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NewYom, May SI. There has cot for ycars beeu a season of mure complete dearthueas üf üuanciul news, tliau uow. - Tho abuudanco of money Is tho ouly feature, but ibis seenis to ouly as a fact, without Mcerdstiig any cppccial iuflueuce Flour and wheat have fluctualed hum dwing the weck, but closo ubout tlio sume as a week ago. Thcre continue to be a fair export dcmaml, and prices iu Europa are teudiug upward. Tbere tro apprehensions of a serious drouht in Great Britaiu, which may afl'ect crop8 there uufavorably, and iucreaee the export demand for wheat froui Ibis aiib While the market to-iLij ia a llttlü lower under free rectipin, tiitj EndleatiOD are on the whole íiuito as favorable as for &ome days past. Otlier gralua and cereula generally qulet.- Butter promise- to run low in price. There are lib eral quhntitics of western on hand and arrh prices aro irregular and lower. The best western tubd stlll meet a fair deinand, but Inferior vcry slow of sale. Ckeese has boen in i-nxand for expori, bu U weaker to-day, uuder unfavorablO advices frero Englanda Hops aro unsalable. The range is 12(31 for good to prime of tlie erop of 1860, and poor to good, Slï. THE WOOL MAKKËT. Thers la a decíded moveraeut of wool just now a the oast, and at prlcea bulow those at which wool havo hitherto been held. Dealers are of courueanx ious to c'.oeo out their stock beforo tho new cli cornos on the market, and to do so will offer at lowe price. llanuiacturcrs are equally desirous to stoc up, 80 thcy eau run as long as pogsible tndepem ent of th uew clip. Pulled wools are very abundan and ofl'ored to buyem almost en flutt own ternu aud i)eiug thus low, will be used as iar as they ca bij, iu Ueo of Hueco. This all goes to lospen the pree ent demand for uew wool. Thu inaiket however, i a question of a yoiir. and not. of a day. Thera Is mnrii wool in tho co::utry, there isso much machin ery to ba einployed in its manufacture, and there are more peoplo iu tu coantry to woar the mmuf&c tured goods than a year ao. The qutfetk ply ouo of supply and demand. If tho nsw clip aboiild be rushcd on the market prices will ruu low. If, however. iï shoold be held until the demand for il Bprliya pp. U mistcommand a price reinnneraLivt Ing year may cali for a largér consumption of gooda thau last year. as ïuauy hava Imld off lrom buying In anticipation of lower prkes, and othen have worn ' thelr old clotlics, dijetníns it too btd tünos to buy new. 1 Detboit, June 1. WUeat lias been iu fair demand duriüj; the week and t prices eubstantially uuchanged. Some dealers think that the stock of wheat in the country has been over estimatcd, and that with ihe current demand, any cougidcr&blt dojlim betore ha!vett ie not probable. Ureeu applui are nominal and hardly qaotable Buttur is waak and declining. Eggs a trille etrangor. Diied Irulta dull. í'uuí) is lower. II opj are ntiroly nominal at quotations. Oid potatoes of good quality are in some deina nd at 2Sc per bushel. We hear of somo sales of wool in the inte, rior, aud as high as -lüc ia reported to havo beeu paidTee market oponed lti year at 35(!Í38c, and tha ndicatious aro that it will do nearly or quite ls well tuis year. Tho markc: is wry uuaettl eá, however. DETROIT PHODUfE MAEKET.- The followlne quotations represent the current net pricrxreallzed bycomiulsion dealürB.aud arecarufully reviaedevery week. for the Aauns, by our Detruitcorrespoadent. Duductl 'lis lrom these prices Tor commissioua and charges, will show the uet rates tofirst hands: Apples,- Dried, sy,a9: ; Green, nominal. Haiiey_por cwt. . $ï .iOial DO forJJo 1 lieeiiwax - por Ib. 85. Buaus- white, $l.i(j@1.6f Hutter- Eoll and crock 22@23. Firkin, 19@22. Cheesc- lliciiifjnnFactory, 1S@19. Uuiry, U16. C[iickena--dres8ed, perlb. , i7diy. Corn- perbu., OOicCI.OO. tiruaberries- Per bbl S6.00@1J.00 for wild. F,ggs- pordoi. , 1 Hides- dry, perlb., 16 He-: green, 6 'ir. Calf Skins- Green, 13(16c: dry, W9S7. Shecp Skins- SO(aH.50: lamb skins'lÖtaitO. )Iup- New, perlb., TOllc. Lard - perlb.. 17c. Oats - per ba. 5I@5Sc. Ouious- per bbl. 2-50('ü2.7S. Potfitoes - No market. Tallow- 8á@85c. Turkcys - dressed. perlb., 1920c. Wusat- exua white, I.ül$l.s2; No, 1. $1.41(31 42 Amber, l.lSjül.19. UI 1UB0R rKOUtCK HIARHCTS. Arous Office, Juue 3, 1870, We quote thle afternoon asfollowa: WHKAT- White. 135c ; Red, HOe BUi'K WHEAT- 7Cc. CORN- 75e.rd OATS- Mc. BEANS- SI.1K. BUTTKK- ïnaaic. KOOS- 13'oiHe. LARÜ- lCc IPLKS -MéjtiOc. POTri'OUS- l,"i(y,2öc. CHICKEKS- 14c. TUUKEYS- lc.


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Michigan Argus