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The Oldest And Newest Empiro

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CMna ana tlie Unlteu otates. uy v tFBEii, D. I)., Correspoudlnx Becroiary , oftho Presbyterlan Board of Èdncatioii ; fbrmerly Mluslonary in Cblna and to the Chinese In Call.'ornla. lllustrated. ïhi-oiirii Jones, Junkie A. Co., Chicago, tve have rocelved the advance sheets of a roíame now belng run throagb the presses of the "National Publlshlug Camp: ny," Uincinnati, Ohlo, bearlng tlic aboPO titlc. The author, Judglng by tliu f uil tabla of contenta aud the few pages before us, h: s bad abuadant opportuuity to Investígate i:s subject, and i csi'ifs is au udmin r of the Ciir.ese people and flnda H a labor oí' lovc to delend tUem. ïhe wrlter went tu Uanton io s-i-J'. thence to Califoruia lu i 52, whrre be u as tlie lii'st io preacli the gospel to tlie Cliintie immigrautd, In Iheir own langUage. Of hls book Ik: saya: "It la largeiy made up of materlali wblch havo grown up 1 the writer's experience, labora aud lutercourse uiiii iho Cbiuese, uuder eircuinstances ivklcb drew óut tho bes'. Isideoftheir character, racmly interested hls teellugs, aud persoually at aclied blm to I many of theiu ; aml which led him to conglder tbc natloa and lts iastltatlona in a newllght" Ayuui : "Tlic Chinese are a beathen people, and much that is evll can truthfully be sald againat i'uein. Uut wb y do wejmlge thein so much mora severely than other beatbeu emplves which havenot excelled or eqaaled tiiein In morallty i ïhe Romans were a far more depraved and cruel people than the Chinese. Tlieir idolatry was more groas and: loathsonio." The style Is agreeab!e, the paper and print excellent, and the book gives promise of beiu;ï both readahle and instructivo. Sold ouly by sobscrlptton. Au agent wantod In everj county, city, and towu Address Joxjas, Jü.NKr.f & Ca., CHicaga The Juna uuruber of tbe Zadiet' Reposüory has tta usual readable and varied table of contcnts. The lllmtrated articks are ; Cqiisc Irom thy Dreatning, üunclicster and Is AuliQUities, Kumarkabio Plants, The Womeu of India, and Sweet Auburn. The steel piales are : Moruing on the Prairie - the American Elk, aml The Sailor Boj's Drcam of Home. The number com[jletes the Ihirlielh volume, making tho present a favorable tims to subscribe. It is a magasine lot the flrealde, vvith notliiuj; in lts pages to contamínate. $3.50 a year. Atldress llrrcncocii & "Walden, Cinciunati, Ohio. - From the same, we have the June Golden Uours, a capital number of a capital nagazine, one whicli tho boys and girls take to naturally. $3 a year. Acldress as ibove. Messrs. Garttneii & Co., ürgan builden, west sido of Liberty Street, have uow put up in their fuctory a lurgc and iii:e oigan whlch they wlll be pleased to cxhibit to our cKIzena íbr a few days before shipplng. As the case for this oigan is to be furuished at its place of destiuaüon, Detroit, visitors wlll have an opportunity to see just how an orgau !ooks and works, the whole tompHcated aiul wonderfnl mechanism of t'.is instrument bcing exposed. Col. Gkanï retired from the poatoffice on TfVednesday, and is noiv a respectable "hlgU-prlvate," and is succecdod by Maj. I);:an-, Col. ü. luis made au accommodating and popuiar officer ; we can't s;'.y the samo o liís sucecssor - jast yet. The spcoiul eleciiun on Mouday ifteraoon created veryllttle excltement - hardly a rlpple in fact. Only 100 votos Ycre polled, and tho geveral appraprlaUaas askcel ibr wtirc made. Tbc City Marshal bas givou tbe cows uotico that thty must not run at large o' niglits. ' Half a loaf is bet'.er tliau uo bread." Dr. T, T, Seelje, of Olereland, one of the most lutalUgent aud IhcMasftü rbysiciane of ihie country in treatmeut uf cliroüic diaease, writes to Stearns. Fair, ,t Co., that he isso woll pleased with resulta obtaincd in preecribiüg " Swcet Qninine " that he has discarded the Bitter Quinine of tho shops anülOj; getting equally good rcsulis with the Swcet 'juiiiMii', aud so avoidiug the nauseous bitteraess i)uêscLsod by the uther. Sold by Kbi.-rb.ich & Co.


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