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Enthusiastic Railroad Meeting

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Tlio Ci.urt Houee, uu Wednesda}cveninp, was literally paoked, so great was the enthuMasrn of our citizens to hear tlie reporta of the sovernl Ward Committeer as to their progress ia ob taioiug sutscriptious for the Railroad. Tho Mayor, W. D. Habriuan, was calleii to the chair, The reports of committees btinar calied for Prof. S II Douoiam, Cbairmao of the First Ward Comniittee ruported that the committee bad airead y obtained suliscriptious to lbo amt. of $2G,U18 Joiin N. Gott, of the 2d Wurd, reportad tho unit. of 2:2,000 L. (iiuJNKit, of 3d Ward, 7,000 Jas. MoMahon, 4ih Ward, 24,000 A. M. Dott, öth Ward, 4,000 J. A. Scott, Cth Ward, 14,050 Total as reported, 897,668 To this amount add former subscriptions, not includcd ia these reports, and we have subscribed ia this city, with only four d;ys of canvasñng, moro than llumtirks were raadu hy members of the seversl committees, wbo were nearly unanimnus in their expressious of gratificaiion at tho maoner iu wtach thuy had been ruccivcd by the citizens, and the readinesa there seems to bo on the part of the people to subscribe necording to their nieans for the furtheiing of thia great aud important entctpriae. - Occasionally, howover, thoy meet with men who are abundan'.ly able to subscribe, men who have made their money out of the citizens of Aun Arbor, aud who are now dependent upon the poople for further success in buBiness, who ab solutely refuse to subscribí) a 6ingle dollar upon their assessed valuation iu aid of this project. By request, Mr. E. W. Mokcan read aud explained to the citizens the contract made betwecn Mr. Conant, the Toledo pcople, and the Directors of the T. A., A.. & Northern Eailroad. llcmarks wero made by several gentlemen,' ealling upon the people to come forward and make up the balanco of subscriptions. WtHi a deterinination on the part of all to make thia enterprise a suceefs, the meeting adjourne:], after passing the following resolutiou : Resolved, Tliat the Directors of tbe T. A. A. & N. R, R. be reuested to pabüs'j each dnj, coinmencing on Saturdny next tho names and the amount oí BabscriptioDS in each of the waids, for the beuefit ot tho public. On Saturday evetiiug there will be another meeting at the Uourt House to hear iutther reports from ward coramittces. Let there bo a full attendance.


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Michigan Argus