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DETR01TADV RTIgbJbEÜTS Tke Cardt it Ultt column re all of itgUimnu tntcrprigei. None of o quttlionabU charactir arct] ïerf. GSc R. McMILLEN. . [MP0RTEK8 an.l WHOLESALE GROCERS! Hare in Stock a full UJOrtmenl of Tha-, Coffbm, Su AR.-;. Srscra ni' MotAMBB, AROIl' for Rl 'JNKTT'S CKLKIMMTKll KX1H-CT. Crosnei: 91ckwU's Plekltori '■ . Fbytlewna n"'l Iruaist csn 1wjb be upplie1 with goBuloo Wlne, Brndlw,Cbmpagne, Scotcb Ale anO lnlon I'ortur. rpo TUOS1S l-ll-DINU. French and American House Glass. Thclc-n mortment, tho baat branla, nd "aift AlKonota lo State. Suhud, CnwW, „,i. ;;;,'. Cal ei lr IVonf, Vaatibala, O cto. AliofltaMd SwJ g'H op '" tl10 Btat tylj warranted ( boma n".v 1itanco. at nrf low gsarai H doMrtsUon M Door nd Blinda, añil :, ,. iij stock of I'aints BH.l Oils. SiTi) for l'ricoLit í!p.-BASl., 4S SOJeHerson Ave., Detroit. ñr? nrr f" ValnaWt PInc and íú ,UUU Farmlng LauKl on Tim , At Priccsranfliigfrum$2t'i$lO Per Aore. Whkux LoCiTEI).- fi,S83 ners o( these Pi nu Lan'U ure located on the Wionsin Kiver, 7,250 aerei on tho Ohsboygan Kiver, MicU., leasing to CliebojKn or Kuncun. 4,W0 acres on the Auiirc iii-r. 8,00aoro on Tbunder BJ laai ■ to Alpena. 1,'2ÍO arres on the MaBltWe Hira STiO n r n tin' nubawaasaa river. S,'00 acres in Glartwin Connlv, Misb., for fiirmi ml timber I.ÏTSaore choloe Minor;. 1 ani'Harl Timbor lanri nèar OntunaRnn 1 fifO acr-n Prairie lndsin Ne l.iiislcn. ncar the I'm n Pncill RallrOJO. 2,SOfl or chotea Tfhlta Pina in Sclmolcraft County, L. s.,Mich. 400 craon thoAaSaubla. 1' r fult ileL-iii tii'ii, priccpRn'i trnis, Renrt TorCircnlar, UWtÜ PRESTON & CO., Banken, Detroit. Mich. TNKY GOOUi, WH0LE3AtE. ALBEUT D. PIEECE & Co., "VVholosale T)rv Goods 35 AVcodv?ard Avenue, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. nBELY'S Extract s and Toilet Arlicles, For Sale by all (lrtclai üealcis. UANUPACTURED 205 & 207 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Y7 RAYMONDItSON, Wlioltferileand Rptftil BOOKSELLERS UW ST.4TIOSERS, BOOKBINDFRS and BLAJTK BOOK MAXUFACTURERS, Xo. 7 Fort Street West, Dppoilte the uew Cltj Ilni l. DETROIT Íi B. 8M1TH &ro , 116 and 118 Woodward Avenue. lj. P.-tr"it. in thf-ir itf'Jt otti tlczanl têtabfiakmant will more thn ever deerva tliff ncoiirHi."inM "f ,,l „„.TS of b.-'ls i" thjT vicinity. iiüd fii.'mls ut literatura Ihrougboul the country will beglyito i..:,i"i.if palatM bnluiateë, likt Iheaonraeoimp nir wemritkelhlr wy - FM Evquirtr. Petmit can now Uk pridi InUanaw Bookrtor, ,,,,. „, tb latent, and I tliink the most beautiful n - I. ni.-i -niiotry.- Rnílo Timmripl. T u1 mot flïnm BookKtore in the countiy ■ - uvertiser nd Tnluntr . An .irnament lo tln city.- Fret Prtit. ___ EMOVI.. E. LlFBiniMAN, mnnffccturf of ClothIng, toportir and Jobbai ol Oondn t t Mn U'car baa rom'ivi'd I" the sp-.ciuus pmnlaef, 71 & 73 Jeflterson Avenue, Detroit, Mu-li., Hinlii now maBafa.cturlDg TrJ tonto nha.ndom itockof ClatbiBgioinibl for the Wnie-a Inido.- aly n hand a larce nn.l iaahlooaW Ami t.inent of Clothi, Caarmtru mul Tallora' rrlmmlBga, ml a ruil Una "I GofcU' Porntebllig (iooda. pAKRIAÍJE! CABK) AGES I JOHN' PATTEN A SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1842. HavinK bouïht a larg stock of ni IbíIhI inco tlic cU-cliiif In trW, W prepav.-a 13 lurnisli PngplM and RufiUgi t Im rnto ttaán eD bebonght for ■Uewben. We ixcel lnBntohnddarabllity,hlch haa inada ur work Die li in thcountrj Manofaotoryand otlicc, er. Wooibrldge anl Druiü StaOBMÜYALI HENRY WEBJEB. Wholeal anJ ReDeUr. nfl Majufaciunr of Fumtiure, Pianos and Uüliurd 'l'iibli s. Hidf remoTHd to liis iicw n. nlorv. Craa Btou fiMiil, MjLiu-jii.tii i'urnitun; itnbl:hment. 141, H3 & 146 Wooilw:rd Ave., Detroit. And han udoptedthc Oue l'iice Svatem . Ki-i'ps " endles aHrOitinent to snit all , and witli unaurpaaaed fiiciliticf, tn latiit anl ni"ul apprOTd nmchiucr.v, .lifi.- all competitlonfeli aod jmlgefor jouriwlTca. TTËÏ'KUiT MACIllNïUV DEPOT. JAMESJENK8, DEALER IN MACIUNERY Xo. 20 Atwater Street East, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. ÍHQÜlim PBOMPTÏT AttKhUED TO. MHIME SHOP AND BRA8S FOl xnuY. Do ■" "' '■'■ "'" BHASS WORK R BBA88 CASTINQ8 Irna Pipetad KlltWl for G.Sto:im or Wntpr. Hliih er Uw i'ri'-suruiteii" EngDand Ut'ilers, liiewhouscan.1 nlêtlller.v Mactiii..T.v,irc . Srvd fnr Circular and I'rirt Ltsl JAUK8 K! o1-1. i:'n t UKOS., Htu b St., Detroit. X. IJ- All kiüJs of gtmm Hraling done. TOAXS NF.iiOTIATED 1 pi' Counties, Citiep, Towns, una School Districts. rap Tounty nri'1 Town Offlc, who BUJ have I.OANS TO SEGCTUTK.iTeInTltefltooonfer Milhus Si-c.ial attentlon liwa to tlie N'tGÜTlAIION OF SCII"'1'' PIHTBMt I.OAK8. AVILKIN3 & Co., Detroit. BII.LIABD TABÍEíl C. SCHUiENii'no, Bllliard l'lceoo Hole, Bgatrtle una Jonj Llnd Tahle Miiiiufirtiirnr. Satiafaction BnariOteed. Billiord (JoihU f all kinrti always n hand. Hel rolt, ilich.,aml St Joseph.Mo. if ANT1.ES 6 GRATES. P. A. Hiiling, dealr in .1 M.ntlv and Oratog, 29 Wood.bidge átreet, Wet. 8 ml r'nr C'hcular. yroNTMENTV AN'Ü MAKILE8. icti i.ihi' Maf ill hlc and Bro.:stone VVoilifi, coruur Bfttea Streel anl Michigan Avenue. 