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While The Turn Verein Procession

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gis pissliig through Aun Street- nortb of (1,,. Cuurt iluüso Sqn&re - on Monday, iicatlcil by the Zouave Band, a spirited liorse belougliig to Dr. Tïi.kk, of the 6th ffiid, hcainc rery aiuch exclted, reared, plunged, etooa erect, and performed varl(jstntlcs, Dr. T. holding him by the iiu. but bclug part of the time on bis feet aud part of the time underjils, feet. The horse fiiuliy brok from hhn, and was about to „ule hls way madly through the procession, wlicn !ie was seized by Fred. Scumid, jnd the same performance goue through s ü!j was ereel part of tbc time auil 011 the grouud part of the time, ou hls feet and under the horso's feet by tarns, bal nevtr relaxed bis hold, until the norse nonnd hlmsclf and the bujjgy arouud au iwnlng post auti was pirtlally cbecked. - t tal juuctlon the Imrness was co t and the horse freed lïom the buggy, when lie lirttme as (niet as a Iiimb. Those who tlUKsscd ü prouounce t uu exciling se ne, sreat credit both to Dr. ÏYLEB ind Mr. Schmid for thelr codIjipss and do leralutioiii Ilad the horse broken awny, was full of uien and boys, all couM have liardly excapcd lujury. The Superintendenti (.f tho Poor, icUag ns Jai' Ingpcctofs, made thelr soinispectiou on list' '-.'Trh of May, and report tho jail in good uondition, wiih oue lom lámate. - glve tlcir statoment of ik' uiiKi'.jti1 received for the precedlug six IMUÜIS, Wil II til Drank aiui dlsorderljr, 88 Larcfiiy, 24 Vagraucy, 20 ■üiij', - B andi :■. 1 ProstitDtion, 2 Battarrty, i LewJ CoUabital :i alt aii'l battery, 4 Pls pretci 1 Hal i iss, 1 Breach of ProoiU , i tucendlary, 2 Ckufinud witui ss, 1 Total, 101 The InSpectors nlso report no labor per'ürmccl by prlsos A vic'ious 'liule white dog- namo and muerto our reporter nnkuowu - creatcd WDsIdertble eseitemeat on Tuesdny af'.crwon, by heizing, without cause or provo tttloD, tho foreleg ot i dray, aud howlug a decided uuvvilliugnes to let go -ihe sanie uuwllllngness évlnced iiy tlit Uu average Radical offlceholdcr. The iiorsc tfoaldn't stand it, aud so be broke ten the dra; stand aiul svrung around the iquare at break-neck speed- for a dray kwe,iluiklng off the lech of a dog, wliicli Ikluking dl8crellon the better part af valor aud Iwsty tracks íikc a defaulting coilee mr. The City Marshal oagln to discipüue rtat doj- the moderu phrase for punisiiMt-jr amputatlng hls lail Jast back of fe tara. At a meeting lisld June Ist, an assodatlon was organlzed known as the "Ann Arbur Dairymeu's Association," and the lillowing offleera tlected : !en- George Button. VicePrcaidcni-Wm. P. Groves. SteHtary- Nathan Balyer, TrMiurcr- Sel den W. Shnrtleff. LtiUsmu7i - f. G. Lelaud. Etettiüu Commitieé-Wm. IX. Hamilton, Ilms. Barllnganic, LIascall Laráway. Ucuuderstand that the assoclatloo has Öl fiietory located In Northlie!;], on the tam line, in operatiou. At present it is teWng the milk of some 150 cows, aud 'woingout about 400 lb.ofcheese daily. Tl'echccse factory jen lias proved a Uwe wherever establlahed, and theru is "Hood réason why it should not here. Colocel Joün Bbbwíb, ono of lbo ofeit residents of Superior, met wilh a faWiccldent on Thnrsday atternoon of last "wk. He was retarulng alone from Ypsi"l.andwhen wlthin about half a mllc f lióme, was tjiro-.yn Trova hls buggy, and Mhé(t broken. A nelghbor at work in "Is field lear(j a man cry wuoa_ saw a 0ISC wnnlng, ieft hls team