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SPRING Al SÜMMER. S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RE.TURXEI) FROM NEW YORK WITH A. LARGE STOCK READY-MADE CLOTHING BOYS' AND YOTJTHS' CLOTHING, ALSO THE F1NK8T STOCK OF CL O TH S, CASS1MERES, VESTING S, GENTS1 FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS OF ALL COLORS, SUCH AS BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTHER COLORS TOO XUMEROUS TO MENTION. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, ON SHORT NOTICE. IJV THE BEST STYLE, AND FIT WAMIANTED. Cali and Examine for Yourself N. B.- CLOTHING FIFTY PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN AT ANY OTHER HOUSE. ALL PERSONS IN'DJEBTED TO LATE FIRM OF M. GUITERMAN" & CO., WILL PLEAPE CALL ANP SETTLE ANBSAVECOSTS. S. 8. 12R8 A nn Arbor Agrïcultural Co. FARMKR'S ATTENTIOX. Read Uie full-iwiDg, whick is of tbe greatest im portance to jou t Ann Arbor, Sept. 1, 1869. Jobnston, Huntly & Co : - Gents -I purchaaed ou of your Ruperfl of Finnegan & Howard laet aeason ana have given ït a thorough trial, n tul eau truly sa that it works like a thing (I lite , uiting lodged an i tangled grain . and picking it op wit h those nlim humanarmi, ín much botter Rbnpe thancouldb dooe by hand, loaving not a pear belnnd. I iliin it s Lightneftfl of dr aft) width oí cut, (0 f eet) timp lic: tv and ailaptability to all kinds of Lrain, combiiret niakcit tbe best Kcaper extant, I.. ,M , LYON. We, the umlereigned, rurchase(ï Jobnston Reap ers, and fully conctir in tbe above -"t UMin-nt : Jnhn (J.Kocb, I'ittKfteld. Timothey Fokey, Webste John Fregel, ■ John Corto David Vangeson, (l Küsha ('tnn-'n, ' K. C. Huntr,Louth Lyon. Thomas O'Brien. ' Henry Canlin, Northüeld. KeUon Osborn, ïcio. Jones Mu r-ii , Bolo. Andre Mead, Aan Arbor Charles Stolteiiner. I.i-wis Fritz, Seto. These machines are iuipruved tor the ycar 1S70 have a binding attachment, a'icl are fo xale by th Ann Arbor AcricnlturEl Corapaiiy, succfistior tol Moore & Son and Fianegan A Howuni . We altio kev a large upply of the fotlowing muchlnes, with drop pin jf attachntents and Johnston self rake. Thes macbines bavt no equalin tbe market. Tbey hav taken alt the priztfft at the different trial in the Sta1 thfj paHttn o year8, and in no case have tbey faile to come off victorious : The World, Tbe Excelsior, The Champion , Tbc Hubbard, TheRuftsell, BhU. These macbines bave never failed to cive nntifac tion to the purchaser, and are Iibterdraft 'ban an other machi npg. We alito -s - 1 J the foiloving Thtesl ing Machines t TheGenuine Pltts, The Tornado. The BirdMil, The Massilon, TheGlenn&nail, The Vibrator. (JRA1N DRILLS -We manufacturo tbe celobrate( Keystone Drill, whicb for simplicity. accuracyan durability , have no superior. We war ra ut ever Drill to perform aa roprcoented orno ale. V als keep Dri lis manufactured br otber parties. and ar prepared to furnish any dettired articl on tl f nhorl est notice. We are prepared to do all kindn of iu pairing tf tsrm machinry, uch an Ileaper", Wow erfl , Tlirfht-rs, Horse Powers, lic. We kep con stantly on hand a larentock of Agricultural Imple ments, plows , bai row, whj9) eultirutorfi, feedcut ters, corn stiellvra, coMron l.citlrg, powr jack ;u. awing macbiues, all ofoar own inanufctin ,:uul m willsellat the lpv0t ponsible figure. We would refipectfully invite all partien wj-thlng to purclms any art iele in ou r tinc f rom a plow imjnt to a thrafa ing machine to cali and nee uu before purebasing, fo ire will give tbecn better goods, bettr terms, am lower prieel tlian can bw ohtained elewhere. N. B.- Kemtmber we manufacture none bot flrsi rliif-e goods. and il I underell all competí tor rt ('all anl f?ee uu nnl are ironi 5 to 10 p#f rent. aik get goods that a re warrrnted to be up to the ilani ard. A f u 11 Htnck "f oxtran kptoootl ntly on Imm f-r thf Buflklu Pitt's Thretr. IATHK SCKK CÜTTINO of all klods don o short nutio. Offlo and salesrooin.jiiDction of Dftroit nd Fonrtli Sts Foundry and Mcliiin! Shop, Fifib VVMrd, oppostt .Siuclairs' Hlllf. 