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The tticliigan Central Railroad. NEW TIME TABLE. Train? on the M i i-Tr-i n Centrul Railroad nor leay stations iiaincd au fullows : GOIKG WEST. Muil Fast Dexter'g. Pncidc Train. Kx. Ace. Ex. Ex. Detroit, 0.50 a m 7.30 AM 4 Hl r 6.4 PM 'J.U m Ypsilantl, 8.33 " 8-28 " 6.35 " 7.02 " 10.08" Aun Albor, R.5Ï " 8.43 " 600 " 7.2.r " 10.-J5 " Dexter, 9 25 " ' 6.S8 " 7.56 " Chelsca. 9 45 " " ' 8.15 " Jackion, 1045 "9.45 " 9.15" 11.45" K'ihimazco, Ï.05 r U 11.81 Á m 12.16 1 1.58.A M Cllicago, S.05 " 4 00 r m C 50 " 7.10 " QOINO XA6T. Atlantic Nieht Dexter Mali Fast N. T. Ex. Ex. Ace. Train. Ex. 0MC12O, 6.15 vk 9.00 F.M 6 00 Al 11.30a II Kalamasoo, 10.88 " 2.ú a m '■ 3.5'J r v .Jackeon, 1.05 A 4 36" 5.05 TM S.45 " Cheisia, 5.25" A.M. 5.02" Dexter, 5.40" 6.10 8.20" Ann Arbor, 2.20 " 0.00" 6 45 8.60" 6.45 ' YpnllantÜ " " 6 50 " T1 -W " 7.02 " Detroit, 8.45" 7.50" 8.40 6.40" 7.55" Datert. May 20th, 1870. "ivTEETING OF TAX-PAYERS. Notico ia hereby elven thnt n nieotin of the tax payers of the dty of AnnArtor, wbo ru electora w:il be held -'it. B&remen'a Huil. in this city, on Tuee i:iv, the "'■' dy of May, A. D. 1870, to vote upo tlii propoaitlon Bubmltded by Ibe Commoii Ooqdc) wbether mono7 slüill bfl ralved by tnx ro the nmoun aart for :tny or all tfi pnrpose heroiDnftor Bpeclfle jhrti - Kilit hundrM dollars to pnrehase hose an( conpllngg mi ili" li 'e Department. Seeona - On thouaand flollars to luiiUl a towerant parchase ti bel! for lm Hre Department Third Eijjlit hnndred dollars to bnild public cis tern?. , J'ourih- To pnrcliaPC right of wny of West Jefler son Street to Mitin ílreet. Tbe poll will be i'iied from 11 o'clock a. m. to ocïook r. m. ól :iitl duy. l)y order of the Common Conncil, W. D. UAKKI.MAN, Mayor. CHAS. H. MAMLT, Becordtr. Ann Arbor, Muy 24th, 1S70. 1271wl Estáte John Evcrett. OTATE OF MICHTG AN, Connty of Washtonaw, pa O At a sesslon of the Probate Oonrt for the Connty ofWaihtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflii-c, in tbe City "f Au" Arbor, on Batnrday, the twonty-flret day ol May, in the year onc thousand eij-ht hun (Irétl and BflTenty. Pres-int. Ilinim .T. l!-nkop, .Tndire of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John Evcrett, om r '-acune and fllinc the petitinn dnly vcrincdof Anaon Dolph, praylng that John ü. Waterman, or soma other imitable pereoB inny 1; appolnted Ad minlatrator of the eetftt of said deceased, Thereouon it s Ordered.thatTneaday.thetwenty first day of Juni-, noxt. t len O'clock in the roreDOon, be asalaied for the hearing of said peütion, and thnt iho helra !t lan of said aeceaaed, and all other pemona InteMtted in aald eatate, are rfnulrcd to appear al a o.son ofluaCoorl theo tobe holden atthe Probate Ofllce, In the city of Ann Arbor, lid kIiow CanM, il any thera bo.whj the prayer of the petltloner hould not be emnted: Andit . iifnrtherordcred.thnt :iidpititioncr civeno. ;lcetotheperonelntereatedlnialaetateof thcpi.nlency cvf :iid petltlon, and thi' Ibereof, by canauiea copj of this Order tobepnbltohed Inthc Vichiqan .1 ..'■, .-.newspaperprintod ond clrcnlatlng n siiil connty, threoancceaalre weeks ptevioiuto Ta uL HlRAM .1 BB ARM r.71td Juiaeof Prob4. Estáte of Benjamin Cole. