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R ■■ ] Éftate for Sale. STATFOK MICHIGAN, í (htenitw.itfl. in ih; niAttei il" ihe . nu order graiited to : of the state ol ly ; he üon Judgc ol P fr the Conitty of Wnshtennw, od I n' April, A. l". L87u,there w I thft highest bidder, al I ■ R. ■ afternoon of ■ ■ po, in townUay2d, A. O RICÜARD GREEN, GnardlAD. Real Pástate for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WasbUni O I;i the m:Uterof i pursQ■ r grantt ñ to ■ . UnarII au ol ; - by the Qon i ml rr of Pro he. Con ■y-ihi;v{ fL v ol . pril, A. I' 1870, the re will al public to. , .. nt the d ■■ thwe ter d - -vi ib 'il. in the(own of Nortliflold, In the Cunntyof ;naw, in h;l: I tcciuh iliiy .Inin. A. 1). 18W, at two o Hftetnoon of ihut day (inbjoct to all 1 1 r othem le exiallnc ut the I plef), the rolli n ■ ■ . to.wlt : , f tiftli' cf the imrth two-thlrda oï" tl hall of the oorthwi ei qnarttr of eection t.irty-fívc. [q townehlpoDe south of magesla ea !.w. my m. and twu-thlrde acres oi land mora or leu lo sala ! Datcd. pril 2Mh, V D. 1870 8EDOWICK DBAN, tiaardlan. tat for S:ile. STATKOPMIOiIIOAN,;CountyorVÏ ín the mat tor oftbeesl ■ : of nn order srauied to the ntor "f i'ji: iíon. .i :.'y tï WftHhtenaw, on tl ty -i hi: il dayofMarch, A. I. r Ing hoane on the pn i ■ ■ u descrlbed. In Lhe ol W : ■'..- - tate "ii Tbi the ninth day of Jone A D 18" lock iu the Bftérnooo of tti:ir day, Conb) ■ I Lu the lila wldow the rein) the folio w i ■ i aeren, lo iownblp fou i !] i mg rhc part d ; i!o ili tiüit part ui tbecaetfa i irth-west quarter of n seveu , M ■? herth of the highwsy, and contnialDg parcpJ of tand mencinj 1 m line at n pi lul I hall of the norlh-we?1 Fractioni 1 quarter ol - seven, I :y one chrtliu and forty llpka.thence ■■ ■ rthstde Dorih ■ ■ in north !lnè f - lion ieren, thence al rty Font chafñe and Diuet sevon Ui Contnipinc Ibnrteen ilr of tbe i orl ■ I i ofaïd eection ■ thrit porticifi convi vod liy üi" fo l ;tll r - : r Pa! i County. vix i I ■ wlsA. Ruckman and .mi to Jolui ■ 'i lïher n oi i: , hv deed firom WilHam Pen i mn ïi, fro of i' Is, papo 4 0. :r;. !iv iioed of Lewla Á litickman and wife to Marj K. Huckmaa, rcoon ■ W1LLIAW M.ÜKEGORY, Exccutor. Dated.March 23d, A. l. i-2 4 Ke.'il hl stat e !')! Sa STATSOFMÏCHIGAHJ In l i reby given, that In pnrei é . rdlan of ii(! minor, by the li-.n Ar'. ■ - of Pro'■ 'ouuiy of V: flflh day of April, A. I). 1870, there v . public vendne. to the high ■ A Hi-i:!y in tl: . in the on Thunday, . ui Juue, 1) x to ïil ten ■ in the forenooD ■ f I ( r othci lee ■ limeof the '. thfrew), the to wit : The mul:1, 1 ;hth of the " Delhi M111 i'rop'rv, '(- - gtton two In n of Scio. tu eald County, on Dortb pulí: o! l m' Uu ron Rivor, comn corner oí the bridge near the Saw Mili Co . i nee noriii iiin1 cd!: . :i roda lo ■ i. ilao the I water, to '. at th(. throftt of the mlll or bottoni ' tb.e finme on the . ■ . privilege of making a race nt for the v : .-m The (umi ol ns, t the propertj abovc detcrlbcd, aod thi i ■■■ i the rïver ; also trio nr.divided h . i Ive, In biock four nrfd tbnl rt of ïoi i ■ r whtch 1 tilroad : aiso of lol Beveu In block nh e. and lot ten '■ fonr, iilllüth 'Delhi, Cuunty iuul State ■ Iiated, ApriKTfh. A.ï. 1-07 .lian; Estáte oí Zerias iïurd. CTA'i I oaw,n. v ' Ai a ne&sluii oí ■ oí Wai . in Tlio : Aun Axbor, on ! lüd cight i.ur.