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The Census Takers--their Questions

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Ai tho36 inquisitivo feilowa, ths Ccüïu Takars, are now "swinging round the circlo," piokinsr up all sorta of informntion, we shall do l)oth thcm and onr readers a goort turn by copying the folIowin,? scbedulos. " Heads of families" sliould poet up and be roady to ansvrer whenever the deputj marshal inakes bis visit : SCUEDULK ONJS - HABITAN. 1. Dwolling housea nuuibered iu order of visitation. 2. Families numborcd in order of visittiou. 8. The name of cvery person wliose plaoo of abode on the first day of June, 1870, was ia his family. 4. Age at last birtbday. If undur one, give themontbs, tlius : 3 12. 5. Bes- Males; Females. 6. Color- White ; Black ; Mulatto ; Chinese or ludían. 7. Profession, occupation or trade of each person, malo or femalo. 8. Valué of real estáte. 9. Valué of personal estáte. 10. Place of birth, uamiog the State or Territory of tho U. S., or the oouutry it of foreign birth. 11. Father of foreign birth. 12. Mother of foreign birlh. 15. If boru within the year state the montb. 14. If uianied withio the year, state tbs month. 15. Atteuded school withiu the ycar, 16. Cannot read. 17. Cannot write. 18. Wliether deaf and dumb, blind, insane or idiotie. 19. Malo citizensof U. S. of 21 year of age and upwards. 20. Male citizens of the U. S. of 21 years of ugo and upwardc-, whoso rigbi to vote ia denied or abiïdgcd on other grounds than rebellion or crime. SCHKDULE TWO MOIITAMTÏ KEPORTS. 1. Numbor of the family as given in tbc 2d oDlumn of sohedtile 1. 2. Name of every person vrho died dnring the year ending June 1, 1870, wbose place of abode at tha time of dtfith was in tb. 8 family. 2. Age at last birlliday. If undcr 1 yenr, gire the montbs in fractions, as 3.12. 4. Shx. Mnles ; Fema'es. 5. Color - White ; Bluck ; Brown ; Chinese or ludían. 6. Marriod or widowed. 7. Plaoe of birth, namiug the State or Tcrrilory of the U. B., or the country if of foreign birtb. 8. Father f (oreigu birlh. 9. Mother of loreign birth. 10. The month in which the person died. 11. Frofession, occupation or trade. 12. Disease or cause of death. BCHEDCLB T1IKEE - PIIODUCTIONS OF AOKIOULTUBB. 1. Name of owuei, agent or manager of the farm. 2. Improved aores of land. 3. Unimproved acres of luud. 4. üash value of iarm. 5. Value of fanning iiriplementa and naachinery. 6. Horses on hand June 1, 1870. 7. Mules and Assüb " " 8. Wurking oxen " " 9. Miloh cows " " 10. Other cattle " " 11. Sheep " " 12. Svriue 13. ïbe value of all live stock. 14. The valae oí animáis slaughterud during the year. 15 and 16 require amount of produce n'ised during the year ending June 1, 1870, tbe following aiticles beiiig enumerated : wheat, rye, ludían oorn, oats, rice, in buVuels ; tob&eoü iu pouuds ; ginned cotfon iu bules of 400 pouuds eacb ; wool in pounds ; beans, peas, buckwheat, barley, Irisb potatoes, iweet potatoes, in bushels; value of orcbard products, wiue in gallons, value of produce in inarket garden ; pounds of cheese, tons of hay, bushels of dover Beed, other graes eeeds ia busbels; hops io pounds ; hemp, dew rotted and other rotted ; flux in pounds ; utapla sugar in pounda ; cano sugar io lihds. of 1,000 pounds each ; molasscs in gallons; honey and bees-wax, in pnuuds ; value of ko'.ne made manufactures. SCUECULE FOUR - INDUSTRIAL. 1. Name of corporation. Compány or individual producing to value of 500 annually. 2. Name of busiues?, manufacture or product. 3. Capital (rual and personal) investid io the business. 4. Kind of power (steam, water, wind, borse band). 5. If steam or water, of horse power. 6. Name or description of machine?. 7. Number of maohiues. 8. Average number of bandg employed. Malee above 16 years of age. 9L Females above 15 years of age. 10. Children aud youili. 11. Total amouot paid in wages during the year. 12. Numiier of monthg in actual operatioD, reducing part time to full time. 13 Materials, (iuoluding mili Buppliea and fuel). Kinds. 14. Quantities. 15. Values (omitting fracüons of a dollar). 16. Produetion. (ïnduding all 1 bing and repa'uiug). 17. Quantities. 18. Values (omittiiif; fraelions of a dollar). SCIIEDUI.K I 1VE SOCIAL BTATISTK'S. The information desired is about as follovre : Aggregate vïIuü of real und jicrsonal estáte. # Agíjregate nm iunt of tases assesBed, State, oonntj and town. Public líchools - number of ooileges, aoadeniies, fieo Boboolï, other schools, sclioiil bousea. Amoont ot mouey raised by tax lor schools last year. Amiuut raieed in other W33's than by tux last year. Public librarlos - social, colloges, ubHc schools, acadeiiue", Sunday t libraties, and number of roniraea iu each. Perioüical.i inc-luding newspapors - bow ofteu publiahed, and the numbor of their respective cireu'atious. Seasons, andas tu tiio exteut of the rop. Number of public paupers supported during the year, aud on tho let of Jur.o 1870. Number of crimináis convicted of eriiao during tho year, and in prison June I, 187U Cost oí' labor - average xvages to fsnn hands per nootb, do. of laboréis ana lotnalo doinestics ; average prioe of board to i bering men per week. Iieligiöus worship- 'iiu-mber ol churchcs ; the number euoh will accommodute ; value of churches The number of Univeiealitt preachers ín tho United States a 5íi?, a gain of 19 over lasi year. Tho number oí Unitaran Miuisterd is 397, a gaiu over last ,: jerof 11.


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Michigan Argus