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pOR GASH YCUCAN BUY Lumber, Latli and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT TUK YARD OF C, SUTHERLAND & CO. AnnArtor,.Ianury,liJiO. 1252 A NN ARBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOUE $3.00 per 100 Ibs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. I.KATE ORDERS AT THE POST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. CoTBnmflionera' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. of Waehteoaw, Tne I havtnn bifn appotntedbythe Probate Conri tor nald Coonty Commtaslonen t ret( ivc cxïnuiüc ktuI rcrijuff ::ii cfrimt anti demanda of yl: persons ajzaïnstthft Cítate of Dnni ] B. Green, Inte of iifl fnünfy, diT'-Ji' -rl. h t.y elve nótfoi thr;t s" mnnths from date are allowea, by onhrofaald Probate Court . for editora to present thelr claims Kfrflint c-M'r of bji;'1 deceasod, ruvl thnt they l' meet al Hm lat reslaence ol ñftd deceased. ïn the town f Sharon, in aald 'ounty, on SnturdAy, :.ili day of ïuly, and Wednesday, fhe nimï, day ol Novi ■mlx-r. ïu-xt. :u t n ' lotk A. M o r BfU3 di'e, to reccïvc, exainiue, aud aüjuat aaiü i. MftTth,A. D.1ST0. IM9w4' gÉlin:. Icommtoioue. Drnin Commissioncr's Notice. NOTICE is hereby elven that Drnin Comrols1 l ni w Copntj v. i.i Iw at the hönte of Anron L Peldkamp. in tlie towosl ip "f Bfr line, on tbelOlhday of Jane, 1870, at 1 o'ciock P. M„ parties lo contract for the cxcnytion and cottetructiou if ft draln known ns Saline RIverDraln, commei cïnij al thé outlet of lïii Igowatnr Dratnj ■ hip Ihw of Saline aad Brldgawfl !■.,-. roBBing thrncc Dortbeasterly on pmtíoüs i-, iï, 9, 8 hih: 4, f , . . BUm v mi'i ]■ vcl. wíl] aleo be a1! the hotise of Aaron T-. l'flí.llcnmp. on the 8 'i day of ïnne, is:ot at onc o'clocH i'. Ttï.. at whlcti Mme --ïiï place I wfll exhlbil mapBof'tbe abore ddraln and descrfpttonf oftlíe severa] parcela of tafid (!■■ nted bj ns beneüted thwrefa and th . and descripttuna by dlvlsiona ai loos, of the aiovc deecribed propooed draln, by eic ned to the owners of eac i description tocönBtract, and to the Saline toco to haar reamóos, if ai d, why tiftuapportionmeut ehonld be tovletv i A LL, 1270 Washtenaw Co. Liraln Commia Drain Comroissioner's Notiee. TVTOT1CK la hexeby giren, that the Pnsin Cmnmfrli Bioner of Wasntenaw County wlll be i ■ ' Samuel Sw . vs?blp of To thoTtadaycl Jnne,lS7. at i o'clock P partles i contract for the cxcnvatlon and conotruc tton ■ f h drala i i be tenowu aa York-Aitínstn fío, 2, nac the wnter ol fch wesl Sec lio b I ■ ■ ;;." mul of York, tkcucG cus' on ■ ■ and Icvel j 1 will also !' ■ of 8nmmjl I ■ ■■ .Tuur. l-SI : ;; P. M., at. Wlilüh mapa oí tt: ■ i drain, a,i ;. i ■ ; il therehy.and the araount and d by divi-inns nnd sul lofls of 1 ■! proposed drnïa, bymfc apporttoned to the otrner of each ïioyintion tocon(tmct am! lo the toivnihtp f York ntifl uinita to constract. on i : wiiy, iiud to li. vu reaeons, If i ■. Bncn apportionment shoHld be revi wed : vA cor JAUKS -T. PAKgHATX, ■u CüBdinisöiciiT of IVaBhlenAw Cow Morfgnge Sale. DEFAULT havlng bceD made lo the umiliün of ecnted bj Charlea Moore 1 v of Ann Arun tho twelfth day ol Jutir, A. j , phW. oí Aun I :■., A. i). ■ Gt, at !',; o'clock tey, in Hboi ■ -Jl ; tyhicb Fakl miü ■ A. 1'. lvtj .. and r.