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The Railway Situation

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It shoulil sectn quite f-upoifl'Jous to say th i t katern ilie relaiiona of tbe New York Centra) & Ilud.-on lliver Railwuy Company to the L.ike Shoru & Michigan Southern - and we havo no reasou to suppo&u that ihey are, or wil! bo auything moro tban thoe öf conimon owner.ship - tliey usnnot be such as to load to any disci iuiiaatiou nu tlio pnrt of tha New York Cautml mabas' ment against the Norih Srioru Line. To mippose oihorvviso woulJ ba nut only to iropugn Mr. Vauderbilt's veraoity, but a!so lus good sor sa nriJ pagaity. TLe businesH exchiuitied botweco theso hnes is quite as import.iut to tho New York Ceutra!, as the favor of tba latter can possibly ba to the North Shore interest. Tlie New York Can ral woulil havo Dothing to gaic, nijd muoh to lose by the disdolution of ihe present relations of ooiumercinl iutercbftuge aud amity ; while the Miohigao wou!d still be secure n its New York As egards tLe present Chicago cou oeetioiiS of the la; ter, iho same principies of comraon BODSfl iij'p'y. The Miohigau Central line has favor to give as well as to röoeive. UnlebS the shrewd manngers whote names are now associated witb the new CiiicagD & Northwestern direction utterly changa their uature, and abandon the polieies whiuh havo built up that greiit rod, f.nd havo given the Chioago, Kuok liland & Paeitio Railway a baccess ahá prestige unsurpassed, the uew arruDgemeuis coutain protniM of naught but good lo the Michigan Central iuiere-t. The wholo trir.h siinply is, that all these liuea are Belf-anetainiog and iude prosperitj of the rest, mul tbat all subtaatial advactug-'s will bo enjoyed iu oommon. 'i'hu time has como, especiiilly, wheo wlmtevcr can greatly concern any legitiniatcly raanaged road in the West, concerns all othuis equaüy ; aud no single road con afford to enjoy individual and exceptional advantages, at the expense of the greater and far more numerous beneüts flowing f:om the co-operatiou and harmouy of all.


Old News
Michigan Argus