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RTIgEtfEStÉ The Cards ii lUf column are all of Ugitimate enttrpri ees Non of a guesiionabU characttT acceptad. G8c R. McMILLEN, IMPORTKRS and WHOLESALE GHOCERS ! ííjire In Stock a full ns.-iortmcnt of Tba.4, Coffkks, ttoa&ms, Strcvb and Holamm Agent fur BusxRTfB CblbbRAtID Extract. Croase Í; Blackwell's IMckles for na Ie. Pbyftfoianfl Mid Druegists can always be supplied with graninQ Wjik-s, BraotHes, Champagnes, Scotch Ali'snii l.oudon Por ter. rpo TUOSK IICIL.DING. French and American House Glass. Tbc best asnrtm'nt, the best braiH, and tho bnt dlseOUDU in tli (t Stilte. Stained, F.nnmrM, It'hhc ■ ' Ooi Olaas fr Front, Véatibalee, I etu. Also Glaied Sah ft ap la th Dftftteat strle, wftrranted vut hooa any dlsttaoe, H rrj Ion fiurert. All dosoriptioni pf Door rii-1 Rlind, and a stok of Paints anl Oüh. Scnd ftr I'rice Lit with s'ain p. !■;. I.EARL,4B k 50 JefTerson Ave., Dctrult. 07 riHA Acre of Vnlunble Pliic niitl 1 I iUUU Farmïng Ijaitda u Time, At Prtovp nnging from S2to $10 Pr Acre. Wikrb Locatkd. - 0,36-T crpfl o f these PIm Lande rtre located on tht WiMonstn Rtrr, 7(S90 acres on the Chsboyjao Kiver, Mich., learlin t Clienoypran or Danosn, 4 ,!" ncres on th Aares river. S,O0t acr"f4 on Tlmnder Ba y (fater leadmir to Alpena. 1,220 acres on the Manistee River. 850 arres en the Titibawafisce rirer. 3,'-'00 acres In Gladwin Connt y , Mich.f for n rin. unA timíier. 1 ,272 acres cholee Mineral an1 Hari Timbe r Unds near Ohttmagon . 1 .fiO acr I'r-iirip Lamls in NV bras ka, noar the Uni-m Pacitir; Railrond. 2,?00 &OT69 t-hüict Wititc pina [n Boboolcraft Conoty, t,. S., lllcb. 400 ao.rps on the Au 3aubl. Por full leBO'riptlOD pricpsHud trm. jímkI for Circular, DAVID PRESTON & CO., Hankeri, Detroit, Micli. -pvHV GOODS, WHOLKSALK. ALBERT D. PIKRCB & Co., Wholesale Drv Goods 35 Woodwurd Avenue, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. QEEI.Y'S Extracta and Toilet Articles, Fur Sale hy alf flrst clnsa Dealeis. HANUFAOT0RSD 265 & 267 Woodward Ave., Detroit. ■jnRAYMOND & SON, Wlinif-ialoiinil Rptml BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, BOOKB1KDFRS asd BLANK BOOK MANUFACTUUERS, No. 7 Fort Street Weet, Onposile the ncw City Hall, DRTROIT Tji Iï. SHITH&Co , llAaml 118 Womlward Avpnue, Íj Detroit, in thelr ntno and elegant establishment wiil more thftit ever deerve the oneourafjement of all lorern of books in their vicinity, and fricada of literatnre thrcMigbout the country will be glad to Lesrn thut paJattil booksto?es, liko ihe course of ein I-irp, westward take their PAtí Eüqnirtr, Detroit can now Uik prtda in iln new Bnokstore, one of the lsirpest, and I tliink the most beautii'ul in whole country. - Boston Transcript.. The most olegant Bookstore íd the country. - Ad■ ■ -ii f Tn.'torir. An ornament to the city.- Free Prets. REMOWL. K. I.lFBKKMAN', mannfhcturer pi OIotbÍrif;, Importer and Jobber of for Men's r i li:is rtMiiovod to the ppacious promies, 71 & 73 JeiTerson Avenue, Detroit, Mich., Anfl now mannfacturing a very lartre anl han denme ítock of ClDthtng suitahle for the Western Irade.- H.i s :ilw;iyft on hand a large and F.ifihionnble Asporiraent ftf (loths, CaaalmerM and Tailorft ïrimming, and a full line of Gents1 Kurnishing Goods. p IRKÍAG ES ! CARRIAGKS ! JOHN PATTEN & SON. ESTABUSHBD IN 1843. Having bouffht a large stock of ra teríal Incp the decline in gola, we re preparad tO fiirnisïi Büjííjícs and CarrlAgts at loss rates than en be boclit fov i : m-s i. .'re. We exool in finish and durability, whicb has made our work the lPfit in the country Minufaettn y and Office, cor, Woodbridge and Brusli 8tB' DKMoVALI HENRT WKREK. Wholfisale and Retui I Dflftler, nd Jianufaciurer of Kiimituro, Pianos and BH Hard Tables, as now removed to liis new six Htory, freo tone front, Marawoth Furoiture K.stablishment. 141, 143 & 145 Woodward Ave, Detroit. And bus adoptod tbe One Price Svstem. Keeps n endlcss asporlmerít tosuitall,antl witb unsurprtised (H.'ilitire, tl.e latest and moet apprOTd macliinrry, ! Boa all competition. Cali and judge for yourRelves. I ETP.OiT MACHINKnY DBPOT. JAMES JBNK8, DEaLER ÍN MACHINERY No. 29 Atwater Street East, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. Ihqoibivb Proxptbt Attenped to. MACHINE SHOP AND BRASS FOÜNPBY. Do yon want hist c!:ism BRASS WORK OR BRASS CASTINGS Tron PipnaiKl Filtinca for Gas, Stcam or Water, Hih er J.OW ProsureSteniii KjiRine? Rnd Boilers, Brewhouseand Diatillery Macliínery,A:c. Send fnr Circular and Price Jlííí. JAMES FI.OWEK A UROS., 89 Rruh St., Detroit. N', B. - 11 kinds of Stoam Heating done. I0XN8 NEGOTIATKD 1 FOR Countie8, Citieí!, Towns, and School Diatricts. " Connty and Town OHiccrs, wbo muy liare I.oan'S TO inTlteíto eonfar vlth nt. Special attfiition giren to the XKGUTIATION OF SCHOOL IUSTRICT I.OANS. WILKINS & Co., Detroit. BILMARD TABI.EÍ I C. Schuikxbiho, Billiard, Pleeon Hole, Bnpatelle and Jenny Lind Table Vanuf.icturer. Satifaction Kuaraateed. Bilüard Goods of all kinds alw.iys on band. Detroit, .Muh.,andSt JosepK. lio. MANTLE8 & GRATES. P. A. UntlNoa, dealer in Mantlee and Grates, 29 Woodbridge Street, West. S nd for Circular. M0NDUBNT8 AND MANTI.KS. Scbiltheis' Mar bleandBrowr.stone Works, corner Baten Street aml Michigan Avenue. 