3ml2öü. rK. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, Wyi Btrengtl.en the appetite,c,eane thestomtch, umi ren uva ' the blood, o tbat one need Íiae no Far of AGUK, BlMOl'S KJKVER, SUHMER CÜMPLAlNT.orDV MaLaRIOUí DISBAE, ilunng the hot mOtttlu Ol "uunnrr ,li employeü duving tht ear ly warm riajitof rtprin;. Kemember an ounce of preventitive in worth a poaad of cure. Une bottle ioay tavea heavy bï 11 oí expense. pK. KELLOCU'S Indian Remedy, Can be enipinyed a a I.inament. aml 1 eqnally gnoA foi mn or bi-ant. I wjll warrant it to cure BURNS,8CÍLDS,CUTB,BRÜ1SEB, and all kinda of (retth wound, wi'h siw and certainiy. AKÜ, SORATOI1ES, (ALI.3 ,woundg, h.,n liortei. nHE CATHARTIO PROPEKTins OF Dr. KELLOGG'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, Are extracte! froni simple articlí-n of food, hy novel and Rcientilic proeeM Ilu-y ncitlier gtipt oontipfttetor èlcKoBi but loara digestí o d vlgorom, the apfiotitc ifiio and the boweli tree and regular. They shimld bt' pmpluyed io eaaea "t" BilHuiAilBHa, Fever, AgattCn8tIrneta, BowolCcmpla-iot, Dyspep ■iia, IHarrhea, Liver Cuuiplaint, HheumatiEin, Culds, ALL OF DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICINES Are preparcd by himself, and w&rrantod pure áñd to be vegetable inall rpects. -)R. KELLOGÜ'S CHAMPION OIJXTMENT, CnreaPILEB, sai.triieL'M, itcii, and all SKIN JII.-LASKS, itlioulfail. Sold by DruKgUtH aud Eealera everywhore. 1-Jo;tf ABE YOU ÜOING TO BXJILD P We will furnish Large Bills of Lumber as Low as any dealer in Michigan. Wc solicit no patronage exeppt suoh as your iuterest will give ua. Let us niake figures on your Mlle befor. y ou go away f rom home to jturchixe. ami) E. BLOOO & GO, OUY YOUK Looking Grlasses OP W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOIt 3 REASONS. l'irtt, bpfinnao ha keep tbs bot of linortc) Glas, Huil a good MOrtOUdlof .[Uaroiiml arentcp f riiinf.i, :ud sella Secon'lly, bi'caiif-t' ili-v hflonp to bi buDH. He inaU-i tli-m spi'i'iallj, 0Onhl0wnek, miJ dan Iturd to k1) CHEAPEK! TblldlT, Becaunt hu mivnufacturon tbein , and can iiid vh 1 11 .-,.■11 the CHEAPBST 1 of tiv onr la tlif cüy. llcalno eli PICTURE FRAMES! 'he cbeapent oí aBjbody iö tbc State - ati far aa bcarii from. HICE OVAL IRAMES FOli 6O CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! l'KKSCHCIiASS-iij thelight orbox- ForPlctures orfor HOUSE ca-XiAJBIN-G : 32 EAST MITRON STREKT, ANN AEBOR, - - - 1VUCH. 3 í tf i ■ . h ■ a ' f! s " í r 8 ,. fe J S i-i ai J W 55 [E o fi ■ B sí] b"S ÏÏ H s - g ni a í í uí i h j S 1 o L 5 i _ lia .: i N (g S HgW Ï (Do í 1 8 n ü 2 P Mi 2 o H. je i 4 i A O H J 4 O Ph b TVEMOVAL. J. KECÍTtt CO. llave removed their STOCK OF FU11IÜRE And Ui'dertaker's Gocds, Tu MacS & Schmid's Block, No, 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARÍ5EST STOKE V. THE CITY, AND BCILI KXi'KF.SSl.Y TOR THE KÜRNI1URE TRADE. T11EY I1AVK NOWIX STÜKK T!1E LARGESTand KINEST STO' K OV KUBNITL'RE F.VLK OFFERKU Of THÍS COUNTY.OF THEIR OWN MAN'UFACTOBK, SUPERIOR BOTH IN' QUAI-ITÍANDSTYLE.WUICU TUEY KOW OFFEB TO TH rUnLICCUEAPKR THAN CAN BEBOUOHT ANY WHERE ELSE1N TUE STATE. THEIR STOCK INCLODES EVERY ARTICI.E NEK()pDTO FURNISH THE VES r HOUSE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM . TheíroM patronR and tho public generalizare inv itcl to give tli'in a calL J. KECK k CO, ' Aun Albor ,-January, 1870. 1251 [)RY COODS OHEAP! C. H. MILLEN Has just returned from New York, nnd is now receiv'.ng a OF SI RING AND SÜMMER DRY GOODS, I3oaght duiing the recent fall in prices, and will be sold Cheap. 1' T'HE STYLES OF LADIES' ', A o DRES8 GOOD8, ARAB SHAWLS, LLAMA POINTS, GLOVES, TIES, j IIÜSIERY, PARASOLS, i PANS, &c, &c, j i ARE BEAUTlFUL AND CALL AJNDSE THEM at C. K. Millen's. (JJPRING PRINTS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, House Fnrnishing Goods, Gent's Cloths & Cassimeres, AND KYERY VARIETY OF SPRING DRY GOODS, FOR LADIES AND GENTS AT VKRY LOW FRICES AT C. H. MILLEN'S. piNLËYLËwis, Gentlemaa's Opera Boots. " Furgesou Button Boots. " French CoDgres8 Gaitera. ' Credo " ii gerge ii ( " Scotch Ties. " All Eigh9. " Oxford Ties. Inh'rt,a Full LÍL6 of Gentlemen' Boots and Shot, Boy's and Ycuth's Boots and Shoes n Grcat Varletv, and MEN'i HEAVY WORK, hand made of all kinds. Ladics' French Kid Button. " Foxed " " " Serge " " " Polish. Misses' Bronxe, " and Button. " Serge, " " " Child'ö " " " " We atk the particular attectiuD o( the Ladiee to OÜE FIjSTE VORlC WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IN THE STATE, snd In Price FAR BJfiLOW DETROIT FIGURES OUR WOPK WARIUNTED AS RErREbEKTED. }263 pOR CASH VOU0AN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO. Am Albor, .T:inuarj,lS70. 