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WA$H i T ENAWC OUWTJ pRAWttROofB jjsjjj SS l2Lil SSw ■ í L AVSr iQS 5 ![ noiarypubíjc ' -Í3CONVEYANCER i ila-aai LZj TT1L-- '-...'. II j rr: - - - ] REAL ESTATIJXCHANGE ! ! ■" ]m rinr a perfect Rocord blstory of all of thi Real Bátate Title ia ttais Jlty, and In the Countj of Washtemw, tak4 pleaaure io in.iiouncIng tO the pub) ■■ ü I -NsmtK'; titK-. y i ve obda róortgi&es, ■ '■;;;[! papers on il". abortes i 1. t ■: WiU sisa uake Bale o 1 CHj property an.l fenl bousen, and for ec lose moftgegeu i'ertoss wauting a liistory "t' Real llstatt litlc, will recollecMbathls Bcoks takelD Tax$ltlta and all collateral Biatli vhtcli touoh eaob partleátar dosoriptiun ; an! all n anoient or mo'U'iii. wbich appear to bb Btlll au 1 ecord ut '.he prchfnt time. I offer the íollowl 6 for sale ; N'ú.100 The I;ilony House and Lot 011 División Street. Mo. 101. Iloute finri Lot in IIUcock'H additlon. I'i ice $3.000. lío. IQ2. Two Slury Brick House on Spring Street. No. 103. TwoStory Wood Huusc on Spring Strooi. No. lül. Kloé Ti i' upe. Lot aml Barn jurt vat of Law -ÍTO. No, 103. Fine Housé, Out house, Barñ and a croa of L.tiíJ , Waíít r'uiiut, &c. - very cjc.mi iilil-:iy. No.lOG. aní 3 acres of I-.íind insido corpora tiuti. No. lü.'. House and Lot just soatb oí fche Onirertity building. No. 108. 1" 'i aeres oí" í-aml oast of ihe Uníversity Giou Xo. lCy, City Lote :ii"tr!y opposlte Dr. Chasfc'tí l'rintíng Establishment, Xo. 110. One Two Síoiy Wood Dwelling on State Street. No. 111. One el ■ ,■ 1 .... 3tory Brlok llouao uear l'uivvi gitj Square. No.lU'. SOaoreewith butUtos just nortb of the CHy. No. 113. Ooe Two Story TIouae jaat aoith Oemetnrj (íj tHinils N'i). 114. Two Briok líousos west Bldfl of Univeifcity Square. No. lió. E acresjutt west of thh City. No. 116. .'í acres nith bufLdingí jast west of the City. No. 1J7. lío arres with buildinjca and Inproremonti 5 unie: north- gooi situation. Xo. 118. 320 aores - fino farm iu Sliíawussee. No. 119. 2 ,000 acres of Wíld Lauda in Ih Co un I let of Waynr, Mouroe, S igtuaw anl 8bla wasaee. Uy Abstract Eouks arepoetedto date. No. 1-JO. Oe eligan1 Thre-ö Story Daíldlng on Hurón .'.vi i . No. 121, 173 Dad to Vp Man ti. N-. 122. '0 aeree on cuth Road ;vitLi Buildings and iidpr.ovtmeDtdi No. 123. L40 acres on N'orth Oexteí Roaï. $% milos cu'. , ' ' ip - ■ No. 131. And roucholUer Kel Esute not bereiuincludod, 1 Th.-r aro :a 1117 oíd mortifa ;ea in Wasbteaaw C un ty uudisclmrged ol Record, and ttiu lawn i' tiongnsi ' fferen: (rom thït apptica" al Estáte. '■■■ .1 Ks; ■ ■ :- i six cents a eavfoi '■' linn of litio, loau nn 11 niñeara ars, at 10 uer a .:. ■. r,5la 0,1 0j TlíACY W. ROOT. jfwéet Quíhie r X:s a Eeoent 15:pi;ovi:3iln ItcpUcus Hic use of the Bitter s."iiate (S:im.m:, w 'h wblcb al] "' fiunilai'. Doác lüi' i.lou, íl ia FULLÏ QUAL IS EVER JMflY T0 B!TTErnU!N!KE, i AND LTKE 1T IS T11E O-Snl CIÍlÁ'r, POSKTIVE and VA'fiI,IWG CUSÏE FOEku DISEASÏS of MAIARIOITS 0RIGI1Ï. X-'t L' ancl Aguei Mi-.