The Mozart Watch Company
TVedesIre to invite the attcnuon of oui cltizcDS, especially tbat portiou of then who benig capitalists and property-holden hive a direct interest i;i the growth and prosperity of our city, to the necessity o; takiug Immeeliate steps to prevent the remoral from om" midst of the Alozart Wütch Company. Il is known to most, if not all, ofour citizens that the company named wasorgauized for the purpose of engaging lu the Diahufaeture of Wutches anti Clocks, andera patent granted to Dox J. UoZABT. The company has so far progresseil in its work that it Las iiianufactureil and procured the necessary tools, implements and wucliiaery for actnal work on a large scale, and has turned ont a immber of beautlfu watches, which, by absolute trial, Iniv been proved to possess superior qualiticb 1( te also anderstood, and we are sorr tuMj-witli considerable reason, that th few mcu who took hold of the enterprls god thcmselves without meaus toprosecut the work on the large scale which is ucees siry to mate it a success, and that the; have not met that enconragement and sup port ivhich they had a right to expect froii tbecominunity at large. This beiug th case, we are penuitted to say that rathe thau sint whai they have airead 7 invested tbey will be compelled to accept proposi tions which will place the controlling in terest u other hands, and take the (actor; toauother State, unless other capitalista come to thciraid. Sotne time ago our city was vlslted hy representativos of Xew York capitalista, whoon the represeutatious oí oue of tiio tost AVutcti-meu in tlic country offtred to parchase the patent nud machlnery, on terras whieh would secure the stoekliolders from loss, b-at the offer was decllaed because a Femoral of the factory uiu folIow. Later, MUwaafcec capitalista sent espertshcre to examine the works, and on thelr report ao offer is non' pendinpr, a;aiu securing the stockhokkrs i'ull returu for their invistment, butalso uecessitating the loss of the f-jciory to our city. AYe aro :clialj!y Intormed that the ageut of tbc Milwaukee parties- a practical mau- ]jroUjuuces the watch, aud c!ock soou to come out, a perfect success, that lie asserta that the wfttch can be maaaíactared macli cheaper tiwn cither the Elin or Waltbam Watch, that the nioncy so far has been well expended, that the campany has made a greater show in tools aud machlnery on tlic $40,000 expended thananyothtr Watcn Company iu the country on $100,000, and n short, that there is a fortune in it. These beius; facts, and we have no doubt of tuero, cauuot samethiug be doue to save the faciorytoour city. IOIil waukee men stand ttaAy to invest $300,000 iu it, cauuot our apitalists be induced to invest one third of ibat sum to retaln it here ? The objection ordinarily made to mannfactnring here, that transportation will eat up the pi-odts, will not hold good in this case, for the reasou that the freights are so small a per CMt. as to be mere nothing. Watches can tiemanufactured in Ann Aibor as wcll as inElgin, aud we have not the least doubt tbatifourcitizens will It the Mojar tWatch Company can be made a kucl-oss,- a paylog urestinent both to the stockholders and the city. We ueed something of the kind to prevent the sUgnation in business wiiich ful take capitalists and capital from us instead oí bringiiigeither to us. We hope tliat our business men will ponder this )iter seriously before letting the opportanlty slip to do something both Om tht'mstlves aud our city. ïhere was a goödly turn out on Mondy, Docoration Day, anJ the order oiexerise aimouuced iu our last issue as duly obicrvcd. Exercises at the University ere pended, the schools wcre closed iu the WeruooD, also the banks, ötores, offices, Tiie addresa was delivcred In tlie Court House Square at 1 } v. M., by Col, C. B. Uhíxt, aud was well-timed and appro Priate, aftcr which Forest Hill Cemelery, Le Oíd Cfmetery, the Catholicand LowerlowüCcmeteiies were visited in the order Mmed, the procc-ssiou beiug led by the rtcr Zouaves and band, wherc the graves '(leceascd soldiers weres::vcra]ly Btrewed Jflthciergreeusand flowerg. The ladlcs 4 furnished a bountiful supply of beautiIbonqets, which were carrieri to the metcrics by the surviving comrades of dead patriots. "We gave a list ol tlie Pvesdecoratcd last year, and do uot conitlcr it necessary to repcat thein uow. - The Turners aud Feuiaus were the on'ysocicties whlchjoiued in the proces"on. Rev. Dr. B. P. Cookbb, of thU city, iioq Thursday mornlng, tn route tor upe, to visit his old home and (rienda f. gUnd. aud recruit his health by a the t tUU n UlC We hope that f'Pwiiibe productivo of all the pleaaean(iProütheanticipates. 1riBiBEAL'ofthe Co"?; leaves on nrsüay ncit, aud will saii from New wkontheinu in company with Dr. flnd " have no doubt that he WlU Profil ,lrÍPlaOreplcasallt-ir uot iuUso Profluble-than running a printing office gOMu-u, Ta' f th Se"ior Cluss' al8 8 Wil Messrs. Cockek and Beal. On Priday aflernoon last, a collision "T'rredjustwestofDexter beUvu " tructioa train coming east and the ' e line ircight goiug west. Edwahd triln ' f the construction ort kUled and 8lxt!n Würkeu more Ü'tfttamwTerely. '
Old News
Michigan Argus