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Dr;. u CoinruiBeionér's Notioe. IVOTK iramls. i pion Ihmisö oi the townsbip of York n ■ (OU ' I ■ ■ on the 3d day i ci-ls of land deemed apportioi siruct ai ■ nd to hear reasona l'nnv ;iv ■ jüouhl bc rcïjcwoi] aud coitected. 110 ES J. P.B8IIAT.L, Draln Commltatom r of Wal I) entm ■ Mortgage Sale. WHEREA8, Charles Sconton. i ■ !,o, in theConnty of Jocknon. and State of Hlchl mi t'.i BOVeDtu t;ty dl ' . ■ SVbedon, of the ' of certuiii ii: Eerest for the pnrchasi moncy oí i premisea t ïh-i eln mei - hi the i oanty of Ws?hteua I. ou th 12th day of October, A. D. 163. ftt k A. ui BI ■ on paee 368 ; .Mul v, -..i has been f r more than tblrty daya In th paymeni of au inon thtï scventh day of October - . ; asdpureaantto tlietermsofsaid mortgage. sald mortgagce elccti thai nrtina anpaid with nll arrearagea ofli thereon shallbecom Immcdiately, aiul whererif . i anti unpald on satd mortgage at the dato of thla notioe tho tam of two thoosand and thtrtyfor principal andinte tee of thtrty dollart hnuldasy proceedlogs be tnkcu to foredÓM said monease .'ni'! do snit or proceedings have b stitntedeltherln laworeqnlty to recover the órany partthereof: Notioe therefore. is hereby given, tliat on Satorday, the clevonth at two o"clook in the afteruoon, at thn Boathdoorol Biouse, in the cityof Anc Arbor, belng th baHdlng In which theCircnit Oourt for the County of Washi laheld, andbyrlrtui erofeaTecoi mortgage lal ublic imction, to the higheat bidder, the pi ui aaidmort tbe amounl of priucipnl and interest ' il the AUorfley's fee of thtrty dollars nd charceg of sale, to-wlt: A)l those certaln ii'iis or parcela of Imid sltnated in tbe t.wn. Bhtp ofSharon, and '';nry o] Wahtenatr. and Stilte of Michigan, deeertbed as foHóws, to-wlt: the eantpart of Uiv nouthwesr fractio&al qaarter of sectiou No even f!) in town thi of range three f3) east contninintr cisrlity acres of land; also the west half ol' tlic eouthwapt quarter of snrtion Knmber eeven fT) in tnwnpbip tnrei three (a) eaBt.coutalningslxty acres of land. more or 1 Datod, March Tth, CHARLES WHEDON, Mortgagee. Joim N-Qott, Attorney. for Hortsagee. 12r0 Mort gage Sale. DEPAULT havingbecn made in the condltiön of a (■-■■i ain mi i ■ ed hy Fn and Barbara Mayer day of Jane, A.T. 1864, recorded wKa the j cont&ined tu the office oi ■■■■■ in the State of Michigan . oh the I ; Jnnc A. D. 1864 al 4:lu o'clock I1. M. in liber SS of mor: ios, and by an Instrument of a beartog date the íííl day of July, A. D. USO&, and recordcd in the office of tl on the 3d day Jiuy, A. 11. 1869, ut Uyz o'clock A. M.. 1 aaaigued ii hmld to Maria Barbara Majcr, una Bobaequently by Instrument of aasienmeni nu! record ■ A. D. lSTo at 1 % o'clock P. M., in líber ■ ■iara Mayer to ... varda l-y a rartherínBtmmentof : hO Sd dav Of Mal'], A. . t ister f ! :it t'i: :z o'clock A. U ■ Maria Iarh,: i y: date of tliis notice, the enm of flve hnndrcft and eihty-twu dol] are and twcntytwo cents, and ■ the rato of - ; Id dading an Attorney fee of tweuty d imv jro and no Balt or procredinffe at law or in íhít been institntcd to recover the um o due or any j);trt i ■ therefor, h tlwt by virtueel t:: defaall En u-h cu.