ün And neventy. ■ Present, Hiram J. TVrkr?. Jndge of Prol du Bard, dfjKnpthe petitiou, dulv verlfiod, of praylng that a ti ment mr.v on Bis in thia i !i i ba the [abt w4!l aid utani'.'tit oí mttted to p robu te, and thtt he nuú EMzu Ba;! ma be Bppoioted Bxecat Thereupon h ís or U red, that Mondar the tWrtecnth dny of JuneneKi al ten o'olocft Intíte fi be aMtigucd for i be b u üog of sald petltl n . and thai !cb rfha hfir.i al law of said de ceaAed, and nll otht-r tíéMoiit Intéreéted in stideetstt . iired t ap{U3ax a.1 a BCpajon o Bídd Conrt, 6o be lint den nt the rVotmte Office, ib the í'iiv oj Atm Ar!)in-, and &bo wny the pniycr of tho petltíoner ehonld not be . : Andíl [farthér ofdsred, Cbst sal tioperglve noüce id tbe perdona Imerested I petUion, and the hearlnctherof, by catiplngfl oopy oftliií order to íshed in the Mi '■ príntíul niul clrcnlaiing in BÍd Coanty, thi cii-iv ',vrt-k previoaa to said dy of heartnp. CAtrnecopy.j U1SAM J. BKAKE3, 12TÍ1 ■ of Probate Estáte of Ii win P. Báfcer. OTATK OF MICHIGAN Cottnty of w. O At h sosiston of the i robatw Conrt lor the County of Wahtenaw, holden at the Pu . In the City of Ann rbor. ii WedTit3ay the eighteentb day of May, in the ycar ona ïtnjn'sand eiht hundred and icv'i.iv. i rts'.;nt, iliram J Beal of Probate. I ii the muiter of tlie c-törc of trwln P. Ilaki-r. On rt-juiinLT and ftling tbe petltlon. duly verifl !::lt that Bgbert Lowe, ■i Borne otherauitáble person, muy be appoii mloiabrAtor of the es late af sald deoeased. Theronpoa it ïs ordered, tnat onday, tïio thirteonth d:iy of Jane next, at ten o'clocklo v. in in, be aieicood for the hearing of Baid petHIon. and that the li irs -u law of sala 1 ceawcd, fuid.i othor peron - Intcrested In . are wqnlied a t-cenion of mid then tobo holden, at the Pro 0 in the City of Ann Arbor, and show eavsöi ifanj there be. wby the proyer f 'hc petitioner shonld rot bc erranted : And it if further o: i'.t.'i!. tliftl eaid ;■ to the persons üatereaied in raid eetate, of i dt'ticy of said petition, and the hcarlnff ihfrcof.tJy ■ acopy o!" tiii.s ocder to be pubtlshed in tlu■'id circulatinp tn snid Connty, three nö . ■■ previoas to Bttd day l hearlog. ca u-w : iiy.j " niBAM 3 t;ïv ; 1270 Estáte of Thomas Crawlcy. STAT!-: OF.UICHIG N. Countyóf Washtetiar, (8. ■ne ourt f(jr rh'1 Coitnty of Wnshionaw, heidenat the Probate Office, In tbe City oí Aun Arluir. on Friday, t" sixth dj o May, ii thayeai une thonsana ciylit huudml niul SCVCIitV. Prevent, Hlrim J. Beskec .Tmlirc of Probate ín the nutter of the Estáte ol Tbomtí Otwlef , -.■ti John Smith and Jilin Hucnss. Execntors of the uill and test 9 deceased, come loto Conrt and represent that tbeyare now pt-rparetl to rendir their liniil Ofonnt ae sach Bxecaton. Tüercupun it ordsred thal Monaay, tlie sfxtta day of Jiuip, nexti at ten o'clock tn the foreuoon. be aHSifrnptí íor cxíimining niul BlIowtDg wm ii acci uut. lid liiut (he lcatcts. devieeee Md l't'irs at iawofsald deceasedi and al] other personn Ii ested Ín iil estáte, are reoatred to appear íit a sesBlon fT sald Conrtf tben to be holden at the Probate :e, In the City of Aun Arlmr, iusald Oí n(V. nnd show caue. il m "'.m' shonld nut be allowed i Aml t. 1 fdrther ord Lhai ■ t' the pew na íntereeted in sald estáte, of the pendenc; ount, alifl the hearina ti a eopj ofthl . to be pubUihed i Ule ' . printed nud clicn ' prevlotu to ild day ut' hearing. CA ; Jufiae of Probate. Estáte of Thomas Kano. STATE OF MICIIIGAN, County of Washten ie ConrtforthoConnty of Washtmiaw. holden at the