3ml263. IJK. KELLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, Wil! Btrengthen the appetite,cleanRe thestomach, indreouvate the blood, o t)at une need have no fear of AGÜE, B1UOÜS KEVER, SUMMER COMPLAlNT.orany MA LARIOU? 1MSEAPE, during the lint monttis of ïummor,lt eroployed during tbe ear y warm day of Spring. Remeinbyr an ounce of preventilive is worth a pouiid of cure. One bottle may avea heavy bilí ol expense, rvR. KELLOGti'S Indian Remedy, Can be employed as a I.inament. and is equally ijnod foi m;.n or I will warrant it to cure ïlURNS,SCALDS,CUTS,BKUlSKS,itnd all kinds of fnob w ui n i's, with wpeed and certainty. AKO, SCUATCHKtí, G ALUS, wou ude, &c.,on bornes. rpHE CATHARTIC PROPERT1ES OF Dr. KELLOGG'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, Arft extrncte1! from simple articlcB of fond, by novel and se ion tifie proefss. They nei'ther gripe cnnstijiate, or sickin, bat luave ílignution rlgorom, aptifítite goot!, and tht bowels free nnd regular. They Bh on ld b fnipNiycd in canes of BilUousne'i, Fevtr , Apue, Cofttiveilftffl , Bow6] C mplaïnt, Iiyspep■la, Pfarrbe] I.iverCoujplaint, KlieumatUm, Colds, A LL OF DR. KELLOGQ'S MEDICINES Arf prepared by himself, aod warranted pure and to be vegetable in all respecto. rR. KELLOGG'S CflAMPION OIJVTMENT, Curpp PII.K3, SALT RIIEUM, ITCH, and all SKIN DIüEASESi without fail. Sold by DrusrcriRttf and Cealers everyvrhere. Iï62tf Q M. MARTIN IS AGAIN IN BUSINESS, Witli a full line of Choice Furniture, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &c. , Culi and see him. 1268 PI1YSÍCIÁSS' PRESGRIPTIOIS ! ■VCCUBATEI.Y ANI CARBFULLY PRBPABED BY ' r. w. klus (C co., imuacrsTs. DUY YüUK Looking Glasses OF W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, KOU 3 REASONS. First, becauflo hekeptbe bpl of Imponed Qlaie, a ml a güod AUfiortuit'Di of exoare a ad arebtop f mines , and heíia OHE AI I Secondly, heraut the y hdong to his buiinoss. He ui:iJvfs tliem a specialty, í)oíh1iím owuwork, Hiiii ou n atTord t 11 CïiEAPEB I ïhirdly, Bficausc he manufacturen tliem, and can and will sell the CHBAPEST 1 of mi y onefntiiecity. He also sells PICTURE FRAMES! The cbea pest of anybody ia the State - as far ai beard from. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 6O CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FRBNCH GI.ASS- bj the light op box- ForPictures orfor HOUSE GrIA.ZknSTGr 1 3a KAST IIUROtf STREKT, ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. H7Mf 3 d i , S S o H ! w ss a rn P ■ S 3 O" N fl S '-H CQ 3 h uj ■■ h S s p fti } N jl si i ,_, ra CO m l í8o í5 H Q j 1 _% o fi DEMOVAL. j. keckT co. Hare rcmored their STOCK OF FURN1TÜRE And Urdertaker's Goeds, To Mack k Sclimid's Block, Na 52 South Main, and Na 4 West Liberty Streets. THE LASOE8T STORE ir. THE CITY, AND BUILX EXPRESSLY FOR THE FURW1URE TRADE. TI1EY HAVE NOWIN' STOI'.K THE LARGESTand KINEST STOCK OF FUHNITORE EVER OFFERED IN TUIS COUNTY.OF TnEIROWN MAN'CFACTUBK, SCPERIOR BOTH IH QUAI.IT ANDSTYI.E, WHICI1 TUEY NOW OFFER TO THE PÜBLICCHEAPER IHANCAN BEBOÜGHT ANYWHERE ELsIlNTHE STATE. THEIR STOCK IXCLüDES EVF.RY ARTICI.E NEEDED TO FURN'ISH THE BEST HOUSE FROM TOP TOBOTTOM. ThoiroM patronsanHho public Kcnoraü;. arr inrited to gi ve tíicnl a cali. J. KECK k CO. Aan A.rbor,Jnuary, 1S70. 1:51 QRY COÖDS CHEAP! C. II. MILLEN Has juat returned from New York, and is now receivlng a OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, Bought during the recent fall in priccs, and will be sold Cheap. C. H. MILIEÜST. rFHE STYLES OF LADIES' DRE88 GOOD8, ARAB SHAWLS, LLAMA POINTS, GLOVES, TIES, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, FANS, &c, &c, ARE BEAUTIFUL AND CHEAPCALLANDSE THEM at C. H. Millen's. PRJKG PK1NTS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, House Furnishing Goods, Gent's Cloths & Cassimeres, AND EVFRY VAKIETV OF SPRING DRY GOODS, FOR LADIES AND GENTS AT VERY LOW PRICES AT C. H. MILLEJf'3. piÑLEY LEWIS, Gentleman's Opera Bootg. Furgeson Button Boots. " French CoDgress Gaitera. " Creóle " " Serge " " " Scotoh Ties. " All Rights. " Oxford Ties. In short, Full Line of Gentlemen' Boote and S h oes , Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes n Great Variety, and MEN S HEAVY WORK, hand made of all kinds. Ladics' French Kid Button. " Foxod " " " Serge " Polish. Misses' Bronze, u and Button. " Serge, " " Child's " We ask the particular attention of the Ladie to OÏÏE FINE WORK WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IK THE STATE, and in Trice FAR BiïLOW DETROIT FIGURES ÓUR WOPK WAKRANTED AS REPBEj-ENTED. 1263 pOR CASH YOUCaN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO, Ann Arbor, Januarj, 1870. 