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SPRBVG AND 8DMHBK. S. SONDHEIM II AS JU3T ULTCRNED FROM :n:ew york WITH A. LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING BOYS' AND YOTJTHS' CLOTHING, ALSO THE FIN'EST 3TOCK OF CL O Til S, CAS31MEEES, FBST1NGS, 3ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, C1.OIHS OK ALL COLORS, ÍCCH AS BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, PAHLIA, AND OTI1ER COLOR3 TOO NUMEROL'S TO MENTION, CLOTHING MADE TO OKDER, ON SHORT NOTICE. I IV THE BEST STYLE, AND FIT WARRANTED. Cali and Examine for Yourself N. B.- CLOTHING FIFTY PER CENT. CEEAPER THAN AT ANY OTHER HOUSE. ALL PERSONS IXDEBTED TO LATE FIRM OF M. GUITKRMAMícCO., WII.L VLEASE CALL AND SLTTI.E ANDSAVE CO3TS. 1266 A un Arbor Agriculturul Co. FARMER'g ArTENTION. Read the followíDg, whkk 'm of the groatesl importance to yQÍi t Ana Arbor, Scpt. 1, 1869. Jolinaton., Huutly & Co :-Gente - I purchased oue of your Reajjer of Finnegan & Howard last season , and have giyen H a íhopough trial, and can truly Hay thatit workuhkc a thlng ol lt, cuttinf: lodged and tangled graiu, and picking it up thoee ulmmi human utms, in inuch btlter httpe than could be done by hand, leaviug not a ípear behjnd. I think its lightnees of drafl, width 0( cut,(6 feet) simplicity and adaptability to all kinds of i ain, combireto make it the bost Reaper extant. L. M . LYON. VV, the undersipdd, purchased Johnston ReapnrK, and íully concur in tbeabove staiemexit : John G . Kocb, PitUfieM. Timothey Fohey, Webster Johufregel, JohnCoylef David VangCBOD, ( Küs'na C: i,d-(id, ' H.C. Huntír.íouthLyon. ThomaO'Bren . " IlcnryCanlin, Northütla. Kelsun Osborn, Sclo. Joño Marfh,Scii. Andrew Mead, Ann Arbor. Charles SoUteimer, Lewid Fritz, Scio. The machines ar improved lor the year 1870, have a Duiding attachment, aid are fo Ealc bv the Ann Arbor AKrictiltural Company, Buccensors to L. Hoore k Son aiul l'lnncpaii Hnward. We aNo keop large upply of the following machines ith drop ping attuchmentn and Johniiton sel f rake. The0 machinen have no equalin the market. Theybave taki: ii al i the prizrs at thi different ti la 1 in the State th put to yr, and iu no C%K lire they íailed to come off victorioui : The World, The Eicelsiir, The Champion, The Hubbaid, TbeRuiaell, The Bal 1. Thee machinen have never failed to give atisíaction to the purchaaer, and are lighterdrart Iban any other machi utra. We also cjl the toilosriog Thlush iog Machines t TheGenuiue i'itts, The Tornado. TheRirdail, TheMasilon, The Glenn Hall, The Vibrator. GRA1N' 11R1LLS - We manufacture the celebralcd Keystone Drill, whtch for fliuiplicilyj acCíiracvand ilural.llity, have no superior. We wanant every Drill to perform n repienented orno salí. A'e aleo kffp Iri lts íimimfiu-.turtd b v utlier parties. andaré preparad to fui ny d.:irfd aiticlp on thc shorteat noticc. We are prepared to do all kindR of l-bpjiriiiK k.í larm íiiariiinprr, uch as Heapers, Mowrs, 'fhresher, l'uweis, o. Wo kuep constantlyon hand a large st"ck of Agricultural Impl Menta, plotm.haricrra, wlieel ciiltiviilurs, tVwIcut ter, corn helleDs, coWron Útiles, poiv-r jnok and sawiuií ni:uhir.cs. n 1 1 oíour own manufctin-í',atid we wjllKellat tlie lowtlt ponibh fiüure. We woukl lesuectfully invite all parties wjthlng to purchase any nicle in our line f rom a plow nolnt to a threish"g machine to cali and ee as befen purcbasing, for e wili give tlieni botter t!"'l, better terms, and luwer prirn than can ba obtaintd eluwbsre. M. H - Kciik KiiH i w manufacture nono bu; lirst alan ""ile, and nlu undsrsell alt eompttitort. Cali nuil Rfe us aml save fron 5 toJOpeiemt .h ihI Ket goo'ls tliat a re warryntt'd tt ba up to thaj stand arú. Afullstuck of extra keptcnntiinily on hand ' fr the BulTalo Pitt'n Tliraalier. I ATHg BCRKW CUTTIKO of all diui on slmrt n..ticH. (Ulice J and let,, iiu.ction of Detroit and Fourthfltl. Foundryanil Michine Shop, Fiflh Wrl, onuusite Binolalra' Mills. 