bu th, ! ono. Ti . . ■'. howeper, wns givea to the t.weliiii, who liad slothfully kept bis postion.


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Michigan Argus