1232 $ÏÖAjÜKEWARD! CREAT EÍCIT1I1IT ! ! AMONG FARMERS. soicT ivcxrXjS WII.L PAY THE HIGIIKST CASH TRICES FOR (iOOU Wil KAT. All. FARMKRS WTLL D WKI.L TO CALL THEKE BJVOBI SKWNG KL3EWIIERE. URING YODR dOOD WIIKAT TO SCIO MILLS. 12 60 N. W. BIIIGGS, Scio. T IVE GEKSE FEATHERS FIRST QTTA.X.IT-5T, Constantly on liand and for sale by B ACH Sr ABEL. ■. .. ■ - " -- ' T nEOPLE'8 DRUG STOxiüi! R, W. ELLIS Sc CO' A3STTST A.HBOR, Mortgage Salu. W' í ir.KE as. Charlee Scoaton, r Qrasi I ake, lp U Uu Ooaniy of ,T;icksun. IDdStAte Of I u:: Ju :ili . ob the seventn day of Oc'ober. A. D. execntod u mortgage to Charles Wbedon, of the Vcw York, to secure the pnyment f (u-rtnin principa] and Interest ior the purchusi Detone) ol the premliies tboreln raentloned1 niiiii niortgage was recorded in the ofilcti of the Register of Dueus in the Uonnty ol Waehienaw,and State oí Michigan, aforetatd. on th 12tb day of October. A. D. : Ü o'( ■'■■' M. r .id ihiy. InllberS] o: morti And wheroas defanll Ims been made . tliüii thlrty day In the payment of .hm Installmentol eaid Interest monoy wblcb bacamedae on the seventb doy of Octöber A. D. 18H. by : andnnoantto UMtormsofsaid mo 5aid irnri;;:iic elccts tbal sontach t í"tI prli as remnius nnpald wiih nt 1 arrearagea oflnterest thcreou ahoU bécome doe and payabl lmmeiHately, and wherea, there l clalmed to be dut and unpuid ,,n uM (hf !t'' of thli DoUce t:. of two thonsand and thlrty-five dolían for principal andlnterot. alsoxn Attornsy'a of thlrty dollars sbonld ftny proceadlnga be takn to foruc!'1-' mortgage and nosnll orpi '■ ve beenlnetitutcdi'iüioriii luw urrquity to recover theaame or any part thereof i Noiico. thercfore, i Ivrcby giren, that on Sninrdny. the elovonth day of June, ñoxt. t two o'i'ioi-iï in the aflernoon, at ilto tooth door of the CoortHonM, in the city of A nc Arbor, belog the bnlldlDg In whlch the Circuí) Conrl for the Counly of Warhtonnw and Stuip aforesald i held, and by ylrtne of the power of sale oontalned nortgagfl I ph'ill spil at public auctlon, to the hlghest bidder, the premiaea daacrlbed In saldmort"iijio to fiatlsfy the nmount of principal nd Interest abore clalmed as rtiie. rith thr Attorneya Fee ol thlrty dollarond charse of sale, to-wit All thosc oertaln pieces or parcelFof tand ■ ituatcd In the townehip of Shnron. nnrl Coiinly 01 Whtemm. nnd State of Micliijjan descrlbcrl as follows. to-wit: the caatpartof the aontbweat fractlonal iiarter of iection X" s. ven fT; in town tlirec fioutli of range three (8) east containlng eüshty acres of tand ; also the west liülfofthe OBthwrrt qaaitcr ofsectlor Numlier ecvfii f7) in towneliíp three (8J outli ol r:niL'f thrce (=i) coutaining sixty acres Dfland, more or lees. Dated, Marrli Tth.iSTO CHAELBS WHBDON, Mortnoe. John N-Oott. Attorney for Hortgagee, 1-"1' Mortgiigu Salo DEKACI-T having been mndc In !he comlHi n of 11 c rt:iin morlgage. execnted by Charlea Moore ud Helia Moore hïs wile, of the city of lunArbor, Connty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan on the twelfth day "f Jnly, l. 1864, u, .Toeph W L:iwbini iinii Prederlek wnrrter of the city of nn Arbor. Umnr.y afore au', and recorded Id toe B ter'gofflce, of aald Connty of uhtenaw aforevald on the .tli day of July, A. I. iWl, a' 4'. o'clwk P M. uf ttid diy. In líber Ko'm rünigcs, on pag (SI wblcta -nid mortgage w dnjr arrlgncd by saul Josepli W Lawtonaml b'reilcrick Wu ter, to Dl ivacIcrsviH'cl 'u the nth daj r November, !). I8Ö1, and reoorded in the Beguter'd otno cfWuhtenaw Gonnty, od the Ï8U1 daj of Apiil A. D. 1OT0, ut U o'dockA.M of Baidday, in liiiur :;■: of mortgajtes, page 'SI : on which mortgiige is cluimed to bo due at the (inte of thi uoticc, the Biim of thre-1 hundred aodfifty-lbnrdol nd lorty hm) ernt-: ulfo. au atturuey feu of tweniy-flvc do!lr. should auy proceediiiKi' De to forecloee thl mortgage j and do nitor pnwowlIngsin law or equiiy navios been liwHtuud to re c ver the dein or any part f. notlce is herebj ËlveCi ilinl. by virtue of power of saín In Mld mortRage contalned I slwll n-II at public auction .to the biL'licst bidder, ou 3' th day "f ■' lij "ext, at. two o'doek F. M. if said duy, at the front door of thoUourtHoUie.inttaecltT of Aun Arbor. In Mld County of W.