-Tiiv ■ ihalls '1 ai publirauction, i ihe. A Ann Arl lonntyol Wachten hw and of HlchJ Circuir Court within sald Connty}, the pr in the i iw and State in Brow i! ■■ ■ Arbttr . (n.ow city)i comm nortnweterly from e corner of biock nnmber ninií thence d tW f ■' to i!" waiïlh' ;iltniu the Mne of !'■ thence uo thencf jfouth' nd parallel with Br alMKil oi tytwo feet to the : belnnii ■ ■ ííiycr !'■ andwife L.Chapin and wife, da? of Jane A D. I Dtttal, Ann A . i-m. MARIA BARBADA MAYER. B :m v n B Attorney for Asb',:, Mort gage Salo. Diuli ion oí' a certuin mo edei i; k Mayer and María Bfti i re Cmrurr, on thu 1' til witli th power of sale the oï tiü R 'ster of Deede fbr the Com naw, in rliü State r Michigan, on t Jone. A. 1. t8fiï, at T .. o cloek M., and by ao Li the -U day of Jal Dede aforesaid, oni -Suly, A. i) ■ b '. U . ín, . . mort Cramer to Marta Barbara Mayer, on which mo Hiere ithesiini of hand red -md tcu cent?, and Inteiesi fVom the date the rato . !., bebides the costa ftnfl erpeneesof tltib foreciosure locladiDg m Attornej : ftve dollar.-' shonld uny pro close Batd oiortgagot ana nu Bult ör pi law or in cli;mciry haviiig been Inetltated to recover the urn so due or any part thereof Kotice la fore, hereby civon, ttmt uy virtan of Un po tu ald m i gas ■. whlch has become operatíve by the defanlt aforesald, nml in pnrsuanc of thu Btatntfl Id Bocb case made and provideti, I ehallsell at public aaciion, to thehlgheet bidder, on the fourth day of June, -. 1). 1870, at 9 OXiocfe íti the rfternooD of tbat day, a-i the sonüi door of the Court Ilonpp, In the City óf Anu Arbor, iii the Oounty of WasfitepRw, and State of Michigan place of holding the Circuit Courl withia ntyi thepromleeedoscrlbeilinsafd mo aS follOWB. VÍ2J 'ri;tllaicrl Of lul(l lu-ili ,r 0 part of eectíon twenty lying easterlj ofSwlft aud iVuholl's mili pond. town Bóntfa of raí cusí., and State of Michigan, conrmenclng at the Bonthwest corner ofa certatn sireét raonin? from Btreet westriy tn the uortheast comer or land de ded by Norman Chapia and wlfe to John T, Swathel, thence northerlj alón}? the line of lund now owiuíd by Jacob SeaboU, to lánd owned Smïth. thence weaterly along the Une ofsaid Smith'e Hand to sald m II pond, thence sontberly along the margin of &awj pond to land oow owned by said ice along the riortherly line o 8wathePe luud In an eaetefly dlrectlon to Ihepi ing, c atainlogaboat flve acres more or less ; always reeetv:ng the rlght to i uter apon sai ! 8' s at all times at the we"terly end of the bootc mentioned si reel bo aa to gaJn access wjth a team or otherwise to the land ü' w owned by saiij Swathe), and lying eoutherlj írom said ftve Dated, Ann Arbor, Uioh., VíwcM i th,187Q. MARIA BARBARA MATER, Elouabd Bkahav, üöe of Mor) Attorney for Asefgnee. U00 Nortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT baving been made i" thcomUiion of a cürUm mortfttige executed by Bitas Rlch to Ilarriet G. Ashby, on the twenty-tjlghtb dAy ol g bcr,A, I. IB6Í recordad, wilh the powei of sale thereln contained, In the office of the Regis Deeda for the County ol Wafthteoaw, Ia