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Havana, Juno o. Mexico City d i'üs to tlio lst of havo been roeeived. CoDgress will probobly hold an extra soEsioQ in order to finish the discussioa on khe roposed oonatitutional reforma. Tlu) stage betweon Vara Cruz and Jalapa was robbcd rscentiy by brigand, and one paesengor killed. Six bapdits were rceently exocu'.cd at Zaoetecas. Gen Roclia is moving ou tho revolutionary forces in Nueva León and TamaulipBS. (íüicia Cade!) has teippnriirily dissolvel bis bands. The Zacat-.cas insurgent3 aro diübnudinjr. TLe iicw Hermoizellu mines yielding inormonsly. CitizeDS ei Guatemala ibvaded Moxicau tefritory, e6tablishing cuurt r.uJ laws in tho taie of Cbiopa, and euttin; out faruis fvr tliemst-lves, not recoguizing the laws of tho Mexioan GovernniHüt Th i equatters were erdered to abandon Mexicao territory, Notica was givon that if they did not oomree wotild l;o used to dostioy their huildii iiS and property. It is pfsiiiurally believed ü-.ui Felix JJiaz, Govetnor of Oaxaoa, is ílie prime mover in Au orasicD, intendiug to forra a sepárate republio TIn; r.a'.i lual treasury baokrupt. Tho GuayamaH rpvolution s mdod for tiio ) resont, LoZftOS rci'utii; to utioipato. A violeút cartbquako viitfd the St.i'.o i t' Oaxaoa,. lts efiecta weio espeoially di.-;istrou3 in the city of Üax:tca Ooe hundrod uod lineo pertsous were kil'.cJ #.d hree wouuded, and oae-tbird of the ciy rendcred uiiiuhabiiablu. The earlhquake exieudud to teu mile", where 11 tüeii woie killed aud muny wounded. Buildings in all partn of tho Stale were de-ilrjyod, aud leports óf t-ddilioual donth are ooining in. GovciDor Díaz lias sent coiiniiissioners to t:;e liciliü eoast to observe tlio volcanio truption tbreataoed at Pottbutla The B'auding army bas been re;'uccd tn 'j.j.vUO men, and will requira an appropriation of 89.0UO,ÜüO anu(ially,equal to i' arly i:alf the itveuue (1 the governirient. Hon. Win, 11. Seward bas wado a doiitttion to tho Laiiü;ist'jnan ]5enevolent S'cii ty, of the city of Mexico. Cotnmissioners report in favor cf tbc Rio Grande & Guayamaa Kailway Company. (J :iij.'ress bas passcd Minister Rome ro's budget and iippropriation bilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus