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Jf AM iLiÏÏdAinTPARTÏËÏ" CAN GET THEIR ICE CREAM AT WHOLE SALE At the City Ande, and it s admittcd by good judies t bc tho hen in the mnrkel. AÍso that 1CK CREAM SOlin. ,,-oes wilh a RUSH. CLARK & CROPSET. T) ÜTTÈK "WANtÉp. 1 WANT AI.L TnB GOOD BUTTER Offercd duriug the season, for goods or mooey. H7-lm3 .1KIIV H. lili Vl'lll. jNJOTICE. ' All pprpons are h-rely forbidden to trnpt any one on my neemnt wiílxmt ';i wriiti-n order from me. Datad, .nn Arbor, June ist, 18T0, 12T8W4 RICHARD GLASIEI?. Drain Conunisioner's Notice. [tfOTICE tí heroby gCrán the Drain Coraraisbonse of John Naqrj, in lh Conihlp f sujierior, on the lid day of -luly, ISTt, at 2 o'clock f. f , tO mect p:irticfs to ctmtract r the exraraUoi constrowo of a drain known :is th& Fleming Creek Drain, commendng near the nnrth line of section n runninír theitcu norUuasieriy cu lectiooi 8, Ö.ti anl 'L aongand noar aatd Creek taocordtDjg tKpurvty, subject to puch railatlons aa I njaj d6eni uceessary un tlay of sale and apporüonment, I wlll aleo hu ut the hoaae of Jobo V. Xanry, on tho 2tth day oí June, 18T0, at 9 o'clock p . m., t 'wh'uh tim' and place I wlll exblblt maps of the above propoaed tlr.-ihi. jukI descriptiona oí tlio severa] parceto of land deemed by me benefited thereby, and the amotint and decrlptloi8, by dtvlstona and ubdivirlfltodSi of th above describcd proposcd drain, b pifi apporiionod to owners of each descriptton Co con fitruct. and to toWDShip of Superior to cnptruc on account of snoh díalo benefltiqg (ïlghwaj, au lo bear reásoófl if .-uty :in offtYrt'l. why such appor Uonmont ehonld bi' reviswed and corrected. Aun Arbor, Juul' lsth, I8T0. JAMKS J. PAltSnALL, V-'T I County Drain Commiesionor. Tbe Jliehigan Central Railruad. NIW TIMK TAIiLE. TnïiiiH on the Mirtiijm Contral Kailroadnow Icavc StatiOM numfd Cdliows : OOING WKST. Mail Kust Dextcr Kvc'g. Puciflc Train. Bx, Ace. Ex. KDetroit, C.50 m 7.30 am 4 lr r.íhpm 9.0iipv YnxUmiti, s.s:-; 8-38 " !.M " I.0J " 10.08" A n li Arbor, 8.67 " 8.43 " 0 00 " T.Í8 " 10.25" Dexter, o 25 ' - ■' 0.99 " '.■' " 9.45 " " S.15 " Jacküon, 10".3 ■' ii.15 " 11.45" uao, s.or. pm ii.::Tam 12. 16 a M 1.58 a Chicago, s.oí " j oo PM cóu " Atliinllc Night Dexter HMI Kist X. Y. Ex. Br. Ace. Train. Kx. Chicago, 5.16 ril 0.00 ?. M IS 00 am lt.30AM Kulamnzoo, 1 I.N " -0l A M 10.50 " 3.5'J r u J.ickson, 1.05amI:: ■■ 2.05rst 5.45" ._ 6.S6 " A. M. 8 .OS " -_ - :"..4H" 8.10 S.2O " ir, Ï.S i " 8.00 " 8 M ü.60 " e.4X " fpgllantl, i! ■!■' " .' 7.10 4.5S " T.OÍ-' " aJtroit, 8.4Ï" 7.80" SAO 6.40" 153" Dated,May20tU,18T0. jgLIND TOM'S CONCERT AT HANGSTERFER'S HALL, SATURDAY RVENiNi", JUNE 18, FIRST APFEARAHCB IK ANN ARBOR, of t],e lLarvloiu lrtj;. - BLIND TDM ! The Great Incomprehensl ble Musical Mystery of the litli Ccntury. Tlii? wonrterfnl negro boy who ia ottractln ■o mach attentlon thrmihnut the country , wasborï in Qeorgia. i'.lind frotn nlablrth, ninJ irlthontattt (f ordinary Intelllgence, jet be plays the niutt diflu tuit operatie ptecea, uot only brilliantiy and )wnti fullv, hut withall the taste, xprrpion íiml frJl of thenoost Ü!