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New York, May '-'-Mi. The eme In the monej market is ghown by the low rate of interest, whfch is 5@5 per ceut ón government collaterals, with exceptrons ai low as 5i. Thlt is oneeffec: of the largo accirmuiation of money ttre. Aoother Is a mirkeel tendeucy to auother speculative movement in Wall street, all the mark ets to-day belng etronger and higher. Gold rangcd [o the fractions about 114. Tho advance in the prlcc of wheat for the past few weeks which culminated sbout a weeka;;o, his perceptibly ttlmula ted busiMS8 iu the city. Western dealers have more conflJt'iifc, and as the farmers havesecmed willing toaell U the ndvauced rates, thcy have more money to pay tvilh than dnriug the winter and early spi ing. Raw :otton is dull, with a declino of a fractiou, eelling at 23. Cotton eoods are qulet. The more favorable Hpect of the wheat market for the past few weeks have received a markcd check, prices closing con6iderably bclow Ihose of a weck ngo, although to-dny there Is a favorable reactiou, and prlcos are higher than for the patt two or thrce days. Tho inclications iré favorable for fair prices for the coming erop, though wtr prices must not be expected. The export of wheat thu far the present yenr are nearly louble thosd oí the eamo period iu lfto, and there ís now no apparent reason to anticípate a le?s do mand for the nt'it year. The prospecta for wool are uot as hopeful. At present thpro is do di&posiiion to icnd commiesions west for bnying tho coming clip. maiuifacturcrs gencrally finding it more to thcir advautatïc to buy of jobbers and commission dealerp in tho easteru markets, unless wheu their sources of iiipply are deficiënt, auJ presstn wants rentier t necessary to buy dircctly froni the producers. Bncb is not Ihe case the prMeni ycar, and tho wool trace wiil bcleft more in the hands of déniers ihnn usual. Pricoíit is believed wlll range below thote of last year, still, as sll the iuformation we can L(t from the eftlt comes from thoe 6 whow interest it is to depre, ciate prlcas , farmers ahould uot , bc iu hasta to stil their wool for a suiiiï. DrrnoiT, M.iy 2ö, The buik of tho " spring business " isuuderetood to be over, hut it requires some stretch of tlie imygInatlon to lix sjiy timp witbia Ihtpatt yotx wfaen there ha been mach of a riiíh. The tintbls, that nhliuii;'!] a fair liv ii l)niuoss has been doiny sincc tlie opetdng of apringi bnslnua In Rencra] lias beeu tnjtblDg but lucrativc mul manj will havo to live on luipc for a bitter time j't. Good cropa acd good prices wonld bring soinetliing Hke a return or for BH bnttoaw nctivlty. prices of wheat and fliinr keep well up, umi are tpptrtntlj not nfleclfd ]y the downward movement east. Reofilptfl and eales aro more than average for tlio eeason This is a goud indication, for as Detroit numbers raong lts bulacu men some of tho bast graln merchnuts in tho coun try, the fact of tlieir buyinyat present jüiees shows their estímate of the future of the market. Coarse jrndBfl are nominal, and llttle doin iu general proüurc.. Hutter is wcak at a decline. Kgs aro ralhor firin at quotatlons, with tho supply harclly np to the demand. Fecd Is weaker, and brau decliuej, wlLh sale at 1C. Maple sugnr, 13'lTc. Tbe Wool Markct. Kelntlvc to the Boston market of last week the Jiiilletin suys : In tho wool market there lias been a fair trfido tluring the past week, but at a low range of prices. Holden re mxiotis to :lose out thclr stocks of olil wool in onler io be preparad to takc hokt of thenew clip, nul henee are offèrlns liberal iiuluccments .o bayers. These intlucements are sulü:lent to infliience the latter to supply their vants freely, In view of the prospect of a ;ootl Fa!l ttiiilc In manufactura! pnxlucts. V.itH liberal supplies of old wool in the lands of actual consuméis, at the of h) season, tlcre will ie loss necessitr of their gotng luto the prodaciDg regions and COmpeti Dg wit h dealers iu huying up the nevvclip. If the iormcr will takc the seasonecl staple whicli is now offered them alinost at tlieir owd prices, and be content to stand loof while the clip 11 being marketed, tliey will paraas a course very mach to tlieir own ftdv&Dtage, Tliere is old woo! enough present purposes ; and, ivith the Spring clip of California now coming npou the market, to gupply any deticiency In grade, there can be no hurry In secarlos the erop of the West. If consumera and dealers do not rush In and bid agnlnst each other, as lias been tlieir practice in years past, this erop will open at prices which will not lead to dlaappolntmenta and loses at a later periocl of theseason. Some grades of flomestic fleece, particularly comblng, and medium and extra clothing, 'are sold ratlicr close up. But fine doublé extra flecces are In fair supply for the Beason and offer] ng at relatively low prices. These have liitherto been held abovo the views of boyera, but