1252 $10,000 BEWABD! GRBAT EXCITElilIT ! ! AMONG FARMERS. SOIO IUCXXjXjS WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PKICES FOR 1OOD WHEAT. AI.L FARMERS D' WKI.L LO CALL THERE HEFORE SELMNG ELSEWHKRE BRING YOUR GOOD WHEAT TO scio nirr.i.s. 1260 N. W. BRIGGS, Scio. I ITE ÖEESE FEATHEUS FIRST CaTJA-LIT-S", Constantly on hand and for sale hy BACHfrABEL. ' Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquor f for Medical Purposes. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUI.T having been made in the cnndttiou of a OerttdD morlgage, cxecnted by Charlee Moore and Mclisen Moore hifi wife, of the city of AnnArbor, Cotmty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the twt'lfth day of July, A. I), 1864, to Joseph w. LawsoD aud Frederiek Wurnter, of the city of Aun Arbor, County aforcaid, and recorded ín the Rfigister'Bofllce, ot said Connty of N'a?htenaw.aforesaid on the I5ih day of July, A. D. lSGt, at A}z oclock V M. of said day, in líber 32 of nvrtjiagfis on )ne 621 ; which said mortgiitfe was dtily aaatgned by sakl Joseph W Lawsonand Frederick Wurptur, to me. the undersigned, on the iïOth day Of November, A. I). 1864) and recordcd in tht Heginter'8 oflice cf W'.'L-iiti'iiaw CoiïiiLy, on the 23th day of April. A . D. 1HT0, at 11 o'clock A, M of wiidday, iu llber 32 of mortgages pa?e 521 : on which mortgage there is claknea to be due at the date of this nolïce, the sura of threv hundred and fifty-fotir dolbu - and lorty two cents; also. an attoniev t'ee of twenty-fivG dollars, nhonldany procoodlsgi m inkom to foreclose this morty:a; ; and QO nit or proceedLDgAlo law ór eqaity haviny; been instituted to rec-'Ver the debt or any part tEerenf, in hereby glvfen, that by virtue of the power of ule in cnid mortgagt; contained I (hall 11 at public the hlghest bidder, os th" jt'th day of July m-xt, at two o'elock F. H. of iuid day, at the front door of thd COQrt Houee, in the city of Aun Arbor, lnsftld County of Waehtenaw, the gmnifMi do cribed in MU UlOrtgSfre M All thnt CPrtain piece or parce 1 of land fituatcd in the city of A DU Arbor Coiintyof Washtenaw, and State of Michigan , known . bound ed, and dOBGrlbod lis foltows: Commench p; t the OODter of section mirober twenty in township two BOath of noW nomber six eat and running vresi fourchaine and thirtyseveu links t a black oak tne eif'iht incbes in diameter : thence south elffht degrees, west two chains and fifty links to thn HÍ8cock road ; thence eaaterly along the ceütrof said road t" the north and oouth center line of 0Aid ec tion ïiumhiT turniv; thence north sevencbaii.H nnd forty flve links to the place of bcgfDnlog CezcepÜng and rcservíiijí onc acre of land f rom the east 8iü; uf the parecí of land above dcscribedO April 28th, 1870. BARTABUS K. I'TBRLE. Aseij,'nee of s.iid Mortgage. Jonx N. Gott, Attornev for Aflsignec of fflid Mortgaf;c. I67 Mortj!are Salo. DKFATTTjT havint; been made in ihe eonditvmi of a certaín raortjnce mdf anrt oscented by I)h tl L Gate and Am-inda B. Gafes, of the city of Ann Arbor. Washtenaw (Jounty, Mfchlgani to Aaron ü Vanatta. of Nort field. County and State aforraald, tttariiig date the dfth day of April, A. D 1R6( and record td in the Register 's Oflice of Deedfl for Wahtenaw Co , Hloblgan on the Sizteenth day of April. A. D 1862, at 10? o'clock A. Nf . ín libar o. 29 of mort - gages, on page l 4. by which the power of safe ntained therein become operativo; theamountclaimed to be dne on said mortgage and aooonpanylng note at the date of this notice ia the sum of five hundred and slxty-nine dollar and fifly cent! and interest, and the furthcr sm of fifteen dollars provided ín satd mortgage as an Attorney fee ín cane any proceeding ëhonld be taken to fbreclose the parae. and no guit or proceeding havin been instituted at law to recover the debt seenrea by said mortpage, or any part tbereof: Ñotice is herby given that on Monday the elerenth dny of.luiy, A T). 1ST0, at ten o'elock a. m. of that day, at the front door of the Conn Conrt HOOM in the City of Ann Arbor, in tsaid Connty of Washtenaw, the same bfinïr the place for hoïfiinjr the Circuit Court for paki Connty, there will be fold at pub lic auction, to tin; hihest bidder, the premiges described in said mortgage, or eo much thereof ae máy be nece88ary to tatiefy the amount due on said not'e and morfguge at the date of this notïce, wïth interest, costs and expeiee? pro vid f d for in said mortgapc, andallowed by law, that ia to say : All thnt certain piec or parcel of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor. Washtenaw County, Michigan. desciibed as folio ws, to-wit: Beingiote number one, four (4). five nnd eight, in block flve. in Hnwn & FullerV addition to the villaje now citr of Ann Arbor, accordiuir to the rrcordcd plat thereof Datcd, Ann Arbor, April Tth.1870, AARON B. VANATTA, Morttragee. Tract W. Root Attorney for Mortgagee. 1265 JJISSOLUTION The copartncrphip heretefore exístin bet ween the imderRigned, nnder the flrm mime of R. W. Ellis & Co., was ttala diiy dissolved by mutual consent. J. A. Kissfll retirlng. The business will bc eamcd od at the old il;ice onder the same firm name. and the books of the company be eettled by the uew firm. Dated, May 20th, 1870 It. W. ELLIS. 