-iiiit::iihc(l nrtift Viit'n hls mind h cfttoe cloodeAi anu the eiJ of dArkaess was drawñ over bJs cy-. u il' t mak iimcuds (ut the inflictio ■ ;" poor DegTO boy, a flood v( Hght wjig poiM ïnto hls braln , and liis becanxti au opera u beanty, n-int'n by the kand of God in ayllaUctS Moaic, for tin? fl151ii of the world. Ií. ;- , to the public as furpíLin; cverytliin heretofan kmiwii a- a madeal pbenomenon. ' Atlinisoion 0 ciiitf : reservc-d 15 cents. Doon n at " ; poiformmiee at 9. &Y" Tickets fór reeurved seatfl lor lo at Oilmor & Flske book storr on the tlay of Uw Concurt. 1218 W2 Real Estáte forSa'e. DTATROPMlCBIQAN.Conntjof WMbtenaw i Ín tlio nuilter of the estáte of Henn l'anítu' I tieceaeed. Kotlceteiiereby glveD. tíiai injmranavi ■ of an order iniuteu. to tjic '■.tuderisirncd. A trator of the Sstate of sakl Atceised, by ihe JiuIl'u ut Probate fortbeCountyof Waihnnaw on I tho tliirty Oral day (.f Hay., A 1) 1S70, thcrc wiilu sohl :ir, public viMidirc , tu tin' blghest bidder, nttk. dwel Ing hoaMonthepromlseshereinartcrdescriM I in tli'.' Connty of ashtenaw, ín said State 03 Wednesdaj, the third day of Aogast, A. I). is;ó, ,, ten o(doc1cÍD tho furenoosof thut day, (Hubject'ta all encambrancea by mortgajre or otherwise exiwinat the time of the death ofiaid deceased), the íof [owlng (lcscribed real estáte, towlt: Aboiitnij6 of land in the Tillase f Chclsm. in fa O oanty and State bouiuU-d a? lollows, vU: Coo mencing tblrteen rodsand twenty-three incbum of tho Southwest corner of certain lunds dcedcd k EHsha Conedon to one Johu M. Letts, Si-jjteaW gist. A. I). lv,i, and recorded in the Hegister' oOb. for the Couiity of Washtcnaw, in liht-r M of Ueedi pape ICU, and nmning thence north twcntT-ibi rods, fivc fect and thraa iuches, thence ratloit roda to tbc line betwecn eaid John M. I.etu ui Iwaac Tiiylor. thence Bontta twentv three rod r fcet and tbrce iuc!;es, thence west to the plncenf b giniiins. belng on the west part of the nrla. eaut quartcr ot ttie northeast qnarter of eecU twerre, In township two eonth of range tbr east. in eaid State; aleo comn.enc ng at tlie nortk. west corner of certain laixis Oceded Aii'uet '-d A. P. 13Ü3, by EllabuCongdon anl wifc to ,W Sniiib at the point wherc it joins the eotithuvttrst ner of land lirst nbove describt-d, running the gouth two chaina and forty links, thence tonb cighty-seren deurec cast nine chaine and ("Iuï, link, theacc north one cliain and flfty-nine iiiilu t the'sootheast corner oí the lirst ttbove describedwr. cel of land. thence weai nlne cliain and elghhnb lii.ks to tliu plació of beglnnlDg. Bxceptiae "nnd 1 servin' from the ñsi above d aciibed parecí, atliin Off the north sirte one nd a half rods wide lot 1 road. subject to ibe control of fiil estáte. Titm ii the adjolning owuur, Johnson M. Lctt', or ihcirnt cessors. Dated, June lOtb, A'. D. 1870. CHAHLES n. KEMPP. IÍT4 Adininipirator, Batata of Jobn Brewer. OTATE orMICIIKJ.Ï.i.. jnoi í'mto. O At a lesslon of the Probate Court forthcCnnaj of W.ishti-naw. UoIcIho attaeProbateOfflcelntbeCki of Alm Arlioy, on Tlmi'iil-iv. the liinth daj i .lune, in the year one thouMud eight nnádnt aiul seventy. Present, Hlram .7. E e of Proljnte. In t!io miittor af the Enlate of Johu Brewn ■ il. Onreadinptandfllingthepctition, verrd,t L. Kimmi'l and Hzeklel M. cüle. prsti (nat a certaln Instrument now on file in tlil Coat, purportlng to be the latt wil) and testament of mü decensert. may be ndmittcrl to probate, and tliatttij ];i:iy !).