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Washtcnaw, ss. 0 At a Mêsion f the Probate Court for the Cotiuty uf Waithtenaw, holden at Lhe Probate Office, in thn City of Ann Arbor, on Thuredny, the twelftb day Of May, iu the year one thousand eight bundred and seventy. I're-mt, Hirnm J. Benkef. Jnöttt of Probate. In the m;it of the state of Benjamin Cole, doooatofl On n-ruUntr and filitif; the petition, daly verlfied, of Iltiiiry F. Hammond, Adniiulptrutor, praylng that he m&y b llcensed to sol] cciuin rval otate whcreof Bala decenscd died seized Thoreupou it Isonlerwi, thnt Momlay, thetwentyBcventh day of Juue next, at ten o'clock in thp foreDOOtt, b IMgiked for the hearing of ttld petition, and thftl the huirs nt law of Huid devensod, and all other penóos lntoretdtiicald eatate, are reqnJred to app(Mir at a fli'sion of enid Court, tlicn to bc holden, at the l'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show CHiisc, lf nny there be, why the praycr of the petiiloner "hould not he crñutcd : And it !■ furih-r nrdurcd. thaf aid potltioner pive DOtíce to the persona iotcrestcd in eald estáte, of the pendency of eaid petition t stkI the hearing Ihereof. by CftQfftng a copy of this on'rr to be pul1iehed Ín MckiffCM Artus, a ïii-wü :i[i t, priuted and circulatí'r in said Cniinry, four nuccesöivc weeks previoaa tu eaid day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1271 Judgeof Probate. Estáte of Irwin P. Baker. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, ss. At ;i sePKinn of the ProboteCourt for the Courity of Wnshteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday. the cighteenth day o( May, in the ycar one thousand eight hundred and seventy. Krescnt, Ilirara J. Beakcs, Jndpe of Probatfi. In the matter of the etote of Irwin P. Baker, deceased. On reading and filing the petition. duly verlfled, of Maneite B. Qibbs, praying that Egbert Y. Lowe, 01 some othcr suitahle person, may bu appoïuted Adminlstrntor of the elate of said üeceaHed. Then'upon it ia ordered, that Monday, the tweDticth d-iy of June sext, at ten oclock in the forenonn, hc as&igncd for the hearing of Baid petition. and that the li-ira At law of said twi-rd, and all other persons interestcd in said entat are refjwiied to appear at a teaslon of enid Court, then tobe hoUiun, at the Probóte Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cnuae, if any thcre be, why the prayer of the petitionor shonld r.ot bfl grantod : And il is further oidored, that said petitioner glve notice t( tin; persons interesled in said estáte, of the pendency of Baid petition, and the hearing the reo f. by cauftiugacopy of thU order to be pubíishfd in the Michigan Argos, a uowspaper printed and circulating in snid Coanty, three eucceiaive weeks previona to said dny of hearing. (A truc copy.) IIIHAM .T . BEAKES, 12T0 Jude of Probate. Estáte of Samuel M. Fay, DTATE OP MICniöAN. County of Washtenaw.F. O Notice iti herebygiven, that hy an orderof the Probate Court for the Counry of Wa?htenaw, made on the tnenty-third day of May, A. D. 1870, six montha from that date wore allowed for crethtorR lo present their claims against the estatti of Samuel M. Fíiy, late of said County. deceaeí, and that all creditors of said deceascd are requircd to preaci.t their clairai to said Probate Court. at the Probate Office in thp city cf Ann Arbor, for examination and allownuce, on or beforw the twenty-thirdday of November next, and that such claims will be heard before said Probate Conrt, on S.-itnrtlay, the twentythird dy of July, and on Wcdaeeday, the twentythird day of November next, at ten oYlotk iu the forenoon of each of those dnys. Dated. Aun Arbor, May 23d A. !.