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A Murder Trial In Nevada

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" 1 was silting hcre," said the Jude ''in this old pulpit, hoMing c.mrt, aud e were trymg a big, wiekr.l looking Spanish desperado fr killmg the husband c.f a brijjhf, pretty AUxioao omaD. it was a lazy summer dv, aud an uwfully long Oiie, and bhe wftnessee were tediotii None of us took nu iutertst i u the Iriiil except that uorvous uneasy ]jvü ot a woman ; 'lec-ause ynU kmW liow they lovo aud how they hati' and tliis 006 had loved her hubaud witli all h r ujight, aud now she had boiled it uil duwu nto hate, nn-j utood hen? sjiitting it at the Spaniard with her eyes; and I teil you she would stir mo up, koo, with a little of her summer lighteoibg 'ccasiooally. Well, I had my cot oif and heels up, lolliDg and sweating, and smoking one of thoie oabbage cigars the San Francisco people uied'to thiuk were good eoough for us in ihose times; and tbc lawyers they all bud iheir coata off aud were siniking aud whittling, and tbo wituesses the same, and so was the prisoner. Well, the fuct is, here wapu't any iuterest in a murder trial then, because the fellow was alwayn brought in uot guilty, the jury expeoiiug tiim to do a.s much ior tbera tome time; and altbough the cviJence was straight and square agaiost tbis Spaniard, we knew we could nut convict him without seomiug to be rather high-handed and sort of reflecting on every gentleinaD in the comuiuniiy ; for there wurn't aoy carriages anil liveries tbeu, and bo the only ' Btyle ' thero wks, was to kerp ynur privato graveyard. But that wo mau seemud to have her heart Bet on httuariüg that Spaniani ; aud you'd ought to have seen low sha would glara oa liiui a minute, aci then luok up at me in her pleadmg way, aud then luru and forlheuext five minutes search the jury's i'accs; and by ;ind by diop her faoe iu hi-r bund for just a little while as iL ghe was most ready to give up, but out sho'd come again directly and bj as live and as ever. But wheo tlie jury aunouuced itie virdiet, Not guilty, uud I lold tlio prisooer ho was acquit.ed aiid frte to go, t!iat womao rose up till she appearoii to bo a lall and graud as a SLveiity (our gun-ship, and sa} s mIiu : li ' Juilgo, do I anderetaad you lo s:iy tbat thi.s Hum is not guiity, that morder cd ujy husiiand without any causo before my ovo cyea ;iDd iny üttlu cliildreo's, :ind thut all lias been doiic to hiuj that cver jusiico and tht! law uau do ?' " " The sumo," s;iys I. " And the wl bon she did ? Why, the turm ' tsmirking Spaiiieh fcul lke a i ildcat, und out wíth a ' navy ' aud bliut liim dead iu op ii cour I" , "Ti'atwas spirited, I am willing to admit." " Wasii'l it, though ?" eaid the judge, idmiriugly. '■ 1 ui.u'.dii't liave missocl Lt. fur ; uything I' adjourned cour , rilit no tlio spot, aud w put ou our , 3nt8 aud wout out inid tiKii up a c i ecíion for ber and her cubs, und ifiH thom over tho niountiiins to th ir ritMid-. Ali, hlio as a spirited wen h !" (


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