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"WM. M. SINCLAIR, COMMISSIONMEflCÏÏAFT IN GRATW AND FLOTTR, BOOM 1M LaSALLE STREET, CIII'WGO. l'2T0vl O. M. MARTP . IKLSR IS PnRNITrRp; of 1I ktmls. r:irlor iinl 'je,! 8et, Mirrors, &c. 33 South Main itrrtt 'PARfRR8' STORE. jftonH Vlln Street. Everythlng kcpt In'a firstdusHore 111 he fonnd here ; MACK & SCRMÏD, )RlLERS i" nry """'I-'. Orocerics, Crockcry, le. W South Malo Street. C A LEITFJÍ & CO., JEALERS IN DRUGS snrt Medicines. P-ire Wines sní Uqaore for .Medicinal Punióse, Cijjars &c. No. lOrcorv Block. A. WIDENMANN, "r.'I'.X Esoh.ntüje Broker. Real Estito and Fire [Mitiee Agent. No. ÍSSonth Main StreetTRAOY W. ROOT, 'HVDENSED Records of VY'ashtenaw Conníy, and tibíate Kxchange. No. 1 (ir-jroryBlock. DR. KELLOGG, NUCnCIKG Phyíician. nnrt Propri-tor of Dr. ' lelebrated Remedies, Aun Arbor. Mich. MORRIS HALE, M. D. PIDESCE and ODlcc No. is. corner Willlame and treeta Rern!nr ónice honra 1 lo 8 p. M Advice and PreFCríptloná froni 0 t 7 P, M. tli lia;, free pralis to the poor. 1204 " (i. B. PROTHINGHAM, M. D., BT8ICIAN AND 8ÜRGEON. Ofilce over Drns Storí, No. " liaron Rtreet. Residence, No. 35 street. Office hours, 8tollA. M ,aiul HDLL, ROBINSON & CoT J0CÏR8, Pmiiiice nnd Commiseion Merchante, No. (J South Main Street. ELLIS & KISSELL, ■PBaigTe.ndAealeriIn Palnts, Oils, etc No. 2 South Maiu Street, Ann Arbor. JOHN KEGK & CO., EALERS n Furniture o f all k'.nde, No. 33 South MimSlreet, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIOXS, TTORNF.T aii'i Conmellor nt Law, Real KstateanC ínsantnco Agent ConTey&ndng and ('ollection of 6Uw iminptly attenced U) on liberal tenns. Offc ooe'üoor soatb of Fint National Bauk, up íUr(,i50th Main Street, Ann Arbor. W. II. JACKSON, 'ENTIST, níiccpfsor to C. B. Porter. Office, córner Míinand Hurón Streed, over the stnre of It. W. ElliíA Co , Ani Arhor, Mich. AníestheticertdminIslercdif reqtiired. W, F. BREAKEY, M. D. tTHCIAN AND8ÜROEON. Oftici at residence, I:inn nnil División Streets, ürst door Eutol Presbjteriu Charch Ann Arbor, .Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, )ELER ÍN HATS and Cape Bars, Straw Goodstent' PurniMilng Goode. &c . N". 7 South Main Sffttt, Aun Arbor. SÜTÏÏKRLAND & WHEDON,"" .tPEund Fire Insurance Aïents and dealers in Real ttuu. ornee on Hurón Street. AU" scll flrsttUtsSywiut; Machiaes. W. D. HOT-MES, IOüXT for the Florence Sewing Machine . and dealer i Picture, Frames, &c. No. 3i EaBt Huron Street LEW IS C. KISDON ISALKB in Hardware Stoves, HoníO Ptirr.ishiiifr Gjds.Tin Warc &c. No. 31 Somh Mi.n Strra-t. BACH & ABEL, KALBRSin Dry Goote.Orooeria. &c, &c. No. 26 South lain 8treet, Au Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, HULEE In Dry Goods, Oroceries, &.. fcc. No 8oüi Main Streeu Ann Ai hor. 8LAW8ON & SON, SBOCÏRS, Provibion and Commisrion Merchante Md dealers in Water Lifne, Land Piaster, and Plaeto Paris, No. 14 Eat lioron Street. 8. 80NDHEIM, fHOLESALE ano retnil dealer in Ready Made Clothint.Cloih, Caïsiracre. Vee tl ng. and Gents' FurtiibmL(;„Q(i,. No. 9 South Main 6trcet. WM. WAGNER, 5ULER in Beadj Made Clothtns. Clothe, CsssiMnind Veatiogs, Hms. Capa, Trauks, Carpet S.&c., ai sonth Main Street GILMORE ir FISKE, K0ESSLLER8 and Stationere, Medical. Lwnd Collei;e Text Iioolts School and Miscellnneons k. No. 3 North Main Stroet, Greyory Block, to Arbor. FINLEY & LEWlb, 'JUERS n Boots, Shoes, Galtere, Süppeie &c, ■ 2 EastHuron Street. R. TAKRANT, 'ADÍES Fjshionable Shoe House, No. 24 South ln Street. QROCK EBT, SLASSWARE & GPOCERIES. i J. & P. DONNELLY eBtorea larf estock of Crocbery .Olassware, ma """.Cutlery , Grocene, Sc, &c.,ll to be """tunusuülly low prictr. in Í'-Wlm Hurrn!Ítiet,Ann Arbor. "'f J.&P.OONXEI.I.Y JOHN G. GALL, n DEALEB IN" FKESH AND SALT MEATS. 1..VRI), SAUSAGES,,Etc, "olleitd r,.l promptly miel with the best ""in lliemarket. 31 Kast Washington Htreet. kn Arbor, Sept . lOth , 18ö9 . 