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A Good Example

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Tho Fiint and Pere Marquette Railway Couipany, at a recent meeting of the Board of rectors, adopted the followii;g preumble and resolution : Whereas, This company having heretofore translerrecl $75,000 of the boncis of Bay County, and having received and used the proceeds thereof, and the Supreme Court of tuis Biate baving declared the bonds voted by municipalities in aid of railroads void ; therefore, Kesoleed, That the treasurer of this company bc aud he is hereby instrnctfd to neKotiate wltb the preseut holders ol said bonds of Bay County, ai d to take up sald bonds at par, with accrued interest, by paying the same, or giving olher securities to the holders thereof, as inay be agreed. Tilia ib a good example, and should. be proruptly followed by every railroadi in the State which has received and negotiated any county, town or city bood. The entire amount of suoh bonda iasued throughout the State is only about 81,600,000, and the various companie receiving these boods have had full alue therefor. It is no hardship for suct companies to make provisión, by issuing their own bonds, to take up these towoship bonds, which. the oourt has declared' uncoiistitutiona), and return them to thetowus to be canceled. The Flint and Pere Marqnette has set a good examplie. Whst roads will follow it? A prompt eourso of this kind by alt tho railway oompanies in this State, which hae negotiated these bonds, wiïl be ot great valué to the credit of the railwajs. It will remove at once from. market all sucli obligations, aud leave the State without a stuin for authorizcd the iaaue of unconstitutibnal and worthless bonds. - Free Frets. It is very clear t; at the first andiohief work of tliORe in the Womnn movement must be with the wonien. Uutü tbey can be impressed with soine seuae of tb terrible "oppression" under which tbey exist, it cannot be expeted that th hold of the "oppressors" can be braken. As sbowing the eondition of things ÍQ this respect, we may fiivc the reeult of a receui canvass o! the woinen populatiou of Royalton, Vt., to-wit: Nunaber of women in the district. ...... 83 Wanted the sutfrage 14 Didu'twant it S3 Didu't care 1 Not at home Now, bow can it be expectf-d that ths men of Royaiton - the ''oppressors" - shall compel tlese women to accept freedom, po long as they thus hug their ehaiuii ! Here re but ene sixth that have sufficient sense of the wrougs they suffer, to want relief And more than that, of the entire 82, it soems that 81 wero at home, attending to what they cousider woman's rluties; while it is by no means ofrtain that the other one was absent on a Woman's Suffrügecanipsign. Labor among rach people must be discouraging to the relormers. - Tokdo Commercial. In aecordance with a cali signorl by President Harnard of ColnmbU Collepe, President Wcbb of the College of the City of Now York and other gentlemen einiuent in educational mUerf, a publio meoting was held Tuesday DÏght in i New York and the project w;.s adano ed for the establishing "f a Ilniversity of I tbo highest clius for womcu iu tht oity.


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Michigan Argus