Probate Oülce in the ■ city of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the eleventh : May, lil the year éoethouiand elght hun. . at [Ilrain J.Beakes, Jndgcof Probate. In thn matter of tho estáte iL Thoipaa E ana, d,ol il hor dower In Iba real eitate ascd dlud seizcd may be asalgned ipon it is Ord rod thsl Mi Ixth day oí Junp, ntxt, at ten o'clock in he fi [ned for the hearing "i aid peution, and thal the helrsatlawof sauldeI, ui-,! notherperiioiisinl ■' ■ mtr( (1 t'i appear a1 ■■■:■;.' neo „bc y of Ana Arbor.ancl show cause, Ifany therebe.whytheprayrt ofthe petltioner shonld i ithc Ti'SIrclInaalil l-tl ti of caniinga opyofthls Order to be pnhllihed in the ttichiga prlnfwl and ijsive wook naidda) ffA tnlScopy.) HIÜAM .T. BBAHES, ].j,i.) Jndcc uf i re "JÜIYSICIANS' Prescriptim s 1 AccuTately and Canfully Prepared hy 12. W. ELLIS d Co. ate of Frederick A. ]5o'les. ,. Probnte Coortfor tbe cWnn liold. i al the Probate Offlee ,n ,i'. City of Ann Arbor, on Thonday, the th tri '! -iy, in tl! year une ihonáand eiglit kUï. ■f udge of Probate matter of the estáte ol Frederick A. Bulle, pctlüon.doly.Terlfleii.of Sarah A. , .-.; certaln instniromt iiow on fllo In thls Conrt, pnrportlng td be this la,! will and testament of ised, mav bc admit róbale, and tl be amoiuted Ad ,1 Thereu i Bred, tti.-.t Mondav, the slxth i ■■■! ten o'clock li theforenoon bè ■: forthehearinKofaald pitlliou.and thai'the dheiraat faw of sald deceaeed inl In aicl cunte loa ol ntd fiMitthm the Probate Offlee, ia bc city of Adu ■-. H'iiiiv Iherebe, whythepriTei ieï shonld not be grasted: AndUií ordered, that sald petitionergive notioc to the tedin saicl cítate, orthciieiidcncyoi aldpetlticfl.and tbe hearing thereof, ly causinVa opy ofthi Ordrr to be publishcd in the Mieklml ■■ newspaper prinled and clrcolatfng In M onnty, thrre succertlve weeks previous to snidüa of hearing. ï (Atrtidcopy.) IIIRAM .T. BEAKB8, JadgeofProtattt, lístate of William S. Maynard. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, t'onnty or Wju Btenaw t 11 At a sesfion of tbe Probate Conrt for the Coant of Waslilenaw. horden at Ihe Probate Olt'.cc In thi city of Ann Axbor, Ou Prlflay tbe sixth day'of m„v" In the year one tbouenud cljjlit bniidred and eev e of Probate. In the matier of the ltiè of WHIInni S Mnv - si CheeTfr, Aflralnletratoi of mld estáte uto Court and represente that bc is nowprT orenderhla fluul atcouut aa uch Adiuiuií Untoi-. I it is onlered, That Mondny th ■ of Junn. ne.rt, al ten o'clock In the forc I tor exaarfntng and nllowir. ccounl. and tbat the bfiire at law nfnii I all ■■ !:■ . persose Intcrested in snli are required 10 appear ut a Benlon of eai lolden ai the Probate in the ld ('ounlv, nud shovcanH i i-, there be, w]iv the si , „ot b„ li Amlitw fort her ordered, ihnt raid fi. mlnitr otlce to the pereona inleretted in ■ ' ' ■ v of saM acconnt, na he hearine thereof. hj caoBlnc a copy of Ihls order to lUhed In the Michigan Aripit, a n:rspancr Irculatfns in Bald Connty. three wees. iv weeks previoua to aald da ol hertng. (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J BEAEE8. '-'■' Jndge of frubate. Bátate pf Frederick Broessamle, Jrn OTATE (il'MICHKJAN, Connty of Washtenaw n O At a seeston of the Probate Conrt forthei of Waehtaiaw, holi Offlee, In tb ' !-, .ui Satnrday, the mu" ■ iv. In tbe year anethousandeighl hundrei enty. Present, Hlram J. Beajce,Jndgi ol Probate. In the matter of tbe Estáte of Knel. riek llrcesr. nor. hc petltlon, Aifly Terlled o( Paul. Gnarriiao, prartng tbat he may 'be' lii.