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An Anecdote Or Jeffry And Cockburn

An Anecdote Or Jeffry And Cockburn image
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Cocküurn wcre engsgcd as barristers, a question arose as to tbe sanity of one of the parties eoucerned. "ís the defoi'dant, in your opiuion, perfect ly sane ?" aid Jeffrey, interrogating ooo of the witnesies, a plain, stupid-looking countryman. The witnees gazed iu bcvvildermsnt nt tho questioner, but gave do nswer. It wcs elcar he did not understaud tho question. Jeffrey repeatcd it, uttering the words, "Do you thiiik the defendant capable of managing his own affaira ?" Still in vain : tlie witness unly stsred the harder. "I aek ycu again," aid Jeffrey, still with bis olear English enunciution, 'do you consider the ínin perfoctly rationa] 5"' No answer yet, the witness only staring vacantly at the little figure of hu nterrogator, and exclaimiug, "Eh ?" "Let me take him," Faia Cookbarn. Then tiESuaiing the broadest Scotch tone and turuinp: to the obtuse witnofig, "Hae ye your muil ui' ye?" "Ow, ny," eaid the man Btretching out his snufi-box. "Noo, hoo lang havo ye kent Jam Sauipson ?" said Cockburn, tal;ing a pinch. "]0ver since he was a babhy." "And d'ye thiuk uoo, atween you aüd me, that thcre'B anything intil the cratur ?" l'I would oa lippen (trust) him with a buil calf," wa the instant and brilliant rejoiuer. Cockbnrn could certainly use the tools needed in a Scotch jury trial betler than Lord Joffrey, thougU inferior to hira as a lawyer or advocate. - Lippincott 't Magaxini. in mm 'i - Napoleon defined a battle as two great bodies of men trying to scare each other , tbe ono which gets scared first beinj beaten. A youDg lady, who has been studying finance lor some time pust, wishes to know whethor the day rato of gold affects the nitrate of Bilver. A Boston paper says : " Tho devi was put out of Heaven for making a digturbance araong the singoiB, and there haa beeu trouble in the choirt! ever since." "Why do you cali me birdie, my dear ? " inquiied a wiíe of hor husbaud "Becausc, " wbh the answer, " you are always uesoeiuted in my miud with a bilí. " A jitted Bwain spikofully gays : " Eve did not know as much as hei daughters of tho present day. ]Iad they been in her place, instead of beiu deceived, they would havo deoeived tho dcvil. " To Prevent Kuchen Odoiis, - In boiling onions or cabbage, place a dúb o vinegar on the tstove at tbeieamo time. The boiling vinep-nr will destroy tho odor of the vegetables. All who have oear neighbors try it. Edward Burlingame, son of the late Miuinler, is going to look after the San francisco properly purchased by his ather there four years ago, and which Calif'orniauB declare is now worth 800 000. A story is told of tiro men who travoled tcgether ihree daya in a stage coach, without a word pafsicg betwoen tliem. 3n the fourth day one of thciu at longth veutured to rtmsrk ihat it was a fue morning. " Aud who said it wereu't ?" wat the repljf.


Old News
Michigan Argus