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The Reargument In The Salem

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road case took placo iu tbe Supremo Court on Tuesdny and Wednesday, Meesr. Bkakes and Huoiik ocrujiying the time Taesday, and Messrs Pond and LoTimop elosing the caao on WednMday. At the conclusión of the argument the court adjourned to 2 o'clook r. H., jrcstordny, at which time a decisión was lookcd for. We thall be b!e to announce t next weet. Thuriday, 4 o'clook p. m. A dispntch to H. J. Beakis, Eaq., 8js : Meisrs. Camfbill, Coolet and Curistianct hoLd the rnilroad aid laws out and out unconatitutional. Graves disten ta. Tiib threatened Kenian iiiTsnion of Canada culminaied on the 25tb, Wcdnesdnj, tho army for the liberation of Ireland, undor Gen. O'Nïill, Crossing tho linea near St. Albans. The atlmnce unespectedly come in contnet with conoealed Canadian troops, a skirmish ensued, with a reported Feninn loss of one captain wounded, and twelro men killed and misfing. Oen. O'Neill was arregted by United Slatcs Marshal Fostkk, and fiiiling to give bail was sent down to Burlington to jail. The tetegraph reporta a great stir ia Fenian circ!es all througb the country, with both Uuiicd States and Canadian troopg hasteninj; to the border. We don't think thb farce will amount to very much of a tragedy. Tho liberty and catión loving lriihmun are being k'd on by domagogues for pnrgonal end, and how is Ireland to be benefited ? An oocasional skinuish on the Canadi lino can have even no remoto tondency to free Ireland, unles by provoking a war betweon Enp;land nud the United States. Da the politicians who pat the Fenians on tbo biiok (Jcsirc (bat? Tue Dominion ebips and transporta bave finally been permitted to pass through tbe Sault Caual, - provided tbey curry neitber troops nor muuitions of war. We can ace no reason for all this potber, nor any for the distinotion made. Tbis Government has no treaty relations wit ii tbe so-ealled Iteill Goverament, nor ba even recognized the Red River rebela m bollierinti, and re can sce no reason why truopi and munitions should not ge, through the canal en route for Fort Williams. This pandering to tbe Fenians, who are doiDg uotbing to freo Ireland, is working no good to li ishincn and is keeping up a commotion on our border that sooncr or later may breed war. Tnï Civil Soviet Journal having de fonded tho administration agaÍDSt the nttaclíB of Dawbs, and having censured ono Thos. L. Tullock, Ilevenue officer, ít is annoanced that its editor, J. Fred Meters, formerly of tbis State, hastherefor been dieruissed frora a olerkship he aas held in the Trttasury Department, íinco the iocomiDg thereto of Secretary Chase. Ig thero " a power behind the throne groater than the throne itielf?" If not, Grant should read the leader in the Journal oí the 21et and order a reinstatsraent. General Butler is reported as Rivln;; ten thousamt dollars towanl the establishment of Joliu Hnssell Younjj's paper, the New York Standard, and tírant is credlted with ivfng the same amouot. Eight others gave an equal snm each.- Fïee Treïs. ííot a emart itemizer that. He might iave iiiflieted it npnn hts readeri as i'utli :f ho had omitted the Grant part. Grant's mazim i : " It is mor blessed o reoeirethan to give." Wemightswalow Bütler's and eigbt others but our tomacb rorolts at Giunt's attribruted □providence. The Hon. W. D. Kelley, of Pn., has ent us a speech of bis, delivered Maroh 25tb, 1870, of which liis test is : " Farners, mechanica, and laborera need proection - Capital can takecare of itsolf " which is the reason why E. B. WaitD and uch mechanica and laborera so besiege Jongress frora sesaion to scision. We are glad Keli.kt has tolj us. Tito total araonnt, up to this time, of 'lüladelphia contribntions to the Richniond sufltucrs is $14,1SC. $100,000 would have been ra:sed for an incoming President, or for a General of tho Army - with patronage to son rol- in ooo fourth tho time. The sufferiDg poor of Richmond havo no busuess to let even the gaddest of accidenta briDgthem in opposition to the gift enterprise of Uit day. In the House of Representativos, on Moud'ay, tho Committee on Elections reportcd iu favor of Stkadkr, Doinocrat, frora the Srst Ohio district, whoso seat was contested by Kqglvstok; atid a'so in fuvor of Adams, Democrat, of the tightb Kentucky district, one Bahns being the contestant. Is tbc world coming to an end ? lost Now York by a míjority exoeeding 80,000, the Itepublicans aro contoling themselvcs with tbc hope of carryiog Oregon, in June, by a majority of from 300 to 500. "Counting cbickens befara they ore hatched," and being "tbankful for small favors" - iü advanco. lioTii branches of Congtess have paeged re8olutioa proiding for a in$ dit adjournmont on the 15th day of July by which tirno it is presumed they will have exhausted the trea9iiry. New Orleans is opening a Irado with lio Janeiro, tbe first shipment of the oaon boing ahout 3,500 barrels of our, as return cargo for a coffee bark. The elegant icsidetice of ex-Senator andorson, at Madison, WiacotiKin, was tnuck by lightning on Saturday night, ud, with content, burn.-sd to tiie ground Lom Í20.000 ; iuturud for $15,000,


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