íi-riíiUtvíit Fever, ChlU ï'cver, licmitteiit FcvcrJ I BHI0119 ï'eJr, Jutnfa AgnC; Cnd tl, loriix train of uisorders íAlovirig these lien ricgleotod. 4 ƒ SWEET ftCIMINE I Js m(]e lolely from l'eruvian najk, (so is )-ttíi' Quinine,) ttiereïbi'ti i.s of rEr?otftT}lo orifíBi, antl iint i Mineral poíson, lmvun tlio oDiuhu'y la provea to be oneofthe elementa fouiifc in Ule blood of all hcaltliy peftoiw. sweet Qriivrnns I acts f i rin oíitifiote to, (as wcll 1 a curo fot',) ; lulurial o&' mlasatatic poijloxi, tho absor] Moa di wldob by tho lunR.4 causes lnlrir iitcnt Fevera, etc. The üiiljlailvuntage c iiuicd for STV'EET QtJIIOEWB I over iie use of oíd 31itter (Juininclis Ihö enfiríabseuco of that tuten, irSiitiit lt(tcssi-gs, which in tho latter is imlinsui'moutatle obetocle u lts uso with Uiuct personsfand alw&ys wilh cuildren. f I SWEET QDiailJVK ks ijiwo forma- Ín Puwder for i he iso of IKij'ticiaiis nnd Drugjjists, and Fluit, for uJt ii tVe faniily and roí tho ge.nuralibIJjb. dseWns, Farr &Áff, fiUSUFACTUFlING CKEMI3R, Á I V VVKW YORK, ƒ L For Sale hy Eborbach & Co.j druggists. 12G4jl CHAS. A. LEITER & 00., CHAS. A. LELTER & GO., CHAS. A. LEITER & 00., CHAS. A. LEÍTER & CO., No. 1 Giegory Block, Nc. 1 Qregory Block, Na 1 (Jiegory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, t Sign of the Gilt Mortar Cr?r Sign of the Gilt Mortar t-& Sign of the Gilt Mortar ÍW Sign of the Gilt Mortar "%2 HAVE JL'Sl' OI'KN'ED HAVJE JUST OPKNKO ItAVF. JLWÏ Ol'EXED HAVE JUST Ol'ENJ.I) Tlie Finest Stoolc oL Tlie Fitiest Stook of a'lie Finest Stoolt of The iTinest StocU oí DRUGS AKD MEDICINES DKC6S AMD MEDICINES DílCíJS AXD MEDICIKESi DRUGS AXD MEDÍCIEM IN THE CITY. .v THE crn. IN THE CTTY. ÍN -HE C1TÏ. PURE WINE3 AKD LIQUORS ftledlelaa] Patposef, The Popular Patent BTerjtning keptina flratolasi Dmg Btin . Ad EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. Solé Agenta Id the City for Otto ; Reyivlor' celebr&ted SURGICAL AND _DESTAL INSTRÜM1 ■1 BHTION (IIVKX T0 TIIK COMPOUNIUNGOfHUVSlCIAN I UPTIONS Hod l'AMll.Y GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medieinee .Pa,inte,Oüs, &c. ï UMBER YARD! I j O. KRAPF Has a lrg ítü'l woll Htockeil Lumber Yard, on Jet faraón Strtt. in th n-jutli part oí tbe 011 y, aru wül ■ umtHUtly on Iiand an exctllí Dt va n í of LUMBER. 8HINGLEH, LATH, 1C. which will be solJaalow ne cau be affordcd íuibie unlíty anü piiceHsuch that do ose necdto go to Detroit. CONRAD KRAPF, AoArbor,Oct.lst.l863. Sgttf pO IR, S -A-LISThe BObícrlber offers tot sale s house and 1 X tcie of land, v ith it ;-.-'r. SOgoodaapta trees, autl w:ll, iiear ihoSecond tVard Schoei House. Boaolre of MACK SCHMID. AunAtbor, April Sth.'JSIO. l-2i,:l PHY81C1AN& Pfseriptiont ■ Accurately and Carefully Prei pared ly B. W. EL LIS & Co.


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Michigan Argus