♦ Í3T0. HIKAM J. BEAKES. M7t Judge of Probate. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty oí Washtcnaw.BS. OThc midersifrued Inving been a ppointed by the Probate Conrt for saíd Cuunty, Comraiseionersto recciveT examine, and adjnptall claims and. riemamls oí all persons agaïn&t the estáte of Eber Pattee, late of eaid Coimty, deceased, hereby givn notico that nx raonths from date are allowedby order of eaid Probate Conrt for r.reditoretonrescntt hei r cl'umsrtgaínBttbeestatcofsaiddeceaaiíd, aucltliattbey will meeC at the office oí Joslin A Blodgct in the City of ypsilfinti, in said Cöiint'y on Saturday, the second dy of July, aud Mouday, the twentyflrst day of November, next, at teu oclock A. M. of each of sald days} to receive, examiue and adjust said clftimi. Datcd, May 20th,A.P. TfiTO. AMOS C BLODGET, í firtram'..-nníirü t271 FRANK JOSLÏN, JCommissioners, NOW OPENING, AT WIW. WACNER'S, An E legan tand Large Stock of SPRING AID SDHHER GOODS, INCLI'PING CLOTHS, CaSSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUÁL1TIES WHICH HEOFERS LOWER thanEVEK Also in Store a large stoek of READY-MADE CLOTHINÖ AND Gents' FÜRNISHING Good?. OARMF.STSMADEIO ORDEBIN THE büst st"ütx:ej Allo LADIES'andGEMTS' MOROCCO. SATCHELS No. 21. South Mal Street- Et fd. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1AM WAGHER. Ann Arbor, Míj, 1870. A RE YOUüOING TO BTTIUD P We will furnish Large Bill6 of Lumbar as Low as any doaler in Michigan. We solicit no patronage escept such as your utercst will give us. Let u-i make figures on your hitts bef ore you go away f rom home to purchase. ó ,2co E. BLOOD & CO. WM. M. SINCLAIR, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN GRAIN AND FLOUH, EOOM 16, 1D4 LnSALLE STREET, CIIICAGO. IJíOyl Manufaeturer of Wa? $J Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLKIGBS of ever ftyif, mailp cjf lh bi material. ftn4 irwnoted, Kcpairinr dooe prnuptlv, anít pT:c( r'1!""11"' Detroit Street, nparK.lí. Dppot, Ann Albor, Hich, lüTOjrl rjilIAT MAGNIFICÉÑT" Ice Cream SODA Fountain, Ts nmv in fu II Wn1 Itt tho Cltj Arcade. Cusíomern urc reduceil to ZEUO by takius one fítnss. ICE CttlfiAM SBItVKD AT ALL ÜOURS! I n the Restaurant. Come riirlit along and getcouled CLARK & CROPSKV, tpOIt SALE CIIEA1' FOK READY PAY. The west h.ilf of tne southwest qunrtcr of sectïon two (), feown of SnJine, tYonty acre umler impFOvain'-nt, the bnlaiice cood tlmbcr. Inquire at L. C. Rlsdon'a llnrdwurc Store, 81 Suuth Main Slreet, Ann Arbor, Micn. L. C. RTSDON. Ann Arbor, Mny 18, 1370. lSTOmW QOxME AGAflT WITH A FUI.I. STOOK OI CABINET-WARE, TO HE SOr.D CHEAPER IHAH ANYVVHKRK :i,si: ix tuk state, at jus oi.d stork, main STRI-ET, AN.V AKBOR. I" IVE ÜEKSE FËATHËRS PIBST CITT-A.IjIT'2', Cunstantlyou hand niu! forsaleby BACII 4BZL. 3,OOO FEISTOE POSTS ! QuantilT of Whttn Oik Floortng. and 1,000 Cord ' Wood, for nr by IMMf N. D. COLE. E. J. JOHNSON, At No. 7 South Mam Street STILL HAS A HAT OB, 2 I-EFT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season, Wluchwill bcsold LOWEE TH-A-IST EVER 1 AL8O A LARGE3TOCK OF GLOVES, (IÍI.URS, NECK TIE8, IIAirSKERCHIEFS, SATCHELS, CANES, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. Plp.ftfio ca)] and examine my gouds before purcha inj elnewhere . fc May, 1STO NN AEBOR AQAINSr THE STATE IN THE FURNTTURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin against Ann Arbor Don 't Toiget hls