the State f Michigan at ony o'clock p. hh od the nineteenth dxy of September, A. D 1885, in líber No. 21 of mortgages onpage78B, and by as Instrument ofaasl; dal the twenty-fourthday of Jann&ry A. ï. isi;, .tik! recorded in the offloe of the Register oï Deeds aforeeald, at ih o'clock p u., on the second day of November, A D. I8ü9, in lfber 2 of mente of mortgiigefli on pa i ,■ asaignea by ihbv to Lncy A. Olda on which e there Es ■''■ ... ute f ilii tbflsiizn of twelve bundred and ten ■ and foor cents, priuclpat and interest, j or In chaccery havl i toted to recover the mm ■ thereof, Ie, thcrefirc, hereby piven, that by virl the power of sale contaíned In eñld raortgage. which haa beconM operatlve by the defáult aforoea d anrt fu pur-uanceof thestatute in eucb. case made ml l thp snid m rtgage wil!, nt the Conrt House, In the City of Arm Arbor, iu the Conutj of Waehtennw, and State of Mi !.i..;m fthatbelne the place of bolding the Circuit Conrt wltbin vatd Oounty on the twen ty-ehird day ol Ap il, á.D 1870, at ■ ocl' ck In the fbrenoon be foreclosed h-. a sale of the premiaee described In Baid m ttetantlaUy aa folluwf; sltnatu in the towpabip of York In theCountyol Wasbtena'w and State of Michifran thósecertafn tracts or parcela of land knorwn and desi nortbwest qoarter of the son 'hi tndthe Bonthwesi qnartr ol I I ojuarter i ■ No. twenty-two '-'■-. In townehip foor couth of i Btx eftst containltie ettjhty acres : uleooneóti [olnlne pareeJ of land, belng 11 thnt part of tho quarforfthe soathweft qnarter of atd spetion (vcjit two, which ! of the Qreat Itiiii Roao% rnn ,ul' Hi-'i i from Ehereof and bonnded ■ land hereindeacribedaDdsouth by land owucd by [.. M. Hoaa. Dated Aun Arbur, Januarv-'Tth 1ÍÍT0, L1TCY . OLDS, of MortfrageB. F. ("RAN-irn, Aitorncy. Theabovft snle te hereby postponed to Satarday ' lune 4th. at the aai ie place ;;'-'i ■ ' e oï day. Dated, Aun Arbor, Áprll 28d lfiTd LI CT A. OLDS, Assfgnoe oí tiorttrage. B.F. QbangbR. Attornfy. ISW I ! Tinost Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by Ch&neery Sale. S i). 111 Jïrow n, - ::ii.l by vin ■ Lewia, Jan ■ turday, the front ör Arbor, ivlded ■ e hnebond John Lewi , i ed, and dnrlng hor liinïd ie iii.-iin n widmv and iiumamed Auu Arbor, Mayltli, .-i. t 18T0 8IBLEY (. TY.I.on, One f tlur circuit Conrt Commlsslonerfl ior V:t b-t-nmv ('otllll v Ai.i'iiki., Fkm;ii, Solloitor and of Uouueul fur Complalnant. Renl Kstate for t-ale. STATEÍOF MICHIGAN, Connty of W . In Uk; matter of the estáte of Thomas IiL;ht, minor thai in ptirsna nu ordergranted I":: i iel,Ónardlau of the estáte of aldmtnor, iv tl e m Probate tor the Coanty of Wnshtenaw, on thda) of April, A. I). lTi, thcre wlll be tb btghest bidder, at the office ol ; l!. Palmer, i;: Manch Bter, ín the County of Wasbtenaw. in sald State, on T] I day of June, A. !i i ■ lock In tas fternoon i' !i.