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An Extra Session

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A Proclamallon ly (tic G.ivtrnor. Wiiereas, A series ol' huvs ènnctcd by toot succetialve Legislaturas, lia ve, by a , cent decisión of tlic blghest judicial aalbority of the Stilte been pronounced uiicmstitatlODal and voifl ; and Wiikhe.vs, Uuder theauthorlty contalned In such laws, a considerable anbonnt of se curtties oí' boiuls hare been Issued, nnd are now beld by partles who have purchased theni Id good I'aith ; niul BEKEA8, Thuiv is now no anihority of lavv by whlch tlic prluclpal and interest of snch securitles or bonds can be provldcd for ; nnd, The honor and good n;imo of the people of Michigan demand that provisión should bc made for tlie payment of sucii bonds ; and A 'iihuhas, The only resource left in ttiis emergeney is the glvlDg to tlie people the opportnnity of so unendlng tlie fundaniontal law of the State as to enable the several iminicipalUie, wliose bonds liave beeu Muís Issaed, to recognize their obligations, and provide for their payninnt ; ana WSBBBAS, Proposed constltutlonal ainendmnt tnoflt ílrst receive tlie sanction of the Leglslature, and oan only be submittrd to the peoplc at a general blennlal November election, thns crea ti Dg tlie necessfty of convpnjnj the Leglslature in extra session, or witliholding from the electors, for the spa ce oí two .vais, tho opportnnity of enabliag such munlclpallties to keep their honor and credit inviolate : Nvtc, Tfierefore, T, Ilenry P. Baldwin, Governor oj the State of Michigan, by vlrtue of thf power vested In me by tlie Constiíution, do bereby convene llie Lexlslature In extraordinary session, rccjuiriiif; the Senators and Repreaentatives to assemble at the Capítol, in the City of Lanstng, on Wednesday, thc 27th d:iy of Jnly next, at twelve a'elock noon, then and there to consider and act pon such niatters as raay be snbmitted to them by special message. In testlinony whercof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused to be allixed the üreat Seal of the State. Done at Lansing, thig ciglith da.}' of June, i n the year of our Lord oue thoiisand eight hundred and seventy. HEN Y V. BALDWIN. By tlie Governor : Q. L. SPAULDING, See. oí State. Commendino the late decisión of tbe Supremo Court, and speakiug of the demiticiation coming from certain quarterB, the Marshall Expoundtr pertinently saya ; "We have lees coofídence in the Legislature thao we have in the Suprecue Couit. The one can be manipulated much easier thau the other. ïhe one herida to the popular frenzy - or, as was the case on the suffrage queation, overrido the will of tho people. Tlio otlier deterniices the law with a stern idea that right and justice shall be done." It is not a question of wants or of interests, but a simple question of law, and the Expounder is correct. ïhe righis of the people nro safor with the Courl than the Legislatura. Law-makers are governed, to a great extent, - too great - by whut tliey wanl, and uot by tho frovisiong of the orgaulo law ; courts construe law, and the Constitution is their "liigher law." Kailroad at'orneys and stockholdcrs, from whora all tliis clamor and denunciation of tho court comes, are not just the people to deoide calnily, disinterestedly, and without prejudice. With the Expounder, we had rather make the Suprema Court the final arbiter of road lawyers, or editors who know no law. The Democratie roembera of Congress have been holdiog a caucus with a view of overlooking the coming campaign, especially in the close districts, and Senators Thdkman and Hauilton, and Representativos Woodward, Beck, and Shoder, were appoioted a committeo to devise a plan for carrying, not the war into África, but the war despite of África. It is proposed to lócate a campaign committee in Washington for the summor. If each Democratie Senator and Kepresentative will make it a poiut to bo in bis seat the rest of the present session, and cast bis vote on every important mcaeurc, so that no moro of them will go by default, the campaign will be well iuaugurated. In thb Senate, a few days ago, Mr. that's our Zack - said of one Hatcii who had got himsulf into difllculty and prison down in San Domingo : "the man Hatph was a troublesome, wortbleaa scoundrel." Whereupon Mr. Ferry, of Conn., retorted : 'Mr. Hatsii was a resident of the town in wliieli he himself lived ; that lie knew liim, and wonld trust to his honor and iutegrity as qaickly ns he would tiust tho Senator lrom Michigan," Both CnANDLKR and Febrt may bave Leen right.


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