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f nsmtfjsi flfrcrtanj. WM. 7VT. PIKrr-LATR, COMMISSIE MEPCÏÏANT IKT GRATW ATJD PLOTTT7, KOOM 10, 1S4 LaSAI.FK STREET. CHICAGO. t-'tOvl O. M. MARTTN. ■: IX PÜTRNITrR"; of .ill kin.R P,lrlorHnr1 B-l Hn-iin Set?, Hlrron, &c. g Sonth Main S(rct PARHRR8' STORB. I Sonth Mln Strt. Ev-rvthing kept In a fl-st ch-sutorp uill bü foutid hero maCk & son Min, DimRS n Ory Oonrts. Groceries, Crockcrv 4c 54 Soath Main Stn C A LEITEK & VO., DEAT.ETïs lx DBÜGS and Medicines. Pnre Wtnes nnd Liqnora tor Medicinal Parjroses, Cfcars tc. a. wIdrnmañn, FOB EK N Kzchui;e Broker K-nl Estáte nndFIre nc A-jt-ut N'o. .i South Main Street TRAOY W. ROOT, ' CONDKNSEI) Records of Waslitennw CODOtT and Real EItf Bachonge. No. 1 .. k.' ' DR. KELLOGG, PICINO Phyridan. and Propritor of Dr __K'!lag'8 CelPbrat.d Ri-medies, Aiin Arbor. Mich! MORRÍS HALE, M. d! JIEÍIDKXCE and Office No. 18, corner Williams anrt Tüompaon I reets Ri'L' office honre I f o :■; P. M Adnceand Prwcrlptloóa trom t; to 7 P li Mch daj, frec gratis to the poor. ii.ii' G. E. FROÏHINGHAT M. D., MT3ICIAH AM) 3OKGÉON. Ofllci. over Driic atore, .No. 7 Horon strect. Realdeoce No Bi pompaon strct-t. Office huufs. 8 to 11 a'. M ,'and HULT. ÍSO"& CO. GROCEKS. Prortucjiífemmission Merchante, No 43 South Main s: L-LIJS & KISSELL, DjOUaiSTS. nd dealers In Paiuts, OiU, eU No 2 Suutij JUinStreat, Aun Albor. J 0 HN KECK 4 CO., DBAXERS p FuniHurc of all kiods, Xo. 33 South J. Q. A. SESSIONg, ATTORNEV .ind Counsi-Ilor I r.-iw, U.-.ü lZ-tntc r.vO luprai)ce Agent; Conveyanclug and I llninii promptly ntiencetl to oo liberal termg oidce one ient soiitd of First National Bank. nn liirs.Sonth Jfaiu Sïnnt Alm Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, ÖEXT1ST. RUfCSWr lo C. B. Porter. Qfflce. corner In and Uaron Street, over the store „f K v "Co , Aur. Arbor, Midi. Aiiasthoücsadmliil litoral if rcquired. W F. I3REAKKY, M. D. PimiCIAN ANDSUROROX. Offloe at resideuce, ir of Hnron and División Streets, rtrst ilooi Jt Pwbyteriao Chnrch Aun Arbor, Mich. K. J. JOHNSÖnT" Cl!'iE,VX "ATS !'ml CP' Fora, Straw Gooi guftjl PurnlrtloK Guods. Ac N... I South Ma :v. Slreet, Anu Albor. SUT 1 1 K U L A X D & W HEDON, UpUuul [nsarance Agenta tod dealeraln Usal _tt(e. Ofiloeon Hnron Street. Ala. geil first. ciass.Scwiuu' Hacbine. W.D. HOF.MB8, A'iKNT Tor tho Florence Scwing Mnchinonnrt rtoaler WWetqra, Frnic, &c. No. a Kust Huron Strett LEWÍ8 C RISPON CEALER In Ilnrdware Stoves. Boom Fun.ishin" UoodaTin Ware &c. Ko. 81 South Waln Sirw t. PACH & ABKI,, DEALKIiSin Dry Goods Growries. &c, fcc. No 20 _8ontiiain Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEnT" IEALER In Dry Goods Groeries, &., ie. Xo Jwth Main Streeu AnnAihor. Ö L A WSO ÑlTsOÑT" líF?11?1 ?rovi"ion "i Commis-lon Merdmnts ail doaler in Water Li ne. Land Piaster, and Plas. ter Paris, No. 14 East liaron Street 3. SONDHEIM, f.nOLBSALK ano retall dealer in Rend.v Made Clothiriil, Lloihs, (Jasilmeres. VeRtinirs. and GenU' FurJHshingGüod. No. 9 Souih Muin Street. WM. WAGNEIl, "m.11 ]n„Rodjr Mli(lc Clothinj!. Clothe, Casl{■fc-, 2 South Main Struct. GILMORE & FISKE, tOOKSELLElte and Stationers, Medical, I.awand BÏak" School and K.iK8í Au A h?' StrCet' Gre=orJ' Block' FINLEY & LEWIt; "gfiijgaar G:iiter siipiei8 &cR. TARRANT, LM3ainl'trethiunaWc She DUee' X' !4 Snth QBOOKEET, GLISSWAEE & GPOOERIES. -T.& P. DONNEJLLY Cwl"rVlVi"tMk "f Crooky. Ulumn, 'Huor.Mially Jow prjc'!-. ,,„ x.l2Eist Rurrii8tit,ADB Arbor. 