126(m3 AT ONE ï (JAN NOT BUY Iï. FCK SIQHT ISPBICELESS TUK DIAMOND GL.nsiS, Mi'mi'i'ctui...! ;,, I E Spenrcr Co., N. ï,whlch r w offerqd 'i i tbe public, i re pr,nnu;iced by all t h BelëbraMd Otticlans of Uo Wort.l u be the Hul Ptrfrcl Nntuial, Arl ïtici ■% 1 help to tho'i u i ■ over .,i.,wa. TLey are oniid uaaer thóii;owiugerTKon, innii pqloiih' crvfUl Pebblw, Bltc4 iic-!l":. : t. ; dtrlre thoir Dainp, " Din mond," on account ni f l.olr tjnr-iopas ml brillltDo; l'lii - ■.::::..■.. Prlaolpla nu wbicii tho Ate cotis'.;-.-.' i,'! brillas tl(c vy oiwcii tr of he leng 'i:...! lp fronf of tb ■, prodnoni ft cloftr and cHtinct visión, h in t!,,! natural lieslthy Bigbt, ud pteTADUnf all unpleaint ssnsatinim, such iflininiijtiFig nüd wny-ri?ii; of sight dir.ïiness, fcc.j pecujiar to uil ft'fislu u-c Tliy are mountCt! in the KINKST MANNKIÏ u faunen c.f tb bl qiUlitJ ol ll mslmnls used'fur ihal pulposo. Ttieit lll'i'11'1 and rannnt h Kun : CAU'nON.-if'-Dc Knnin ui.i.-s be&iiug tbeir trnt'.t' niür k Iteinpd oo tvivy Iratiii'. j.C. WATTS HKo., Jnrrlr and OptleUmi re ole HfrinU lor AXV AKROR, 111:11., frum v„,n tby ojn Dolf be obtaiued. ThM guod'. arï uut ui!icd fj fct!'rs tUv lris. liOïjJ ' QRY COODS CHEAP! s. C H. MILLEN Has just returned fröm ÏTew York, and ia now receivlDg a OF SPRING AND SUMMEÉ DRY GOOB8á Boüght during the recent fall iü prices, and will be sold Cheop. - . 'JHE STYLES OF LAJDIES' DEE8S ÖOOD83 ARAB SHAWLS, LLAMA POINTS, GLOVES, TIEÖ, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, FANS, &c, &e. ARE BEAUTIFUL AND CHEAP. CALL AND SEC THEM at C. H. Miïlen gPRlNG PRINTS, SHEETINGS, SHIfiTINGS, House Furnishing Goods, Gent's Cloths & Cassimereö,AND EVER Y VARJETV OF SPRING DRY GÜODS FOR LADIES AND GENTS AT VERY LOV I'RlpES AÍP C. H. MILLEi'5í. PiimlëyTlewis, GeutleiDHa's Opera Boots. " Furgeson Button Boots. Frenoh CoDgress Gaitera." Creolö " " " Serge " " Scotch Ties. " All Rights. Oxford Tiea. In short, Fiill Line of Gentlemen' Booti ais Shoen, Boy's ánd Youth%s Boots and Shoes, n Great Váriety, and JIEN'S HEiVY WORK, haöd made of all kinds. Ladiog' French Kid Button. " Foxed " " " Serge ' " " Polieh. Miases' Brome, and Buttoti; " Serge, " i Child's " il We ask tbe particular atiention of the Ladie to OÜE FIISTE WORJi WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IN THE STATE, fcnd n I'rice FAR BJfiLOW DEïllOIT FIGURES OCR WüPK WARRANTED AS KErRESENTED. ... U66 KE YOUüOING TO BTJILÓ P We will furnish Large Bills of Lumber as Low as any dealer in Michigac. We solicit no patroniiga except such as your interest will gii-o us. Lel us make figures on your lilis hef ore you go away f rom home ta parchase. c„i co E. BLOOD & CO. $10,000 BEWAËDr GREAT 1CÏT1IT ! ! AMONG FAEMEivS. WILJ, l'AY THE ÉIGHKST CASH PB [CES FOR CQOÜ WIIKAT. ALI. FAK.MKKg WILI. I: WKJ.L TO CALL T1ÍKKE IIKrOBp StlXINO KLSEWHERE. IlKIKGi VOi'U GOOD WIIEaT TO SCI!) MILLS. 186tf N. V. BRIGGS, Sciö. lyitsÖLVTÏöNT The copartnenblp her-tcfore exliims botwocn the nndersifned. uudrrthaflrm nnme of K. W Filis i Co., wu üi'.h ,y diisolvcd by tDoltmi consent. J A Eiradl Mtlring. Tlie bu.lu6 will be carrifd' oii t nld place midt-r the ssme Í :m name, nd tha bookj of the compan.T bc fepttlcS by tlie uaw flroi Dated, May 2Otb, 14T0. R. W. KLUS. J. A. KISáELL. pEOPLE'S DRUG STOiCj. R, W. ELLSS & CO'


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Michigan Argus