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Han Francisco votfcd on Tm-sday to ivc $!,ÜO,000 id to tho Southern Pivific Kailroud. Ths begroes voied for luí tirs' timo. N "T tona ríe lun-t y forbldden to trust any one on iny sccounl without u wtUU'ii urdí r liuni me. i .tbür. June ■ t. ]7o 1-3Í84 EIUHARD GLASIER. gLlJSD TOM'S CONCERT KANÜSTERFER'S HALL, SATURDAY BV8N1K6, JUNE 18, FOfft All'EAIiANCi: in ANN ARBOK, of th Marvcou Prodegj, BLINB TOM ! The Great Incomprehensible Musical M y stery of the imii Centnry. TiiÍ! wonderfU di uibt wbo s attrartin"h attectlon tlirooRboal the cüantrr. w born 111 Georgia. Bllnd from bis birth, nijrl wi'thout tr .'ayo Uie moei irnínly bri.Iiantly ;iiii! u-mmfuliy. Ijiu wiiii i,U the biste, expresión nd fcelln aast dUtlDKUUbed artltt Whcuhis mind bi-iho veii if Anrkneee w.-ib dn-wn over hl: : ■! f..r ilic ijifliction "pon ti ■ llood of llghl waf punrefl an iTa of beanty, writteii bj the band of God iii yltaMo f bt of the world. Be is pretenred public a ■ rerjrthiue herttofur known ■■■ ■ a non. : reserved T3 cents. Hoor il T : ]" rfonoance rved seatfl for aale at Gilmore & FiskcS book store on the day of the Concert. 12TSW2 "p AR EXCELLENCE. TI.'E IDOL OF PIAMISTS IS TIIE WEBER PTANO WfllTTEMORE, BWAN & STEPllRNS, 173 J&PFP8805 AVENUE, DETKOIT. WWfil.. uiy m!;mi1í, Don1! be-y atseu that tluy can furnish them. the discount that cnu be allowoS tu actual i ■ . ■ :. pleaaure to the eicgant ' EUEIt" purcli u i ■■ ■ , i „f Die Dnlversity, and in facl w 11 " Weker11' gold Id your scuuiu Siiid or Clreulai'. __ 12T3ml ■o of 1 byd li:sbop, ÖTATB0ffMICH(OAM,0ouBti of Wlhtmw si l' Al ii feenlon i I Court for the Conniv the Probate Office, In ib'e ofAnn Alboj, oa ; , . the i.inth dv !, m theyeur oue thau.saiid eight huudicd ■ nty. '. Bealcen. Jndoe r l'rolmt In the putter uf the Kbtale or Ploïd liishop, dceoeed. and tlSagthepetitton, duly rertfled o .loiin r. Pitkhl aod S..uiucl D Haywvu, pi cerlaiu icstrament nu on Iili; hl ''■ ing ta be the ast wlll tipu testameut of a ed, may be odmltled to ime othcr suitirson may beappolnted I - thereol reupon it is ordered, thut Tncwlay, 't arthdayof Jaly m-xt. at ten o'cloeklnthafornlooi fur the hearing of sald petlti n. anittbal !j"' ■' :., of aaid dei iosaldntate, - lid (' holdou at I Tol OIBce. in tLe :.ll I shciw . :lMsi! f :iiiv thcre bC - tltioner ühoulcl uot lj sfurther orderert, tbat aaidpetttioiicr ... „ jj of said ieli:iuu. and tbe Uia order to ■ taned In n ■ ■ , ,,, .,. spaper nlng i siild Couuty, threenuL CC8811 . ,,.,r;n„ CA tl niï KE8. Jada oí Probate. f r Sa!e. IGAX CountyofWashtenaw, M.. Ueutley, r., TbatlnponnsDca ied. Admiuis1 by i'.t; Hoii Jadeo of Probate for Ibe Connty ofWkthte"f May, A ']) I8T0 thero ue, Ui the blgheal imWer,. liaet hi-ri-iiiallw ounty o( Vahtcnaw. in eniil S!a-, 011 WC :..-.,...;■. '.71llllnr Of J-.lly. A. I). 1S7", at oaee'd forenoon of that day (aubject lu iy niortgMorotherwUe cintila time ofthedeatb ofsaid deceased), the fof [bed real estáte, to wit : Th cst halt of thu oortkv , i)itrteen 'exptlng ïivc acres beretofore deedsd to Ellxabeth A. one ocrea uil" of the eoutl weet huir of ilm northweat quarttr uf ctlon fuurttCD, la '.owutliii une eoutLol rauo t-ix uil State. Uated, Jou ■ I ISÏft. SKI.D. N W. 8H0BTUW, 12.3 AAaUiforratbT vdh ihp wllf nuneied. Slieriíf' Sale. BY VIHi'l":-: „f ai pxecutiona inaapi üuiuI mi:l iiiuior tliu peal of the Circuit C'uuit forthu Countyoi Masbtenaw, to me úin-cted tul I batte), lámis aiul Ui.i lucuis of Charle 'l!u mjisoii, I li.ive levird ii.uii the following deocrlbed cttate, towit: L'-t li . the (ast qnarur ol lot number twclve In 1.1. uk DDmber one pomh .if lluron street, and x In the ülty c:f Ann , VVasbtenaw Couiity, Hfchlgan ; hlch I sh.'