-.t n:iv. (eubjeel to uil enenmbrsnees ly mortgace oroih1! ■ .;tth(:iiiiic: olsalej tbeft I ootbweet quarter of the BOUthwesf i;r.Hrtcr of eectiofi tliirtv-iwo, in townFoarsontb of range threeeaBt, In said State. l):it'il Uay2d, A. i). K". H1CIIAKD GREEN, Oaardian. Real Est-, te f.rr ft OTATE OF M1C1IIG tyofWashtei In the matter of tlie eatate or Oeorge Sntl : Notlc i! 1: liuit in pureu: mi order gi ., (Uiardian of theeftate "f s;ud Incompetent! by the Hon r the Connty of '. ashtenaw, on ■ aty-tbird day of April. A. 1) lKTo. there wlll doe. to theblghest bidder, at the northweot corner Of the jirem ifter descrlbedt tn tb6 ; ;mty of WuHhtciiaw in sa . Tharfday, I day Hine. A. D. Iííto, :t two oclock In the afternoon of ihat d.-iy (snbjeot n all enenmbranccfl I time of s:ilrj. i descrlbed real eLtate( to-wit: ; half of the north two-thirds of t half of the nortbwa In towoahlp one soatbof range slx east, contalnlng twenty fix and two-thirds acres ol land :nure or leas iu 3ai Stare Datod, ■ ïi i 1 gfitb, . B 8EDQWICK DEAN, Ouardian. Retí Kstste for Bale, CTATK O F MICHIGAN, Oountyof Washtflnaw, as. O in the mal ickratm, -.- píven. that ín pursaance of au oí I to the uiïdrrïiiict!, Executor of I. by toe Hon. -J . Probate fbr tlie Conhty o',' Wanntenaw, ty-third dayof Itfarch, A. D. 1SI , there will bu gold at public ven du e, to the bigbeet bidder i th - hereiii described in the Coanty aJ Wi the Tiii the aiteruoou ■ ■ tholeaid d_ece;i.-serl and also subject to the ■ ■ , wing descrieí! i iz : weit halfuf the liortïienvt (.lunvt r .. .- south ■ part i'rom the uur; r by tlie Cliuno all iliiit part ol th. the northweat quarit-r of said '■' tion Beven, siiii) lieg i j i nu of the bighway. and contalülng polnttenchatD .. irth wesl corner oi th I of the il qnarter of BAld se tlonmven ■ ty ltnka. thence alOQg tb of hlghway north iliiy--ix degeefl autl tMirty min.. ■ toa ei;e I north . tweüly B6Ten ch.iiiiF ftnd niii iii;k- to a stake ïn north lln ■ k to the place o Engfourteen i lo the weel half o' the orth-west fra tlonal Qnarter t.f snfd ieven. exceprlup and retu portion ■ '. by the fo lowing mentl all r - . d from Lewls A. Ruckman ud tQckman to John w . Norria, recorded In liner 61 ot !;■ , l)_v deed from WUltam kmas und James Peni man, to ligftn Sonthei nf Deeds, page 4 G. and bj Iluck man and wife to M , rded iu I of DfiMi. on pitL'O 336. WILLlAVi! EGOBY, Executor. Dated March 23d, A : . 19 ■; Keal Eíta ■ lor 8a STATEOFMTCHIGAN.Conni iaw,ss. In th tbat In purwu an order gr&Dted to the nnderrigned, Gnai of Proí wentylü'th c. tere w i i ) be sold i"it. Idder, at the i Uoodal In the v! 11 age of Delhi, in the -ar'dav, i at ten u'ciock in the forenoon of that day, Csohject to all i ■ : g :i". the Li m uf Norman C. l . : The nndh I juh of the ' Delhi Mili Proper y,l(so-ralJedi.béingon , ou the noxl Duron Rlver, commeucing al the northiaat ir the 8aw Mili fonnerïy iorthflftheuce eouth weat tblrteen roda to thfl place tlolng oi.e acre of land ; also the undivld I :;t the or bol . ■ oo the all tha head that eau laking a race sufficient lor tho wnicr Aoove mcniloncd frui the dam ol said Jacob Doremus to the propertj above ■ 1 and thouce to the r" . ■■ i:i;iliviih'i! half of caili of the folïowii parcele or Iota of land v%; Lota i Ive, lu block our and that part of lor eight fn blocfa tour which i . . n in block nïi e and lol ten I iiiiir, til in tiiu vdlagfl of .Delhi) Ooaaty uud State e :. April ?Tth. A-.D. I KDWAUD L. BOYDEN, Guardián. Estafe of Samuel M. Fuy. MTATKOF MICHIGAN; Oetoaty of Washtenaw. w, o Notice la Uorebyglven, tbat by ao ordorof the Probate Court fwr tho Conuty if woebtenaw, m i tlic twfíity-thinl duy of May, A. D. 181 montbfl Grom ümt 'luto were allowed t'or creditors to present thefr claim f Samuel Id deceased. and thnt nll creditors ni sald deconaetj are rcquíred to present thelr tiaiiiu t satd Probate Coarta at thí Probute Office in the city cf Aun Arbor, for cxntuination and aliuwance, on or before the twemty-thlfd dáy of November next, and that suchchiiins uiíl bfl ttOftfd before Bald Probate Court, on Sittirday, thetwentythlrd diy of July, and on Wednesdaj, the twentyrliitii diiy of November azt, at ten o'clock iu thc forenoon of each of thoae daya Dated, Aun Arbor, May 23rí A. D., 1S70. HIRAM J BEAKB8. 1271 Judge of Probate. Commiiiijioners' Notice. OTATE OF MIOHíGAN,CoaDtyoiWaflUtñnaw,M. ÖThe underslgned bavlag been appoïnted by the ProbateConrtfbraaid Coanty.Commlsslonenfto retms and demanda oi .11 persons te of Kber Pattee, lateof siiiil i td, berebj glvo no tice that flx tnonths from date are allowedby urderof sald Probate Conrt forcredHorsto oreseat their clalma agalnst theestate of e I. andthatthey will meet at the office of Joeltn & Blodget in the Mty)i' V[:sihuui tn Couaty , oa Saturdaj, the sccoud day of Ju!v, :m Monday, th twentyflrst day of November, next, at ten o'clock A. M. ofeactfol s:ud daysi toreceive, examine and adjaei said claims Dated, .May 20th,A D. GommissipDers' Notice. STATE OP MICHIGAN, C'omity of Wiishtonnw, ss The tnttl' tsíl'u, 'i: ii ajipointed by thc Probnte Con rt for ftaid Couuty. Comintèslonerfl i rec.'vc examine and á4just all clnl ■ mandsof all persons ugnlmt tl ■ iiuJ I B. Oreen, 1W of sald Connty, deceaaedi nereby fflvc noücfl tluit ntht from dato nre n! I ; -.-i-tl . "ly ordr Prob&te Court . fororeditora to prenent tlicir clalma au-ainst the i :.ndthtthey tet at ttu ]■:■ i suid deceaaed. in the town Id -tiil Conuty, n Batnrday, thc iiimh day of 'nly, ai i f. Ule uinih díty of Novombrr, ncxt, al leu t'( Inck A M of eacti of sald days, tu reeelve, eiaiame, aud adjuat said claims. JJ..t -i. Miyüth. A 1).; 12C.HV4" SAM1 I [MAN, lr„mmissionpr JEPFKESON R. LEM1I. ƒ Coiuiuissioacrs. Estáte of Benjamin Cole. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washter At a sesslon of thi Probate Conrt för the Connty of Watitiu-nüw. 1 uliiiii al ilu Probate Office in tho .■, the twelfthday of Mhv. in the j'cnr one ihoutand eight uundred uitil si elity :. Hlram ■'. Beakee, Judge ol P ■rui Üm cstatc ol llu.iJHinin Cole, de■ - 1' tl i er and fllin the petition. dnly vcrllicil, of il-ti[ 1 .Vvtmiuiötrator. pray Ing tlmt he miy m.i llcensed t sull certaïn real estáte whereoí ■ Then iay "f Jnne ten o'clock in :; dood, ir' fuetftned lor tin; hearing ' -'il petluon, and thai the heire ai law ofsald d ceaeed mui uil other panon lDterestrd In ■ are recpilreo ■ :! Coarti thBn to be Bce, iu thè Cttj of A-,ui Arbor, andíhow canse, II anytherebo, hy the prajrer of hould ni be (frènted : Am! ü, fur. th r orderert, that anld peütloner glw notlco to the isted In Bald tt . of the pendel llon.and the hearln'e Iherêof by (■!