holden havu made up their ininds that there is no chance for Improve inent, in view of the low range of goods prices, and henee are now mectingthe market freely at a furthcr couccsslon. Comblng WOOls are scaree and wanted. Pulled wools are sclling freely and ín large lots, but at prices ruling decidedly iu favor of the buyer. California wool of the spring clip is bezinning to arrive, and some small lots have been sold at good prices. Thls wool is lighter and in better condition than any over before received from that State, and henee is attracting an unusual degrec of attent on from manufneturers. Foreign wools, of the low as w ell as the fine grades, are in liet ter deinand, though prices offered lor tbVlattcr are hardly mitisfactory to Importers. Sales of domestic for the week have been large and foot up over 1,000,000 Ibs at a range of 43@51c for fleece, and 35 @50c for the various grades of pulled. The X. Y. Economist of the 21st says, relative to that market : During the week under review ïhcre has been a fair amount of business done, but at a still further reduction in ratcs, as dealers have made up their mluds to sellat such prices as manufacturers would be wltling to buy at. Tho general txpectatien now is, that wool will be bought at low figures, nnd at low figures it shonld be bought vvcll. A few facts should le kept in view at the present time which may be of some service in the future. It was cnrrently reported in the Fall that the West had boen well clcaned out of tvool. This was assiïned as a reason why dealers should hokl on to their wool ; and beside, the amount of pulled wool would be ïnneh smaller than it was in 1868, than in 1800, because so many slieep had been siaughtered, and henee, that wool would be very scaree. Now, what are the facts in the case? Notwithstanding the tremendous slaughtcr of sheep in 1808, there was no scarcity of wool in 1809 ; that the ([uantity of wool which has been received Kast slnce the lst Of Jannary has been largcr - much l'irger - than doringthe same months of 1869, that the amonnt of pulled wool put upon the market has been, if anythlng, larger than in 1808. The prlcea of goods have been lower tlinn last ycar, everything which conld be said has beensaid and done to keep up prices, but all of 110 avail ; facts have been too stubborn ; the wool continúes to come. In the middle of February tratle dropped, and wc had a few weeks of the dullest oí trade known for a long time, but wool continned to pour into the Eastvrn marJcet. Trade continued dull in March, but still the wool carne in. Through April the samu du)Iness.prevailed ; yet wool continued to come, nnd on the lst of Afay there was more wool in the Kastcrn market than on the lst of February. The nmount of lincee wool, no doubt, was less, but the accumuhuion of pulled was large, and yet mauyofthe fliinnel milis running shor time or but a small amount of their ma chinery. It inay be said that there is now only small amount of wool in the market; bn if the wool is not in the market it is in th milis. The milis are stocking up so tha wo sliall have manufacturera running to tl West to boy wool ; aud dealers ever; whore- it 110 differente whether Ea: or West - onght to bear in mind that wool is becuning scaree In Pennsylvania in Ohio, in York State, and in Michigan, is rapidly inereasing in Idwb, Kttnsa Nebraska, Minnesota, California, Oregon Texas, Missouri, and every other Souther State; and witli the exception of combln wool and carpet wools it will be found tha we have now a large supply of clothin wools produced Iu the couutry. BKTUOIT PRODUCE MARKET.- The rollowln iiri-rc-ciii the curren t net pricevroallM bycommision dealere .iud areciirefully revisedever week. for theABOül, by onr Detrüitcorreiipoiiden DedactloDI fr1 m thePe priers f-T C"mmi?pii'iis an( charges, will show the net ratea tofirst banda : Apyle,- Dricd, SgSJc ; Green per bbl. Í4.0C jjttrley- perewt. . l.r0i21 0 forNol BefBwnx - pp.rll. 3.5. Beans- white, $I.E('(?1.fn Butler- Koll and crock :5íjí. Hrkin. S9WÍ4. Chcesc- MichicnnFactory, 1855.19. Dalry. 14@T6. Chickens - drepsed, perlb. ,1T(í1S. Oorn- perbu., Mrl.M. Cranberric- Per bbl $(i.00@14.C0 for wild. Kffii - pordoz., HictlTir. llider- dry. perlb. ,lii(c$tsc-:, IS', c. CalffSkins- Green. Kliltct dry, 2!@S7. ShccpSkins- 60M1.ÚO; lnmb skin40ffl60. IIoj)v - New, perlb., T@llC. LaM - perlb.. 17c. Oate - ïJer bu. 60c. Onioiis- per bbl. Í SC(S)2JS. PotntoeF - No market. Tallow-SifiSc. Tnrkeya- drcsseil. perlb. ,19iï20c. What- extra vhile.I.62öl.53; No, l.$1.44@1.45 .Amber, I.ï4wii.25. A AKBOR IMIOIH ( i: n.MKETS. Ano'is Oppicë, May 30, 1870. We quote this afto.rnoou nu follovrg : WITE AT- White. 135c: Red, 110e BDi'K WIIEAT- 7SC. (;oRX-:ricii Oats- ssc. beans-ü.16. BUTTER- SOaSüc. ECiOS- I2c. LARl)_l(lc. AI'PLES- .-0@C(1c. I'OT T()KS- 152Oc. caiCKENS-Hc. TUirKET- 10c.


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Michigan Argus