1272 J. A. KISSELL. ]OW OPENING, Wm. WAGSMER'S, An Elers'au t an'l Large Stock oí SPRING AID SÜMMER GOODS, INCLUDl.NG CLOTHS, CASSIMERE8, VE8TINGS, &C. LATBST STYLES AND BEST QUAL1T1E8 WHICH HEOFKR3 LOWER than EVER lo t Store a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FÏÏKNISHIM Goods. OARMENTf MADETO ORDEiftr.N' THE BEST STYLE! lio LADIESIlndGENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21. s.-r.l'i MalB Street- Ea1 sid. CALL AND SEE THEM. fflMlAHI WAGNEB Ann Arbor, Vy, J87O. TF YOÜ WANT A SÏÏMMER HAT, F YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT The Hat of the Season, TF YOU WANT A " Hat as is a Hat," IF YOU WANT Hats Cheap - for Cash. JF YOU WANT A Straw, Palm or Panama, G-O TO .A. A.. TERRY'S, 15 South IMain. Street. Where you will also flnd a futí line of Gent Fufni-I:in Goo'U. on Arbor, May, 1S70. 1249yl AiíN ArihOK CITY MILLf! BEST FLOUE $3.00 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDERS AT THE POST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. SEPT. 21st,18C9. l'236tf 3ööö" FENCE POSTS ! A Q.unnüty of White Oak Flooring, and 1,000 Cord8 of Wood, for sale liy l-!65tr N B. COLK. pEOPLE'S DRUG STO„. R. W. ELLIS & CO' Shcriff's Sale. BT VIRTUE oí one writ of 7W; tketu issaed out of and nder tbs seal of the Circuit Court frr tlie Coontj of Wnshtcnaw, to me dlrected and dclivered, bearinjr dnte the second day of Juni-, A. D. eighteen handrea and seventv, in favor of John McDermott, plalntlff. comm&nuuig me that of the Roods and chatteU. and tot want thereof. then of the fol. lowlnffdeSG ibd land and tenements to.w1t: The southwcst qnarter of the northt-ast Quarter of sec tton nuinbcr thirtv, in townshlp one south of ranre sU eaet, betas in the tnwnship oi Northflald, in taid Cnnnty of wathtenaw, or Patcick McDermoit, .lame MeDermott Margaret UcDermott Owcn Mc l'ermott. Mary MrfV-rmbtt.Mlehael v.cDeimott. Ann McDermott, I'atrick Huston, Thomas Huston, Charles Huston .lame Huston, Michael Hnstoo. Mary Huston and Norab Ilusión, whteh property I ■h:ill expoee roraala at public auctlon, aid sell tothe hlgbest bidder, rt the Rooth door ofth Conrt Houso, in the i ity of Ann Arbor. OD tl! ixtecnth ÓBTOf Inlv. A. li., elghteen hnndred nd Mrenty, otten o'clock in ihe forenoon ofthnt day. Aun Arbor, June 3ri. A D, !'7".' BYRON R. POItTER, She-iff 12T-2 Tuos. I. Hobkims, Depnty Sheriff. Sheriff 's yule. BY VIRTUE of threc srveral exeentfona laaoed out ot nnrt t:ndr the seal of the Circuit Conrt for the Connty ol u'nshtennw, to me directed and delivered, aftalnst the i;oo(i and chanda, lauda and (enemente of Charles U. Thompson, I havetarled apon the foUowing deacribed rual tai, to wit bot nunibir deven, and the east qaarter o( lot ninnber twelTe In Wock nnmber one south of Baron streel, and range six eaet. in the City tf Ann Artor, Washtcnaw Couuty Michijian : which I shail exposé to eale, at pnbllc anctton, to the bleheri bidder, at the sonth noor of the Co;ir: Honse, in ihcCity of Ann Arlior. on Fririuy. the twenlv nintli day of Jnly. A D. ■:: at 10 o'clotk in thd forenooq Dated, June tin. ist . YKON R. PORTER Sliiri.T 1273 ByTiics. J HOKua, Deputy Sheriff. Real Estáte for Sale. CTATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Wnshtenaw, n. In the tnattur o' thees'ate of b'redeiick i umie, Jr., minor. Notice Is herebj êlvea, Tint in pursaanca of an order granted to toe nader ( of the estáte of mil minor bytUeHon Jadffi of Probate f r the Connty of Wuhtenaw on the eixth dny of June A. 1) 1S70, tlure will be eold at pobl c vendue tothe hlgbesl bidder, at the dtf elliDg hoase on iheprem ■etnerelnafterd scrlbed in the Connty of Wulitenaw, In saiil State, on Thnraday th iwenty elgl th day of Jnlj . D. 18T0 at on "' lock in tbe afternooa of tnat day, (subject to all eucumbrani es by m rtgntfe or uthenrtee existiiijr at the time of the sak) and nlso rabjefcl to lbo rtghl of dower ii Han Broeuamle as wi.i. -.. 0( Freiltiiik liroi-.üimle. de e.ised). the followlng described real estáte to wit : Commenclnj; or? the half quarter line thlrteen chaina and nghiT.fiTe nonh one degree wept from the southeast corner of the soutlnvust quarter of Ihe fouthcaet quarter of section twalve, in townshlp two south of ra n ire th reeeast in suid State, and running thence nonh one degree west one chnin and n netêen links on the half quarter line, thi nee north eifrhty-one deiroee west lourchains and fifte. n links, thence soulh niue defrees west oe chain and elghteen link", th.