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Primary School And Library Moneys

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Wc liavc obtaioed froiu the oflloc of the County Clerk a statement of the Priraary School Monc-ys apportloned by the Superintendent to tlie sevcral toWDS inthis county. Tlie total amount la $6,091.95 ; the number ofchlldrea, 12,634; and tlie ratio, 48 cents perscholar. We have also procured from the County Trcasurer a statement of the Fine Moneys apportloned by hiru. The gross ainount is (89.81, and the ratio less than one-thlrd of a cent to the scholar. We give the table: School Fine Children Money. Müiiv. AugQBte, 'lilü $ 23N.08 $1.00 Anu Arbor City, 2,208 1,088.64 7.19 Town, 317 15S.18 69 Brldgewater, 850 170.88 1.12 Dezter, 817 T52.16 1)9 Freedom, 525 252.00 1.05 Lima, 337 lÜi.Tli Í.06 Lodl, 850 1U8 00 1.11 Lyndon, 308 1-17.84 98 Manchester, 783 375.84 2.47 Nortbfleld, 411 197JJ8 1.29 Pittsneld, 2!1 139.08 91 Salem, 205 127.20 83 Saline, 572 274.5G 1.81 Scio, 930 450.72 2.96 Sharon, 331 158.88 1.03 Superior, 478 229.44 1.57 Sylvan, 648 311.04 2.05 Webster, 334 112.32 74 York, 410 201.12 130 Ypsilanti City, 1,525 732.00 4.82 Town, 454 217.92 1.44 Scio, dist. No. 2 frl. for ast year, 32.43 Total, 12,624 $6,091.95 f80,81 W liope that the School Inspectora of tlie scveral tOWUShips, Jiaving the librarles 11 charge, wlil flnd 110 sorious difiiculty In nvesting the large amount of funds falling to their portion, in reaaabie books. - There is eitlier one of two or three hings: Tliis county is a very moral county, criminal prosecutions few, and fines sinall, or Justices of Peacehave short meraories and forget to pny over tho Unes thcy collect, or should collect. The followiug (ustices paid in the ?39 81 apportioncd : Geo. C. Page, Scio, $20.00. Pat. McKernao, Ana Arbor, 10 00. Win. Losee, 5.00. J. 1). Corey, Manchester, 3.T5. U. H. Bower, York, 1.00. The other 85 Justices account for nary a cent. The following paragraph furnisbed for the Detroit Tribune, by its Kalamazoo itemizer, lias a local interest whlch warrant a transfer to our columns : The propo.sed quarter centenuial celebratioo oí' the State Uniwnsity excites a livtly interest amoii!; the alumni Ihroughout the State. Iq IüGü, the graduatlug class passed a serles ofresolntions, one of which was tbat, in 10 years, sucli of the cluft as were living shouid meet at Ann Arbor in a class rennlon. .' meeting r the clan has been held sincc that time. Charles A. Tliompson, Jr., now Prosee ut ing Attorney of Kalamazoo county, was then elected President; E. M.Mason, nowofFIInt.Secretary ; C. C. Chipman (killed in battle at Baton Rougej Historian ; Hev. J. C Wortley, of Manchester, Orator, and Capt. Simón C. ' GuiUl, of Flint, (killed at James Islaud, in the attack on Kort Wagner,) Poet. The class nnmbered in 18G0, 3Í) membera. Many 1 of them are dow living, Iq different States, i occnpylng varlom honorable positious in lifc; a number were killed in battle, "and severul sre at thld time in the resalar anny. ■ ' Tlie survivors of this class vi!l, so far as ' la practicable, be present at the coming ] Commcnceinent and it will be a welcome ] reunión. Another of the resol ulions j ed at the '60 meeting was that members shouid come and bring their wives if they ' had any, and it was voted to give a sllver cup to the flrst baby boni to an alumnus of j that class. Some discussiou will arlse on , thls part of the record, for it appears that a "fellovv" by the nameof Spanldlüg (J. F.) ' got marrled uecretly during hls senior year j and shortl}7 after lettvlng colU'ge a boy was ( boni to the pair. This lad wlil be a competitor for the cup, bnt a question will be raised and the point disputed on the gronods s that the alumnus forestalled the action contemplated by tbc resol ution and took "snap , iudgmeat." Tbcre need no longer bc any doubt that Anna Dicxinsoh is a benevolcnt j man, that shc actually overflowa wlth the c "milk of human klndness." In proof, it is j only necessary to say that she ciiccrfully t accepted an invitation to lecture ai East a Baginuw a short time ago " for the benefit ' lloiae of the Friendless." And that she 8acri(iccd herself in so q;ood a cause, the following account current, clippcd from the Eider irise, conclusively shows : j Total rocvipts for ticktUs sold $ 11.1 7S 4 íj Paid to Miss Dicfciusun 200 00 1 Ff.r the Huil SO 00 For prhiling expenpcc 7 60 For carriage ítr ilits Dickinson, 5 00 ] Balance for the benefit of the Home of the Friendlesa $10 24 P Whowouldn't talk anhour for the j less at that rate 1 We have seen lots o' women, and men too, who'd give the public a " picce of thelr mlnd" for less money, J and makp them wish they were In a "home a for the fricndlesa." Words are cheap, and a a stale and oft-repeated lecture is easily re peated, but that 200 a night must be bagged. " Charity begitis at home," wlth h Anna as with other mortals. All rlght, o except the pretenso of the thing. r Michigan University is not the only institution the students of wliich are given t to developing " pure cussedness," disguised j as fun, rathcr than to the ncquisition of " larnin." Wituess the following paragraph cut from the New York liorid : Many young jreutlemen believe that it is impossible to pass through college creditably un less at an cavly stae of their coursc they prove thcmselves you:ig scamps in i' whoni the buinps of destructivcness are t veloped more highly than those of veneration. Yale has been recently afflicted with two or three bad cases ot' this mania. a in a short time somc of the young people t of the college have set on flre one of the g buildings, have broken into and defaced the chapel, carrylng oft' the cushions and ' the Bible, and hiding some of the iron seats v which are usually fonnd on thf: grMn. c ter this the friend of Yale join in the hope c of the local paper that "the oflenders wlll be discovercd, handcd over to the civil au thorities, trled for arson and burg'.ary, and ' sumraarily expelled." v J Tlio Courief of last week bad an t ticle of considerable local interest. We rcfer to the one hcaded " Shall we have a Public Park?" The article looks to an c improvement which may bc cheaply made, r and the University and City authorities r harmonizing may beautify both the University grounds and our city. The proper gradlng of State Street, the building of the n ïw fence so as to accord with the plan, and the opening of a pleasure drive across the Campus by no meaus interfering with Lhejbuildings, are features to be considercd. We shall recur to the matter hereafler. The reeidents on the south end of State street, and in the sixth ward adjoinj ing, were routed out of a sound sleep about 2 o'clock a. m., on Friday mornlng last, by ' an alarm of flre, some vicious scalawag - old or young- having set íire to an oíd f frame barn beloDglng to Jlrs. Geouoe c Smitu. There was no wind so that the fire t fort a natel y did not extend to any of the dwellings ncar by. The Michigan State Ilorse-Breeder' Associatlon - what big ñames these norse t men do get up- is to hold an exhibition, l test of speed, races or something else ut Jackson, June Hth, löth, and 20th, at which premiums amounting to 5,000 are 1 Offered. Arrangements have been made for v frec (are to horses, and half fare to passengere.


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Michigan Argus