■.;; py of ,thh order t" b pabllabed in I aper, prluted and drcnlating lusald Jrnmty, tour iucceMlvo' reeks p 1 day ';,:,y. HIK AM .!. 1_7I Judge uf l'i-batu. i 1rHYSlClAN& Prescriptior, t , Accurately and Varefidly Prepared by R. W. EL LIS 6 Co. itc John Evcrutt. OTATEOFMICHIl of Washtenaw,,, Office, iuthï I tv 'a'Mel! -""w . lv ■ ofProbgte ■ '■ E urtU, ! man, o? ' ted Ad iti t of the c ,, u flrm da . . , . . ■:: said .-aiil cstatc ofaidConrt ; thecttTof I ,. k. i'iledi veno" tof t lic pen. lency ofsald politlón, and r tbereofl ■ !nth il clrculating In saiil conntj wceke prevlontti snid day of hearing, (Atrnccupy j IÍIRAM 3. BBAKKS 1-"ltd .Iiul-i-.f Probal. Estáte of Irwin P. IJüker. TATF. OF MICHIGAN Cointyof tj Al fi-ïsiiin ui tl onrt lor the Couni of Washtenaw, holden t the Pioli.-itcOflice. in the City of Min .Arbor, on Wediiradny tl ■■ righteenthi wiic thousand ei-'lu hundred ■ nty. i reaent, iliram .1 Beakes, Jndge of Prohnte. In Hu; maller of the eta(e of Irwin V. Uaker decea l On readfng and ffllng the petitinn dnlyverlaed of Maryeiv ._. tl.nt Bgbert Y. Lowe . iy !c appoiated Ad' mlni8trator of the i i aficeaaea. Therenpon il la ordered, thtlt onday, the twen. ■ ol Jnnenext, it ten D'clockin the fnre noon, h aaslgned for the hearing of sald petitlan ondthat the h ir ■ law of said dceadi nmlali e nn, :ire teqniiej M appear at a -essiuu of said Cottrt. thes tol I . :tt the Probate Office, in the City .f Anc Arbor, nnrl ehow ciiusc, [ hut there be.whylbe prayer ol iliu petitloner Bhoald rot bc Krantcd : And dered, tlmt said petitioner glve notla to the persons tnterested tn laíd estáte, of the penlicMirm? hlfl order to bc poblished in the perpiinted and cin i .niiity. three euoceaaive weeka previous to oí hearing. CAtrneco] 3IIRAM J UKakf.S, WW Jodise of Probate, Estáte of Zunas JSurd. OTATE OF MIOHIGAKtCODDtj ofWashtenaw „ O At a sesslon of the Pi or fhe Couatr of VVaíhteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, n the City of Aun Arbor, 011 Prlday. te thirteenth d of May. in thc year une thonsaiid ciyht liuiidted jind M-venty. Present, üiram .T. Bcakcc Jndge of l'rubate In the matter of the Estáte of Zenaa Burd j, cenfod. mi llhlgthepetltton, duly verlfled, o H. v. ■ rtniii mutn. 'V.' on fite in lijiï Uoart, purporting ío be tía last will apd tcstanieni of ed. may be admitted to probate, andthube aud iíliza Giird nu; be appointed Bzecui '; Tberenpon It ia order ':,y. the üútJ.iyof .Inneuuxt atteno'clocki Ignedforthe! ildpetitl n.undtbu the ieatoea, I tieirs nt Iawofsaid4e . iii said estáte arereqnlred to app - Cirart theu t. bi holden at the Probute Office, in tl City 01 Aun Arbor, and show cause if :uiy there be, why th ijrnver of Ihe petltloner shonU not t grauted : And It Ís farther ordered, that sr.iiipet. tfonerg totbeperaom In'erested in pj pendeDcy oftald pctltion, and tht .thereor, Djcaonng a copj of tliis order lo be püblishert in th; Mi . gan ■ t a newspaper I printed finti circnlatlas In sald County, threeiuc ke previous to 6áld rtny of bearlos. CAtrutíCoi)yj HIHAM ,1. BEAKE8, ]2"(i Judge of Probate. Kstatc of TI ornas Kane. OTATE OFMICniGAN, Conut.nof Washtenaw.n O At asession of the Probate CuurtfortheCooaij of Wnshtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice imbi city of Aun Arbor, on Wedneflday, the eleventli diiy of May, in thu year one thousaud eight hpi. ilreil ü d Prerant Iliram J. Baakes, Judgeof Probate. In tlio matter of the csiute oí Thomas Kun, deceaitd. ODreadiujjand fllinthc petition, Sas;iu :■ töai herdowex ii tlie real e.