and ran to the P4 When he reached the spot he foum! the lioise had cleared hünself from the 8y, breaklng the Bhaftsand klcklug the wWward tü jaeces. Col. IJ. lay eramped UP before the buggy, Injored as beforc aícd. He ved but about twenty minutes. U1-B.had lived in Superior over 40 yews, Mwaswell known throughout the counMonngnian-aun of Chas. Moore, ' tork- met wlth a singular and sertons JW'MtonSatnrday nlght last, He was rnlng from Ypsihiutl at a late hour, ''mipumecl by g youug lady, and bad got 1 q u half mile of home, when hls norse ."surtdenlyblinded by a flash of llght M8.nd backed off the road. The horse'8 arC Was broken, youDg Moore had an sideral""'-'1'1 U'L' yOaUg 1:"iy Wlls cou' th(C'cncm8,iniTre"day for wbich Mth i Tenrt exists- Is set down for the are "St" &nd lhc fol'owlng happy senlors uno:i,)c,,,! aa star performers on the Sto0ÏnakerCBallener W-WC ,.. Campau.O.J. Campbell, T. Sen, T; W' L-Penfl8W.Wuceo' 'Swift' A laie - tc" MeMs" from abroad Is expecteft OneoUUoüofp:XKll;e„ mixed wi.h outo Z y: cltouil"y Pose of the uot to ,„B; re khun[d bt tken in uslng 'om..ea„y Of the powder, eithc"Usl1 thc "ostrlls or mouth. Tlr.' pubiio excrcises of tho Si Pht, held in the M. B. Church on Thu evciilng last. caunot be pronounced a success as a whole. Thcaodience was largo, nü the oratlon by lli'. FrrcH, of s N Y., on "The Rlsks of Thluklng," very good.tuoughallttletoo aoand andarg tatlve tor a tashton iblc audleucc, gatuered tr; seeand b f uot ;o be .,.] ai, and vvlth very Ilttlo Ideo- on ■ part of the majorlty-of learnlng anyMng. The orator, Irf closlug, pald a lino tribute to our former fellow citizen, Pro , noTV President, A t. WniTE, whlch was well recelved. EollowiDg thc oratlon carnea poem so cailed, announced by the prestdlng offieer, O. T. Cuasi:, Esq., oí Cleveland, Oliio, :is li&ving been soul on by me poet of the oceástoa, Rey D.SJoiixbor, of Hyde Park, 111., whleh was read by Mi-. Remick. It was a tiiin and wishy washy pitee o!' rhyme, and our 6 i the time was tlial we dulu't wonder the aathor's tamily was sick. We loarned afterward that an ImposUlon had practlced upon the aadlenoe and opón the repu il author, in short, that Mr. 3 sos sent on uo poem, and that the stuif ri'.ul never had a (athor"as we know's on " If the otïicer.s do not repent of thelr subterfuge it Ís a strikins evidence of total depravlty. Tho following item from the " GleanIngs " column of the N. Y. Evening Post ls a pertinent illuslration of tlie gaylng, " Uo away from home if you wish to get tlio news," and muy be of interest toour (rienda over at the cuterprisiug borough of Manchester : " Tlie cltlzeos of Manchester, Michigan, propose to si nk a well in the Court House yard, in tho hopo of striking magaetlc or mineral water.'' As Manchester has no " Court House yard" we can't see the point, - uiiless the item is prophetic. Let every Mich'gan publisher rcraember the meeting of the State Ful)!ishers' Assoclatlon, to be heul at Ealamazooon ly next, Jur.e 1-lth. The llllnolB Press Associatlon has 1 17 members, Why shoukl uot that oí Michigan emnlate Ita numbera? The annual addréss will be dellvered by 8. D. Bisoham, of the Lai lït ,ul,!i'-n:i, and tlie poem by Ij. .1. B of the Detroit Puit. The coutemplatüd excnrslon wil! probably be postpoued toa more convenlsnt season, to be agreed upon at the meeting, nevertheless we can promise it good time at the Buit Oak vlllage. Our oeighbora up at ]iigliton have arranged to celébrate the coming Fourth of July in a becoming way. K. K. i-'ka;:;;h, Esq., of this city, a:ul T. .1. McDoKNBLL, Bsq , oí Toledo, wêll-knowit to many of our cltlzeus, ara "down on the bilis" as orators o:' ;i.;' day, and the Porter Zouavcs are aunounced aa expected to put in au :. HCC. - At Sallue the Fourth and the arrival of tho liocömotlve are to be celebrated together, and we have no doubt thei'e will be a livelj, enthuslastlc and good time. '!"