( orded in i of nut:" I : on wblch nithere i-. ckiiuicd to be ■ notke, t!io Kiim of threo hundred foiirdolI iiirty ;■" . ai attiiruá Iweoty-ilvc dbllii, BJionld any proceediiiL':' te Ipselhis mortgage ; anu no :i:t jr ] law or cquity hnvi . i ■ . ever tbe dbt or auy ; '■ bereby given, thaXby virtue tiftbe powor of ?;í' in pali Ined T --uu f ill ..[ public the hTfhest bidder, on tli" S tli dayof Jnly next, ai two o'cloik P. M. of tald day, iit the froutd the CoartJUouse, in the citj of Ana Arbor, ln!rt Contuy of W'ülitcnnw, the premwei decrijbed in eaid mortfage ns all tluit certaia ptece orbrcelof land rittuted in the city tí Aun Arbor, Connty of naw, and Stnte of Michigan, knuwoboand od, nuil dorlbed ns follows.: i rat th" r.eiitpr of pectton number twcnly u lownibip two sonth of rangu luunbet fci: eju. Mid runnliij fout'chniD4 ;uk1 thirly seveu i:iiï:s !■ :'. ulji' k oal n diameter b .i'-'lit . weit two i'liaiii and litty Unkstoq coetcfoada Lhence onatorlï aloug tbe ceater of iaM rond to thenorth and fduiIi center lin ■ "f saicl .ie tion numbm tweuty; tfeeDce dotÜi srvi-n chaits and forty ftve links to ihc ptliice of t) ■íííhhím.íí rexceptin ere of l:ind from tbe cat eide. of the pareel "I land abuve described.) April 28tbS 18T9. BAÜNABVS K. I !BBI K, AssiiU'L' of said Moet'. JOHN H. GOTT, A'.torney for AulgDOO of sa'nl Uoitgl Mortpage Salo. D EFAtíLT haring becu made in the conditlonof tertain mortjïage m tde au;l oxecuted by I;l i'l L Qatea iud Ainnda B. Oates, of the c-ity 'of Aim Arhor, Vftghteiivr County, Michigan to Aaron B. Vanatta, f NortnfieW, Couoty .. bresalfl, beari lig toto ihBffrth day of April, A. I). 182. nnd d in the li'.'it-ifi'.s Ofllce et' Doeds for Waahi :i:i. !■:! ui' Api-il, A. lock A. M , in : ormortI :. y -. hich Uk; power of sn] thcrein lictnmcoperatlvc; tlienmotint claimcel tt)bfÍBI i}:..!:! Ulo Stre and :'.' ■"Mlp'Uiyiu:: l.'.l.1 ::[ Die in ] 8vu hnii'irrd ■ ■ dollars and fift.v ccutf . nmher --ni of flftocn dollars plijvided in h.'iUI mordaza as an Attoricy fee in r.;ie rmy procetdini: Miur.kl he taken to foredose tl i no Fiiit ir procecdiuij having !■■ 1 üt law iror the t'.c'.a ectii'ed by said nm.-i ;!■■. ai ! th 'T o: Notice is hroy frivon fhit oü Monaay inéeisventli !'■'■ ■ - no'floi !; -i.of tlmt day, at t!É Tront ibor or the Oonflty (mrl I in the City of Ann Av'xjr. iu nai'j (.'oiniiv of Washtenaw. the ?;mio bcloi : I He C'lrcnit Cpart for saiil ( vvlll bo sold t pubiie anctlon . tó the hi the piTmices dcaa may e rhounl dne on B.iid note and mbrtgagc al the 'date [ thts notice, wlth interd lor in siiicl mortpfiïtc, nrnl ilUn'c'l by hnv.tlm! ietoaay: Alj tli:it certain picceor pajcel of land sitnated in th'kranty, ItHchlgas, 3ei NB, in-uit: I3eüig]ots numbor one, 1 I (ih'. In Wock flvc. In l'.rown & PhIIit's aililition to (]■■( i:iiu:'. miw lilv of Aun Arbor,aceorilin" to the rrcorded la1 t'iercnf i ■ 1, Aun Arbor, April Tt !: . I AARON B. VANATTA.Mortnagee. Tbaci V. R Attornsy for jl rt-;aprec. 