-ishtenaw. tho premUe de cribed In said iriortea?e b all that crrtaln pleoe orparoel o land rltaated In the city of Ann Arhor Coamyol Washteuaw. and Btate oí Michigan, known bouud ed, ind doMsribed as follows: Commenclig n: tincentei ofeectlon number tweoty In iawn(lip two iouth of rant'e mjinber ix enu-i ftiid mnniBS wcal foorehalm and (hrrtyeeven link t' a black onk tree eigbt inches In diameter : thenw south elaht degreeB. wert two chaina m.'l Bfty links to the HlseocR road; thence euterly ilong the oanWof sald road t" tht' orth and sotith center line of ald ec tiou num!T tweuty; thence north teven clinii." and forty live linka to the place if bglnnlng teiceptlng andreaervlne ona acre of land trom the eat side of the paicel of land above deecribed.) April Ï8U..18T0. BARNAm.SK.rilBinK. Assignec of naid Mortage. Juux N. Gott, Altomey for Asfiguce of said Mortgago. V.'T Mortnage Sale. DEFAI5LT haring been made In 'he conditiou of n CL-rtain tnortgagemide and oxccnted by David I, Galeaaml Anuiuhi B. Qatea, of the dtyof Ann Arhur Waahtenaw Conoty, Michigan, lo Aoron B. Vanatta, of Nort' Held, C.miuy and State aforesald, bearlr.g date the flfth day of April, A. I) 1863. and recorded iu the Regieter'i Oflicn of Dceds for Waihtenaw Co ■ Michigan, on the slxteeuthjday of April, A. . at 10 -.i o'dock A. M . In libar No. 29 "f morttrages. on page l 4, by whlen the power of -üle toutained tboreln become operativo ; the nmonnt clalmed to be dun on tald mortgage and accompaDjing note at the date of tliis notice is the ram of nsv hondred audsixty-uine dollars and fifty cente aodiptereat, and the further sum of Uiteen dollars pronded In suid mortgage as an Attorccy fee in caee uy proceeding shonld ba taken to forecloae ilie eante.asu no snit or procceding havlnj; beed iustitntect t luw to recover the debt secured by said aorl;-' an part thereof: í,'oiice i.H hcri-by fr'von "mt " Monoay w onthdny of-lniy, A. !■ nnviotlt a. v.oltlwt dav at the frout door of the Connty Conrt Honse, In thoCityof Ann Arbor, in ald Connty of Washtenaw.theaamebeing the place for holding the Clr. cuit Conrt for sni.l Connty. tlier will bi: oio til pubHcanction.tothehiL'hest bidder, the premi Bcrlbed iu said mortgage, or so rauch thereof as may bMee8arytofat])sfj theasBtdae on miduote and mortgage al toe date of thlu nottoe, wüh intertíi costa ana expecsea provlded lor In said nertLM-n. andallowed bj law.that latosay: Allthal certalu or parcel of land eltnated Id the city ol Ann a.rbor,Wasbtenaw Connty, Michigan, describid sfollows. lo-wit: Being lots number ono. fonr i-(j, Bve and eight, in blotk live. in Brnwn & Fnller'i additlon to the villano, now cilv of Ann Arbor, accordlnit to tho recordad plat Ihereof Dait'd, Anu Arbor, April Tth, 1870. A,MÏ0iï B VAXATTA.Mortïagec. Tiia'v W. Eooï, Attorney for Mortgage?. I rjISSOLUTION. The copartnerriilp harrtefow eïlstinp bctwoen the nndüreigued, ander the fnm name uf R. w. mili & c,o., wa this i'.uv dlssoived by mntn] J. A. Klraell retlrlng. The boolnese wil] be carriedoii at the old place niidi-r the same llrm iiiiiiic. and Ihe botikaof thi compin]rb settlcd by the new ïirm. Dated, May20th, 1STU. R. W. ELU8. ISTS J. A. KIS3ELL. öv opENÍÑar AT Wm. WAGIMER?S, An Eleintund Large Stock of SPRING AKD SOMMI GOODS, 1SCLUDIXG CL0IH8, CASSIMEKE9, VESïINGlS, &C. LATEST STYLES iNÜ BEST QUAL1TIE8 W II UMI UEOFKKS LOVVER than EVER Alto %n Store a large stoei of READY-MADE CQTHING AND Qents' FÜENISHIEG Goods. OARSIENÏSMADETO ORDEEFN TUE EïESSST1 STTLE. Aii-o LADIE-i'aud GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21. South Mal Street- Et aid. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILtlAM WAGNER. Ann Arbor, Mkt, 1H7 VÑ'N AKiíÜK CITY MILLS! BEST FLOÜE $3.00 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDERS AT ME POST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. SEPT. 21t,1860. 1230tf 3,000 FENCE POSTS ! A Qnantlti of White O.ik Floorlng, and 1,000 Cords „fWood.foroby n.b.COLE. PHYSICIANS' Prescrip tions Accuratoly and Caif fully Prepared by R. W.ELLIS&CO. Chancery Sale. OTATE OT MICHIGAN- Tb' Cira 11 Coirt fu r the Oottntyol Washtenaw. Ín Chai Jacob Ormal tai I i . WflUam Brown, Jaiuï LewU, E Lewis James W. J.cwí.-i, ■ ■ nt?. lu porauance aod by virtue of a ih-creo of i' cutí (JíHirt for tl; ci'i'.niy of Wasbtenaw, Michigan, . ., on the hk teenlh day of Becember A. i' elghteen buudred &nd sixty ni' odlng where i sndltcofQplaluftuUand WÜllam Brown, J Blluhalel L. LewU, Jam Lo wis a ud ttobcrt Blackwood, def Dimita. - í herebj given thal I nballsellat pnbüc auctiou to eider, at 12 oclock ooonou Saturday, ., day íicxt, at tlití front or sootii ouor of thti Court Bono Id tho City of Ann Aiijor, ín tía ■ Coonty of Washteoaw, and Btate of ao.aJJ ibat pieos or pareel of laad boown - mi irsClibfíl flfl ful)v■■. tttwil: eaal n; ! :fn devento parta of ;ill that oertain pwoel it lañd cdowd aud described aa the weal hall uf the at qnartet of íectlon onnaber one flj iu townshlp n'jraber one n_, .