.l u sal, :t at)k auccion, to the Ughett I noor'oi ibe C'oan House, in Un Cltyol Mkkiy. the twenty nlntb J:iv of inly. a i). 1870, at 10 u'dock iu tin forcaooii Uiiocl, June 7th. 1--: i. BYHON U. POKTBB SIieritT ■" liy'i'iii ■. thMKixa, Uepaty ïherli. iii-::i i-.'ütatc for iSale. CTATBOPMICHIGAN, CoBBtyofWishtenaw, ■' In Lh matt ;r ol tbe ■ ate oí t'rcii.rn-k Broeaaamlt-, .Ir., jai.i.Ji . Notlco la hereby iriven. That in utirsaaj mited to tho nnderalgneit (luurtiitiu ol tbe esti minor, by t&e JIou. Juiic of Probate f n the C'unuty of Wasliu'iiaw o ;ii day ofjuna-, A. 1. 1810, thcre wlll l uoldut publ cveudue, lo the hlgheet bidder, at tho dwclüiijs houüe on tl .iurd. scrittd, tenaw. Is sald 8taU, . i. ly I i_'. lh day of Julv A. 1). is. al ono o', in, k in tbe afteriiuM of Ibat day, (subject to all eucumbrsnees byn rtKace or othennae ezMlijjï at the tlinoof thewile. nut! alo BUbJecl to üic riu'bt uf dower o; ' 'arule s widow of Prefli r . n,,. follovriDg óVscrllwd real evtate, towlti Commeuiint: on the ha4f , - i n chaina aud ciphTy-fiTe lluk: uurth ono degroe treal (rom the tonthewicoriitbwest quar;er of the soathcast qnartot of aocttou twelve, i. lowníhlp two south ef 181 ia 8ild8tt-, andranntiig tbrnce uorth ouede ree rfesl ouechain and n nrtcen lint :■.'.!' quartcr line, tlii nc nortii eighty-one deus aiici artoi n links. thesce tuuih nine (Uijrrifvs wesl one chain and elghteen linkí. tonth eiübty-one degreee cast fonr chains aad rfuBÍDjr, containlng half an acre . f land, be thesaae more or ls Alsu i: the hajf quarter iine two .li !:-.■ degn froui tha northweiit corner of the ïouthenM ciunrrer al the southwest qnnrter ofsecUos twclve, iu thu same townshlp and ranse and rnuninj th"nccsoutli one degree ct two chnlns and forty-slz link alone Bonth ■■■iity eiglit aud'uue h.ilf iicr.-cs ea tflvccbains, thecce noi-tb ODe dexrcr weet two chiitus mul fore-ii links, nertb eiehty-eigbt and oue-hair decrece west 08, to plat-nf iMTiiiniii-.rcnt.liulngiilie acre and 2S-tO0 of an cro ofmdi M the ame mTO órlese. Alao a par-p] of IhihI couimeneinc on th halrquarter line north om d( ree west thirteen cbaloa aud eighty-flre tinks tv m the xoilheatcormr of the Bouthwcst quartcr of tho southeast qarter of t!:u abore named sectlon, tnwn om! rango and nmniix' thenci north one desree weet ihree chlU ■ Hvj links on the huif qnarter line thtnt'c thirty BlDutee rtal gtt liül. tlit-uce iouth ■ ' iinks thencii ■ina and thlriykIx lir.k. to tl ig fezceptlDg and n m the noiu M' laad, leavlnL ol land thercln). Also lot fteeninblnck t , „e recorded tin to ta ' "HKty 6lb A. Di : 0E0HGE PAUL, Guardian. Ittt XUUgan enlral Kal!rod. KBW TIMB TAIiLE. j.iii Cdníral Uiiilrúad now ieare BtatloAs namcd . Mafl 1 nat Dexter -' -. Pürttlc Train. Kx. Ace. Jïx. Ex. Detroit, :-" 'i 7 :. ' a i 4 v p m r, .i i pi 9 o ■ ru fpsllantl, 8.83 ' , ■ - u: - l.08 nn Arbo . ■ ' 6 00 " 7 l'". " ïd.só " Dexter, ■ ■.■-. ■ 7 55 ■ ■■ HS " In],.-..!,, K. :.',- .1.+-, .1 0.16" 11.45" 0, 2.1" pm ii.r.'.A ii .. a 1.5Sax ' 6 SO " 7.10 " kast. ilfc Nlght JJcxttr Mali Fluit N. ï- I'x. .x. Ace. Train. Ex. Mltcsgo, 5.18 pu 0 i; 00 am 11.30a I H 10,40 '■ 1 ncRson, 1.0} ah 4 2.01 pm 5 4i " 6.ÍS " A, M. S.M " " .1111 Arbor, Ï.90 ' 6.00" 11.43 :.:.'■' .; 4" " T.10 i-U - 7.0Í-" 3.4S " 1.80 s.J 6.40 " "Si " .1S70. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, hy %w.Bi$ Sc eQoQmpfa. 1 _ _ -


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Michigan Argus