1205 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT tn the cnnrlition of a c-ri-iin : □ Diehl and f Ann Arbor, h day of Jnly, X. l). PhllipBachi h tho sameplacei :. u ia itio pon er ■■■ : ■ ' tahn (1 in I ho. ofüce of the Register oí Deeds for the Couuty of WaPhtenaWt in tho Ë - tl. e i-:i'li dav o :'."...■ vvl ichi ihc same there in clniinotl to Ub ■■ tinte of ■ éii nnndred i 01 : rtollora mid t-.o oen n tlie coetê nnd expunes of thia (breol .,.,_. j-,.e of twenfy-flve tToiiarp, ■ and in ■ ir law ..:■ hi e ■ Now, thercforo, noticelfl hereby , vh-tim of the power of ealo In eaid morí ■:■ I gbftli eell ut pabllc anction to iiii !r ■ on the S8th day of Hny next, at two oYlrdc fn fho afterDOOD of that d ;y, nt the south door of ihe flouao, 1d the City of Ann Arbbr, Connty of Waahtenaw, and Sisto of Michigan 1 (be i i holding the Circuit ( i onu,1 y) the premi i i rt&agc, "i-rfof iïp mjij sai igfy ', wiiïi intrrs uiil allowet] by 1 ■ ld rim(ea aro dcpcrllwd un foliowsi Al! the ; Arcel of land böffiTming at tbc nontbcasterïycor: if Ann Arbor, Waáhtenaw Conni ,t henee [KvrthwettcrTy rionpr Hu Boutïiefly boantÍBof Bald iddltlon ■" northeastery alooffthe vrgtcrlv 1 i i ■ e of lot Bunber iwo in eleven chaíní and hvelvc Itnks to tho n trthvesteriy ■ . ■ ; ■ i fi fi ysnd f half link" to r to E. 8. Pul ph, uC, i . . mp sala PuU .'.]' and twenty-two Lfnki pnsterïy boards f - U forty toen minatos west. nlrt chafna and irt'v v.i'.': ;:!!]ii.r five aci i hnndnúthe oï au nero, bothe same mort; ÜriMtcd. Ann Arbor, Feb. ÏRih. ISTO. PBtWP üAciï, fitörtffftgee, JlioaAnp BciiA.x, Attotiw 1ÏW il o. S: MICHIGAN- Circnit Conit fur the ■ naw, inOtmti 1 ! own, . ntífi MI 'i'irt for ■ ■ : (' mude on ll i ocnt h d ■ Browfa, . ■ . ni ttí ot or ■ Arhor, ín th' Uoanty of Washtesaw, and tíl co or pared of latid all that ccrtaln iiirccl easfc qaartcr of eectlon bnmber -onc CJJ tn township li'iTJiixr one (lj 8( ulh oí - n (7; east, in tbe Connfy of Waahtetiaw :■■ tttalalng (brty acr r land, s ■ ■:■,!-].■" I . 'itrin h;r f tM shoukl re i-, ií e Idow and onma ■ Aun Arbor, May 4tii A. I) 1S70. StBLKT G. TVYT.OR, One of the C'irf:tii! Oourl ConvmiflsioBn íor W'u ■ l;tcni fuunly, Michii Ai.rnF.ra Pelou, SollcHor and "f Cuunwl Foi CoidpUluaat, L268 Mortgagc Salo. WHEREA8. ':n. pf Graa TJi, Ln theOonnty of Ji ,-an on the BOTCntn day of I. D, executrd a mortgftge to Charlee f'bedon, ofiho I N iv v-.irk, to secnro tR pnyttienf oí tert.nn prli cipa] and lntcr w R i thi thereniines thereln mentioned, v' I was recorded in the nfflce ofthe Resistero) ou nt; of Wftühlcnawand Statu o aforeanid. ln tüfi Ï2tb dáy f Oítolx r. A. T i f)'i.lí:ck '■ of BBÍá 'If.y, ín MbíT '.'i '■ 3.6i ; '. n l wh -r ■.-. d ifualt haa icen mnde f thítn tí íjít dir..Dt of an lílstallmot oí ii(] intiToyt mouf'T vrblch becnxna une mi thí serpnt!) daj i whercof Atidpuréaafitto thetertun ofsnid m'o eald moi - ihai bo muí h of a s ivmain iiTipaid vrtth 11 arrearagefl of interest Lhereoti.shal] bwxjine flue nd pnyable iiorai i intd tvhereac, there i: clalmed ' due mul unpald on snldmorticiicentthf dñteof tbiH notfce thc snm o f two thoiuMuad and thirtgr-fiVe dolían for principal nnd i ntf re-t aleoan Attorrieyfa fee ot thlrty dollar procecdlmrsbe