-.. ;, .,1 -:., ■■.. numbef s ífwt, in ili'r Connty of VVwntcnaw and ; Mtebigan, cootaining Cbrty aero ' I.imI, subject I to the fntere ttherelo n rfaea to Jüiif J,c in lv ]n r liiwh;unl John d etl, 'or fti:il dorlog ber llfe or wttfla bhe should r mnin a wldow and anznarHed Aun Albor, Mu4th, ... D 18T0 8IBLE1 ('-. TYLOR, One of the Circuit Cnuri Commbüiioneri forWn htonam Oonniy, M tchlipiii. Ar.riiF.i'í Feixh, Scilicitor and f Couuul fr Complfltnaot. Real Estáte for Sale. STATBÏOF MICHIGAN, CoontjofWaehtenaw.Bí. Intbfl matter of the flétate of Thomas Brt] ht, minor EïoÜCd la bereby iven, that lo poraun a u ordergranted i te Guardiau of the estáte oitaldminoFi by the Hon Jadee ! Probate for ih(í Connty ii' Washtenaw, 00 1 1 1 ♦- eigbteeuth daj of Aprll.A. D. ifi7'. there wlll be eoldai pabltcTen (1-.H-. to thft highcft bulder, at the office ol Q K Paljncr. in HaDCbeater, n tbe Connty of Washtcnaw, id aid BlAte, un Tburaday the twenty-tídfd duy ol Jnne. A. D IS70at onao'dock i tlie afternoon of thatdaj, (object t i!l enenmbrancea by mortgage or otberwfst' existí nr jií tbe time 01 salej the followinfE i rea) etato, vz : Tho oathw f-t Qaarter oí tbe Boatbweal quarterof sectlOD üilrty-two, In towusliip foor aoutii of range tbree eat, in suld Bt&toDati-d iíay2d, A. 1. I KieiiARD OREEN. Onardlftn. Real Kststte f r tjalo ' oTATE 0FM1C1IIGAN, Countyol Waehtenaw, -s [ tu the matter ut' the estal on Scli c ■ te ut: Notta is Kerobv gKen. Ehat in purwnanee oí an ord:r gniDttdto ihe nndersitfoed, ( fliiiu iif tl I 8ld Incompetent by the ilon , Judc of Probate for the Oounty of ' aehtenaw t n the tWRDty-lhtrd riay of April. Á. D 1870. thert; wil] Bi 'public v.-niUu' to i he highest bidder, at tbe northwest corner of the premisos bee1nafter ñ ■ eeribed. In thetownol Northfleld ín the C' uut)' of w.: -hi i'iuiw Ín sald Stat . i-n Thuraday. tbe tdx tofiithday :une A. D. 1870, al two o'ctuCK In the afternoun uf thatday (object to all encumbrares ii mortgage or otherwuw vxistlns a' ''■ l sie). tbti rollowlng dfscribert real cfctdtc, to-wlt : The east balf cf toe nortb two-thlrdv oft half r the norihweet quarter of pectlon t Irty-flve i q towoahlp o&e loathof raagestx aast contitlsiny twent t-ix una tWO-tUrda acres ol lmid more or lcain saití State Dutcd, pril 2th. ■. D 18T0 i - T SEDGW1CK DEAX, Onanlia. Et-al Ewtaie tor Sal. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Conniy of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte oi Frank W. Goodkle, niiiutr: Nottce i aerebj given, that tn pnisoaoce oí , au order granted to tlie auderelgned, Guardian ol the catate ol sniü minor, by ih Hoi Jodge óf Probat" fur the Cminty of Wahtfuaw on the twenty Aftb day of April, A. 1). I8T0, there wtllbeaoldat pnbllo ■ ;' hlghest bidder, at the office ur ■ & Heiily Ín the IMlii, in thf ol Wa htenaw In eald State, on Thur'day. ih" Blxteentb day of Jone, 1) 18T0 t ten o'clocb lu the forenoon of that day, Csuhject to all enenmbraoces by mortgagf or oíherwe existí g n the time of ui' stile and also ■ the rïght of dower of th wldow of Norman C. Goodale. de.. thcrein), il' followlng ei rlbèd real estáte, towit: The undlrldei one-eighth of the Delh Mili Proper y,1' CifO-called ■ . bel Dg on section two iu the town of scio, In .aid Oonnty, on the oorth elde ol the Huron EWer, commoDCiüg ai the Dortheaat eornflv of the bridge near Saw Mili formeríy ovrae ■ by Jacob i oremutfi running thence nortb fliteen rodss tbence eat tbirteen roda, thence aoath fifteeu rode, tbence weel fchlrteen roda to the place of beglnuing contalnlugote acre of land; aleo the andtvïded one-eighth oQtwenty fourlnchee -quare.or óTii eablc lechee of water, to be nseaexirea attae of the mïll or botiom of Ine llame on the above iecrlbed prcmlsee ander all tbe head [eed there, with the privilege of making a rnce Büfflclent for the water above meniioned from th düiu of Baid Jacob Doremttt to thepropert] above dekCribod. and thence to tbe rlver aleo the nndirlded half of each of the followlng deecribed parcele or lot of land viz : Lots nlne and twt-hc in bloei; four and that part of ïot eiht in block four whlcb lies sonthwesterlv of the Michigan (.-'cutral Rj also of lot aeveii in blook nlne. and lot ten In blocte fonr, all In the Ttllage uf Delhi, Couuty and State aforesaid Dated, April 2Tth. A.D.lfïO. 1ÍOT BJDVTAÈD L. BOYDEW, GnardUn. Conn;iissioners' Noticc. QTATBOF HICHIGAN.CouDtyoi'Waahteiiaw,. ÖThe nnderelgned bavlng been by tlie . foriftld Connty. Comnilsalonei1 ■:.uuini;, ami adjust :ill claims ílihI demflnri of ■II peraona Bgalnit the estsie of Ebei Pattee, late of nnlri Connty. deoensed. oerebj glve notice tlifl t ix monfbi from date nre allowedby oi der of saiii Probate Coort rorcredltortopreDltheir clalmaagalDgl theetteof8lddeoea6d. andtl wlll meot ai the l1ici ol odget i the City of Ypsllañtl in sald Connty, oa Saturday. nd daj oí Jnly, and Monday. thetwentyrtrt (luy of Noveoiber, ncx!. at ten o'clock A. M. of each ol salfl days, toreceivc, uxamiueandiniji:.ii snii! claims. Datcd, May Mtb. A IX. lr.7O. AVIOS C. BLODOET, l oommlartmiM 1271 FKANK Ji'SLl.N, Jcommiioaera Commtssioners' Notice. STATE Oï MICBIQAH.Connty of Wavtatenaw, sa Tho nnderilgned lmvii Probutu Coart for saul Connqr. Commlssioiner lo recelve exanüoe and aOJnet i nddemandsof all persons agalnet the