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A Huge Swindle

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A Radical journnl in California alleges that tho ríorthcrn Pacifio llailroad frunchiee, as it ie now held, is worth at least fifteen rnillions of dollars, rnd that it eost only one million to get it tbrough öongress, leaving fo-jrteen uiilliona tis the clear prefit of the jpeeulation. This is one of'thc land gia) sohemes wbich has worked it way through CoDgrcss, and which has had the undeviating support of Senator Iloward, ot this State. This fifteen millions of propcrty beloi.ged to the pcop!e. It censkted of their luads, whith tbey had purchased, and paid for, and whjct Congress has now takon irom thcm and given h) a corporation. This ia only one amoag the many pimilar oceurrenees whiah have inaiked the procecding of tlie preaent Congress. Of coursc the million of dolWi expended did not wholly escape the pockt-U oí the metubers siipportiug the weafurc.. - Free Press. Tho St. Louia Timet says that when Red Cloud 6aid in fata speech " Our nation is meliing away like gnow on the de of the hill when the aun is warni, wbile your peogie aio like tbo blades of grass in fpninfr, when thg suumier is coming," he said n good thing without borrowing it from Longfellow or any Other fellow. Sevepty-five Chinamen pasecd throuah Omaha 'i'ueeday en route to Massaclmeetts to engagö in tbo boot and slioe busioees. David A. Wells lias been nppoinlcd by Gov. Uofliaan, of New York, head of s omniission of thrcu persoaa to revise tho tax luws.


Old News
Michigan Argus