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Defected By A Foolish Letter

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The Pittoburg (Pa.) Mail sys tbat about thres weeks ngo a teller in ono of the city banks found at tho close of the day's trausaetions Ihat hig cash was dolicient to tho exle-nt of $500. After mnb frui tiesa scarch, tbo teller came to the conclusión that Le would hare to stnnd the loss. Ono morning ho was surpriseS by tha recoipt of a letter, proposing to restore tho amount if a euitable reward waa paid. It imtnediatoly ocourred to tho teller to compare tbc isguised handwriting with that of each document whioh had passcd through his hands on the day in question. Iu the procesa of n. compaiison more than oneo repeated, he diaooTcrod a draft in which he could traco some indicatioa of similarity. His next stpp was to havo the whole of the drafts of thia individual, writtea nnder every rariaty of circumsUoces, goaght out and carefully ecrutinized. His suspicinr.a were confirnied. Uoing a rpsolut9 fellow, and feeling that dehiy might be dangorous, he supplitd bimeelf with n pij'tol.and with two frioiuls on whom he could rely, took the bold etep of going Jo the hou9e of tho suppeeSixJ farty, ia AIKghany, which was renched t a hite hour in the eveuiug. On obtaining a privato interviw he Btated blnd!y that ha bo'ieved somo PuiDtakö bad taken place between tbem on money rnatterp, which he was desirou3 of hayipg arrnnged In repiy ho rsceived a flat denial of nny euch mistake haviog ocourred. FindiniT tbat mild treatment was in ciTectual, he ltered Liataetic; told him with doterminnd nir that he was in nb mood to be triflod witb, and that he had indubitable evidonce rf 'Lo money baving boen obtained bj hiaa. Tiesinting hu pisiil, hs t!:r'-atened to shoot the twtndler ca the epot if lbo money wss not i'iiracdiately forthcoDiin ïhrown off hia gunrd by the euddon and exiraordipury appeil, the joor raan fel! into a trercrjlous fit eik! uüta el he har! buen overpaid $500. Ha gare tho teller a check for the amouut, oud offered him bocu3 to kcp the matter fröm priblicity. The toller indigjiantly rcfused the ' !t cofir.ted to keep the c ■'- prit'g niiuie frora pablio cotoriety.


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Michigan Argus