8tf J.fcP. DOMMELLT JOHN G. GALL, FfiESH AND SALT MEATS, -ARI), 8AUSAGES, Etc, ' iu'[r,',"':i""1 ""'l IT'.mplly DM witii th bet ""nArbur.Sept. 16th,lS()9. IMStl LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. imS2KiE,'ïdclathLfnertreet. HonnboartN. ARKSEY Mdnuracturer of yí'íy wriages, Buggies, Wagons, ■MüUlS?83 f TtTi ''■'■■ '""'' "f Ulo bi-,1 ni tri,'.,. wrnt4-.. Rrpaltioij dun pr.mptlv, rl'HE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETEOIT, MICH. (SSTABUSHED IN 1SC7 OHN .1. BAG1.EY. PmcmniKT, JACOB H FaKKANP.VIcc Prealdtnl .rs'O T. l.Htiiii'i . Scretrr. .IAMKS C. W.I-(IN. ctunrv Ii. O.FABRAKD.M I) , Ucdleal Euninw. A Siiccessful Mirhlmn r.ife Insurance Company, orpnizM(i for thepurpoe of íurulihlng Inaumnca apol ;ives at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security, and for the further ïurpose of KEEPLVG lOïlf AT HOME, Wblofa heretofore has been aeut East, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PERM1TS. EJM'IRE IVILTALJTY AND STRICT EQXJITY Mark the sjsfen nnñ prcvnil in the dihtrüuitií'ii oí ANKUAL DIVIDEKDS TO THE IXSLKED iroTitioai nf the SlMe Lav, and bj Iht ir ow ti U'rins, ALL POLIC1ES ARE NON-FOEFEITABLE. UUCSAHCK FURNISHEÍ) UFON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. AH the HEST PEVrUBIS of the Old Companie ADOITEl),l!their ERROHS AVOIDEO. SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQUITY AND THE WEST, ITS 1IOTTO. E3T Fr AgencieB npply at tlio HOME OFFICE, Bank Bleek, Griswold Street. JL3 I. M. TlIAYER.Gen') tRfnt. FSEI). 1.. HAIÍN", Au, nt. IÏ891 A. WIDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. ANN AREOK, MICH. OFFERS FOS SALE: Vi acres „f Uní), witlijn r.iio half from the city tobe ld n ivlioltor parcela, .a MU ws : ' ■J4 Hcro ai e tin 19, In thP towp pf Arn rbo"-' borderin k ó tli'e HM m t;, ,„...1 ;i..v te Cornirtlla' paper milis, am! un the on b oí l.!3 ;iru" sil natfl (in unr!], we-st cornfr oí the Unrliam rmri and tha i .11 Paelor; rod. fTlj ie i ine oí íhe tinn-1-omest aliafttiona 111 :1m imigbborbood ot Aoo Arbor.) 133Í acrt-8 improTed lamí j..nn([ the atuve 15'; acre." aud íroniinií QorbAm Uoad. Fertj aermol Piral Gla.ii Parmlng, w:ln good Oroaiard and fina, SU mitón ti m hi; Court rf.iiim , 00 upjr Dix'ntru road. I erauf land wlth a Dir tvo torj IVama housp ou rbompaon, tpovr í: Thumpfou's anjitiuu to tho Citj? oT Aun Arbui . 71otnof % RfirA each, on Thompíon, Spoor A: Thompscu's Addtlioll. W acre of land. with a splondid grove, joining the Firemtn's Park 011 the Watt. IBoaaa and ;; lot of lan.l, with Rarn, WasliKikbD II. h-.',;iii.1 a mimbT of mod crn traprovt-mentx, un the Durtlmt-ht curner tl 'urth and l'ackard Street. 1 llciune aüd Lot in the 2d W.ird, ou Sonth liiiertv Street. 1 lioue and 3 LotB n the 2d Ward, near 9d Ward School Houfic. 1 Houend 4 Lot, near tho U.C.R.R. Uepot. 320 acres ofland in thosoiüh of the State of Mi,6ouri.neur the Hannibul 4-it.Jg.tph liallroad. 2 City I ot near 2d Ward School Hous. A. WIDENMANÑ FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, ÊCICH. SELLS A1ÏD EUYS EKAFTS, -A.KTXÏ ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT OS' AI.L PRINCIPAL PLACES InOalATBBITArN,GEKMAKY,FBANCK, 5WITZERI.AKD,t6. MyiMn-ct eonnaetiuaa wlthEarope enablemeto olTer n füir rate Bny New Vihk Hotife. Rtmeuibcr. I im uut an et.nt of DJ heuse nthi country. ;nt I ura baTlng direct communicittion with the buM housen iu Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUEOPE BYTOWKR OFATTORNET OU OTBEEWISE W1LL BEI'KOMI'TI.V AITEKLÍDTO. PASSAGE TICKETS per Rtcanior tonml frrm New Ycik to a!l prluoipalport of Europa Iwlll sellas iollo(i From. New York to Soutbampton, lUvre, Londoo Crimen or Hamburg, Inflan. 2lClas. Stec-aíro Return ticket. % g?' ? .'. oíd. From abore places to New York , HtCIse. 2,lciah8. Si) Cbsa 1:-'O JS, lu n GoW. From Xew 5Torkto Liverpool, n, $8(í to SlOoCurrencr. SU-eragc, 30 in OurraDcr From Liverpool to New Yoik, Cabin, $100. BUsriige, s.:n ITwídemmanñ; FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Kor tli e Honaril lniirncc Co.,n oí' tUe oldeatnud bet tompauicblu tho couut'r}-. Tbj Tc-iitonl Imurance Compauj n Cleveland Mie hnoorableanilsafi' management ol thiH ioatltution has made tono f thi. raot rellable íire loauraDcc CompannMn the Vet !357jl


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