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F03 SPRING Al Milt S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RRTURNED FROM NEW YORK WITH A. LARGE STOCK OP KEADY-MADE OLOTHING BOYS' AND YOTJTHS' CLOTHING, UBQ III K FI.VKST STOCK OF CL O TUS, CASS1MEKES, VESTÍ NGS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS OF ALL COLORS, SUCH AS BLACK, BEOWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTI1ER COI.OUS TOO XUMEÜOLS TO MENÏION. CLOTHING MADE ORDER, ON S1IORT NOTICE. IN THE BEST STYLE, AND FIT WAPJÍANTED. Cali and Ezainine fcr Yourself N. B.- CL&TIIIÍ.G FIFTY PER CENT. CIIEAPER TliAN AT ANY OTIIER HOUSE. ALL PER3OM3 [NDCBTEO 10 LATE FIRJI OF M. GUITEftllAN&CO., WlLL P LEA SE CALI. AND 8ETTI.E AND SAVE COSTS. S. S. A un Arbor Agriculturul Co. FARMER'3 A ITKNIIUN'. Read tho follawlng, whtch Is of the greatestlm poriunct to jüu : Ann Arbor, Sept. 1, $iïï. Jobna"ii. Hitntly & Co :- Gents -1 pureba sed oue of your Keaper of Finnegan & iloward tast anuos, aiiu bat o tfivfñ ït a thortu?ti tiial, and cp. n ti'iily Bftjf ttaai U vorke UkP thing 1 Ufe, outtlog kodged an'd uiriic i ),"-niu . mil i'ickiim: t up witli taose alnaotl hiüii: n Htms in nuith bet ter ahupe Uian could be iloue by liiuid, l;t ving not fc pax Uhind. I tbinlt lts lightness of drft, wiiUh ol cut,(6feet) BÍmpllclty íKn'i i'íuj'tiibi liiy to sli kind"! ol giain, combiieto mnke it the best Réftptfï extant, ï. M . LYON. We, tliu un(lcrbifïl'il ('inchased Joh Ds tos Keupers, aiid-fully couciir ín thP bove Ktsitt6bt ; John (; . Kocb, PltUfltld. Timothey Fohey, Wtbster Jobo Krcgel, John Coy Ie. David VangeBon, " Ellsha Ci riisoq, ' H.C Huoter ( South Ljon. Thonaa ('Hr:en. " Ht-tuy ('un tin, NorthBcld. Kelsuii Usbora, Seto. Jones Marsh, tioio. Andrêw Mead, Auu Ai'bor. Chn rUfl S-olsWtimer, H in. Levls Yrïiz, Solo. Th OW miicïiincs uro Im'pTOved lor the yoar 1S70, hava ft DiodjlDg nttnehm ent, u d aro f t=aU' hv Uie Ann Arbor AErifMiltural Company, sacC66S0rs lol,, M ooro iV Sod ;ti tl PlnDrgan ít Howsfd . V.'p aisi large upply of fullowlng DiaQblQAfl wltb Ön ;■ piu(f attttchmenty and JoUnoton self rakt, ■ ■ , mactkliMft ]), (quilín t ïi e niftikcl. ï bey have tuiten aü the pfisMfl al d,iffereoi trials ir theSttfto the )astt o yeir, and i n uo caac bao tbcy failcU to come off victoriuus : Tho World, The Exc laisr, Ihe éhanoplon, Tbe IHibard, ThellusBclI, PI e Buil: Taese üiacbincK have ufvf-r i'iiilcd to pi1' Rtisiac tion to the buicbaser, and ar HghUrdraft Üimj any otlnT mnclii n(ó. Wo aUo nel) tlic tOÜOWing 'l rK Ntüchinfs : TheG wulne Pitts, The Tornado, The Birtlsi), The Mastllon, Tbe GN nu & ITall, The Vibrator. QB VIN DÏÜLLd -We maDufacfure tho cplpbratciï Keyatooe Drill, which tbr aJinUoity, accu ra durabitlty, fiavfl au (Qperior. We warrant every Drill fio perform as rpi niented orno saté. iV'e aluo keep Dr lis mamtfactu r$ú b v othor ]?i rtíes AEtd aro prepared to FiiraMi any dsired artfele on tin fchortest notice. We are prepaired to Uo all IlíH&s ot iepalrlng cf lana m)icíiln#ry,sui:h bs Rp6rs, Uowers, lb reaher fl, Eiorse Poner, fto, We keep oonsuntly nñ baad a largesloob 'i" Acriculluinl Iin[ile menta , .tiiw.-.híiiiiw-i, wheel cuttivutor, fettlcut t-r . oorn shelfc ra, ooldrou k : ■ , power [ftiïtè and savtng macbtnos. aU otour own raanufoturwjaud we wlllacUatthe Rvtsl posible ÖurÓ, We wouM respeotful); invite uil partles wiujilrtl tó pWTcbae h u v nriicle in uu r lint) f ron) ji plow dqJ d t a tbresh iiiff machine t í"11 and nee us befoffl pu rchasiog, for ne will {:ive tbêm betler joodi , bi f ■■ lerms, B nd lover tiï'ic11! tli rui en o b il-tamt-d elsevrhere. .];. - Bemenber we manufacturo none bul Brst ttldift goodfi, and will átidersell a tl euhxp Cali and seo us and hJivo (rooi 5 to J Oper e nt, , and get goodn tiiiU :i re warlr Bted fco bo up to the stand ii rn. A f all stook of extrfl ntïj n lind tor tbe BuiVabi piïf Thresber. 