-uts .■cl died seized muy be assigud . ■npon it is Ordered, that Moiulny, tb sixth day of Jane, m xt, nt ten o'clock in the fofonoon, .1 for the hearini; of ntion, and that the heirsatlawof - ;ii tiid uftati, ;rt,thei tobe h' e, in the City of Au :iy tiii'iH'be. wtiytheprayfl oftlie petiïiouer should Dot be Ljr-'ii: hirther ordered, that sald petitioner givi persons : ca copyofthis Order ti : . tir-M' tl and circula ii--. Uounty, tiiree.suocc; trerionsto - of hPtini :'. t fAtrnoco;.y.) HIHAM ,1 BBAKE8, Juda.-u f Probate, E tato of Thomas Crawley. STATJ; OF MICHIG N, Connty of Waht .■;■ tli: CouEt of a.-htcuaw bolden ai the Probate Office, In Ür ol Ana Albur, on Frlday, the slxtfa Blay, in the year ouc thoosand eight hnñdred au seventy. Presentí Iliram J. Beal i f Probate. Tu tin; matter of the Estáte of Thomas Crawley deeeac John Smith and John Haghes. Execmori of the hier wSH and toi.-.:-. - deceased, come 1b at that theyare duw prepared to : Ex ecu tora vupon il is ordered, tltat Montfay, the siiti of June, next. :it ten oclock In the fort be asslened lor exaroinh ace as deviseea and litirs law of said deceased and all other persona Intef ested in satd estáte, are required to appear u a seI Coart, theE Lo be holden at the Probatt ■ City oí Aun Arbor, iü said County ant show cause, iJ any tberebei why ilic said acconni shoald nut be allowed : And it Is further orderei notie to the pers ds inter troil in said ■ . account and the hearlnjr thereof, hy canlng a cop ofthü order to be publiabed ii the Ui kitftm .: rgut, a iievftpapcr d and cl En said County. three reeks proviuiis ti Bald dáy nf henfing. CA i. ae CopyO H1IUM J BEAKKS, Judge of Probate, Estáte ot" Frt derick A. Bo les. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Countj of At :i seesiou ot' the Probate Coart for the Connt) of W'iitjiitenaw, holden ut the Probate Olice,m tbi City of Anu Arbor, ou Tbaraday, the the flfik day ot May, In the year ouo ihoutüud eight buïdred aud seventy. Present, Hirani J.Beakes, Jadffe 4) f Probate. In the matter of the eaUte oi Frcderïck A. Bol] On rt'iulin,íraud fiiin the pot ilion, floïy vcrifled.oi Sarah A. Bolles, praying thal u certain iustnimenï uow ou file tn thu Cfourt, purportlng to bc the ]t wlll and testament of satd deeeased, may beadmittod to probate, and tliat she muy be appoiutcd Ad minUtratrbi with the will anaexed. Thert'iipon it is Ordered, liiat Aionday, the eiitb June ui'xt at ten o'clbcK In the forenobn, 1 aghipned fortbehearlnofsald petltton, and thatlh legateer, deviseea and heirs at law ofsaid di and sil other persona Intereated in snid eötit areroqulredtoAppeArataseeeJou oí unid Courttbrt to be holden at the Probate Office, In the cltv of Ad Arbor, and show cause, ifany th#rObe, w!iy thepriyrt ot the petttiouer should col be gvanted; Anditii further orderetl, thnt aald petltloner gïve nptlceto tlw personfi Irtêrested In sala pstate, of the pendencyoi eaidpt'tiri..i. and tbc hearing thereof, by 1 copy ot thie Order to be pnbflshetl in tho .ViVAú.