-ii-.ü to sell cert4ÍD wal estáte beloncina toaaid minor. :upon it is Ordered, that Monda; , Iho ■ 'une, next, at ten o'clock In the fort. tor tbebearlng of aald petltiotl ' of kin of faiu minor, ar-d ali lo said estáte, are reqnlrtd ■hui ofaaU Court. Uu-u tobe .: the Probate Office, is the City of Ann Arbor sml sho r ofíbí ■ . ind the hear tbls Order to be publiebed in the Michiyan ircnlatinp In Bald I Ive wi-eksprevuma to aaid dav ui aeti. illi?. CA traccojiy.j 1ÜKAM J.BBAKXS, limA Jndge of Probate. E-tata of -Absaloni Traver. QTATKOF MICHIGAN, CountyofWashtenaw.f, n of ilio Probate Cuurt tor the Conntt ol Wasbtenav, bokten ai the Pn.bnte Office in tnê f Aim ArUor, on Wednesday, the iuurta diy of May, n the year one tïiousand eight hou. dred umi sereniy. Present Hirann J. fleake?, Jodge of Probate In ih.; iu;iucr of theestate of Absalom Triver ■ i. ■ ' nds M. Traver, Admintetratrix with the Wiü I, of paid der as tl . comea uto Cmirt and rep. Dow preparcd to reinier her final :i sneb Arimloigtrnlrlx. Tberenpon it is ordered, tbat Monday.thc thirtleth, day o! Miy Instant. al tr-n o'clock in the forenoon, b ning Bil aUowlsÈ such accutut, nnd thattbeh id belrsatlawofukl ; -ons Interestcd in salde ■ reqnired to uppear at a tesston "f lald CÖiri then to lic bolden al the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. In Püiil Connty, and show canse. !f ia; I Rccoonl s hun ld ïmt be allowedj ther nrderad, tbat ïaid Admlntsttailri Interested in eaid estáte. of the pendency ofsald acconot, and the hcartat tbereof, a copy of this nrrlcr to hc pub-lished i cmArgut, a nevspaper )rinttd and Circnlatlng in said Coiintv. three snectisivs weeks previoas to snid day of hei i (A traecoi .,. HIRAM J. RKAKES, 1-68 Jude ol Proliat Estáte of Antliony Ely. QTATEorMICHIG r or Wmbvmw, m k Atas Conrt for thcOoiimj of Waablenaw, holden m the t'robateOffice in the City of Ann Arbox, oji . . djy o"( n the year one thor.sand clght hniidrei Present, HlraOi ,T. Benkes, Jndge nt Probate. In the mattor of ine JSsuite of .Mnhony Elj, ■ ■il. Ou readinpandflllng thepetitloo, duly . prayinthat Ui ram Day, ortomeotM snit.iblc penon, muy be appointed Adniiuiítralor of ■Ui cstal eaed Tberenpon it. Is Ordered, that Mondar, the Iblrtleth daj ol Mayinataric, nt ten vloek n the foronoon, be aasiened for the hearing of eaitl etbslon, ;iud that the heira ;i[ law of said deceaewl, and ;ill other persons [nterested in said cítate. are reqnired to appear nt a BeMioa of sid Conrt, then to be bolden alSM coVte Office, in the City of Ann ind sliovv cause, ifany thcrebc, why thepr it of the pellüoner ahoold hm ba granted : An5iti forther ordered that said petitionerjrivenoticc to the In itid estáte, oí the pundency of eaid petltion, and the hearing thereof, by cauuigl copy of this Order to be publhed in the JtrAïir , aewspaper nrinted and clrcDbtiog in Mid Connty, thrèe succeasive weeks previous tosaid dj uf hearing. Atrnocopy.j UIKAMJ. BEAKEB, Jüdire of Probóte. Estáte of Susan Klizabcth Nestell. STATB OF MICHIGAN, Couoty of .'■ t fi sesslun of toe Probate Conrt for the ConntJ of Wanhtcnaw. bolden at the 5'robate office, in the City oí Ann Arbor, on S.itnrday, the thirtielh april, in the ycnr oue thonond elghlhoi' .: ii seu-nty. Present. Ilirain J. Dcake?. Jndge of Probntc In tho matter of ;he esute of S;imiu Ëlizabetb Neetell, minor. Oljediab Prleet, Ginnlinn ofsald eftatc. comei Into Coart and reprasentá tbat he i now prepaiedw r hder hïs Snal account n snch Guardian. Thereupon it is Ordena, that .Monday, tbetbir. tictii day of May, ii'-.'