taken to forecloce unid Btltntca t'ití, er In ïftw or oquity to recover ih" eatnc orany ))-irt thereofi NotKe, toerefor-, ij I glyen,tVat on öaturday, the eluv Dtli clayof June, iM-xt. at tw oMiu-.k fñ the affect u oo n, nt rbn soutli door of tho Court House, tu thc clly.of.Auo Arbor, beltijt the bnftdlng In whii Tur the Connty of Wahtcnaw . afurenaid i, ln-!ii. and by rlrtac oí the power ;{ - : in MÖflmortgfi -', to Ur. highet bidder, tho premis iki-i i i ni in païd mortpnpe to mtfftfy the amftntrt of prlftcJn] and interwt ! ifmed a due; o i:i lie Ai ■ thirtv dollara índ charges of salt, to-" ' ■ phjp of Sha ron, and ConjUy ' Wanhtena1 ï ü Follow b, to-Avït : rhe I 1 of eoni Of range ! hftlf-of tbe poutbwpt qnartcr oi - ii f7) in townsHip (hrce (3)pnnthol - f laiul, ■ DatedrMarchTth.iSTO CHAKLE9WHEBON, Mortnagoo. John N.Oott, Attoriu'y. for M T260 DEFATi.i -i ■vin-i .11 mftdein theoondUlonofd eer ti ■.■ Fredeiick Mayer tíay oí' June, A. I). 1864, rccorded wlth the ; Bale theiem contained ín office f thg i. ■ ni y of Wai of Michigan, on tho BOth day off June A. I. '.A o'clocfe I'. M. . in líber 82 of morij ■ ■ ■ ■■■ Jnly, A . ■'■■■ 9, nnd recorded ín ti : on ttre ::l doy Jaíy, a. a. ?.!., In í: hmld to María Barbara Majcr, und eubpequunl ■ instrameiit of of March, A. I). tLTO, trui . Re; tet( r ■;" i ; A. 0. 1870 atl monte of mortaíres, on ; a by 6fLÍd María Bninra Mayei to Id 1 Bchraid, and i nrther í nstrun A. h. l'7d, ík ■ ■■ ofitCC Of tí" h A. ] t. 1 -711 nt KiM o'élock A. M , fn W ■ ■ ■ ■ Barbnra Ma . i tbe il and ■:ufi dollarP .mn.l twcnty-tT ■ e? from the dflCp hernof at the Cte ofel of t!:; fon of r wenty dollars b i líiw ór ín chaiioery liavlasbeen I récowr thc gnm o díte órany pact thereof : Notlce I, ' ■ . civen, ilirtt by irttif ol puvi - mortpni : 0 nf the s; tde ancí provfcted, i fliftlUdi at pítblir nuctior, ■ - fit tWO O'ciOCklll '': City (if unty ol Wafihtenaw nnd State the placo oí holding the ■ ■ ■ withtn sal . ■. as follows, v z i Si . ■ ■!; to the '■ " ArboT . commencliií? ■. from the ponthcrly comer ol niug thence northerlv alona MUI ítreet abonl ■ Dorth■ m-fu-o therfce i flt'out ono hnudred üuü forty-two feel tu the : : ai flirt tu g foriy rods of innrf or m emíse CODveyod by vunnity deed to tii- pai1 Prederich ' ' pin :.:nl w i! ■ NiKinim Chapín ■ Oiur'i.'S A. Chajiin and wifo, on ti á I. 1814, t, Mn htbor. Mich., March r th.lSW. M . I a A BARBARA WATER, ]ífjiii!i) Reaman, une of Mort 4ttpmy fir Assifltfte. l'iöü Mort gage Sale. DKFAULT havlDg been mudóte bhe rnmli ion o ín certain mort age and Marta BUi bíra i r. M wlfe, t Donenii ■■ .1 the luh clïi'y 01' Juii'ï, A ]. 107, recorded ■ iiHUiod. iii : ■ of the R ■ County of Washten:nv, 11 iuno, A. 1). IS V. :t T'.ocln :; l M.. ÍU Mb TT3, hui! by :lii lufltrui líie 2ö! dáy oí Jaly, A. 1. 1S09 and recorded In the office ofth LW-edsaforohiiidvot) the V; d;y f Jiily. .v. D .' Q'flork K M , in 1 i I r - it' u Ijuhj' üts ol mnrt tluly ustJcned byeaid Densmore !. Marín Bfirbara ilay ron whlch mortage thorc ís (r!iiiTn'(i tobo dtte aiiha dato oftMa ttiesum of three hand red aud one dollars fl CPnt8tan(linteicgt from thedatü hcreoTat the rato of tüir per cení., besúles tlié coeta and 'NpT.aes uf - au Arm ney féuol . i ftv dollary, e bon ld any prpceedlngi le taken to forc■, and ii'! suir or prococdiiiL1 at liuv !