■ jippointi'd KX'-rulurv ;i,i rt'if. Tnereupon il LsOrdered.toat Mondar, thcelcrestl iayofJluljr, next, at ton o'dock in tho forcnooo,! ifor tho hea: ii.i: ui' ;i:il in-iitutn, jmd thattlk Icgatees, devieees and heirs at law ol - and all other pereops IntereBted in said vtiüe, are reqnlred te :iin:ir at a aession ofsald Cuait,tbal toboh. Probate Office, In the City of Aa Arbor, aiui show caoae, If&ny there be, why tbepny. er of the pi:ii'i"in.c Bhonld iiíi be grantea: ADdlï'U Rtrcberotaered thatsald petltioBereiTenottce tolk penons ioterosted in aaraeatate, oi t lir pndeocy I gaidpetition, and the heariny copy of this Order to be pubushed in the Jicij I . a nerepaper prlntod aud circalating Is siü E Connty.three slICc;sil■ weeks previous toe Atrnacopy.j HIKAMJ. BEAE I 7 lid Jadcrc ol Probate, j Estáte of Saiyucl W. Morse. CTATEQF MICHIÖ VS, CoaotT of Waghtcna, I O At :i bc-siou of the Probate Court lor the of Vfaahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in ui I City of Ann Arbor, on Bsturday. the elvctü f o.i.v of Jmc m the year oue thoudand eiyhthu I dred and Beveuty. t resentí Hlram J. lïcukcs, Judge of Brobiite. In tho maitur of t'.iu Kstatc of Samuel V. Monn deceaaed. On rendlng (ïml flling the petlüon, dnly vrrified,tf' kjorae, praytng thai James H.'strviiM, x oUiet altaole persuii may be appointed U ied Tliiiiupon it is ordered, tbat Mondai, tliefln entb day of Jnly neit, at t o'dock in the kxr noon. assignéd for the heai iuj; of eaid pelitwn, aud that the heirs at law of .:. ;. anddl oiherp oí eetedln sald ettate mc rcqnirei to apfü ir at i scaaton of said Uourt, then to bo toli en. at the l'robate Ofce, in ti"' City of Ann Arbm. nnd show canso, if aiiy therc be. why the pra;er( Ihe petitioner phonld not bü jranted : And itUfifUier orilert-d. that i-ad petitlonei lve notice to tin' persons loterested in jd sstate, of vhc twienejtt satd petltion, and the hearing hereof, by chuíúiíi COPJ of this order lo bc poollshed in the Xst.w:. i nevspaper ijrinteil aud circulating 11 mi Connty. thrt-e BQCcesati e eekj preyions to saiddtf )i' hearing. (A trae cojxy i IlIKAM J. BEAKtö, 12T4 Judge ol Probatl Estáte of líobert McCorniick. QTATE OF MICIUGAN, County of Washtenaw.B O Al ase.s:4on of tliu Prounte Cuurtfor thcCconlJ of Wis:;uiKiu . liwMcn it the Probate Office in[ city of Anu Albor, 011 Wedncedav, thc fifierút day of June, in tlie ycar oue. thotisand eigbt budreil and seveulv, Prwent.Hirain .r. BeaJcw, Jadee of Probate. In the matter oí the. (átate of liobert .McCurmM, decea.