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Editorial, Chips And Splinters

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- Dlckeus willed AU Uto Ytar Round to his son, - Tilomas Carlylc is reported coming to the United States. - Disraeli's novel, Lothair, is attracting a grc.ttdcul of attentlon. - The Eraprcss Eugenio is not to blcss Saratoga with her preeance this season. - The iamous Keel Stocking base ball club has been beaten in a score of 7 to 8, by the Atlantics. - The Detroit Irihune fcelingly spcaks ui me ïsmisii Lion." - In the New York chorches, on Sunüav lust, the death of Dickens was -enerally aml feeïruglyreferfed to. - Wïn. Gilmore Slmtns, the distlngulshed Sonthern novellst, dlèd at Charleston, 3. C, on the 11 th inst., aged 64 years. - J. Iloward Livingston, recently reported raurdcred at Oswego, N. Y., torna up in Chicago. "Out of the fryiug pau into tlie flnv' - McFarland hag gone to Indiana to instituto proceedings to anntil the divorce procured by his vvife. Another evldence of his insunity. - Parls-gpsen kills somethinf; besides potato bugs. It killed John Henry Sundeman, at New York, on the lOth inst. lic took it for that purpose. - Tiie Tribune- Detroit- complains that a cotemporary attributes one of lts garlngl to John Bíight. If JJright can endure it, the Tribune shouldn't complaiu. - The city tax üf Jackson the current year, Is $60,098,95, levied on a valuatiou of $2,204,010. This tax is exclusive of the amount levied for County aud State pur. poses. - It having beoii proposed to ship the goddesses of the "Social Evll" IVom Boston to Iowa, an lndlgtant journalist of the prairie State says that evcry package must come labeled "oor best and purest stock." - Heil Clou.1 told Secretary Cox that the oflicers sent to his country were all "whisky drinkers," and that "the great father sends out these whisky qriukers because he don't want thein at Washington." - W. Scott Smith, the Washington correspondent of the X. Y. Ete-Mug iW, wns bcforo the bar oí the House, on Tuesday last, charged with libeling Heprcsentative Fitch, of Nevada. lic only charged him with bcing offered a brlbe or something like it. Whcrein is the libel ? - The Louisville Cour ier-Jou mal hasthis qnklnd fllng :it Michigan' " noble" SenaIcir : " In order tliat tlie noble savages now at Washington may be convinced of the terrible effects of ' re water,' tho President of tlie National Temperance Society is anxiousto secure for thema good look at Dick "iates and Zack Chamller. A SEitioLS charge cornos from Washington, 111:1de by a Senator a hts place, a Badíoal Senator at that, in short by Senator Fjjrry, of Conn., that Gcd. Babcock of the President's liousehold, the rege ator of the treaty for the purchase and annexation of San Domingo, had cauaed the arrest and imprisonmeut of an American citizen, and Iiis eentence to death, xeulpating himself on Ihe ground that. " liis iiijprisonmont was necessary to prevont bim f rota divulgiri"1 iu Washington certain objeetions to the ratificatioo of tho Domiuican treaty." If sueh means aro resorted to to secure tho ratification of tho treaty thore iiust bc more thaa national rr politieal reaSOD8 for eonipelling it by such means. What aro they ? Aro tbe promoters of tlie trenty, tho President and bis friends, the holdcrs of tho Domiiiican debt which ie to be pafd by the purchase money P It is moro thaa hiuted that there is a very big cat concealed undor the meal tub, and it is to be hoped that the special oouunittce will succecd iu nnearthing it. , It not a " wliitowashiug committcc," that ia. 'l


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