estáte of Batea 0. Wt ofaaid Connty, Aeceaaed, bireby give nolice that six llionllis frtmi dato re nllowt'd, ly oril-r of said ■ Coart, forcredltora to present Iheirclaluia the esta e ofiald deceaaed, andthatthey wili meet at Uk: late residence ol said deceaeed in in said Ctunity, on Sntarday, the twenty-iliird d;iy of Jnly, nn'l Satnrday, the iwenty-aiztb da ol November, next, at ten o'clock A. H. of eacb of s-iid days, to recelve, examine, and adjust said Drtt-1. May Ï6th, A. I) lJT-wJ NBL8"N W. STEVENS, rom.niB-ioners JOSEI'H PÉAY, jCominis.lont.i6. Cominissioners' N'tice. OTATE OFMICIUGAN. Cotintyol Wftsbteoaw.wi O Tha anderiigoed having been appolnted by the Probate Court tor kiM Conuty, Commitvloncra io recelve, examine, and adjnat til ctalma and (U-niiui. of all persona againatthe entate i.r Orange 0 Weel . I lat? ui saltl Coanty, deceased. horeby givenotlce that aix montbf from date are altoigcd by order of aaid Probate Conti tor croftto lo preeent thelr claim aaiiiff the estal ■ of Baid (!i-t ;is-d, and thnt i meet at late resldonceof a'ul rieceiuied. Countv on Satnrday. the twenty-thlrd flay iif Ji:ly, auii Wciliu'siinv. the thirtetb day of KovemhvV. i --xt, it ten o'cjock A. M. of each of thoae days, to ïvivïvi', examine andadjosi Baid claims. Datul. My 3Cth, A. I l'TO 12TÏW4 NEIJSON W. 8TETBNS, 1 Commiaioner JOBBPH PliAY, ƒ commissioners. Estato of Famuol Bf, Fay. gTATEOF KtlClIIOAN.County oí Waebtenaw.if! Notice ïb herebyjiiveu, tbat by an order of tlie Probate Court lor the Cunnty of Waihtenaw, m:u'.a on ihe twenty-thlrd dny of May. A. 1). lxïi', six months from that date were allowed lor crodlton lo preaenl heli clglma aipilnt the estáte f Samuel .M.Fay, late of s:iiil ('oiiiiiv deceared, and tbat ali credltort oí sukl dweaaad are reqiiired to present thelr chiimi to suid Probate Court. at the rrob te OfBco in thi city cf Ann Arbor. for examinatlon and tllowance, on or before the twenty-third doy ol ïiovember iiext. and that such clnlnsa wlll be heard bcfore eaid Probate ('onrt, on isiturday, the twentythlrd dj of Jnly. and on Weinealay. the twentythinl day of November n-xt. al teuo'clock iu the forenoon tifftach of tluse t]ny Dated. Auii Arbor, May Md A. D., 180 ■IRAN 3 liKAKKS. 1Ï71 Jud-e of Probate. Estáte of Abagnil U. Carpenter. OTATE OF MICHTOAN, County of Washtenaw, 89 . Notice is hereby tiiveu, tliat by an order of the Probate C'ouri for the County n Washtenaw, made on the twenty eecond day of MíXch, A V. 1ST0. six monttu fróm the third day of Juuc nexl wen allowed for ereditors to prusenuheir claim Un istate of Abigail U. Carpenter, IsM of sald 'ounty. deceaaodi and that all credkora of aid deoeaeed are required to present their claims to aald Probat Coort, at the Probate Ottice. in the City of Ann Arbor, for t'xaminntion and alloiihuice on or beforc the third day of IVeember, next, and that ench cluitns will be heai-d beforeaaldPfObate Ootirt. on Satnrday. the twenty-thlrd il.iv of Jnly, and Satnrday, the third dy of December, next, at ten o'cloek iu the foreuoon of eaoli of tho?e ilaye. Dated, Ann Arbor, May SStb A. 1. ISTO. ' 1IIUAM J. BEAEES, 12TSW4 Judge of I'robatc. Estato of John McConnell. CJTATE-OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, sa C5 Nutice i hereby jtven.thatoy an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, mad( on the twenty-elxtb day of Maj, A. D. I87Ö si months fro .. that date were allowed for oredlton to preeènl thelr claims against theeatate of JohnMcCcmnell, late of niid Coniitv, deceaaed, and that all ereditors of said deceaaed are required to presen I rheir claims to said Probate Conrt, at the Probate Ofttce, in the City of Ann Arbor. Sor examinatlon and aIIov;iiK-e on or before the tweuty-sixtti day of November next, and that such claims will be hcard before said Probate Court, on Saturdcy, the twenty third day of .luly, and on Saturday", the twentysixLli ü;y of November, next, at ten o'cloek iu the Ibrenoon of each of thoee days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Mav Mth, lTrt. IliHAM J. BEAKES. 12Tït4 Judgo of Probate. Q m. MARTIN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, With a full line of Clioice Furuiture, Parlar and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &o. Cali aud seehim. 