-; (1. Onreadtngand fllinccthc peütion.dtily vcrified.ol BUen IfcCormlck, piMiyiuií that her dower in tira ral e i ii ■ tvhereof said deceaséd died seized msy U assipued to her. Thereupop jtis Or(lered,thatrondíiy,thedeveDt!! ■ -!uy. ni xt, :it i t-n oc!ock in the forrnoon. I assigned i'ortíiü hearing oí said petitlos, amliW the Icgatees, devfaees ana hetra bi law of paúl df cea:d, aml all o ther personólo terested iim.iidestiKi arcroqnircd to appear atasessio.1} of a:d Court, thrt to be holden atine Probate Office, is the City of Au Arbor,and show cause, lfaaytherebe.whjthepnil oftho i)etiLioncr should not be granted: Auiliií furtherordered, tbataaidpetltloner yivenoticctoUe persons Interested la eaM aetate, of the pendenej l 8ñd pt'tition, and thc hearlDjE chusíccí COiyof thin Order to be pabllahed In the .! Argot, a aewapaper prlnted and clrctüa'lnglmd C'onnty, thruesucecssive weeks previous to saiJd) of heaiiuu'. fAtrneeopy.J IIIRAM J. BEAKE, 1209 Judceof Probítf. Commissioner's Notice. C TATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Waihtenaw. O The nnderslsped havíog been appointedbjt' Probate Court for eaid County, Cominpioncrs toreceive, examine aml adjost allcialms and demaadsot nll persons aealnst the catate ni .Anthonv Eiv. Si' of said Connty. deeeased, hereby give aotíce ihalii months from date are illowcd, by order of paid l'rbata Coürt, for crcditors to present their claiw aealnstthe estáte r eaid deeeased, and tliat the' will meet al llie store of Charles KIri, in theCi;s of Ypsilanti. In said Coniity, on Satnrday, the thirteenth day of Angnst, and Monday, the irrerflh dij of December, next, at 10 o'cloek A. M. ofc.ichct said day, to recetva, exiiminc, and adjustsMid clalniiDated, .lime ntli. A. D. 18T0. 1-214 CHARLES Kl.vr.. -i .1 í.Mi:.S M. CIIIDISTER, ]■ CommissioKiKEUBEN L. DL'DLEY, i Commissionera' Notice. OTATK OF MIi'lIICAN.ConntyolWashteiiaw. OThc aoderalgned haring been appointed bï U Probate OoTirt foraatS Connty, Commie8lonr8to ir eeive, examine, and adjnst all claims aml demands' all persons imlnat the estáte of Thomas J. ürooki late of said Connty, degeased, berebj xive D tice that elx months from date are ailowed by or iler is:inl ProbateCourt rorcredltorstODresenttbtti daln)8 agalnst theestateofaalddeceased. andtbatt&ff wlll meet at the store of Cha' les H. Kempf. fn Út village ot' Chelsea, m said Connty, on Saitirdt.' the sixth rluy oi" Angnat and Tneadaj, the ííí day of December, m xt, at ten o'clock ï; i.i each "f s:iid daja, to rcccivc, examine and adjw' said claims. Dated, Jiiiir (itli, A. I). 1S70. M Í21?bABWCH, ]cpramissioe Estáte of Salfy A. Pray. 5TATEOF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw. O Notici? is horebygiven, tbat byan order of thePr bate Coart for the Conniy of washtenaw, mude o the Uerenta daj of .Tnne. A. I). inro. ti months from that date were ailowed for crodttoxs 1 f their claims agalnst the eetate ofSulli [ A. Pray, late of snid County. deceaied, and that ' ■.rédito of ?aid deceased are re.quired to prcee! heir claimt to snifl Probate ■Conrt, at the 'rult iflice in thc city cf Ann Arbor, r.jr examiii!! nd allowance, on or bcfore the tnrelftn daj )ecmbcr next, and tliat puch claimi wlll be lieuro ieforo_eaid Probate Conrt, oa Satnrday, thctiveniith diy i' A ust, and ti Mondar, the twelf ay of December ii'xt. n ten o'clopk ;u the fow oon ofeacb ofthose dars. Uated, Ann Arbor, Jnnêilth, A. TI., 1ST0. HJRA11 .1. BBAKE8, 12T4 Judjreof Probate. I" IVE ÖEESE FEATHEUS FIBST QTTALITT, Conwtautly 011 hand and for sale by BACIl $ ABEL. Finest Assortment of Toilot . Goods in the City. by


Old News
Michigan Argus