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! WASHTEWAW COUHTYl 1 ( LA ■ InOtarypublÍcÍ =j=Lj -LÍI H OEM ERAL S JJ jffll -Jk-JÜCONVEYANCER S? Vajinarbor ■ V. WH REAL ESTATEJXCHANGE ! ! The timlcrsignpd baring a perfpct Rerord blitory o1 all uf tln Real Cstftte Titlo ín thil ','nr, and Ín tlie County of Waahteniw, takes pleasuro in m.nounc ing lo the public that ae witl examine Utle,gÍT abstrae Im oí Kvnl K.-tito titlefmake aueüi mortgatfes contract and otfaer, lefíal papers on tlio nliorte' notice: Will also mnke salo of City property an: fivrniB i rent houssfl, and fofoclon morteage. Per sons wftntinp a liistory Of Keal Kstato title, will recollect tliftt lus Btoka takoin Tax Titles and all col lateral nmtters vr}iích teuch each particular descrip tion ; an-1 all íiiort-Tftifeii, ancient or modern, whíoh appear to be still subsisting of record at the preaeni time. I oíTcr tlie íüllowing Real Estáte for salo : No, 100 Th Malony Houne and Lot ou División Street. Mo.101. Houie and Lot Iu BlHMk'i addition l'i ice $2.000. No. 102. Tn-o Story Brick House on Spring Street. No. 103. TwoStorr Wood Home on Spring Street. No. 104. Nice lio uso. Lot and Barn jut wt of Law College. No. 105. Fino IIonf, OnthouítP, Barn and Sacres of I.and, Watt-r Fount, &c- rery desirable Troperty. No. 106. Home aad 3 acres oflnd Iniide corpora tion. No. 107. Hoou and Lot jut suth of the Lulrerity building. No. 108. 15 acres of Land e&it of the Unïrersïtjr Giounds. No. 109. City Lotn nearly opposite Dr.' Print ing Establishment. No. 110. OneTwo Stoiy Wood Dwelling on State Street. No. 111. One elegant Two Story Brick House near University Square. No. 112. 10 acres with buildings just north of tho City. No. 113. Ono Two ftorj Houso jast north Cemetory Orouníia, No. 114. Two Brick Houacs west síde of Univereity Square. No. 115. 6 acres juft west of tho City. No. 116. 5 acres with buildings just west of the CHy. No. 1J7. 160 acres with buitófon and ínprovements 5 miles north - good situatíon. No. 118. 320 acres - fine farm in íhiawassee. No. 110, 2 ,000 ncres of Wild Lan.U in the Counties of Wayn1, Honroe, Raginaw and Shia wassoc. ly Abstract Buoke are posted to date. No. 120. One elegant Three Story Tïuilding on Hurón irtreet, west. No. lei. 175 acres on Míddlo Road to YpHlauíi. V. 122. 40 acres onScuth Road with lïuildings and improvtmeots. Vo. 123. 2-JOftcreson North Oexter Road. 2} miles uut , with improvcments, Vo. 124. And much olhcr RmI Estáte not herein included. There are many oM mort-jaea in Wahtenaw Coun y nndischarsed of Record i and tho laws { Limita' iunsaa fco líortgagea ií diííurca: from th;t applica f" Heal Kstate. Tenas of Cummissiou en sales of Roal Estáte, one ír cent, if ale made. Hatea f-r search of Iteal Esate Title 0 ctmts per yenr for Deedit and six cents a er fr Mortgages notll chance of notice. No ch:irge willbe made for examinatin of litle, riAkinu' papaNoi recordiug, tu parties Undini; ninucy hronsta me, Honef wantod to loan nn uDioeumcredKi'a) Estáte from one to five years, at 10 per ent. Interest net ti the loitfer. Ann Arbor, Mjuca 0, Itt' 0ê TKACY W. ROOT. Mwéet Quito i te f f1 RECENT IMPKOVE-MENV k Repiiccs the uso of lbo Bitter Sm'.phate (Iinine, wKlt whloh all are familar. Doso íor dosc, U is FULLÏ JQUAL IN EIERY WAY TO BITTEfqUININE, AXD LIKE IT IS TUE ONF.l CBiAt, POSITTVE and TJFirLIWG CURE FOBfciU DISEASES of MAT.ARTnrm mUGllf. Fcv aitd Aiuc, Uiiteiinittrnt Fever, fhill Fever, Itcmittent FeverJ Blltous Fcar, I umM Artio, nnil t long train of disorders fnlcnring thcso hcn ricglectcd. SWEET QCIWiaTE 1 Is mföe golely Ironi lVrnvinn IliJk, (8O is JI'Êter Quinine.) therefory is of Vwretablo oriln, and not a Mineral polson, bufón th6 contrary is provod to be one oftlio (ementa founll in the blood of all healthy penons. stvket anvrvE I acts ik an antidote to, (as well :if a cure forj aialarial or miasmntic puiAon, the nbsorjltion of which by the lungl cnusos Intcrnlirtont Kevers, etc. Tlio oulylaUvantago cliimcd for STVEET QCIXDTE over aje use of old Bitter Quininelis tho entirrf absence of tliat intcnar, perltitent iiitiirK, which in the latter s anlinsurmoutable obstado to its use wit.h mcOt per sonsf and ahvays wit 11 chiUlren. J SWEET QLlilUfU ( ij two forms - in Powdcr for iho mso of kiyjicians anil Iiniggiats, and Fluit, for uV i: tVe family and for tho generalLblijb. ateVrns, Farr &y6% MWUFACTUHIN6 CHEMiaR, For S1p b Eberbaeh èt Co., iiruggista. 12IS4jl CHAS. A. LEITER & GO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Grogory Block, Nc. 1 Gregory Block, No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegory Block, E3T Sign of the Gilt Mortar 1E2 L& Sign of the Gilt Mortar "%-l tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar "3 E Eign of the Gilt Mortar "m !r. .ifsr opener IAVK JL"ST OPEKBD AVK JUST OI'EXED AVE JUST OPEXED The Finest Stoolc oí The TTinest Stoelt of The IPiriest Stoclc of The ffinest Stoolc oí DRUGS AND MEDICINES DMJGS AND MEDICINES DRL'fiS AA'D HEDICIKESJ DRUGS AND IEDIGIENS THE CITY. N THE CITY. K THE CITY. X THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Vor filiri!inl rurpoffi. TJie Poiular Patent íolicinenf tht day, aul cvertliing kcpt in r ftintlass Drug Store. An EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. ÏRY THEM. Solo Agenls in the City for Otto & Ileynder'fl ccl eb ral e d URGICAL AND _DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. r" KSPEC1AL ATTENTION 8IYEN TO THE OMI'OUNDINO OK PHYSICIAN8' rKESntlPTIOMS od KAMII.Y MEDIC1NEB. 128( Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by


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Michigan Argus