1 2S S t f LIVEEY AND SALE STABLE. AXTKLL&EAMAGE, (d PrMai" mA Calhnrincstrcft. Hovsefboardu.', 'Monable term. Secuuci hand buie, cut" "ndharuess for sale. l'52yl Miinuracturfrof ?JSj Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ■!!' íLK"'lIis "' ''"TV stjlf, martp of the bet tnd ' a'"1 wrnt'"l. Reualdnz ilnne prumptly, mm"." ""'"Me. Detroit Strm, nearR.k. "fot Aan Arbor, Mich. Í270yl 'I'HE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MIOÏÏ. (ESTABLISHEDIN ieC7 JOHN" J. BAGLEY, PRK81DÏHT, JAi.'OB ■ KAHHAX!1, Vioi; Preaidcnt. JNü. ï. L1GUKÏI'. Seeretkrr. .IAMES C. WATSON. Actunry. D. O.FAI!KAND,N.D., Medical Exominer. A fluccesffful Jlichlgan liifo Insurance Oompnny, oranizHf) for llie purpose of furnishing lnsurjtDce n]Hn üves at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Absolute Security, anï for the further purpose of KEEPIVG HONEY AT HOME, whïch heretofore drp been Bent East, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PERMITS. E i T 1 K E M t TA LI T Y USD STRICT EQTJITY Mark the sysfem and prTtI1 in tl. e distribution ot 4NKÜAL. DIVÍDENOS TO THE IXSl'RED VhUe,hy 1 rovisions of the Stnle Lu ■, and by tht ir own ti'MiiG, ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITAELE. rU.TOEAKCR KIRXIfHED LTON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All the BEST KKATTRFS "f the OW Companip ADOPTED.alHheir ERROKS AVOIIKD. SECURITY, ECONOMY, EQÜiTY AND THE WEST, ITS MCTTO. ZZST Pr Agencies apply tb HOME OFFICE, BaDk Block, Griswold Street. J3f L M. TÜAYER.Cen') iifnt. FREI. L. IIAHN, Agent. 1239yl A. WÍDENmÁNN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. ANN ARBOK, MICII. OFFEES FOR S-ift-LE : ?W ncrpB of lanl, within ene half raile from the city, tobe sold in wliole,or paroelt, f"llowii : '24 crea m Kertnnl9, in the town of Arm Arbor' bordarlo % m tbe n o lh toad lilng to Cornwella' paper mili, and on ihe toni on IS u eten iltoatBÍ '■n Ihe DorlhwMt cnrn-r "f the (i.irliam roail anil the aii CorBwsll Paolory roid. (TliiB is dneof tlie hancluomest situatiuns in ihe iifiifflitorltood of Ann Arbor.) 13JÍ cre improvert laml jiiininfc the above 15,'i acref and froutipg Gorham Iload. Fort acreof First Class Farmioj; Land, with Rood Ofcbard nd Barn, 2ií mito frr.m the tuurt Hem, on upper Dix'Jin road. 1 ere of land with a new two story frame house on Thompson, Spoor t Thompon1s addition to the City of Ann Arbor. 71o8of % cre each.on Thompson, Spoor t Thonip8OU'S AU'li!i"U. acre of land. w!lh a plenrlid groie, JoiuinR tlie Firemen1 Park on the Weet. 1 an.l U Iota of lan.l, with Barn, agh. Kilch.n. CarnaEC House, anl ft number of modern Improx-montn, on the northwest corner ot Kourlu and l'ackard Street 1 Home and Lot in the 2d Ward, on South Uberty Street. 1 Hou! ann 3 Lots in the 2d Ward, near 21 V.irl School House. 1 Houeand 4 LoU.nearthc M.C R.R Depot. 120 acrrs of laml in tin' souih of the State of MÍ8Bouri, near the Hanoinal 4rSt.Joeph Railroad 2 City I ole near 2! Ward Sclioo) House. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, K.ICH. SELLS A1ID BUYS DEAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON" ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES InGREATBRITAlN-.GKKMANY.KRANCF.SWITZERl.ASI,etc. My direct eoliDectiuB with Kurope ■nablenato offer as fiiir rate any New YorK Home Remmler.I an not n aRent of any ncuse inthU counlrv.but Iain lmvinK lirect communiestion wllli the bent home in Eurupe. COLLECTIONS IN EUEOPE BY POWER OF ATTORNEY OR OTHKRWISE, W1LI BE PROMI'TLY ATTENLKD TO. PASSAGE TICKETS per Steamer to and from New Yoik to all principal porte of Kurope lwlll sell nsfnllows: Fvnm New Vork toSoulhampton, Havre, London, Bremen or Hamburg, lst Cíate. 2d Clase. Stee-age $1-JO. $72. $25 in Gold. Return tickets, 225. 136 61 " " From a bove place to New Vork, lntClaes. 2dCHs8. 3d Cías. $120 $72. íiCI in Gold. Prom New Vorkto Lirerpool, Cabin, $80 to $100 Currcncy. Steerage, $30 lo Currency From Liverpool to New Yoik, Ctbln, $100. Steeruge, $3" . wideñmahñ; FIRE INSÏÏRANCE AGENT A.3STISI A-UBOR, Kor the Howard lnorance Co. ,in New York, one i.f the oldescanil bc-tCompanicsin the country. The Teutonla Inurance Companj in Olevelaní. The honorable and safe management ol thii. iüstlÍtutionhasmadeitone of the mout reliable Flre Insurance Companifpln the Weet. IS57vl


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