-nce Ronth eighty-one deprees east four chains and thirty-ïlx links to the place of bezinning, containin hnlf D ntre of land be the same more or leas. Alo a parcel commencing on the half qnarter line two chains nnd elghty thrce links somh one degree east from the northwest corner of the sonibeasi qmirter of the southwest quarter efseetfon twelve. in the ame township and rame and runnill' thence sonth one aeqrue. east two chains and forty-six links long the said half quarter line thence south elghty eiirht and one half dergeeseat flve chains. thei:ce nonh one deree west two chains and fortj-ix link, thence north eihty eight and one-hair dprces west flve chains, to the place of bezinning, conuiuinfine acre and 28-100 of an acre of land, be the same'm re orless. Also n parcel of land commenciiiir o the half quarter line north one degrre wrst thirteen chains and eighty-flve links fr' m the sou tbeast corner of hc southwest qiiarter of the sonthcast qaarter of tlic alxive nanierl sectimi. t'avn and rane and runnice thence north oue degree irest three chatas andsixty five links on the half qnarter line thence noitn eighty-eight degree! and thirty minoteeweit three chains and seventy eiKt links, thence sonth ninc deer. es west three chnins and ten links thence south eltthty-onedef.'i'ees east four chains and thirty sis li: k'. tothe place of bezinning fexceptin and reaenrlng oneltalf acre off -ind from tlie uoriñ afde of the last above described pice of land, haviii" one and OS HO acres ol land therein). Also lotflf. teenlnblock seventcen. according to he recorded plat of Elisha Congdont Third Addition to the Villape of Chelsea in said County Dated June Gth, A. D. 1S70. H73 GEOIME PAUL, Guardian. Real Es'are fir Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN.County of Washtenaw. ssT i ' In the matter f the estáte oí Thomas Bentley, deceased. Notice is hereby given. Thatinpnrsuance of an order Kranted to the undersi'_'ned. Administrator wtih the will aunexed of eaid deceaued. liv the Bod Judge of Prohato for the Connty or Washtcnaw.on the thiriieth day of May, A. I). '87i. there will be soldat public vendar, to the hiühest bidder, ar the dwetUng house on the premises taerelnüftn describid, in the County of Washtenaw in said Stae on Wednesday, tbe id day of Angnst. A. D. 181 ■. al oue o'clock in tbe afternoon of that day fgnbject to all encumbrantes by mortgage or otnerwise extstiDg at the time of the death oi ndd deceased), the following deecribed real eatate, to wit : The eat half of the northwest quarter ol section fonrteen, (exepttng íh-e acres heretofore deeded to Eltxabetb A. wlnegar} Alao Mvi-nty une aerea off of the south end of the wet half of the aorthnfltt gnaner of sa'd aection fourteen. in towuship one south ol rane il east, in said State. Dated, June Slh, A.D. ISTfi. SELDi.N T. SIirjRTI.EFF, 1273 Adminlstrator witb the will nuncxed. Real Estáte for Sale. SITATB OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waahtenaw, m. ' In tbe matter of the estáte of Thomas Brjht, minor Xotiotis hereby giren, that ín pnrenanceof an order granted to ihe Dndentene.Onardian of the estáte of said minor, by the Hod JudRe ol Probate for the County of Wsshtenaw, on the ei"hteemh day of April, A.D. IST'i, toere will be Eold at public vendue. to the hi;hest bidder, at the office of G R. Palmer, in Manchester, In the Connty of Waahtenaw. in said State, on Thursday. the twcnty-tbinl day of June. A. D 1STO, at onc o'clock in the afternoon of that day, (subject to all encumbranceo by mortage or otherwiao existlnp; at the time ol sale) the followine described real estáte, viz : The outhwet quarter of the sonthwest quarter of section tliirty-two, in towuship four sonth of range three eae t, in said State. Datcd .May2d, A. D. 1STO. l-'8 RICHAHD GREEN', Gnardbn. Commissioncrs' Notice. OTATE OP MICIIlfiAN.ConntyolWasfitonaiv.s. kThe underjij:ued haring been appointed by the Probate Court for sairt County. Commissionerp to receive,exaruine. and adjnst all clahUB and demands of all persons Bgalnat the ettate of Kbet Pattee, late of eaid County, deceased. hereby frive no tice that six months from date are allowed hy order of tsaid ProbatcCourt forcreditorstODresrnt clums.iu'aiiifttheestateofsaid .-leceascd. and that they will meet at the office of Joilin & Blodet In tbe City of Tpallant] in naid Connty, on Saturday, the secoud day of Jnly, and .Mónday, the twentvflrst day of November, next, at ten o'clock A . H. ofeaOh ol said days, toreceive, examine and adjust said claims Dated, Jlay 2fith. A D. 187(1. 1271 FRANK JoSLIN,' ' 5 Commissioners CommiMiooera1 Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtemnr, M The nnderslgned having been appointed hy the Probate Court for said Couuty. Commisslonen to receive examine and adjoat all daima anddemandsof all persons againat the estáte of Batea C. Went l.-re of said Connty, deceased. hereby Eira notice that Blx montha from date are allowed, by ordrrofsaid Probate Court. forcreditors to present thcir claims against the esta e of said deceaaed, and that they will meet at the late residence oí said deceased in in said Oounty, on Saturday, the twenty-third day of 'uly. and Satuntay, the twetity-sbaïi day of November, next, at ftn o'clock A M. of cach of said duys, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated. May 26th, A. D. 1SW. 12':w4 NELS'lN W. STEVENS, )„ JOSEPHPRAY, jCommlssionere. Coinraissioners' N"tice. TATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty ol Washtenaw, sa. O The undersigned baring been appointed bv 'the Probate Court for said Connty, Commissioners to receivc. examine, and adjoai all