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"our Gifted President."

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Th9 Sun has tbe following from Washington : A dirimís incident bas leaked frotu lb Stitu Dcpurtinent, a vcry leaky vesnel in cssi nti tls, tboiigh eo mysteriously and solemnly reticont in smull particular Sborily after a very objectioijable speeeli from tbe Iion. Win, Mangeo, of Obio, on Cubaa aöairs, B;iron Charles Ltderer, the Autrian línvoy ExtraorJinary and Minister Fle lipotentiiiry, visited the Secretary of State with tbo speech aforesaid in hand. Tbe interview is thus narrated : The Baron called the attention of Mr. Fish to it, and taid that he had come on bobalf of hisgoverDinent to aek explanaron and saiisfaclion from the Government of the United States. "This," he caid, "is Dot tbe mere productinn of your newspuper eanailU, but comes from a member of Congress, and is publi-bed in the government organ. the Globe. The Baron wisbed to know whether Mr. Fish approved it, oategorically or otherwiso. Mr. Fish declaro! (and no doubt with unusual sincerity) that he did dot soribe to auy part of it ; and furthermore, was willing to concede ihat the speech was an outrage, and Mungen a imissince ; nay, he would even agree with the Baron that both tho press and Congress wero nuisances. But what woulc) he do ia the premises ? Mungen bul ;:bused him. "Never tnind dat," said tho Baron ; "I would not even mind frhe had abuscd mt ; but it is ray government he iníults mid den I feelit here," striking bis left breast. "But, Baron, he has abused the British Government, nnd the llussian, and the Spaoish, aud the United States Governinenis " "Ye?, but I atn not the keeper of de honeur ofzese, but it is for the insult to my Jimpereur I deniand reparation." 'M y dear Baron," replied the Secretary, "I really cannot make this an international queslion. I deeply regret ihat we have no power to punish this exaspcratiag msin. Our laws, unfortunately, do not permit it. Look, he has abused even our own President." " Wnro dat V aked the Baron. "No, he callud him gifted President ; means ieuius, talent; flatter him, abuse everybody and all government's else." "No !" ejaculated Mr. Fieh, "he meant to insult the President ; he perpe-ratcd an outragp; he tukl a falsehood when he said tho President was gifted." "What," asked the puzzled Baron; "he :iy what not true when ho cali de President gifted ? Well ! ma fox ! Zough ynu aud I, Monsieur Fish, kuow d;it he L not, rerv hricht, vou bis Mimhoomplimept. ]5ut is he abuse the President aud you have to suffer dat, I bavo i o more to ssy. (jood moroing, Monsieur lo Secrétaire." Mr. Fish (very obsequiously) - "Good niorning Baron." 'But slop, Mr. Ie Secrétaire. You want to know what we do in Austria with dis fellow you oall Mungen ?" "What would you do, Baron V" "We would put hitn in one dungeoD, Mr. Fish."


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