Old Stand. TF YOU WANT A SUMMER HAT, JF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A "Hat as is a Hat," JF YOU WANT Hats Cheap- for Cash. JF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, GO TO A.. A. TEREY'S 15 Soutta Main Street. Where .vu will alm flad a fu 11 Ime of Gent Furnishiug (jou'ir-. Ann Arbfr, My, 1870. lS49jl JPURNITURE CHE JL.F I The ana Kest stock i'n the city, of all v rietiL-s and stjle, at the Store of O. AI. MARTIN. T ADÍES' FA8HIONABLE SHOE HOUSE 24 South Main Streít , PeaUr in LADIE'3 BOOTS AND SHOES THE NEWEST STYLES IN Kid, Calí, and Cloth, AlSrvjfon hand, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. It ÏOL WAMT A BOOT, A GAITKR, A BTTSKUST, OE A SLIPPKR. CALL AND KXAMINE HTS STOCK BEFORE PUP CHAfIXG. FRICES LOWÊR r.han the LOWESX R. TARRANT. Ann Arhor.May 18T0. TiTONEtf CAN NOT BUY IT. FOR SIGHT lPRICELESS THE TMAMOXD GLAS?FS, Miinu'aciiire'l bj J. R. Spencer ft Co.,N. Y. which ure now offered t-the public, ii rn prontunce'l bv all lli ce!cbrat'il Optidaniiof the World lo 'e the Most Perfect, Xaiuüil, Ariitwial hfllp t tïic human ■"■ evf r koown . Th e y are groiiod umter thei r own ■uptrrMoa, f rom minute Cryetal Pfbhlcfl, m'lttl toptther, tul derive tli ei i name, " Dia mood ," on ncco'int of the ir ha rlri" - .ui'l brlïlimicy Thi Sienlific Principie un whirh thev fti1 OOIUtniettd bring? tht core orcfn tre of he lenu dlrcotljr in front of the eye, proiiucing n clrar nnd (tixtinct viHion, an ín tbe natural, heftlthy siilit, and jireventini; alt unpleisant Hpnsatini), such s jfÜramerins and wa%'oring of sight, tl i ti i -i ■;, kr. ., pee ti liar to all nth(rA ia u". Thpy nremountpd in tbe FINK-ST MANNKR, in's of the best qualitj, of all mstoriuls QMd fot that purpose. Their tinih anH durnbility cannot b nurpas=el. CAUTION'. - None genuine unlenn beatiag their trarie mnrk starnpptl ou eTery franif. .T. 0. WATTS & BRO., Jpwelem and Optieiann, are solengents for AXV ARBOR, MUH.f from whom the y can only be ntained. These goodt are not lupplicd to iVdlrt at any price. 130Y1 yjARTJISS'S Ib tlieplae to get anythtog you want lo the FURNITüRE LINE! HE Y.TLL KOT BK LXDKRSO.LD. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Medicines ,Paints, Oils, &c. piNLEY LEWIS, Gentlemaii's Opera Boots. " Furgeson Button Boots. French Coogress Gaitera. " Creóle " " " Serge " " " Scotch Tic. " All Rights. " Oxford Tics. Inttbort, Full Line of Gentlemen' Bout aoi) hoes , Boy's and Yonth's Boots and Shoes, Great Variety, and MEM' HEAVY WORK, haat iii'Ur of all kinds. nadies' Frcnch Kid Button. 11 Foxed " " " Serge " " " Polish. Miases' Brouxe, " and ButtoD. " Serge, " " Child's " " 'i Weask the particular atttntio of tlie laliti t OTJR FINE WOEK WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IX THE STATE, and in Trice FAR BELOW DETROIT FIGURES OUR WOPK WAUHANTED AS HKrltFiEHTED 1263 A un Arbor AgricuHurul Co. FARMER'S A ITENTTON. lïend the folijwing, whiclh i ui tïve greatext ins portancw to vuti : Aan Avbor.Sept. 1, 1869. JobQiloBt Huntlj A Co : - tien -I purchased out of yonr KcrtfuTH of Kinin'jfji'i & Howard Liet seuiOD. ntid have gÍT6D it a t horowgh ti ial, and can trulv ngj thut it wolk" likr a tlifntc ol Ufe. cuttiog ludgvd uai tanglecl fin. and itcking it up with thote lmntr haman KIBHi in imich betu-r nhxpe tlmn could t tlone ïiv li.u.'l, lcAving m t. a ppear hchiud. ] ihinit its llghtoeM of driit't, iïtli dl cut,(6 feet) nimplicj. tj and H'iaptnbiüty