claims and demands of all persous agalnat (he esiate or Oranje C West, !ate of said County, deceaeed, hereby glve notice that ix months from date are allowed by order of etiid Probate Court for creditora to preeent thelr claims ayainst the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at tV late residence of aid rteceased, .n eaid County on Saturday. the twentv-third day of July, and Wedueaday, the thirtieth "day of No. vember, next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of those days, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. Datcd, May SOth, A. l 17 12T2w4 NEONW.EVENS, } Comm,8sionen, Estalo of Samuel M. Fay. STATBOP MICHIGAN, County of Waehteaaw, TO. Notice is hereby iveu, tb at by an order of tbe ' ate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made or ' he twenlv-thlrd day of May, A. D. 1870, six ' nonths from that date were allowed for eredlton to ' insfiii their claims agalnat the eatate ofSamnel 1 m. Kay. late of aald deeearód, and that al) ' xediton of saiil deceased nre requlred to present heir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate ! Ofllce in the city cf Ann Arbor, for examination ' ïnd !tlU)wance, on or hefore the twentv-third day of ' Jovember next, and that Bncbclalma will ba haard ' )cfore saiil Probate Conrt, on S.tlurdav, the ' hlrd dny of Jnly. and on Wedneaday, the j ,hird day of November next, at teno'clock in the ' orenoon of each of those days ' Dated, Aun Arbor, May KM A. D., 1STO HIRAMJ BEAKES. 1271 Judfte of Probate. Estáte of Ahagail U. Carpenter. otate op MiriiiGAN, connty of Waabtenaw, as. A Nottea is hercby íilven, tliarhrnn order of the 'róbate Court for the County of Wushtenaw, made en he twcnty second day of Marcli, A. D. 1870, six months froin the third day of June next ere llowed for erodltors to prescnttheir claims aninst he estáte of Abigail U. Carpenter. Inte of safd opnty. deccased, and that 11 cretíitorB of s:ntf ecea8ed are required to presont thelr claims to a!d Probnte Court, at the Probnte Oíl'ice. in the City of Aun Arbor, for csamiiuitiün and flllowance, n or before the tliird diiy of Drcember, mxi. and lijil mch i-l:iinis will be lieard before miid l'; Court. on Satnrday. the twenty-third day of Julr, nd Saturday, the third day of December, n'ext, at ten 'clock iu the forenoon of each of thosc days. Dated, Ann Arbor, May '2Sth .. u. 1570. HIRAM J. BEAKKS, 127'2w4 Judae of l'robste. Estáte of John McConnell. tJTATE OF MICHIGAN. Coimtvof WtabMDSW.M O Notice i hercby given. that by an order of the Probate Court for the Countv of Washtenaw, made I n the twenty-eixth l.v "' Maj, A. D. 1 810 ix months from thiit date were allowed for crpditorn to rr-i'!;l theirclainip affftinst the estáte of John Me' 'miiu'll, late ofMld ('oinity, deeeased, and thatall reditorg of said rteeeased íire required to present íeir claims to said Probate Court. at the Probate fflee, '" tlie Cilyot Aun Arbor. f:ir cxamimition and llowanes on or before the twent.y-sixth.dHy of Noember next, and that sucii claiinn will be heard I ore said Probate Uourt on Saturday, the twentv itrd day of July, and on Saturday", the i xth day of November, next. atteno'elock in ilie brenoon of each of thope dayg. Uflted, Aun Arbor. May Siith 1R70. UlliAM .7. J3EAKES, J 12Tiw4 Judge of Probate. Estáte of I'loyd Bishop. OTATEOFMICniQAN,C!oHnt}ofWa8htnaw,M k. At n session of the Probate Court for the Countr of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, !n the City of Anu Arbor, on Thursday, the ninth dav of June, In the year one thousand eight huudrti ftod seventy. Present, Hiram.T. Bealies. .Tndge of Probate ín the matier of the Estáte of Floyd BishoD de ceased. "' On readinganrt fllinsthepctition, dulvvcrifled of Bdward T. Bntler, John w. Pltkln and Samuel B Hayward, prayin;; that a certain instrument fiow on file in thls Court, purporthijí to be the last wlll :ii'(! testament of snid ricceased, muy be admitted to probate, and Uut Sarah Bishop, or aome other nitable peraon may be appolntcd Executor thereol Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, 'the fifthdayolJuly next. at ten o'clock inthcforenoon I for the hearing of sald petttlon, and that the leñatees, devisees and heirs nt law of sald deiiid all other uersons Interested in said estáte arerequired to appear at a session of said Conrt then to be holden at the Probate Office, in thé City 01 Anu Arbor, uní show cause if auy there be why the prayer or the petltlouer slunïld not be granted: Andit isfnrther ordered, that said petitlonerglví tice to the perdone Interested in said estáte. of th. pendency ofaaid petitiun. and the heartnc tbereof, iy cansing a copy of this order to be published in the Mi higav Arma a ncwspaper printed and clrciilatini; in snid County, three uc' eessive weeks previoue to said day of hearing CAtrnecopy.) I11RAM ,1. BEAKES, 12T3 Judge of Probate. Estáte of William E. Marvin. ÓTATEOS MICHIGAN, Uonntyof Waabtesaw e O At aíessloi) of the Probate Cuiirt for ihe Countr of nashtenaw. bolden at the Probate OfKce in the city of Aun Albor, uu Tncsday the thfriy-flret day of May, in the yeiir oue thoiiMinn eight huudred and èev. .