!i ■ Illinois Presa Asoci:Uion, numberlng 147 members, is 10 bave a grand excurslon in August. Startin:; from _'j thëy will 'o by propeller to Sarniu, tlience by the Grand Tiunk to Kingston, thence by . r to Mohtrei !, I . Mout real ius and tho Vermont Central to Boston, home by the same route, oinittiug a üeconcl . They vlll no doubt .:,■. Tbc SagiDaw Courier was viutimi by flr: on the 5th, the Job roem belng completcly gutted. The loss is put at $0,000, but wo are pleased to note a statement that it. is probably cover! by insnrance. Bro. iï will not let the raiefortuno stop hls ucw daily, vhich is making for ltseif x name and faui, and we hope for lts publishers- m. , By order of the Coinmon Council, made and entered on Monduy evening last, the following gentlemen wlll constltute the Board of Health for the comiug year : lst Ward, W. W. Wines ; 2d, A. II. Markham ; 8d. J. F. Miller; 4th,Dr. Lewitt Ötb, Dr. Tyler ; öth, J. A. Ècott. - Tlie followiog Pouud Mastecs wero alao appointed : Xorth Pound - K. S. Man ly ; Soulh Pound-ü&muA Chaplu. This ia the way t!io " Peteonal " mv.u of the New Yurk World announces a new iíodI-: by one of our fellow citizem: Mr. Ezra C. Seaman, of Aun Arbor, lias sliippcd s aljle hand aboard tlie vetsel o! State, and belayed a nuniber of sheets on the American system of covernment and the prosperity oí the people onder its proteelion. TLe Aun Aib:r Commaodery of Hülglits Templar n-eut to Detroit y esterday, accompanled by the Zouave Band, and partlclpated iu thc grand celebration of their order. C. Bliss, No. 11 Seutb Maiu Street, hasjust recelved a large assortment of tíilvcr and Plated Ware, Gold and Silver Watches, whlch he is offerine &t lovv figures. Cali and examine them. We are iodebted íoSmitu Macombek for tlie önest box of strawbc rries wc liave Been tuis season. Thcy were swect in the mouth, and not bitter wheu - lowcr down. The very fi::e iain Wednesday afte - noon aucl evening lias revived the spirits of farmers, gardeners and growers oí sniail fruits. It was rathcr late for grass. An artesian well is to bo sold at auction at Charksioi), uext uiontu. Can't our City Fathera buy it and move it up here ? Nos 1856 and 1-ibl, for tho weeks eudlng respectively May 8th and June-lth, of Ltlldl's Living Age, contaln, aniong other articles: TbeOrlgln of the Euglisb Nation, Lanlrey's Napoleon, A Chinese Coir.missloner's Foreign Tour - being a translation from !iis Dlary, Our Poor Relations, South Kensingtou, 1808, Ozouc, A Laik's Fltght, and the conti nuatiOD of Mrs. Ollphant's and Charles Lever's seríais, 'tc. 8 u year, free ot postage, and for $10, any i the ?4 American masazlues st-nr v tb it. Littkij, cc Gaï, Boston, are the publishers. Frnm Rodnds & Kane, cuccesiora to tbat capital brace of good fe Rounds & James, we have Soiind' Printera' Cabinet lor Januarv and April. - Tliough anavoidabiy late it is weieome to our table, as the senior publlshfir lias been for years to every office vvlthlu hailing disIcago. lts pages are fllled with Kood tblugs.


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