■ in rliimn-ry lt:iv:il beep lOsUtUtCil Lu I the sum so dtie or any part tlien'ci1 Noiice Ia there'-:y i'ivcit, thftl 1: Aiiiiu; of the power of I i:i ealil m rtgae, which bas i ■- e bV the defauit aforesftld, and in purnanc ieh caee marte nnü proi 11 al pablic auctiuu, it the I ler o tfie fMir;h Ony of Jnne, .. 1). W t Iu tb nilernooo o.tbat cUiy. t the pouih dooi "i1 tb Oourt llonse, in the ('v of Ann Arbor, in th Comiiy oi Waabtmnnr. and State of Michigan, ftha ïoupt wïtbJ ■ ■■! In said ui' Thtit parcftl o laiíd being i q twenty Jyliig easterly of Swi ■ ïv.u aouth of ran e&fU m- Stat of Miclnaü. cojumeudua at tli pouthwesï corner of a eer!;!:! etreet rnnnïüéfron Pontlac ■ the northeast corner o ip Ín nnd n ife to Joho T Swathftl, thenecnorttn rly along the Une of ïand no 'uni.-d hy lacoii :J;'.i!)'ii , to laúd owned -y Jatees M Smlth tfi ,. line of Raid Sraith' lánd id HHÍ-1 u llpond, thenoe BOutbcrly along tn of said püiul to l:unl jaow ou in-;! by.sati lonp tne lïortherly lfne o Swathels land tn ap nasterly dinction to tl e place o ■ g about fíve ao ;a moi ■ i . reseivïng the rïght to enter npon fatl prèm Bisatall times at Lhe w of the abov rnentloned street so fis to gain accè&s wítb : team o otherwise to tlio íand Dw oEaod by said Sv ■ bou tbc rly fr :tcrps. Datcd. Ann ' Kth, 17o. Jïi'oiiAni' Bkahax, neo of Mortcagce. univ.'v tur Assínee, 1200 Mortgayc y;ilo. D KI-w v Tr b iving been made In thecondttlon of a eertAin mortpago executod by Kilos Rico to Ilnr riel G. Ashby, on the lwutv-c-:;Íiih d:;y oí v her, a. ]. ivi. recordcd, with the power therein contaihed in the office of the Register o law, in the State o ■. :■:.. on the nlnetcenth il n :-:.:.. in lün No. u ofmo on j:iv' I ■ :ui Instra , nty-fourthday of Jannary A. i ■ day ■: ■ ',i;,i'.J. OD p'rfgC ■■''■'. flü i lliinictc .■■ ■ ■ . v A. oída ou e nfthia ■ ta of twclve hundrc( and ten and fonr cents, principal and Intereêt, and no I law ov in cluxoceij haylu :uléd t' ■ ■ ;i;u iïÖ uiie. of nny pari l lotice 1 ■■ heftoi 'ault afores a :d . :tnd d pin1-.. ■ atute in nch i u ■ ■ wil] . nl the Coui I n i ':r City of Alm ArT)trfTn i!h' Coup ty of W ;i-lilran ithatbcing the ■ 1 OoQDty i mi y of April, A. I. 1S7o. at ■ )'c1 i k ii: the ' ■ of the rteecribed in Bftfd mortoifp, (mbstflntfally a bÜovfp; sitnritc i tho towüstain of Vork, in t!1 ■ y u! ■ ertniu '.. ml kuown and ■' - ter, and the OOthwOBt (JUSJ t'T of (!!■ i: in tOMcnshlp four sooth (if raiiro ix paet cöntnlDlnc eighty acres : aiüooneotl parce I oí tai all thst pnrt ff tho ■i qnartfv f m tftrier ofsald f'Ctinn tweni) Lwo, .■■ of the i scoptiiir thoTcfrom tu-M aereé lytnc in th a ni hereof ind bonnded north by baU ro-nl, onsr tud herciu described,aniiAoiith iy laad ownod bv .. ■'. Datctl, Aun Arbor, Jnnnary üïfti ITf. ].s v A.-01M, .icc of Murtg.agc. n. F. ö rabö fr, Attopiey. The ab poned t; Saturday v pïriw mul I I, Ajin Albor, April i'Jd ]s;n i. ül A. OLDSi Aesiguee oí Mortgage. D. F. Gkanger, Attorncy, 1T


Old News
Michigan Argus