■i;n. Prt-sert I. Beakes, JuóVc of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of William E Mar viu deceased Millón E. Marvin Ax!minitrati of raid esíalí comes )nto Court and represent that he is now pre-' pared to ronder nis final account as such Adminis. trfttor. Tbereopon ít ís ordered, ThatMonday the twenty. h day of Juno. next. at ten o'clock iu ihe foiVaooo, be asalgned fir examinl ind allowini inch account, aun tht the hcirs nt law of saio di ceased, and all o her persor.s iDteretted in said estáte, are reqnlred to appear at a aenion of sali Court. then to bi holden at the Probate Office in tfte City of Ar.n Arbor. in said County, wl ■■ cause, if iiny there . woy tbe inl seco' nt ':ould not be allowedi Andftla furtlier ordered. that sald Ad. mlnlstrator nive notlce to the prsons interestedia sald estat of the pendoney of saje! account, mui ttie hvarine thereot hy capainc a copy of this order lo be published in the Michigan Argur, n newepantr prlnte'l and círailatíui; n said County threc successivi- nceks previoua to said day o' Hearing. (A true copy.j I1IKAM ,1 BÉAKES. ''-'"- Jude of l'r..baíe. Estáte of Ljdia L Jone. SkTATEOPMR'HIOAN.Countyof Wahtenw a ► Ata session of the Probate Conrt for the Conrifi 0fWBhtnw. holden at the tht Cily of Ann Arbor. on Suturday. thc tweuty-ehth day ol May. Ín the year one thousand eiglit hnn. dred Mini scveuty. Present. Hiram J. Bcakes,Jud;e o f Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Lvdia L Jonei decad. On readingand flling the petition. dnlv verified, of James A. Wnipple, prayiDg that acertain initrnt now on file in this Court, purportinj: to be the last will autl testament oí said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that he may be apñoínted Executor iliereof. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the twtr seventh day ol June ten o'clurk inthrforenoon beassipnedforth-ehcarinRofsaid petition. and that the!egíces. derísees and heirs at law f Baiddc■ iseriand all other persons interestedlnealdeatata are required lo appear nt a scsmod of said Conrt the to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of A Arbor. and show cause, if any there be, why theprayei oí the petitioner should nöt be granted: Auilfti; fnrther (míered, that said petitionerpive notice to tbt persons ipterestedin said estáte, of the pendency ol siiitlpetim-.i.aiKl the bearfng tlieneof, by caiisii;g copy ol this Order to be published In the Mickigaa Argus, a newspaper printed and '-irculatin}; In caid coity. thr weeks previons to saiddar ot heariiiL'. (Atrnecopy.j IIIRAM J. BEAKES. 12Ï' JiulsLcf Probate. Estáte of Jerome Gooding'. STATFOF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, su. At a eession 4f thc Probate Court for Connty ot Washtenaw. holden ai the Probate Oft-"e in Ikt City of Aun Arbor. on Friday, the te tj-seTcnth diy of Maj, ín ihe year one thoasand eight hundred and seventy. Present Hiram J. Tïeakes, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Jerome Goodin deceased. Corintha M. Goodins, Administratrix of saíd eitate, comes into Court and representa that she ti now jirepared to renJer her final account as buco Admmlstralrlx Tbereupou it is ordered, thnt Monday . the twentjBeventh day of June, next, al ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aealcned for ezamining aod aílowiue sucli account, and that the heirs at law of aid deceawdi aDd allollwr persons iDterested ib snid estáte, are reqnired to uppear :it :i sesslon of sald Conrt then to be holden at the Probate OIHce, in the City of Aun Arbor, in said Cotmty, anrl show cause, if any there be. why the said account nhould not beallowed': Ai:d ttls farther orderedi that said Admloiatratiti give notice to the persons Interested in said estáte, oí the piT'.rtiíiu y (r Jaiil accdnDt, anii the hearing thercof, by cansing a copy of this order to be published in the Micktga Aryut, a mewspaper primw! and drcalaüng in said Connty. three ïtHcewrn weeks previo'.is to said dav of hearinjr. (A true copy.J HIRAM J BEAKES, '1 7 Jtidte ot Primate Estáte of Benjamin Colé. CTATE OP MICHIGAN. Oonnty of Washtenaw, mi 0 At a session of the I'robnle Conrt for the Connty of Wüshtenaw, holden at [he Probate OÍHce. in Ihc City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, thc twelfth dsy of May. in the year one thousand eight hnndred aod aerenty Present, llinim -I. Bcakes, Judpe o! Probate. lu the matter of the estáte of Benjamin Coló, ÓV ceasedOn reariin!; and filfni: the petition duly verifieii, of Efenry F. ILimmonrl, Admiuistrator, prayíng that h may be licensed to sell certain real estáte whereeí Bald deceased died seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twentyseveuth day of .rimo uext, at ten o'clock in the foreiioon, be assigned far the hearing of said petitioB, and the heirs at law ofsaid deeasd. and all otht'i persona Interwted in Ha'ul estáte, are required to a; pear at a session of said Conrt, then to be holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayero! the p-ti[ioner -honld notbe granted: And it i' ínrth r ordereit, that said petilíoner give notice to tlift persons interesten1 in sakl i state, of the pendency of said petition , and tbejhearlnE thereof by causing copy of tbis order t" be pnbilshed in the Mirhigan .i"", a newspaper, printed and circnlating in aaid Connty, four successive weeks previous to eaid day of hearinir. (A trnecopyO HIRAM J. BEAKES. 