-i . a newspaper printed and drctüatlng instii cou'ity. tbree auccessivo weukt previous to eaiddtf oí heaiiñff. (Atruecopy.) HIlïAM J. BEAKES, 1200 Judiie of Probate. Estáte of William S. Majnard. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtoiifiw,O At asesslon of the Probate Conrt for the CouDtj of Waahtenaw. holden at the Probato Ofí'.ce, tn th-; city of Anu Arbor, on Kriday the 8b: th day of Ity iii the year oue thousaud eight buudred and Kr [ en tv. Present Iliram J. Beakee, Judgc of Probate. In the matter of the Bstateof WMIiam S. Mar nard deO William Cheevwr, Adminietratoi of eaid comes íüto Coort and representa that h is now pre pared to rendcr his flnal accouut as such AdmiJ tra tor. Thereupon it is nrdered, That Monday, tfci sixtli tlny uf Juno, next, at ten o'cJocfe hl the fo uoon, be assigned for examiniug and all such account, aud that tin helra ;it law of sai ; leceasedi and all other persons iiitereeted in swl ■stilte, are reoofred to tppear at a sivsion of w"! üourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office i'ity of Ann Arbor, In sald Connty, amï show cao f aoy tbere be, Why the sald account whuuld not i1 iHowcd : And it is further prdered, 1 nlnUtrator give notice to the persous interen said estáte of the pendency of aatd account, and tin ■ thereof, bycansing a copy of inis order tl ae pnhfished in the Michigan A wspap1! riutei and circiilatiiij,' iu sald County tlirec sï ve weeks previous to sald day ol hearing (A true copy.j lilïïAAï .1 BBAKE8, 126 Judge of l'r. bate. Estatu of Frederick liroessumle, Jr., QTATH OF MJOHIGAN, Connty ol' Waehtenaw,!' O At asentan of the Probate Oiiurt for tiicCoaui uf Washtcnaw,. bolden at the Probate Office, iuü city of Aun Arbor, m Satnrdav, tbc st-vem ii;ty of M:iy, iji ttjuycar une tBAoaand ciht Inindre .■ui. Beventy. Present, llirnin ,T. Beakes.Jndgeof Prébate. lui!. b of l-'ndi ikk Br Jr . iniüor. , Ou ro.-iflinj; luiï fttine llie pcttition, ftllly verififd. may j Ik-L'uetl to scll certaín real estáte beluugius to &Í mino4 Tberenpon it is Ordered, that Monda) i t1 sisth diiy of .ïune, nest, iit tt-n odock ntïift11 aoon, be aasigiied for i ■ ;nd that the Dexi of fc] ainor, :'U) other perBOlu tntttreated in sald niiuir0 to aupear at ;i -;'i of sajd Coort, tnen i'1 holden at theProbati' Office, In the City oi"Ami Arbo uní show cause, tf-anv tli-rr !;■. n by to&prayei o petltlonersboold npt begrantèd: ■')! -t i -- í';i i-i]ner r.:t í;üi! petltí i the iK-rsow tl in said estitte, ol ■ y ïsaiürt! ! I "i, üilil I ' this Order to be published In tbi : ' :"f' per prlutedand circqlating In said ilQQpw ra weeks prerions to eaiddaj ■ '(A ir-.iooopy.J HIBAM J.BEAK lïtd 3nieeot fttótt GO toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquor? for Medical Purposeis .


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