1 26m3 ATONEÏ CAN NOT BUY IT. POR SIGHT ISPRICELESS TUK DIAMOND GLA89É8, Mnnnfactuied by J. E. Spencer fc Co., N. Y., whlob re now dilcre-l t" tin; public, nre pmnouneod bv all tlie celébrate! OpticUniof the World to be the Moat Parfret, Natural, Artificial help to the bumtnej; ever koon Tb6j art rouml UDdftr tbolr own iup rvi.-inn , Prom uttu ntoGrystft] Pebblet, ntftltod (ogetlicr. umi derive tfafili niiint'. ■ Diamond. od aecoon tof i lu-ir bard' nesR nn- brl Ulano; Fue 8cteaUAo PrJoolplfl on whic'j thev art OODBtmctod trinas i Jte mr e or een tre of he tens dlreotly tn Front of tbe w', produo Ing a aleat and dtaÜDot TltioQ, a In tb tmtural. henltliy siïit, aml invcnlin' all uoplenaant .-rii-;itionw, íucli as glfmtnoHng and warerlng of sight. (ü iin'fi. , .v" ., pecollar to ill othri in Tbnj are mounted in the FIXJCST .mannji:. tl Píame ■ of tlic best qualitf, of at! material ui ■ tha1 purpoie. Tht'ir (inwh and dorabllUy eannoi ("i utirp CAI 'TI O n . - NiTir genuino u aet,ê beaiing tbeii trade marh itantped on every Frame. J.C. WATT8& üi:o., ,i.w.-lern anti OpíicUns, aro soleagenta for axn akiiok, MUIL, f rom whom thej can only be obtatned, THcae gods are not Kiipplitd to Pedlam atany price. lC7yl E. J. JOHNSON, At No. 7 South Main Street, STILL HAS A HAT OR 2 LEFT, LATEST STYLES, AND Just the thing for the Season, Whicb will bc old LOWTER THAN EVER 1 ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF GliOVES, COLX.ARS, SECK TIES, IIANDKERCHIEFS, SATCHELS, CANES; Umlirellus. Parasols, &c. Please cali and examine my goods before purebas ng elsewhere. Mny, 1870 TADIES' FASHIONABLE SHOE HOUSE. IK.. T-A.IlTl-aLliJT. 24 South Main Street , Dealer in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOSE, THE NEWEST STYLES Kid, Calí, and Cloth, Alwajson band, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT A BOOT, A GAITER, A DXJBKIN", OR A SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK BEFORE TUR CHASIXG. PEICES LOWER than the LOWEST. R. TARRANT. Ann Arbnr.Maj 18Ï0. NN ARBObTÁGAINSI THE STATEIN THE yURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin again3t Ann Arbor. Don't FoiRet his Old Stand. A RE YOU GOING TO BXJILÜ ? We will furnish Largo Bills of Lumber as Low as any dealer in MichigaD. We solicit no patronage except eueh as your interest will give us. Let us malee figures on your Mlls before you go away f rom home to purc7ia$e. um E. BLOOD & CO, pOME AGAIN 3S4C. MARTIW, WITH A F DLL STOCK OV CABINET-WARE, TO I1R SOLD CIIEAl'KR THAN ANYWHERE El.SE 1NT THJÏ STATE. AT HIS OLD STORE, MAIN TRfET, ANN AKBOB. Tyi. C. B. PO ETER, DEITTIST. Office in the NEW BANK BLOCK, ANN ARBOR. &11 Operations on the Natural Teeth, PERFORMED WITH CARE.TJNSTJRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCB SETTING ABTIFÍCÍAL TEETH, TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, Dcniurts of tht prnper êixe, tkape, color, Jirmvest and naiUral afretrioiL. 1244 "ÜAR EXCELLENCE." TÏÏE IDOL OP PIANISTS IS TnK WEBER PIANO WHITTEMOHE. SWAN S STBHIKNS. 17 JEFFriïSON AVENUE. DETROIT. tï We don't pniploj nny pub-afronte. Don't believc l'edclers if Uiey .i.-.-crr that they can l'uruieh them. IT" IV.' frive all the discount thnt can bc allowed to tctnal purchasere. trsr Wa wonld refer wlth plonsurc to the cIcRimt " WBBER" pnrehasea hy Prof. WlnchelJ, of tho Univcrsity, and in bet to nll "Weljcr's" sold iu your sectiou. Scud for Circular. 12TSml ■ jnURNITIJRE CHE .A.IP I The Larprst nnt] Ups et"pk in tlieeity, of all va. ricties ;inl itj]t] at tb cid Store oí O. M. MARTIN. tpOR SALE CHEAP FOK READY PAY. The weet half of ttie ponthwest qiuir'pr of gretion two (-'), towu of Saline, twenty arres ander improvetntjnt, tho ltnlancc crood timber. Inqnirc t L.C, Risdon's Hardware Store, 81 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. L. C. HÏSDON. Ann Arbor, May lSï 1STO. 12T0mMr ÜfJARTINS El tltc placo to get any t bint you wani la ilie FURNITURE LINE! HE wn.i. vot uk UNDKitSOl i. PHYSICÏANS' PreBcrip - Accura:e]y and Caif I fully Prepare d by B. W.ELL1S&C0.


Old News
Michigan Argus