1268 Pl!lSi(]IANS'TBWIPTIO.S VCCrltATELV AN!l ■, CARËPULLY PREPABED BY 7,'. II'. BLLIB d CO., DRUUGIS7S. Estáte of William E. Marvin, OTATE 01? MICHIGAN, ConntyofWashten,, o At í BBftslun of ' i'.: Probate Courl tor tïte n ui Waehtenaw . holden at th Probate, ijt city of Ann Arbor, on Tneeday ilirtv-n r&t d Hay, ;n tbeyenr ouethouinuifeinht hundi-edan?'1 enty. -: i Ettrftm J. Boakei", Jndgfl of Probate In tbe matter of the Estáte ol' William è v ' vin deccased ' ' Milton K. Marvin. Administratoi of sftid eghitoCourl aDd represente that is n„w r jim-it to render hi final accunnt at nuch r'' trator. ' " Theroopon it isordcred, ThatMotiday tho lPI1. sev mli day of Juno., uoit, at ten o'clock in tbef'' noon, be lUftlgoed for Bxaminin iiiil allowi I that II.'1 In-irs il t law of t . ■ and all o tier pereoca iBtereMtèd 1b 2 inlred t i appear :it asenlonarS bolden al the Probate Office, hL City of Ann Arbor, i iiiijly, :mtl stutv. if ;i:iy tbcre h, wiiy tbe said account sonld nol k' . !: And it Is ful'tlier ordertMl. lliat sn(] t trator j;ive notice lo Qtr porMone iiiteret ■■y of this order k c pabltelied in t!, . a newipJ )rinis''. radelrculatingla paidConnty threeoeí ve weeks previou to sai í;íjil. (Atroecopy.) HIRAM J KAKEs " '7 . Juiijjeor l'r. b,, Estáte of Ljiiia Ij Jotjef. STATEOF MIüHrtïAN.Conntyof W:iV,]t(.„,w At o aessioii of the Probntu Conrt for tho Con,, iaw. holden ut the Prolintc' fflce.ia S City of Ann Arljiir. on Satarday. the tvent;4kS lay o! May. in the ycar one thousand eightüï dred and aeventy. Present. Hlram J.T;e.iiki'f..Tude of Probate. In tho matter of l!ic cstatu of Ljdin L. Jotl. deoened. On readüle and iilin the potition . dnly viriicj,, Jamvfi A. ryhlppie. praylug ihnt acrtalfl iiiuiiaJ non cm Sle ín thU Court, parponln; to be the [ will and tieAtauieni may beajjt tedto probate, and that bo may be nppolntel fc. editor tlirreof. Thereapon It la Ordered, that Momlay. the twtth Mventn dny ol Jnne eit :n ten o'clock iiithefaj beaasljrned Tor tbc hearlncof Aid petition.iy that the lei i eand nuirs utlawcfnig ariana all other persono init-rt.itiiiiiêaiöjj are rcqnlred to appear t a Befuion ol sald Courttibolden :it Probate Office, in the city ofS Arbor. i'.nl show caone. iíany therebe, wliv tficprn o: t.he petltloner slmnii! i n: furtuer ordered. thai sald pctltioneruive notfvrtoc. personf" Ir-terested in sald rstate, of the euden, satdpetltii.ii, mrl the hea.-ing thercof. by cantil,, copy o' thi Ordei to bc publinhed in Lhe WúíJ, . .■. newspaper printer! and Ircnlatin; hg county tbree sneoeSBlTf week previou? to lalj f í hearing. (Atraecopy.) IIIBAM .1. BKAKEK 1212 JudEcof Probit Estáte ot' JiTonie Goi'ding. 1F MIOIIIliAN. O.i'.mtv m Wn-htenw,, At a Bession of the Courl for th. f..,.,., al v, i-liirii.-.w. Imlii.'if u theProbati ÜIH ■ Inuj City if Aun Arlior Olí Fiiil.-.y. thc tve ty-tti diy of Mny, i" tic ye:ir one thousai d eightkn dred and serenty. Present liiri'.in.J Boakw, Jodge f Probate ín the matter of the estato of J.Tonie Gooi ■d. Corinlha M. Ooodinc Administratrix of tui. tato, turn into Cuart nnd represente iliai (le, dow prepared to rendcr her fiusl accoaut m ( Admiinslmlrix Thereupoii it isordered. tbat Monda; the twtuj. evuutli day of Juuo, neit. at teu u'clork 'm foreDOon, De assiDed forexainioing aml uüoit ach accoaut, and thnt ihc ln-irs at lnr I ceaod, and allolhvr pertona interestcd in Mld tatc, ::■■ rvqnired f.i ■ ppfnr üt u Kenioii of Fni Ihen ti) bv holdn tí tile Probate Ofllcv, in thei Ann Arbor, in ald Coauty, nnd shnw cnao therobe whv the mMaccouut shotildnotbca Anil it Is fnrther 'Tdered, tht sai, i Admiu'u givc ootice to the persons Intcresud u s;uiitatii( pendenc; i'. í:ú'l account, tal the heuk( thereor by caualug a copy of ihlsurdtT tnhc. lishcd in 't1 ' nowgpuper priiw and circulatlng in aald Countj tliree aaccott weeks pre loas to sald day ol hearing (A truc couy.) UIKAM J BEAKES, 1 , Jadteoi l'rubtti Estáte f Beujamin ('ole. vTATE OF MICHIOAS.County of Washtenit, i At ft BeaiAoil of the l'rubrtte Court for the Con i)f Wasbtenav, bolden at the Piobate Oflice in tlt City of Ann Arbor, on Thnrsdnv, the twelftbti of Mav, in tiiü year. uuu thousaDd eiht banat and seventy Dt, Ilirara -ï. BcakflS, Jude ol Probate. In the matter ol the estáte oí Benjamin Colé, fe On readtag umi fiünj the ctition. duly verifiiii' Denry !■'. Hwnmouil, AdmlnUtiator. prayln; tkHÜ may be llcenaed toeell oertaln real cítate nbcml sai.i deceased dietl veized, Tberenpon Itlíorderíd that Monday, thetweitf Beventil tiay of Jnne uext, at teu o'clock in tlipV [issiu'ned for tho liearing of said petltk and that the helre at luw ofsaid ili cmued. nii other penon linsaid eatate arereqnlrt to a i '-:■ ni i tewion of Baid Conrt, tlicu tbeh# en, at tho Probate Offlcf, lu the CWy ofAnnArtn andshow canee, if any there be, wdt the pnytj tltlouer bould not sruntd : !n. th-r ordort-'d, that 8;iid petltloner Lrive nuiice to;li peiso! ■ rain faicl state, or the peodetqd I ,itronrnm1 the hearing Ihereof by cntiti copy of thls ordei i1 be publkhed in the v Btei 1 circiilatlsL tnsiü Coonty, tour Baccessivc week prevlom to said 4) of henr (A truecopy ) 1IIRAM J. BEAKES. líXi Judgeof IY.Iun. Estáte Johu Everett. CTATKOF MICHIGAN, Conntyof Washtom, 1 At ft flèlBSlOIl Of 1 CJüUli í'or ' ofWashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, iti'i Cüy of Aun Arl.i.r. mi Samrdsy, Uiu tueiitj-lw day "I My, i:i i!:u ycar ose thiOOBand elgbltf . .! l-vi :i'y. ! teakes, -TiuIl' of Probit. Iu