. ai ten o'docjc in the forenoon, be asslgned for ezamlnlne and allowinf snrh acoonnt,and ihin the uext of kin of said rtinor, and all other persons loterested i- ;aid óptate, are ! to a]ipt:ar at a ye5tion of said l'onrt, then to be holden at the Probate onict', in the City o( Ann Arbor. in sa'd Connty. and .how canse, if anv therö be,why tlie Baid acoovnt Bhould not be ailowcd: .iu it la Further ordered that paid Guardian, ive nt)tice to the perdone interested in ciid estnte. af the pendeDCf of snid account, and the hearing thereof. by canslne a copy of this order to ho pnbUshedinthe Itickigan Argu, n Dnrcpaptt priofa and ctrea lating in aald Cmmty. three Buccessin weeks previous to said dav uf hearing. (A trne êopy.) " 1IIHAM . PEAKKS. Vlúi J udge of IVobat. E?tatc cf Thomas Bentley. STATE OPÏftOrilOAK', Connty of Waslitennir,. At a sesslon of the Probstte Oomt for the Connty of Waahtenaw, bolden at the Probate Ofiire, in th Ann Arbor. on Friday, the lifteeuth dayof April, in the year one Ihoubimd eight huudredtad seventy. Preaent HtratnJ. Ueakes. Jndge of Probate. In the matter of tlio estáte of Thomas Bentle;, On rearting nnd Siing the petition, dui.v veriieilo" Solden V. simrt'eft. Ad'ninistrator with the w 111 annext'd of ssld-deoeased, prftytog thtit heTnr.y" Itoscllceitalnraal eetate whcrer.f said de: d sfezed. it is ordered, that Momlay, tlie thir. of ,M:iy. mxt, at ten o'clock in the forebo'on, be assljfneofor the hearing of snlrt petitior. uud that the legateea, deTH' s and heirs :.t v "■ s.ii 1 deceased, and II other persons ii -fted U ■. re reqnired to appear nt :i ►! . ■ :it tlnnto lic holden, at the Probat' ín the City of Ann Arbor. and show canse, if aJ therébe, why the prayet of the ]eti:ioner shonM not bc erantod : And i: i"i further ordcred tbat ' petit oner Sn-r nolicr to the persons Interoted ' saidestate, of the pendency of said petUios .n : thereof, by cansfng a copy of this ord i ;, a newspipt' iid circulating In said Connty, fonr tuccciüto said day or hearing. (Atrn-copy.J IUKAM J. BEAKES, 1261 Judce ol Probate. Estato of Ilcnry Caüfield. JiTATEOPSilCHÏSAN, foiintyof Washtennw M a seBSion of the Probate Courtfor thoCoBV btenaw, holden ai the Probate Office, in W Irbor, "ii Sönday.the eleven? r April U one thousand eight htBeakes.JxidgflorProblte. J In the matter of the Estáte oí llenry Cauüe'' linpandfilingUw petitioD. liily verified,' II. Kempf, Admlnistrator, i"1' ", Hcensed to teil ccrtMn real estáte wiier"1 ,ai(i deceased dled seUrd, .. ..., li Is ordered Tncsd.iy. the t)t v.flrst day f May, next, at ten o'clofk n " the hearing of sala P": hcirs 8t lnw of fnid decow"1 ,nd all other poroooa nterated in said esi"' lired to nppear nt .i sesjion ofsaidcoom hen to oe holden at the Prolmte Office, In the City' ull: ,i.(-, and show canse Ifany there be.wnyw irayer of the pelttlbner shonld not be &"%. i,„V ii . tluitsaid potlUoneJi'2 rgoni Interested In said estáte) "J e', Cvofsaid pctltlon.aml thehearlns rterefJ copy or thi ;'" .ui,,,; a newspaper printea and .'' ''"Jj ;;m'"í1'm''kk" i , - - ■ ■püïSIClASS1 PBESCBIPTiöiS ACCUBATELT AND CAREFULIiY PREPABED BT ! 11. W. ELLIS 00., i)ltUGGISlS


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