to 11 kinds of grata, eOBiblrtM tnakc it the best Keaper extant, 1,. M . LYON. We, the unilersigDfH , furckasei. .TofanKton Rtaers, and fullj cuncur in tbfl ftB6T f-taif ment : Jobo (Í . Kocb, TilufieM. Tinuithej Fohej, Webitcc .lolin Prego Ji ' Joha Cnvlt" I);ki'! Vangcion ' FJUha ('imikhi, K. C. IIiiDter.South hyan. Thomas Ü'Bric . nenrjConlin, Nnrthiiild. Nbmi UsWrni ScW. JcVAl M:i rstj , Seio. And re w Mead, A un ArBor, Charlea S'olsteimer, S io. Lcwís Kritz,-íícfo. TUese mrcliints re iraprore) lor th jer 1S7Ö, ha%e a Duiding attachment , ui are ío ale by the Aun Arlior Atfrículturu I Compuny, micce.--sori "lo I,, Moore Jt Son ard Finnrpan Jt Howard. We alp Vttp ñ l.irge aappljr of tb following raacblDM wjth íropjiiu- aitachmvnts and JofaDfltOO flfrak-. Thfie macbines havp no (-qtinlin Ote markf-t TbeyfaaTi taken all the prizesattbe MTemit trials ip the State i past t o yenrii, and in no case have thcy faiteJ ti 0OU16 ("IT victurioua : The World, TTe Exeeleïir, The Champion, Tlie Hohbard, TheRs8"ll. The Hall. Theie machines kave nerir failed to gtve kb tixfac tion to the pin t.:t s. i ■ , :itd ure 1 g h ter draf t . iiaot othor tniichuifa. We !. setl the ioilowing Thttiti i Dg MacbiBvi : TheGenuioe PitW, The T.irnao. The, The Marfsitoii r TheGtonnfc Hall,. The Vibrator. URA1N DRIïXS - "manufaetorcthe celebritfi Keynt one Drill, whrch for einipücity, a'-curacy and dur:il-i1ity, have no cuperior". We warrant rerj lrill to perfrtrm ae rep;ef;ented nr no ya1e. iVf aly keep Drills inanufat-ttired by other parties. nilrt prep&rad to furnlsb aoj deaircd articlo on theihort(-.f notie.-. We an ir'imreil to do all kinds of repairinsj cf farm macliinpry, sucb ss líe Hpers, Mors, Tbresharft, Horse Powenr, ■(, v heeon. Uptlj oü band a tarffestoek "t'Aericultural IoüpUments, plowts . harrows, whoel eultivatnr, ftedntf she-l lera, col-! ron ketilep, power jack anrí sawinir in.H.l.iru-.. all otoaï on mamtfcture.and w will cil nt the kun al pu.ssible tïit re. We wouM re.-pectfully invite all part ie. ttihlngr to purcli any article in ourUiie f rom a ploit noint to a thrti Ing niHclitne to cal! and see u& before pu rchasing, Tor we II tfivc tïiein bHer goort, bitter termn,,airf lower prtdrt t han can b obiained eUovheri'. N.B - Kemember iVe niMnufáeture none but fimtrlarr good, and 11 uiider.ell all compeftorr. Cal f and sce us artd "t f ron $ to J O per cent., nï (f et ifoidi that a re warrnted to be up to the ntni ara. A ful! stock of extras keptconUntly on hanii for the ÜulTaio Pitt'M Thresher. I ATHJC SCREtt' CUTTÏNG of all kinds don on nhoi-t autlo. Office and Mltaroom, junction of Detroit and Fourth Sti. Fnundry ani Michine Shop, Fifth Wrd, oppoiile 81 o c lal ra' Mills, ]26ni3 200 PIECES CnOICE SYTLES, LIGHT PRISft 1 200 PIECES 1 DABK, PERFECTLY FAST GOLORS At 10c. Per Yard, Just Received, at MAYiVARD'S. üOMETHirSG JVEW IN DRESS GOODS! SHAWLS, WHITE G00DS, Gloves, Hosiery, Aud Domestica, Received Almost Daily, at MAYNAKD'S. (JHOICE GiíEEN TEA AT 80 CENTS, THE BEST BLACK TEA IN THE CITY FOR $1.25, -A.T MAYNARD'S. 12C0n 1 $ïö;ööOëwaëdT" GBBAT mmWñ ! ! AMONG FARMEItS. WILL TAY TUK HIGHKST cash PRICI8 FOK GOOU WHEAT. ALI. FARMERS WH.I. H" WKI.i TO CALI. THERE BEFOHB SKM.1NO tLSEnriJEBR BRINQ YOVH GOOD WIIÏAT TO SCIU UII.I.S. 1200 N. W. BRÏGGS, Scio. pOFFINS AND CASiiS ( A FULL STOCK AT MARTIN'S ALL CAIXS PROMITLY ATTKNDED TO. 'DEOPLK'S DKUG STOxyiii R, W. ELLIS & CO' Í


Old News
Michigan Argus