tbc uiatlcr of the cstatc uf Johu E'tMi igandftllngthe pptil!n dnly TnlIiH Aiisui !1(iijh. praying that Johu B. rronn, í appotnted U :i r oi' the ffiit ■ of sMiil deceaeed. Thereupou it e Otdered.that Ta Hlay.thetTC Irst day of Jone, next, iit ten o'elock in til 'orenoou, b for Iho benriog ot a petition and that the heir at law of eain dtottj uxl all o:' Interested in lid IU. ire MQuired to appear at a Beaslon ufsaidC then to be holden at the Probate Office, in tbf fitj f any thcre b. theprayerof tbe petïtloner showld not le crsDlo ■dered.that galdpetltlonerelni ilce to ateret( dlnsaioestateof tle . ofuald pelltlon, and the hearlii" therra ng a copy ofthli Order (o lio puhlisiied n ewapaperprlnted and circulMói vs aairt coas, three SQCcesklve weeks iiriot S;i(i laj Of tH':irillLr. ,,.,v 1 HIEAM J. BEAKM. UTltd iaigeot ProW Estáte of Ii win P. linker STATE OF MICHIGAN CouufJ "f WasiitcM.! ui tbts I rouateConrl fir nf Woohienaw, holden at the Piobate Oüce,"l City of nu rbur, on Wednesday the ei::htiwiitbo! if "ay. in the ycar one thounnd eiglu hnmW' ecty n s. i.t iliram J Bealces, .Tudpe of rrolwte In Ihe matter of the e tare oflrwln P. Bato On n icing anrlnïlnf the petltlon dolywrlMU Marveue lt. Glbb, pnying tint Ejpert ï-lf" otbersnitable perecn, muy be apuointM miointratur ui' the estáte of Baid deceasrd. : in it is ordered. tlsat ondsy thetw.tltth d:iy ot Jur.c mxt. ai ten o'clockll the '■"' noon. be aaslgued for the hearing "I .- and Ihat tha h In it law oí said d ceased, MH otherpeTOOD interestedin said etat-, are reqan la ippear at a -ession of said Court. thenw holden, at the Probate Office, In theCiürwl Arbor, and show cansé, i.' anj there be. hjW pniyi'r of the petitlouer eboold not be ïrantoo: w [l Is AirUier oidered, thatsald petltloper gmtie to the perrons lnterc!".Ld in caid tétate, ofthep deiuy of said petitiou, and the hearins thirwl. cauBÏng a copy of thls order to bf pubüehed ia Mi kifran Argvt, a newsptper printed and circnlu" In ald Connty, threc ncoesaiTe weeks previou wild day "f hearing __, (A tr;ic e tjy.) HII'.AM .1 BK.iKK1-J7U- Judijc uf ProbJtt Estáte of Zenas jïurd. STATE OF MICH[GAN.Connt of W.ishtcol At i Msioo cj Ihe Probate Court for the CüBlí of Waehtenaw", hoïdeu at the Probate utlirc. i Jl City of Ann Arbor, on Prlday. the thirteentii J of May, in the yuttr uue thousutid cight bont and ecventy. Present. Hiram .1. Hcakes. Judjre of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Zeniis Bun!, ceased. . , On reaüinf: and flling the petition, dnly verifií' Charle H. Worden, prayiuj; tbat n cerli ment now on file in this Court. purporting to l last will ard teatainent of said dece&aed, niny co f mitted to probate, and thi.t he aud Ellza Burd!, be appointecl Executora thereof. w Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, ""! teenthday of Jnnenext atten o'clockinihcfornw" i-e asslgned for the hearing of said petttion, d t the leñatees. devUeea and helra at law of a ceaaed, and all other persons iuterested in aalfl11"! are required to appear at a pession of BaU ( tben to be holdVn at the Probate Office. i city ot Aun Arbor, and show cause if any thf'!-v why the prayer of the petltloner shonld no: granted i Andltisfarthcr ordered, that eaior ttoner xtvo notlce to the persons iu'erestcd in r estáte , oïf tbc of said petition, aDj! heartnff thereof, ot cansiiiff a copy of ttiii oroö be publiühed in tile íili.higan Arma a newf printed und ctrcolatlnfC in pnid Coitnty, thre1 ccsslve weeks previoua to said dar of hcitriupCA trnecopv.j 11IKAM J. HFAKES, 1210 Jiidsc of Prohaf' Sheriff 's Sale. BV VIRTUE of onc wrlt of Fkri Facías i"' out ofnd nnfler tho eal of theUrcnitC fr the Connty o( Wnslitfiiaw, to me direrMO'ï dellrered, bearlns flïte the Becond day of Jnm1. ei"ht en haodrea and seventy, in favor of 3"' Dermott, plaintlif. commannlng me that of the L" andehattels and for want thereof. then o ti lowiiiL' 0' --e Ibedlandeand teoement: ri'w't:,L( gonthwest qaarter of northt-ast quarteroltion thirtv. in tuwushlp onc foutli "'." ■ ■■ u tl'.e townsbip cl Northfleld. ln"J Connty f Waehtonaw, 4, f Patdck McDr James KcDermott Margaret McDvnnotl t'"1'".,, 1 ermott. .Mary McDermott, Mlcbael WcDeimW'" MoDermott. Patrick Htm ton. Tliomas nu Ilustou James Ilustoc, BUshael U'J''1 Mary Hnston aud Norab Hnston, whicb propv ha(l exposé ror sale at pnblip ancttnn, anl ffll l hlgheüt bidder, at the sonth door of the Coart u" in the City of Anu Arbor. on the sixteenili c. .inl.A. ii'.. elchteen htmdred and leveBty o'clock in tho foren oon of that day, Anu Arbor, Jane ::). A r. t7". ., BY1ÍON R. PORTEK, SI IftS Tíos. ■' IIokkins, Dep':1 pOFFINS AND CASES ! AFULL STOCK AT MARTIN'S ALL CALLS rr.OMl'TLY ATTEXDED T___ Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO'b for choice Wines and Liquorf for Medical Purposes .


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