1-271 Judge of Probate. Estáte John Everett. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtonaw, ft. 1 At a sessiou of thc Probate Conrt for the Connty ofWashtmaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. on Saturd8y, Ihe twenty-ÜM day "f May, in the year one thousand cight tuindrei anti Berenty. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judie of Probate. In the matter of the estáte óf John E erett, deceased. On rendinir and fillne the petitl"n dnly verified of Anson Dolpb prayi&g that John B Waterman, or otlier Miiiabh; person miiy he appointed Ad mlntatrstor of the of eaid deceased. Therouponit is Ordered, that Tnesday.thctwcntTfirst day of June, next, at ten o'clock in th forenoon, be asalgned for the hearing of raid petition. and that the heirs at law of said deceaïed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, arerequired to appear at a aession ofsaidConrt then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, i f any there be,wb) tbc pr.ïyer of the petitioner should not he granted: And it isfnrtherorderedthnt said petitioner givenotice to ihe persons i nleretfted in said estáte of the pendeucy of said petition, and thc hearin," thereof, by ïanalnga copy of this Order to bepnblished intn Michitian Arguï, anewspajier printed and circulatitig ín said connty, three euccessive weeks previoufto ïatd dav of hearing. (Atniecopy J HIRAM .7. BEAKES, 1-Tltd Judgeof Prohati. Escate of Irwin P. Baker. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, 8. At a espión of th:; 1'robateCoHrt for theCotinty of Washtenaw. holden at the PiobateOflice, in tbe City of .nn .rbor, on WediR-sday theeighteenthday of May. in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy. l'reaent, Uiram J. Beakcs, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estítc of Irwin p. Baker, deceascd. On reading and filing the petition, verifled. of Maryette Iï. Gibbs, prayini: tliat Eixbert Lowe, ei sonie of her snitable penOD, may be appointed Administrator of the eslate of said deceased. Therenpon it is ordered, that Mondav. the twenUetfa tlny of Jnnenext, t ten oclockin the forenoon, be as&lffned for the hearing of said petition. and that the n-irs t law of said deceaed and fttl other perpon interestedin said estáte, are reqniied 1o appear at a 6h1ob of gaid Conrt. then tobe holdrn. at the Probate Office, In the City of An Arbor, and ehow cause, if any there be, why thí nrayer of the petitioner shonld rot ne grantcd : Ana it Is fnrther nrdereil, that unid petttloner rivenottc to the persons interested in Faid eetate, of the pen dency of pmhI petititm, and the hearing thireof, by causiiiiT acopy of this order to be published in the Mi' hieítn Arvt1 n newspaper pritUed and cirrulativK in mía ('oniity, thrce succeesive "veeka previoua w said d;iv of henriuü. fA traa cpy.j niRAM ,T BEAKES, 1ST0 Judxe of Probate. Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICTIIOAX- Circuit Corrt for tb County of Washtenaw, in Chancery. Jacob Ormehee. Complainant n. William Brown, Jane Lewis, Kiiphalet L. Lewis, James W. Lewil, nnd ltobert Iilackwood. DeftDdant. In porenance and by virtue of a decree of the Clrcnitüourt for Hu' roiinty of Washteuaw, -Michigan, on the Chancery sidc of soid Conrt. made on the lxtecnthd&y of December A. ]. echteen hundred and oe In a certaln canee thert in pndiDgwhfcr' in Jacob (rm-b' e waaand Ucomplainaut, and Williuni Brown, Jane Lcrttta, Ellpbalet I.. Lewls, James W, [awte and Huliort BlacKwood, defrnrtaata. Notice is tiert'bv íiivt'ii that I shíilí ?o]l at pubüc anction to tbe hlgheet bidder, at i o'dock noon on Saturds.rt the e&hteenth dn of June next, at the front o Bontb door of the Coart Hooce in the City of Ann Arbor, in tb Coitnty of (Paaktenaw, and State of Michigan, all that piece or parcel of land known Dd describedas follons. towit: The equal undivideo trn elerenth ris of all that certaln parcel of land known and descrlbed as the west hall of the south ■aat quarter rf metton nnmher one (IJ in townsbip nnmber one flj south of ranse number seven (ï) eaat, in the County of Washtenaw and State o' Michigan, containius forty ace of land, subject however to the Interest thereln which was devlaea t Jaoe Lewiwby her ïate liusbaiul John Iewis , deceM ed, tor and dnring her Ule or while ehe shosld rinain a widow and ïjnmarried Aun Arbor, Muy 4th, A.D 1STO. SIBLKY G. TAYLOI?, One of the Circuit. Court Commieflioner ter Wa-htenaw Connty, Michigan. Ai.rnws Fei.ou, Solicitor and of Counsel forCooUalnant. 1S68 pOFFÍÑS AND CASES ! FÜLL STOCK AT MARTIN1 ALL CALLS TKOMPTLY ATTENDED TOk


Old News
Michigan Argus