1 Ol'TlïNG of 1 kiii'ïs d"n on short i and Mlesronm , junetion of Den olt and Pourtb Bts. Poandry and U&obine Shop, Fiftb Ward, oj Stnolalrs' Mills. 126bm3 ïyroNEir can not buy it. FCK SIGHT IPRICELESS THE DIAMOND O LABRES, MnnnfaetuTed I Spencer Co., N. ., whlcb re uour effored t ihe public . oftd bj all tl ■ 'l (ii;i i ibe World 1;o be the MoatPerfeti Naiurnl, Artificial bc lp to the humane? e ever buown. Tbej arfe ground 'inaer tbetr own s-upervWoó. f rom minyetal Pebbles, mflted toetbcr, nod deriv t'ieii niniH', ' ■ Diamond,1 on account oí th I neH vtrui irj 1 1: u. y Th Boln.tifle Principie " wbtch tbey are coi ■ ; ■ : . ■ ■ : ■ i ■ ,e of the !■■ "■- ii: ' ■ ' '.■ I -1 front of the njï n clar Mld (ttstittci vlslon, as n tfce nttirul liealtb; stght, and pveventlug all unplei tioiw, Buoh ea gtti of stght ,:; i . Ldoks, ; , peoulia c to all ol Tlnv niv moiiutetl In i MANNIER, tl ot' the buat quiility, Df ui) mtiierialb used fui ibHt mrpose. 'J'luii' ñntab anddornblllty ennol h put] CAUT1ON'. - Nono genuiue iruloss peatog tbeii trad e mai ' ta mped on eyeri ramo, .T.C. WATTS 4 RKO., Jfrwwleraaml enls for ANN MiKOK, 111,'li., from whom they can only bo obtained, fílese LÓod 1 p;-icc --■ O l Ë. J. JOHNSON, At No. 7 South Main Street STILL II AS A HAT OR 2 LEFT, LATEST STYLES, AMD Just the thing for the Season, Which will besold LO'WEE THAN EVER 1 ALSO A LARGE STOCK Or GLOVES, COM.ARS, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEPg, BATCH ELS, CA WE Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. Pleaae pjiII íin] examine roy gooUs bforo purchafting elsewhore . May, 1S70 f ADIÊS'FASHIÜNABLK SHOE HOUSE. 24 Soutli Main Street; Dealer nj LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, TIIE NEWEST STYLES Z3sr Kid? Calí, and Cloth, Alwaj'sou hand, and Stock and Work Guarantecd. IK YOL' WAMT A. BOOT, A BUSKIN", OR A. SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMiNE HIS STOCK BEFORE FUR Cli.lLIXa. PEICES LOWES than the L0WE8T. E. TARRANT. Ai n Arbor, Mdj 18T0. yTÑÑ ARBOsTAGATiTsr THE STATEIN THE FURNIÏURE TRADE, And O, M. Maltin against Ann Arbor, Don't Foipret hia Old Stand. IF TOÜ WANT A SUMMER HAT, IF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, IF YÜU WANT A " Hat as is a Hat," TF YOU WANT Hats Cheap- for Cash. IF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, C3-O TO A. A. TEEEY'Si 15 Scmth Iilain Street, Whcro jou will also fiad a full line of Cnt'i Fuiniíiiing Goodí. Ann Arbor, Muy, MtO. 1249)1 QOME AGAIN WITIl A STOCK OF CABINET-WARE, TO BE SOLD CIIEAI'ER THAN ANYWUEKX KI.Si: IN IHJS 8t VTK. AT HIS OI.D SÏORK, MAl.N' TBfET, AXNAKBOB. I ii. üTïi. POKTER, DE3STTIST. Office in the NEW BANK ELOCK, ANN ABBOB. &11 Operations on ths Xatural Teeth. PERFORUED H 1TH CARE. ÜKSXTRPASSBD FACILITIES AND EXPEHIENCB SETTffiG ARTÍFÍCÍAL TEETH, TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, DenlUTcs of the proper gite, shope, color, frmncsi ftd na'al apretsion. 1344 GEEE AP I The I,a.eFtnn'. Heil ili.ckin thecity, ofllv. rlettotand stj Ier, ut Uu; Ij store of O. M. MARTIN. püR SALE CHEAP FOK READY PAY. The weet half of tne soathwest quarler or jecllon two (2), town of Saline, twentj arres UDdei improveini-iit, the balance u-o:l tlmber. Tnuuirc at L.C. Rladon'B Hardware Sturc, SI South M&in Street, Ann All'J" Mi0!'L. C. RISDOK, Auc Arbor, May 18, 1870. lJ7Om3tf ARtlÑ'S Is the n)uce to get anytltlug you want iu tb FURNITURE LINE! 1IK WILL NOÏ BE V.N'DKHSOI.D. T IVE . GEESÊ FEATHERS Cunjtautlyoa liaaJ mul lur by BÁCM ABEL.


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Michigan Argus